ESEMKA MOBIL NASIONAL1. Background : a. Brand : Mobil ESEMKA Type Raja terjemahan - ESEMKA MOBIL NASIONAL1. Background : a. Brand : Mobil ESEMKA Type Raja Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan


1. Background :
a. Brand : Mobil ESEMKA Type Rajawali
b. Product Info :
i. Product Category :
a. SUV
b. Family Car
c. Transmission (AT/MT)
ii. Product Price :
a. IDR.95.000 .000 ( MT )
b. IDR.130.000 .000 ( MT )
iii. Strength :
a. National Car
b. Affordable Price
c. LCGC Car (Low Cost Green Car)
d. 7 seat
iv. Problem Must be solving :
a. No body aware ESEMKA, How to encourage target Consumer to Trial and purchase the product
v. Our Ambition :
a. Market Education on ESEMKA superiorities
b. Increase ESEMKA Penetration focusing secondary city of Indonesia.
c. To remind new generation about ESEMKA Product as a National Brand Investment
d. Industrial

2. Objective :
a. How to Create product awareness
b. How to encourage Target Market to trial product
c. How to create memorable activity
d. How To create WOM

3. Target :
i. Target Consumer :
a. C, C+, B
b. 30 – 50 Yo
c. new User/Entry, New Couple
d. live in secondary city
e. worker / Small Entrepreneur

4. Insight :
i. Target :
1. Male 80 % & Female 20%
2. Live in secondary city (Depok, Bekasi, Tangerang etc)
3. Worker / Entrepreneur
4. They concern about price and durability
ii. Simple :
1. Service Maintenance
2. Spare part
3. After Sales Program
a. Limited Service coverage
iii. Personalization :
a. Can offer a extra benefits
iv. Convenience :
a. Has been tasted durability
b. Service warranty
v. Sales Coverage
a. Easy to Obtain

vi. Opinion :
1. Durability
2. Resale value
3. Service Maintenance
4. Spare part
5. After Sales Program
a. Service coverage

vii. Ambition :
1. Mostly they want this car, but….
a. they need to trial before they purchase
b. If they have easy promo program installment
c. I need to know more than just LCGC Car

viii. Brand Preferences :
1. Price
2. LCGC Car
3. 7 seat
4. Design
5. National Brand

5. Challenge :
i. How to introduce product value and sales program through this activation program
ii. How to encourage target market to trial the product

6. Potential Obstacle :
i. For Consumer, to buy a car is like to buy a Home, They have to go through a long process to decided which brand that they will choose. Furthermore, for the early user, they surely have to be convinced to choose for their preferred brand

7. Job to Be done :
i. How ESEMKA RAJAWALI can Educated the consumer to be the right choice and deliver the advance technology, into daily activity amongst our target audience through this campaign
1. Educate
a. Conduct smooth transition education and outreach as a whole simple, relevant, and attractive about the advantages of the product through KOL (key opinion Leader) (suggestion Racer : Rifat Sungkar)
2. Excitement
a. Bringing a pleasant experience in all of the activities, from pre sales to sales ,and post sales that strengthen bonding between ASEMKA and the consumer
3. Engagement
a. To helping them to make a confident decision to buy, trough house hold as the biggest influencer on Family

8. Key Proposition :
1. Pre Activity
2. Activity
3. Post Activity

9. Execution Idea :
10. Description :
a. “Mobil Pilihan Keluarga Anda”
11. Rationality :
a. Easy to remind
b. relevant with the country issue and status
12. Key activities : Description of consumer / Audience journey
a. Pre Activity :
i. PR Program :
1. Media Launching
a. Press Conference
i. Experience
ii. Writing Competition (bring the car ) (touring, Daily Activity
b. Dealer Gathering
i. Experience
ii. Sales Competition
ii. ATL :
a. Media Promo National Wide
b. Selected media NP, TV, Radio
iii. Activation :
1. Teaser Activity
a. Idea : Create Installation car will display bo no body no what the brand
b. Objective : To Create Curiosity
c. 32 Car Batik Parade (Touring)
2. Sales & SPG Training
a. Program Training
b. Sales Incentive
b. Activity
i. ATL :
a. Media Promo National Wide
i. Selected media NP, TV, Radio
ii. BTL :
1. Consumer Launching (engage with banking / leasing )
a. Exhibition Prime Location
i. Car Show 33 car will dress up batik design will present each province
ii. Batik Design will create by famous national designer
iii. Auction Batik Car
iv. Games
1. Mix and match
2. Idea : Audience cant experience with digital technology to make dream car, and the final who the best design “Mobil pilihan anda” will get the car.
v. Entertainment
1. Local band
2. National Band / Singer

b. Exhibition Secondary Activity (alun-alun/ HOP)
i. Car Show
ii. Digital Games
iii. Sales Program
iv. Test Drive
v. Games
vi. Entertainment
c. Test Drive
d. Sales Program
c. Post Activity :
i. PR :
1. Journalist Writing competition
ii. BTL :
1. Special Delivery
a. Idea : Create special car Delivery with giant ribbon with special word
iii. Digital :
1. Video Viral

13. Key Channels : activity will execute in 11 Cities with 4 big cities, and 7 secondary Cities
i. Prime Secondary mall
1. Medan , Jakarta, Solo, Surabaya
ii. Secondary Mall :
1. Bekasi, Tangerang, Malang, Makassar, Bali, Palembang, Padang
14. Expected shifting in behavior : change a perception , thinking and believe they will do
i. Aware ASEMKA is national Brand
ii. Pride with national car
iii. Purchase intense
iv. Sales Grow
15. Key Resource :
i. Games Digital ( touch screen )
ii. KOL
iii. National Designer
iv. Construction vendor (stage, booth, tent, etc.)
v. Installment ( Banking, etc. )
vi. Production vendor (lighting, Sound, multimedia, etc.)
vii. Performance
16. Key partners
i. EO partner
17. Reference :

18. Cost structure :
i. Venue : 1,8 Billion
ii. Production : 3 billion
iii. Man power : 850 Mio
iv. Performance : 540 Mio
v. Operational : 110 Mio

19. Result profitability

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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
ESEMKA MOBIL NASIONAL1. latar belakang: a. merek: Mobil ESEMKA jenis Rajawalib. produk Info: i. produk Kategori: a. SUV b. mobil keluargac. transmisi (di / MT)II. Produk Harga: a. Rp. 95.000.000 (MT)b. IDR.130.000.000 (MT)III. kekuatan: a. Nasional mobil b. harga terjangkau c. LCGC mobil (biaya rendah hijau mobil)d. 7 kursi IV. masalah harus memecahkan: a. tidak tubuh menyadari ESEMKA, bagaimana untuk mendorong target konsumen untuk percobaan dan membeli produkv. ambisi kami: a. pendidikan pasar ESEMKA kelebihan b. meningkatkan penetrasi ESEMKA berfokus kota menengah Indonesia. c. untuk mengingatkan generasi baru tentang produk ESEMKA sebagai investasi merek nasionald. industri 2. tujuan: a. bagaimana untuk menciptakan kesadaran produk b. bagaimana untuk mendorong Target pasar untuk produk sidangc. bagaimana untuk menciptakan kenangan aktivitas d. cara membuat WOM 3. target: i. target konsumen: a. C, C +, B b. 30-50 Yoc. entri pengguna baru, pasangan barud. hidup di kota sekundere. pekerja / pengusaha kecil4. insight: i. target:1. laki-laki 80% & perempuan 20%2. hidup di kota sekunder (Depok, Bekasi, Tangerang dll)3. pekerja / pengusaha4. mereka kekhawatiran tentang harga dan daya tahan II. sederhana:1. Jasa Maintenance 2. suku cadang 3. setelah Program penjualan a. terbatas cakupan layananIII. personalisasi:a. bisa menawarkan manfaat tambahan IV. kenyamanan:a. telah terasa ketahananb. Layanan garansi c. v. cakupan penjualana. mudah untuk memperolehVI. pendapat:1. daya tahan 2. Jual kembali nilai 3. Jasa Maintenance 4. suku cadang 5. setelah Program penjualan a. cakupan layananVII. ambisi:1. sebagian besar mereka ingin mobil ini, tapi... a. yang mereka butuhkan untuk percobaan sebelum mereka membeli b. jika mereka memiliki promo mudah program cicilan c. saya perlu tahu lebih dari sekedar LCGC mobilPreferensi VIII. merek: 1. harga2. LCGC mobil3. 7 kursi4. DesainMerek nasional 5. challenge:i. bagaimana memperkenalkan nilai produk dan program penjualan melalui program aktivasi iniII. bagaimana untuk mendorong target pasar untuk sidang produk6. potensi rintangan: i. bagi konsumen, untuk membeli mobil seperti untuk membeli rumah, mereka harus pergi melalui proses panjang untuk memutuskan merek yang akan dipilih. Selain itu, bagi pengguna awal, mereka pasti harus yakin untuk memilih untuk merek mereka disukai7. pekerjaan harus dilakukan: i. Bagaimana ESEMKA RAJAWALI dapat berpendidikan konsumen untuk menjadi pilihan yang tepat dan memberikan kemajuan teknologi, ke dalam kegiatan sehari-hari antara target kami melalui kampanye ini 1. mendidik a. melakukan transisi mulus pendidikan dan penjangkauan sebagai seluruh sederhana, relevan dan menarik tentang keuntungan dari produk melalui KOL (pemimpin opini kunci) (saran pembalap: Rifat Sungkar) 2. kegembiraana. membawa menyenangkan pengalaman dalam semua kegiatan, dari pra-penjualan untuk penjualan, dan pasca penjualan yang memperkuat ikatan antara ASEMKA dan konsumen3. keterlibatana. untuk membantu mereka membuat keputusan percaya diri untuk membeli, palung rumah terus sebagai influencer terbesar pada keluarga8. proposisi kunci: 1. pra aktivitas 2. aktivitas3. posting kegiatan9. pelaksanaan ide: a. "MOBIL PILKADA"10. Deskripsi:a. "Mobil Pilihan Keluarga Anda"11. rasionalitas: a. mudah untuk mengingatkanb. relevan dengan masalah negara dan status c. 12. kunci kegiatan: Deskripsi konsumen / penonton perjalanana. aktivitas pra: i. PR Program: 1. Media meluncurkana. konferensi pers i. pengalamanKompetisi II. menulis (membawa mobil) (tur, kegiatan sehari-harib. dealer Gatheringi. pengalamanKompetisi II. penjualanII. ATL:a. Media Promo Nasionalb. dipilih media NP, TV, Radio III. aktivasi: 1. penggoda aktivitas a. ide: membuat instalasi mobil akan menampilkan bo tubuh tidak tidak apa merek b. tujuan: untuk menciptakan rasa ingin tahu c. Parade mobil 32 Batik (Touring) 2. Penjualan & Pelatihan SPG a. program pelatihan b. insentif penjualan b. aktivitas i. ATL:a. Media Promo Nasionali. dipilih media NP, TV, Radio II. BTL: 1. konsumen Launching (terlibat dengan perbankan / sewa)a. pameran lokasi primai. mobil menunjukkan 33 mobil akan berpakaian desain batik akan hadir setiap Propinsi II. Batik desain akan menciptakan oleh terkenal perancang NasionalIII. melelang mobil Batik IV. permainan1. mencampur dan mencocokkan 2. ide: Penonton tidak pengalaman dengan teknologi digital untuk membuat mobil impian, dan final yang desain terbaik "Mobil pilihan anda" akan mendapatkan mobil.v. hiburan1. band lokal2. Nasional Band / penyanyib. pameran aktivitas sekunder (alun-alun / HOP)i. mobil Tampilkan II. Digital GamesProgram III. penjualan IV. Test Drivev. permainanVI. hiburanc. Test Drived. Program penjualanc. posting kegiatan: i. PR: 1. wartawan kompetisi menulisII. BTL:1. paket Standard khusus a. ide: membuat mobil khusus pengiriman dengan raksasa pita dengan kata khusus III. Digital: 1. video virus13. saluran kunci: aktivitas akan mengeksekusi di 11 kota dengan 4 kota besar dan kota-kota sekunder 7i. Perdana sekunder mall 1. Medan, Jakarta, Solo, SurabayaII. menengah Mall: 1. Bekasi, Tangerang, Malang, Makassar, Bali, Palembang, Padang14. diharapkan pergeseran dalam perilaku: mengubah persepsi, berpikir dan percaya mereka akan melakukani. menyadari ASEMKA adalah merek nasionalII. kebanggaan nasional mobilIII. pembelian intens IV. penjualan tumbuh 15. kunci sumber: i. permainan Digital (layar sentuh)II. KOLIII. Nasional desainIV. konstruksi Penjual (tahap, bilik, tenda, dll.)v. angsuran (perbankan, dll.)VI. produksi Penjual (pencahayaan, suara, multimedia, dll.)VII. kinerja16. kunci mitra i. EO mitra17. referensi: 18. struktur biaya: i. tempat: 1,8 miliar II. produksi: 3 miliarIII. tenaga: 850 MioIV. kinerja: 540 Miov. operasional: 110 Mio19. hasil profitabilitas
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
1. Background :
a. Brand : Mobil ESEMKA Type Rajawali
b. Product Info :
i. Product Category :
a. SUV
b. Family Car
c. Transmission (AT/MT)
ii. Product Price :
a. IDR.95.000 .000 ( MT )
b. IDR.130.000 .000 ( MT )
iii. Strength :
a. National Car
b. Affordable Price
c. LCGC Car (Low Cost Green Car)
d. 7 seat
iv. Problem Must be solving :
a. No body aware ESEMKA, How to encourage target Consumer to Trial and purchase the product
v. Our Ambition :
a. Market Education on ESEMKA superiorities
b. Increase ESEMKA Penetration focusing secondary city of Indonesia.
c. To remind new generation about ESEMKA Product as a National Brand Investment
d. Industrial

2. Objective :
a. How to Create product awareness
b. How to encourage Target Market to trial product
c. How to create memorable activity
d. How To create WOM

3. Target :
i. Target Consumer :
a. C, C+, B
b. 30 – 50 Yo
c. new User/Entry, New Couple
d. live in secondary city
e. worker / Small Entrepreneur

4. Insight :
i. Target :
1. Male 80 % & Female 20%
2. Live in secondary city (Depok, Bekasi, Tangerang etc)
3. Worker / Entrepreneur
4. They concern about price and durability
ii. Simple :
1. Service Maintenance
2. Spare part
3. After Sales Program
a. Limited Service coverage
iii. Personalization :
a. Can offer a extra benefits
iv. Convenience :
a. Has been tasted durability
b. Service warranty
v. Sales Coverage
a. Easy to Obtain

vi. Opinion :
1. Durability
2. Resale value
3. Service Maintenance
4. Spare part
5. After Sales Program
a. Service coverage

vii. Ambition :
1. Mostly they want this car, but….
a. they need to trial before they purchase
b. If they have easy promo program installment
c. I need to know more than just LCGC Car

viii. Brand Preferences :
1. Price
2. LCGC Car
3. 7 seat
4. Design
5. National Brand

5. Challenge :
i. How to introduce product value and sales program through this activation program
ii. How to encourage target market to trial the product

6. Potential Obstacle :
i. For Consumer, to buy a car is like to buy a Home, They have to go through a long process to decided which brand that they will choose. Furthermore, for the early user, they surely have to be convinced to choose for their preferred brand

7. Job to Be done :
i. How ESEMKA RAJAWALI can Educated the consumer to be the right choice and deliver the advance technology, into daily activity amongst our target audience through this campaign
1. Educate
a. Conduct smooth transition education and outreach as a whole simple, relevant, and attractive about the advantages of the product through KOL (key opinion Leader) (suggestion Racer : Rifat Sungkar)
2. Excitement
a. Bringing a pleasant experience in all of the activities, from pre sales to sales ,and post sales that strengthen bonding between ASEMKA and the consumer
3. Engagement
a. To helping them to make a confident decision to buy, trough house hold as the biggest influencer on Family

8. Key Proposition :
1. Pre Activity
2. Activity
3. Post Activity

9. Execution Idea :
10. Description :
a. “Mobil Pilihan Keluarga Anda”
11. Rationality :
a. Easy to remind
b. relevant with the country issue and status
12. Key activities : Description of consumer / Audience journey
a. Pre Activity :
i. PR Program :
1. Media Launching
a. Press Conference
i. Experience
ii. Writing Competition (bring the car ) (touring, Daily Activity
b. Dealer Gathering
i. Experience
ii. Sales Competition
ii. ATL :
a. Media Promo National Wide
b. Selected media NP, TV, Radio
iii. Activation :
1. Teaser Activity
a. Idea : Create Installation car will display bo no body no what the brand
b. Objective : To Create Curiosity
c. 32 Car Batik Parade (Touring)
2. Sales & SPG Training
a. Program Training
b. Sales Incentive
b. Activity
i. ATL :
a. Media Promo National Wide
i. Selected media NP, TV, Radio
ii. BTL :
1. Consumer Launching (engage with banking / leasing )
a. Exhibition Prime Location
i. Car Show 33 car will dress up batik design will present each province
ii. Batik Design will create by famous national designer
iii. Auction Batik Car
iv. Games
1. Mix and match
2. Idea : Audience cant experience with digital technology to make dream car, and the final who the best design “Mobil pilihan anda” will get the car.
v. Entertainment
1. Local band
2. National Band / Singer

b. Exhibition Secondary Activity (alun-alun/ HOP)
i. Car Show
ii. Digital Games
iii. Sales Program
iv. Test Drive
v. Games
vi. Entertainment
c. Test Drive
d. Sales Program
c. Post Activity :
i. PR :
1. Journalist Writing competition
ii. BTL :
1. Special Delivery
a. Idea : Create special car Delivery with giant ribbon with special word
iii. Digital :
1. Video Viral

13. Key Channels : activity will execute in 11 Cities with 4 big cities, and 7 secondary Cities
i. Prime Secondary mall
1. Medan , Jakarta, Solo, Surabaya
ii. Secondary Mall :
1. Bekasi, Tangerang, Malang, Makassar, Bali, Palembang, Padang
14. Expected shifting in behavior : change a perception , thinking and believe they will do
i. Aware ASEMKA is national Brand
ii. Pride with national car
iii. Purchase intense
iv. Sales Grow
15. Key Resource :
i. Games Digital ( touch screen )
ii. KOL
iii. National Designer
iv. Construction vendor (stage, booth, tent, etc.)
v. Installment ( Banking, etc. )
vi. Production vendor (lighting, Sound, multimedia, etc.)
vii. Performance
16. Key partners
i. EO partner
17. Reference :

18. Cost structure :
i. Venue : 1,8 Billion
ii. Production : 3 billion
iii. Man power : 850 Mio
iv. Performance : 540 Mio
v. Operational : 110 Mio

19. Result profitability

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Bahasa lainnya
Dukungan alat penerjemahan: Afrikans, Albania, Amhara, Arab, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahasa Indonesia, Basque, Belanda, Belarussia, Bengali, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Burma, Cebuano, Ceko, Chichewa, China, Cina Tradisional, Denmark, Deteksi bahasa, Esperanto, Estonia, Farsi, Finlandia, Frisia, Gaelig, Gaelik Skotlandia, Galisia, Georgia, Gujarati, Hausa, Hawaii, Hindi, Hmong, Ibrani, Igbo, Inggris, Islan, Italia, Jawa, Jepang, Jerman, Kannada, Katala, Kazak, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirghiz, Klingon, Korea, Korsika, Kreol Haiti, Kroat, Kurdi, Laos, Latin, Latvia, Lituania, Luksemburg, Magyar, Makedonia, Malagasi, Malayalam, Malta, Maori, Marathi, Melayu, Mongol, Nepal, Norsk, Odia (Oriya), Pashto, Polandia, Portugis, Prancis, Punjabi, Rumania, Rusia, Samoa, Serb, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somali, Spanyol, Sunda, Swahili, Swensk, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thai, Turki, Turkmen, Ukraina, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Vietnam, Wales, Xhosa, Yiddi, Yoruba, Yunani, Zulu, Bahasa terjemahan.

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