Prologue Towards the end of my freshman year and I'm scrolling through terjemahan - Prologue Towards the end of my freshman year and I'm scrolling through Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Prologue Towards the end of my fres

Towards the end of my freshman year and I'm scrolling through my Facebook, watching as my feed fills up with news such as stupid pictures of girls in my grade who've changed their profile picture at least 7 times in the past hour with the same pose. Stupid song lyrics quoted in every status. And boys in my grade talking about how much money they supposedly make and how much they've supposedly gotten laid since school started.
I roll my eyes, scrolling continuously as my eyes scanned the screen. I honestly don't see the point in Facebook anymore. There's nothing else to do except watch as my feed is bombarded with stupid news. I always contemplate whether to delete my account or not but something about the site just keeps me reeling.
I snap out of surfing the web when I hear the door slam downstairs and footsteps begin to approach up the hallway.
I get up, knowing it's only my older brother by one year, Dylan, trudging up the stairs.
My parents said the dishes had to be done once they got back from some outing with their co-workers and it was Dylan's turn tonight.
The second i open my bedroom door, my brother along with a boy stopped in their tracks when they spotted me.
"Great, what do you want?" Dylan scoffs.
I roll my eyes, my eyes diverting over to the young boy with curls flowing around his head before looking back over at my brother.
"Nothing, I just wanted to tell you it's your turn to do the dishes," I state.
"Bullshit," Dylan spits, "I did them last night."
"Actually that was me, you haven't done them since Wednesday," I clarify which aggravates Dylan even more.
"God dammit, Carter, I'll do them later," my brother grunts as he continues making his way to his bedroom.
The boy slowly followed behind him and smiled slightly at me before turning towards my brothers room.
❁ ❁ ❁
After another hour or so, I was huffing in annoyance after an extra hour of Facebook scrolling and Youtube video surfing.
The boredom never ceasing.
My ancient LG phone vibrates and i pick it up to find a new message from my best friend,
Mitchell: my dad is marrying gabriella santos
Me: who's that?
Mitchell: it's elizabeth's mother
Mitchell: fucking elizabeth de leon
Mitchell: god out of all ppl my dad decided to marry the wicked witch of wests' mother
Mitchell: now I have to consider her """family""" and refer to her as my """step-sister"""
Mitchell: I almost puked just spelling out those god awful words
Mitchell: pls kill me
Me : sorry to hear
Mitchell: thnx I can almost feel ur sympathy over the phone
I laugh at Mitchell's sarcasm as I climb off of my bed; my stomach grumbling due to hunger. I make my way downstairs finding the kitchen already occupied.
The counter filled with endless jars and bottles of spread and bags of random food such as bread and crackers, even a half peeled banana. From the looks of it, seem as if someone's ready to prepare a meal.
I roll my eyes as I begin to speak, "You don't have time for dishes but you have time to raid the fridge. You know whatever plate you plan on using for this stuff, its only gonna add on to the dishes you have to do'" I smirk.
It quickly fades when the person behind the fridge unveils them self and I'm embarrassed when I realize it's not my brother but the boy who had followed Dylan to his bedroom earlier.
He's really cute, I'll admit. With chocolate curly hair, forest green eyes, and a dimple dented smile.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were my brother," I smile sheepishly.
But the boy shrugs it off, "It's okay. He sent me down here to get him some food. Made me a list of what to get."
"I'd only take half of what's on that list, my brother only eats half of everything and leaves it laying in his room for weeks," I remark and the boy chuckles.
"That explains the stench," he makes a joke, "Guess I'll just whip up a sandwich or something," he says as he begins to prepare to make a peanut butter and banana sandwich.
"So are you a friend of my brothers'?" I ask, watching his movements throughout the kitchen.
The boy nods, "Yeah. Been friends for a while actually but this is the first time I've been to you guys' home."
"Dylan never mentioned you," I interject.
"Yeah, you either," he smiles and my insides melt at the sight.
"Do you go to school with Dylan?" I ask in wonder.
He nods as he finished up the sandwiches and places all of the supplies back into its rightful places.
"Really? I've never seen you around," I remark and the boys furrows his eyebrows.
“I didn’t even know you went to our school," he snorts, chuckling. "Are you a freshman?"
I sigh, "Sadly, yes. You?"
"Shopomore," he respons.
"Dude," my brother calls from upstairs, "Are you done yet?"
"I guess that's my cue to go," he says as he takes a plate and stacks both sandwiches over one another before heading back up stairs.
I hold my hand out to him to formally introduce myself, "I'm Carter, by the way. Obviously Dylan's sister."
He reaches out to my hand with his free one and grasps it firmly. The warmth sending goosebumps up my arms.
"Nice to meet you, Carter. I'm Harry.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Prolog Menjelang akhir mahasiswa saya tahun dan aku 'm bergulir melalui Facebook saya, menonton sebagai feed saya mengisi dengan berita seperti bodoh gambar gadis-gadis di kelas saya yang telah mengubah gambar profil mereka setidaknya 7 kali dalam satu jam terakhir dengan pose sama. Lirik lagu bodoh dikutip dalam status setiap. Dan anak-anak di kelas saya berbicara tentang berapa banyak uang yang mereka seharusnya membuat dan berapa banyak mereka sudah seharusnya mendapat meletakkan sejak sekolah dimulai. Saya roll mata saya, bergulir terus-menerus sebagai mata saya scan layar. Jujur saya tidak melihat titik di Facebook lagi. Tidak ada yang lain kecuali menonton sebagai feed saya dibombardir dengan berita yang bodoh. Saya selalu merenungkan apakah akan menghapus account saya atau tidak tapi sesuatu tentang situs hanya membuat saya terguncang. Aku snap dari berselancar di web ketika saya mendengar pintu membanting lantai bawah dan jejak mulai mendekati up lorong. Aku bangun, mengetahui hal ini hanya kakak saya dengan satu tahun, Dylan, berjalan dengan susah payah menaiki tangga. Orang tua saya bilang hidangan harus dilakukan setelah mereka kembali dari beberapa tamasya dengan rekan kerja mereka dan itu giliran Dylan's malam ini. Kedua saya membuka pintu kamar tidur saya, kakak saya bersama dengan anak laki-laki berhenti di jejak mereka ketika mereka melihat saya. "Bagus, apa yang Anda inginkan?" Dylan scoffs. Saya roll mata saya, mataku, pengalihan atas ke anak laki-laki dengan rambut ikal yang mengalir di sekitar kepalanya sebelum melihat kembali saudara saya. "Apa-apa, aku hanya ingin memberitahu Anda giliran Anda untuk melakukan piring," saya menyatakan. "Bullshit," Dylan spits, "I did them last night." "Actually that was me, you haven't done them since Wednesday," I clarify which aggravates Dylan even more. "God dammit, Carter, I'll do them later," my brother grunts as he continues making his way to his bedroom. The boy slowly followed behind him and smiled slightly at me before turning towards my brothers room.❁ ❁ ❁ After another hour or so, I was huffing in annoyance after an extra hour of Facebook scrolling and Youtube video surfing. The boredom never ceasing. My ancient LG phone vibrates and i pick it up to find a new message from my best friend,Mitchell: my dad is marrying gabriella santosMe: who's that?Mitchell: it's elizabeth's motherMitchell: fucking elizabeth de leonMitchell: god out of all ppl my dad decided to marry the wicked witch of wests' motherMitchell: now I have to consider her """family""" and refer to her as my """step-sister"""Mitchell: I almost puked just spelling out those god awful wordsMitchell: pls kill meMe : sorry to hearMitchell: thnx I can almost feel ur sympathy over the phone I laugh at Mitchell's sarcasm as I climb off of my bed; my stomach grumbling due to hunger. I make my way downstairs finding the kitchen already occupied. The counter filled with endless jars and bottles of spread and bags of random food such as bread and crackers, even a half peeled banana. From the looks of it, seem as if someone's ready to prepare a meal. I roll my eyes as I begin to speak, "You don't have time for dishes but you have time to raid the fridge. You know whatever plate you plan on using for this stuff, its only gonna add on to the dishes you have to do'" I smirk. It quickly fades when the person behind the fridge unveils them self and I'm embarrassed when I realize it's not my brother but the boy who had followed Dylan to his bedroom earlier. He's really cute, I'll admit. With chocolate curly hair, forest green eyes, and a dimple dented smile. "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were my brother," I smile sheepishly. But the boy shrugs it off, "It's okay. He sent me down here to get him some food. Made me a list of what to get." "I'd only take half of what's on that list, my brother only eats half of everything and leaves it laying in his room for weeks," I remark and the boy chuckles. "That explains the stench," he makes a joke, "Guess I'll just whip up a sandwich or something," he says as he begins to prepare to make a peanut butter and banana sandwich. "So are you a friend of my brothers'?" I ask, watching his movements throughout the kitchen. The boy nods, "Yeah. Been friends for a while actually but this is the first time I've been to you guys' home." "Dylan never mentioned you," I interject. "Yeah, you either," he smiles and my insides melt at the sight. "Do you go to school with Dylan?" I ask in wonder. He nods as he finished up the sandwiches and places all of the supplies back into its rightful places. "Really? I've never seen you around," I remark and the boys furrows his eyebrows. “I didn’t even know you went to our school," he snorts, chuckling. "Are you a freshman?" I sigh, "Sadly, yes. You?" "Shopomore," he respons. "Dude," my brother calls from upstairs, "Are you done yet?" "I guess that's my cue to go," he says as he takes a plate and stacks both sandwiches over one another before heading back up stairs. I hold my hand out to him to formally introduce myself, "I'm Carter, by the way. Obviously Dylan's sister." He reaches out to my hand with his free one and grasps it firmly. The warmth sending goosebumps up my arms. "Nice to meet you, Carter. I'm Harry.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Menjelang akhir tahun pertama saya dan saya bergulir melalui Facebook saya, menonton sebagai pakan saya mengisi dengan berita seperti gambar bodoh dari anak perempuan di kelas saya yang telah mengubah gambar profil mereka setidaknya 7 kali dalam satu jam terakhir dengan sama pose. Lirik lagu bodoh dikutip dalam setiap status. Dan anak laki-laki di kelas saya berbicara tentang berapa banyak uang yang mereka seharusnya membuat dan berapa banyak mereka sudah seharusnya gotten diletakkan sejak sekolah dimulai.
Aku memutar mata, bergulir terus menerus sebagai mata saya dipindai layar. Sejujurnya aku tidak melihat titik di Facebook lagi. Tidak ada lagi yang harus dilakukan kecuali menonton sebagai pakan saya dibombardir dengan berita bodoh. Saya selalu merenungkan apakah akan menghapus akun saya atau tidak tapi sesuatu tentang situs hanya membuat saya terguncang.
Saya snap keluar dari surfing web ketika saya mendengar pintu dibanting di lantai bawah dan jejak mulai mendekati sampai lorong.
Aku bangun, tahu itu hanya kakak saya satu tahun, Dylan, berjalan dengan susah payah menaiki tangga.
Orang tua saya mengatakan hidangan harus dilakukan setelah mereka kembali dari beberapa tamasya dengan rekan kerja mereka dan itu Dylan giliran malam.
Kedua saya membuka pintu kamar saya, saudara saya bersama dengan anak laki-laki berhenti di trek mereka ketika mereka melihat saya.
"Besar, apa yang Anda inginkan?" Dylan mencemooh.
Aku memutar mata, mata saya mengalihkan ke anak muda dengan rambut ikal mengalir di sekitar kepalanya sebelum melihat kembali pada adikku.
"Tidak ada, aku hanya ingin memberitahu Anda itu giliran Anda untuk mencuci piring," Saya menyatakan .
"Omong kosong," Dylan meludah, "aku mereka tadi malam."
"Sebenarnya itu adalah aku, kau tidak melakukan itu sejak Rabu," Saya mengklarifikasi yang memperburuk Dylan bahkan lebih.
"Allah sialan, Carter, aku akan melakukan mereka nanti, "dengusan adikku sambil terus membuat perjalanan ke kamar tidurnya.
Anak itu perlahan mengikuti di belakangnya dan tersenyum sedikit padaku sebelum berbalik menuju kamar saudara-saudara saya.
❁ ❁ ❁
Setelah satu jam atau lebih, aku terengah kesal setelah . jam ekstra Facebook bergulir dan Youtube video berselancar
kebosanan pernah berhenti.
Saya kuno LG ponsel bergetar dan saya mengambilnya untuk menemukan pesan baru dari sahabatku,
Mitchell: ayah saya menikah dengan gabriella santos
Me: siapa yang
Mitchell : itu ibu elizabeth dunia
Mitchell: sialan elizabeth de leon
Mitchell: dewa dari semua ppl ayah saya memutuskan untuk menikah dengan penyihir jahat ibu tempatterbenamnya '
Mitchell: sekarang saya harus menganggap dia "" "keluarga" "" dan menyebut dirinya sebagai saya "" "Langkah-adik" ""
Mitchell: Aku hampir muntah hanya mengeja mereka god kata mengerikan
Mitchell: pls membunuhku
Me: menyesal mendengar
Mitchell: thnx Aku hampir bisa merasakan ur simpati melalui telepon
saya menertawakan sarkasme Mitchell sebagai saya memanjat dari tempat tidur saya; perut saya menggerutu karena kelaparan. Saya membuat jalan bawah menemukan dapur sudah diduduki.
Counter diisi dengan guci tak berujung dan botol penyebaran dan tas makanan acak seperti roti dan biskuit, bahkan setengah kupas pisang. Dari tampak itu, tampaknya seolah-olah seseorang siap untuk menyiapkan makanan.
Aku memutar mata saya ketika saya mulai berbicara, "Anda tidak punya waktu untuk hidangan tetapi Anda punya waktu untuk menyerang lemari es. Kau tahu apa piring Anda berencana menggunakan untuk hal ini, hanya akan menambah nya ke piring yang harus Anda lakukan '"Aku menyeringai.
Dengan cepat memudar ketika orang di belakang lemari es memperkenalkan diri mereka dan aku malu ketika saya menyadari itu bukan kakak saya tapi anak itu yang mengikuti Dylan ke kamar tidur sebelumnya.
Dia benar-benar lucu, saya akan mengakui. Dengan coklat rambut keriting, mata hijau hutan, dan lesung penyok tersenyum.
"Oh, aku minta maaf, saya pikir kamu adalah adikku," Aku tersenyum malu-malu.
Tapi anak itu mengangkat bahu it off, "Tidak apa-apa. Dia mengirim saya turun di sini untuk mendapatkan dia beberapa makanan. Membuat saya daftar apa yang harus mendapatkan. "
"Saya hanya akan mengambil setengah dari apa yang ada di daftar itu, saudara saya hanya makan setengah dari segala sesuatu dan daun itu berbaring di kamarnya selama berminggu-minggu," aku komentar dan terkekeh anak.
"Itu menjelaskan bau," ia membuat lelucon, "Kurasa aku hanya akan menyiapkan sandwich atau sesuatu," katanya sambil mulai mempersiapkan diri untuk membuat selai kacang dan pisang roti.
"Jadi yang Anda teman saudara saya '? " Saya bertanya, menonton gerakannya seluruh dapur.
itu mengangguk anak, "Ya. Berkunjung teman-teman untuk sementara sebenarnya tapi ini adalah pertama kalinya aku pernah ke rumah kalian '."
"Dylan tidak pernah disebutkan," aku menyela.
"Ya, Anda baik," dia tersenyum dan perutku mencair pada pemandangan itu.
"Apakah Anda pergi ke sekolah dengan Dylan?" Aku bertanya heran.
Dia mengangguk sambil selesai sandwich dan tempat-tempat semua perlengkapan kembali ke tempat yang selayaknya.
"Benarkah? Aku belum pernah melihat Anda di sekitar," aku berkomentar dan anak-anak mengernyitkan alisnya.
"Aku tak t bahkan tahu Anda pergi ke sekolah kami, "ia mendengus, terkekeh." Apakah anda mahasiswa baru? "
Aku menghela napas, "Sayangnya, ya. Anda? "
"Shopomore," dia respon.
"Dude," adikku panggilan dari atas, "Apakah kau belum selesai?"
"Saya rasa itu isyarat saya untuk pergi," katanya sambil mengambil piring dan tumpukan kedua sandwich lebih satu lain sebelum kembali naik tangga.
Aku memegang tangan saya kepadanya untuk secara resmi memperkenalkan diri, "aku Carter, by the way. Jelas kakak Dylan. "
Dia menjangkau tanganku dengan satu gratis dan menangkap dengan kuat. Kehangatan mengirim merinding senjata saya.
"Senang bertemu Anda, Carter. Aku Harry.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
Dukungan alat penerjemahan: Afrikans, Albania, Amhara, Arab, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahasa Indonesia, Basque, Belanda, Belarussia, Bengali, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Burma, Cebuano, Ceko, Chichewa, China, Cina Tradisional, Denmark, Deteksi bahasa, Esperanto, Estonia, Farsi, Finlandia, Frisia, Gaelig, Gaelik Skotlandia, Galisia, Georgia, Gujarati, Hausa, Hawaii, Hindi, Hmong, Ibrani, Igbo, Inggris, Islan, Italia, Jawa, Jepang, Jerman, Kannada, Katala, Kazak, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirghiz, Klingon, Korea, Korsika, Kreol Haiti, Kroat, Kurdi, Laos, Latin, Latvia, Lituania, Luksemburg, Magyar, Makedonia, Malagasi, Malayalam, Malta, Maori, Marathi, Melayu, Mongol, Nepal, Norsk, Odia (Oriya), Pashto, Polandia, Portugis, Prancis, Punjabi, Rumania, Rusia, Samoa, Serb, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somali, Spanyol, Sunda, Swahili, Swensk, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thai, Turki, Turkmen, Ukraina, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Vietnam, Wales, Xhosa, Yiddi, Yoruba, Yunani, Zulu, Bahasa terjemahan.

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