I kept a smile plastered to my face because that’s what Joan had told  terjemahan - I kept a smile plastered to my face because that’s what Joan had told  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I kept a smile plastered to my face

I kept a smile plastered to my face because that’s what Joan had told me to do before the first event the three of us attended together, but it was much harder than it looked. And when they asked about Miles, it was even harder.
Just as I reached the main doors and a bellboy gestured for me to follow him, a reporter snuck up behind me.
“Could you tell me about your husband’s connection to the Donaldson family?”
I made the mistake of making eye contact. I glanced back at the woman—a gorgeous brunette with perfect skin—my smile faltering.
“The Donaldson family of New York. Do you know what his connection is to them? Or why his father made a million dollar payment to them late last year? Or why members of the Donaldson family have been seen lurking around your husband’s construction sites?”
I had no idea what she was talking about.
Donaldsons? Seemed like a perfectly innocuous name. And what did it matter what Jackson Thorn did? How was that connected to Miles? And so what if he hired some members of that family to work at his construction sites? His company hired all kinds of people, and Miles didn’t always have anything to do with it. Why was all of this news worthy?
I turned away without acknowledging any of her questions and followed the bellboy into the hotel lobby. Dozens of people were milling around, greeting one another before going into the actual ballroom. There were too many people for me to take in, let alone spot Miles’ familiar face among the dozens of unfamiliar ones.
“Can I take this?” a man asked, touching the corner of my shawl.
I nodded, releasing my chokehold on it as he carefully slipped it away. I brushed my hands over the front of my dress, tugging a little to make sure it fell just the way it was supposed to. When I looked up, I felt eyes on me. And there were, more than I would have anticipated. Men watching with something like admiration, women watching with a mixture of envy and jealousy. I’ve always been the girl who fades away into the background, the quintessential wallflower. Yet, tonight, I was as far from that mousy girl than I’d ever imagined possible.
A blush burned my cheeks as I froze, suddenly unsure why I was there, let alone what I should do next. Panic rose in my chest, that kind of panic that comes when you know you’re about to make a fool of yourself, but you don’t know what to do to stop it. But, just like the last time I felt such panic, Miles suddenly stepped out of the crowd and held his hand out to me.
“You look…” His voice was deep, rough, almost. His eyes moved over the length of me, pausing here and there before coming back up to my eyes. “You’re beautiful.”
I started to bite my lip, but caught myself. I moved closer to him and whispered, “I don’t know what to do.”
“You let me escort you inside and allow everyone to admire just how beautiful you really are.”
I blushed, more because of the honesty in his eyes than the words his spoke. Then he kissed my temple and my panic just washed away. I had this sudden sense that as long as Miles was at my side, I could face anything. And that was more dangerous than falling in love with the man.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I kept a smile plastered to my face because that’s what Joan had told me to do before the first event the three of us attended together, but it was much harder than it looked. And when they asked about Miles, it was even harder.Just as I reached the main doors and a bellboy gestured for me to follow him, a reporter snuck up behind me.“Could you tell me about your husband’s connection to the Donaldson family?”I made the mistake of making eye contact. I glanced back at the woman—a gorgeous brunette with perfect skin—my smile faltering.“Who?”“The Donaldson family of New York. Do you know what his connection is to them? Or why his father made a million dollar payment to them late last year? Or why members of the Donaldson family have been seen lurking around your husband’s construction sites?”I had no idea what she was talking about.Donaldsons? Seemed like a perfectly innocuous name. And what did it matter what Jackson Thorn did? How was that connected to Miles? And so what if he hired some members of that family to work at his construction sites? His company hired all kinds of people, and Miles didn’t always have anything to do with it. Why was all of this news worthy?I turned away without acknowledging any of her questions and followed the bellboy into the hotel lobby. Dozens of people were milling around, greeting one another before going into the actual ballroom. There were too many people for me to take in, let alone spot Miles’ familiar face among the dozens of unfamiliar ones.“Can I take this?” a man asked, touching the corner of my shawl.I nodded, releasing my chokehold on it as he carefully slipped it away. I brushed my hands over the front of my dress, tugging a little to make sure it fell just the way it was supposed to. When I looked up, I felt eyes on me. And there were, more than I would have anticipated. Men watching with something like admiration, women watching with a mixture of envy and jealousy. I’ve always been the girl who fades away into the background, the quintessential wallflower. Yet, tonight, I was as far from that mousy girl than I’d ever imagined possible.A blush burned my cheeks as I froze, suddenly unsure why I was there, let alone what I should do next. Panic rose in my chest, that kind of panic that comes when you know you’re about to make a fool of yourself, but you don’t know what to do to stop it. But, just like the last time I felt such panic, Miles suddenly stepped out of the crowd and held his hand out to me.“You look…” His voice was deep, rough, almost. His eyes moved over the length of me, pausing here and there before coming back up to my eyes. “You’re beautiful.”I started to bite my lip, but caught myself. I moved closer to him and whispered, “I don’t know what to do.”“You let me escort you inside and allow everyone to admire just how beautiful you really are.”Aku tersipu, lebih karena kejujuran dalam mata daripada kata-kata dia berbicara. Kemudian ia mencium Candi saya dan saya panik hanya membasuh. Aku punya pengertian ini tiba-tiba bahwa asalkan Miles di sisi saya, saya bisa menghadapi apa pun. Dan itu lebih berbahaya daripada jatuh cinta dengan pria.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Aku terus senyum menempel di wajah saya karena yang apa yang dikatakan Joan saya lakukan sebelum acara pertama kami bertiga hadir bersama-sama, tapi itu jauh lebih sulit daripada itu tampak. Dan ketika mereka ditanya tentang Miles, itu bahkan lebih sulit.
Sama seperti aku mencapai pintu utama dan portir isyarat bagi saya untuk mengikutinya, reporter menyelinap di belakang saya.
"Bisakah Anda ceritakan tentang hubungan suami Anda untuk keluarga Donaldson? "
saya membuat kesalahan dengan membuat kontak mata. Aku melirik kembali pada wanita-brunette cantik dengan sempurna kulit saya senyum goyah.
"The Donaldson keluarga New York. Apakah Anda tahu apa hubungannya adalah dengan mereka? Atau mengapa ayahnya melakukan pembayaran juta dolar kepada mereka akhir tahun lalu? Atau mengapa anggota keluarga Donaldson telah terlihat mengintai di sekitar lokasi konstruksi suami Anda? "
Saya tidak tahu apa yang ia bicarakan.
Donaldsons? Tampak seperti nama sempurna tidak berbahaya. Dan apa bedanya apa Jackson Thorn lakukan? Bagaimana yang terhubung ke Miles? Dan jadi apa jika ia menyewa beberapa anggota keluarga yang bekerja di lokasi konstruksi nya? Perusahaannya mempekerjakan segala macam orang, dan Miles tidak selalu ada hubungannya dengan itu. Mengapa semua berita ini layak?
Aku berbalik tanpa mengakui setiap pertanyaan dan mengikuti portir ke lobi hotel. Puluhan orang berkerumun di sekitarnya, menyapa satu sama lain sebelum masuk ke ballroom yang sebenarnya. Ada terlalu banyak orang bagi saya untuk mengambil dalam, biarkan wajah familiar saja tempat Miles 'di antara puluhan orang asing.
"Dapatkah saya mengambil ini?" Seorang pria bertanya, menyentuh sudut selendang saya.
Aku mengangguk, melepaskan chokehold saya di sebagai ia hati-hati menyelinap pergi. Aku menggosok tangan saya di bagian depan gaun saya, menarik sedikit untuk memastikan itu jatuh hanya cara itu seharusnya. Ketika saya melihat, saya merasa mata pada saya. Dan ada, lebih dari saya akan diantisipasi. Pria menonton dengan sesuatu seperti kekaguman, wanita menonton dengan campuran rasa iri dan dengki. Aku selalu gadis yang memudar ke latar belakang, para wallflower klasik. Namun, malam ini, aku jauh dari gadis pemalu daripada yang pernah saya bayangkan.
Sebuah memerah terbakar pipi saya karena saya membeku, tiba-tiba tidak yakin mengapa aku ada di sana, apalagi apa yang harus saya lakukan selanjutnya. Panic naik di dada saya, semacam panik yang datang ketika Anda tahu Anda akan membodohi diri sendiri, tetapi Anda tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan untuk menghentikannya. Tapi, sama seperti terakhir kali aku merasa panik seperti itu, Miles tiba-tiba keluar dari kerumunan dan mengulurkan tangan kepada saya.
"Kau terlihat ..." Suaranya dalam, kasar, hampir. Matanya pindah panjang saya, berhenti di sana-sini sebelum datang kembali ke mata saya. "Kau cantik."
Aku mulai menggigit bibir, tapi menahan diri. Aku mendekati dia dan berbisik, "Aku tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan."
"Kau membiarkan aku mengawal Anda dalam dan memungkinkan semua orang untuk mengagumi betapa indah Anda sebenarnya."
Aku tersipu, lebih karena kejujuran di matanya daripada kata-kata berbicara nya. Kemudian ia mencium keningku dan panik saya hanya hanyut. Aku punya perasaan yang tiba-tiba ini bahwa selama Miles berada di sisi saya, saya bisa menghadapi apapun. Dan yang lebih berbahaya daripada jatuh cinta dengan pria itu.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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