If that happened, then Gu Heng would definitely be suspected and it’d  terjemahan - If that happened, then Gu Heng would definitely be suspected and it’d  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

If that happened, then Gu Heng woul

If that happened, then Gu Heng would definitely be suspected and it’d affect his prestige within the family.

He had to think of another way to prevent Gu Bei from growing up!

If Gu Bei intendeds to fight for his position, then Gu Bei would definitely have to build his own force in the outside world. Out there, Gu Heng definitely wouldn’t give Gu Bei any trace of a chance.

Gu Lan, who was sitting on her chair, swept her gaze over Gu Heng. Her expression remained calm, no one knows what she was thinking about. Gu Heng would never expect that Gu Lan had already recovered fully. His opponent wasn’t Gu Bei alone; it was the two of them together!

Gu Bing, who was a 3-fate, had also lost. The bystanders all looked at Gu Ya, curious to see whether Gu Ya would send anyone else to test Gu Bei.

Gu Ya waved his hand as he laughed, “Gu Bei’s test will end here! We will host an urgent meeting of the elders now. All clansmen of the Gu Clan, listen up! Gu Bei will become one of the successor candidates to the Gu Clan. As to the line-up of the successors, we’ll decide that later!”

Gu Heng stood up as he laughed, “Congratulations to Younger Cousin Gu Bei for obtaining a Dragon Bloodline God Level growth rate demon spirit and becoming one of the successors as well. I never imagined that this would happen. Younger Cousin Gu Bei has indeed given us a huge shock!”

Hearing Gu Ya’s words, everyone couldn’t help discussing among themselves.

“Gu Bei’s Dragon Bone Winged Tiger is a God Level growth rate demon spirit?”

“Where did his Dragon Bloodline God Level growth rate demon spirit come from?”

“I never imagined that our Gu Clan would have another genius who’d integrated with a Dragon Bloodline God Level growth rate demon spirit! Although his cultivation can’t match up to the other successors’, with the Dragon Bloodline God Level growth rate demon spirit, he could probably become the second-in-line successor!”

“Second-in-line successor” was probably in Gu Bei’s gasp. After all, within the entire Gu Clan, there were only two people of the younger generation who’d integrated with a demon spirit of such a level!

Very quickly, the news spread. Gu Bei had integrated with a Dragon Bloodline God Level growth rate demon spirit and became one of the successors. The news spread so far that even the other families were also made aware. Some were depressed because the Gu Clan’s strength had grown again. Meanwhile others were happy that another genius had emerged in the Divine Feathers Sect.

Gu Bei and Gu Heng looked at each other as their fighting spirits started to burn in their eyes. Both of them would undoubtedly fight for the successor’s position of the Gu Clan.

Gu Clan.

Gu Ya and the other elders rushed back to the family grounds and soon launched an Elder’s meeting.

Dozens of elders sat in the hall of the Gu Clan.

The current Patriarch of the Gu Clan, Gu Tianlong, was seated at the front.

Gu Tianlong’s gaze swept past the elders as he asked, “Regarding this matter with Gu Bei, what are your opinions?”

“We have to thoroughly investigate how Gu Bei obtained his Dragon Bloodline God Level growth rate demon spirit.” The third elder spoke in a solemn voice as he continued, “Furthermore, he has violated the family rules by integrating with a Dragon Bloodline God Level growth rate demon spirit without notifying the clan. He should be disciplined. Otherwise, people will start following his lead and integrating with demon spirits as soon as they obtain them. Wouldn’t that ruin the family rules?!”

Gu Ya lightly smiled as a ray of brilliant light flashed in his eyes, “Third elder, you’re going to discipline a genius who has integrated with a Dragon Bloodline God Level growth rate demon spirit? Gu Lan’s meridians are already clogged. As her brother, he’s also suffered quite a bit. Furthermore, he’s been enduring and keeping a low profile. In the end, he amazed all of us with a single brilliant feat. Wouldn’t it be too sad to punish him further?”

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
If that happened, then Gu Heng would definitely be suspected and it’d affect his prestige within the family.He had to think of another way to prevent Gu Bei from growing up!If Gu Bei intendeds to fight for his position, then Gu Bei would definitely have to build his own force in the outside world. Out there, Gu Heng definitely wouldn’t give Gu Bei any trace of a chance.Gu Lan, who was sitting on her chair, swept her gaze over Gu Heng. Her expression remained calm, no one knows what she was thinking about. Gu Heng would never expect that Gu Lan had already recovered fully. His opponent wasn’t Gu Bei alone; it was the two of them together!Gu Bing, who was a 3-fate, had also lost. The bystanders all looked at Gu Ya, curious to see whether Gu Ya would send anyone else to test Gu Bei.Gu Ya waved his hand as he laughed, “Gu Bei’s test will end here! We will host an urgent meeting of the elders now. All clansmen of the Gu Clan, listen up! Gu Bei will become one of the successor candidates to the Gu Clan. As to the line-up of the successors, we’ll decide that later!”Gu Heng stood up as he laughed, “Congratulations to Younger Cousin Gu Bei for obtaining a Dragon Bloodline God Level growth rate demon spirit and becoming one of the successors as well. I never imagined that this would happen. Younger Cousin Gu Bei has indeed given us a huge shock!”Hearing Gu Ya’s words, everyone couldn’t help discussing among themselves.“Gu Bei’s Dragon Bone Winged Tiger is a God Level growth rate demon spirit?”“Where did his Dragon Bloodline God Level growth rate demon spirit come from?”“I never imagined that our Gu Clan would have another genius who’d integrated with a Dragon Bloodline God Level growth rate demon spirit! Although his cultivation can’t match up to the other successors’, with the Dragon Bloodline God Level growth rate demon spirit, he could probably become the second-in-line successor!”“Second-in-line successor” was probably in Gu Bei’s gasp. After all, within the entire Gu Clan, there were only two people of the younger generation who’d integrated with a demon spirit of such a level!Very quickly, the news spread. Gu Bei had integrated with a Dragon Bloodline God Level growth rate demon spirit and became one of the successors. The news spread so far that even the other families were also made aware. Some were depressed because the Gu Clan’s strength had grown again. Meanwhile others were happy that another genius had emerged in the Divine Feathers Sect.Gu Bei and Gu Heng looked at each other as their fighting spirits started to burn in their eyes. Both of them would undoubtedly fight for the successor’s position of the Gu Clan.Gu Clan.Gu Ya and the other elders rushed back to the family grounds and soon launched an Elder’s meeting.Dozens of elders sat in the hall of the Gu Clan.
The current Patriarch of the Gu Clan, Gu Tianlong, was seated at the front.

Gu Tianlong’s gaze swept past the elders as he asked, “Regarding this matter with Gu Bei, what are your opinions?”

“We have to thoroughly investigate how Gu Bei obtained his Dragon Bloodline God Level growth rate demon spirit.” The third elder spoke in a solemn voice as he continued, “Furthermore, he has violated the family rules by integrating with a Dragon Bloodline God Level growth rate demon spirit without notifying the clan. He should be disciplined. Otherwise, people will start following his lead and integrating with demon spirits as soon as they obtain them. Wouldn’t that ruin the family rules?!”

Gu Ya lightly smiled as a ray of brilliant light flashed in his eyes, “Third elder, you’re going to discipline a genius who has integrated with a Dragon Bloodline God Level growth rate demon spirit? Gu Lan’s meridians are already clogged. As her brother, he’s also suffered quite a bit. Furthermore, he’s been enduring and keeping a low profile. In the end, he amazed all of us with a single brilliant feat. Wouldn’t it be too sad to punish him further?”

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Jika itu terjadi, maka Gu Heng pasti dicurigai dan itu akan mempengaruhi prestise-nya dalam keluarga. Dia harus memikirkan cara lain untuk mencegah Gu Bei dari tumbuh! Jika Gu Bei intendeds untuk memperjuangkan posisinya, maka Gu Bei pasti akan harus membangun kekuatan sendiri di dunia luar. Di luar sana, Gu Heng pasti tidak akan memberikan Gu Bei jejak kesempatan. Gu Lan, yang duduk di kursinya, menyapu tatapannya lebih Gu Heng. Ekspresinya tetap tenang, tidak ada yang tahu apa yang dia pikirkan. Gu Heng akan pernah berharap bahwa Gu Lan sudah pulih sepenuhnya. Lawannya adalah tidak Gu Bei sendiri; itu mereka berdua bersama-sama! Gu Bing, yang merupakan 3-nasib, juga telah kehilangan. Para pengamat semua melihat Gu Ya, penasaran untuk melihat apakah Gu Ya akan mengirim orang lain untuk menguji Gu Bei. Gu Ya melambaikan tangannya sambil tertawa, "test Gu Bei akan berakhir di sini! Kami akan menjadi tuan rumah pertemuan darurat dari para tetua sekarang. Semua klan dari Gu Clan, dengarkan! Gu Bei akan menjadi salah satu kandidat penerus Gu Clan. Untuk line-up dari penerus, kita akan memutuskan nanti! " Gu Heng berdiri sambil tertawa," Selamat kepada Sepupu muda Gu Bei untuk mendapatkan Naga Bloodline Allah Tingkat pertumbuhan semangat setan dan menjadi salah satu penerus demikian juga. Saya tidak pernah membayangkan bahwa ini akan terjadi. Sepupu muda Gu Bei memang memberi kita kejutan besar! " Kata Mendengar Gu Ya, semua orang tidak bisa membantu mendiskusikan di antara mereka sendiri. " Gu Bei Tulang Naga bersayap Tiger adalah tingkat pertumbuhan roh setan Allah Level? " " Mana nya Naga Bloodline Allah tingkat pertumbuhan semangat setan berasal? " " saya tidak pernah membayangkan bahwa kami Gu Clan harus jenius lain yang telah terintegrasi dengan Naga Bloodline Allah tingkat pertumbuhan semangat tingkat setan! Meskipun budidaya nya tidak bisa cocok dengan penerus lain, dengan Naga Bloodline Allah Tingkat semangat tingkat pertumbuhan setan, dia mungkin bisa menjadi penerus kedua-in-line! " " Kedua-in-line penerus "mungkin di Gu terkesiap bei. Setelah semua, dalam seluruh Gu Clan, hanya ada dua orang dari generasi muda yang telah terintegrasi dengan semangat setan dari tingkat tersebut! Sangat cepat, penyebaran berita. Gu Bei telah terintegrasi dengan Naga Bloodline Allah Tingkat semangat tingkat pertumbuhan setan dan menjadi salah satu penerus. Berita itu menyebar begitu jauh sehingga bahkan keluarga lain juga dibuat sadar. Beberapa mengalami depresi karena kekuatan Gu Clan telah tumbuh lagi. Sementara orang lain senang bahwa jenius lain telah muncul di Feathers Ilahi Sect. Gu Bei dan Gu Heng saling memandang sebagai roh pertempuran mereka mulai membakar di mata mereka. Keduanya pasti akan berjuang untuk posisi penerus ini dari Gu Clan. Gu Clan. Gu Ya dan tua-tua lainnya bergegas kembali ke lapangan keluarga dan segera meluncurkan sebuah pertemuan Elder. Puluhan orang tua duduk di aula Gu Clan. The Patriark saat ini Gu Clan, Gu Tianlong, duduk di depan. tatapan Gu Tianlong menyapu masa lalu orang tua saat ia bertanya, "Mengenai hal ini dengan Gu Bei, apa pendapat Anda?" "Kita harus benar-benar menyelidiki bagaimana Gu Bei diperoleh Naga Bloodline Allah tingkat semangat tingkat pertumbuhan setan nya. "penatua ketiga berbicara dengan suara serius saat ia melanjutkan," Selain itu, dia telah melanggar aturan keluarga dengan mengintegrasikan dengan tingkat pertumbuhan semangat setan Naga Bloodline Allah tingkat tanpa memberitahu klan. Dia harus disiplin. Jika tidak, orang akan mulai mengikuti memimpin dan mengintegrasikan dengan roh iblis segera setelah mereka mendapatkan mereka. Bukankah itu merusak aturan keluarga ?! " Gu Ya ringan tersenyum sebagai sinar cahaya yang cemerlang melintas di matanya," penatua Ketiga, Anda akan mendisiplinkan seorang jenius yang telah terintegrasi dengan setan tingkat pertumbuhan Naga Bloodline Allah Tingkat semangat? Meridian Gu Lan sudah tersumbat. Seperti kakaknya, dia juga menderita cukup sedikit. Selain itu, dia telah bertahan dan menjaga profil rendah. Pada akhirnya, ia kagum kita semua dengan prestasi brilian tunggal. Bukankah akan terlalu sedih untuk menghukum dia lebih lanjut? " " Ho

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