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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
How to Make a Chocolate Ball(Oky is in front of Sasha‘s house right now. It has beenquite long since they have contacted each other.)(Oky knocks at the door)w “Yeah, just a moment please,” Sasha said.(Sasha opens the door) “Hi, Sasha. How are you?” greeted Oky. “Oh, hi Oky, where have you been? I’m fine,thanks. Come on in,”reply Sasha. “Thanks Sas, I’ve been so busy lately. I am takingmany courses before my final exams. By the way, it’sbeen so long since I ate your delicious food. So, whatdo you think if we try one of your fantastic recipestoday?” “I see. Well, since you’re my best pal, I don’tmind. So, what snack do you prefer?” “OK, then. What about a chocolate ball? I likethem very much.” “Yes, sure. Why not? My mom and I just madesome yesterday, so I still have the ingredients.” “OK. Let’s go to the kitchen.” “First of all, you should prepare a can ofchocolate milk, three packs of milk biscuits, one packof colourful chocolate sprinkles, and toothpicks justfor accessories.” “Yup. Mmm...what if we use solid chocolateinstead of chocolate milk?” “No. We can’t use solid chocolate. It tastesbitter.” “Oh, OK. Let’s continue.” “Now, smash the biscuit until it seems like abubuk. Kemudian, aduk. Selanjutnya, tambahkan susu cokelat dan pada saat yang sama aduk thoroghly, sampai campuran menjadi sulit." "uhm - hm... apa kalau campuran meler? Apa yang akan terjadi? "Yah, pastikan itu tidak terlalu berair. itu harus di suatu tempat di antara keras dan mild.so,it akan mudah dari bola dengan." "kemudian ok...?" "setelah itu, kita dapat mulai dari itu seperti bola, hanya seperti ini. Akhirnya, roll bola di untuk taburan coklat yang berwarna-warni. plece ini dalam kertas kue kecil, tongkat di tusuk gigi untuk menangani. itu adalah finised." "wow... Itu mudah saya pikir itu rumit .thanks banyak. yang akan kami makan sekarang?" "Ya, semudah itu. Mari kita makan.
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