Good Morning ladies and gentleman, the honorable adjudicators and my f terjemahan - Good Morning ladies and gentleman, the honorable adjudicators and my f Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Good Morning ladies and gentleman,

Good Morning ladies and gentleman, the honorable adjudicators and my fellow speakers

Let me introduce myself, my name is Asael Sukandar and I’m representing my school 57 Vocational School

It’s an honor for me to deliver you this speech

L n G

. Social is an interaction between individuals, and politics means the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power. So we can assume that both aspect are related

L n G

Currently, the developing of politics in Indonesia is divided into two sides. First side contains Leaders, Political Parties, and Political Leaders, which fight for the rights that the people deserve. Second side contains of people that only care about themselves and uses their power for personal benefits.

Those two sides that I said before was not from my personal opinion, but because of the fact in our government. We could take example from the recent case which is the Governor of Jakarta versus the Jakarta House of Representatives.

The income and outcome Budget proposal of Jakarta for 2015 reaches until 76,9 Trillion. This amount of Money would be spent on these three main problems of Jakarta, which are Flood, Transportation, and Education. 20% of the Budget will be spent on Education, in number it could reach until 15,4 trillion Rupiah. The governor of Jakarta, Mr. Basuki Cahaya Purnama recognizes that there is a Budget Abuse made by the Jakarta’s House of Representative with the total amount of 12 trillion rupiah. This big amount of is considered as an abuse because these Budget proposal was not verified by the Governor of Jakarta himself where according to the constitution, both the Governor and the Jakarta House of Representatives must both verified this Budget Proposal.

One of the examples of this Budget Abuse is the purchase of Uninterruptable Power Supply for 49 different high schools in Jakarta. The mechanic of the school was taught how to use the UPS, and then soon he realizes that the UPS costs until 5.8 billion rupiah, where normally it could cost around 80-120 million rupiah. There is mark up when it comes to purchasing needs, and it is normal because considering of the commission and taxes, but from 120 million until 5.8 billion, that’s amazing.

This budget abuse has been mediated at the meeting between the Governor of Jakarta and The Jakarta House of Representatives. But the only result is chaos between them.

The Governor of Jakarta knows that this is an act of Budget abusing or corruption, but still there are groups of leaders that don’t care about him and wanted to overthrow him.

L n G

Let’s put back to the past, on the early days of Indonesian independence, at that time Indonesia was combined, was united because of one purpose, which is to gain independence from the Invaders.

L n G

Shall we not forget with the sacrifices that has made by our early generations, which gave their live for the freedom of Indonesia. The country Indonesia was formed because of our Unity. Let’s not make the Government or Political leaders mess up with this country because of their personal needs.

A famous political philosopher Aristotle once said, that a discussion about a nation is for achieving the same target, the same dream, and the same achievement. Our leaders noticed this, but sadly most of our leaders nowadays don’t care about this.

If most of our leaders and political leader don’t fight for what we deserve, let’s give our best support for the leaders that still fight for us.

L n G

Many ways that we could support the leaders that still fight for us, by making NGO or Non Governmental organization for example Indonesia Corruption Watch, joining the Political Election by picking the right candidates, not the candidates that paid you to choose them, giving supports from social media, demonstration.

L n G

If we make these efforts, we could push the leaders into doing the right thi
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Baik pagi wanita dan pria, juri terhormat dan pembicara saya sesamaMari saya memperkenalkan diri, nama saya Asael Sukandar dan aku 'm mewakili sekolah kejuruan sekolah 57 sayaIni adalah suatu kehormatan bagi saya untuk memberikan pidato iniL n G. Sosial merupakan interaksi antara individu, dan politik berarti kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan pemerintahan negara atau daerah, terutama perdebatan atau konflik antara individu atau pihak memiliki berharap untuk mencapai kekuasaan. Jadi kita dapat mengasumsikan bahwa aspek kedua terkaitL n GSaat ini, pengembangan politik di Indonesia ini dibagi menjadi dua sisi. Sisi pertama berisi pemimpin, partai politik, dan pemimpin politik, yang berjuang untuk hak-hak yang pantas orang-orang. Kedua sisi berisi orang bahwa hanya peduli tentang diri mereka sendiri dan menggunakan kekuatan mereka untuk keuntungan pribadi.Dua sisi yang saya katakan sebelumnya bukan dari pendapat pribadi saya, tapi karena fakta di pemerintah kita. Kita bisa mengambil contoh dari kasus baru yang merupakan Gubernur DKI Jakarta versus Dewan Perwakilan Jakarta.The income and outcome Budget proposal of Jakarta for 2015 reaches until 76,9 Trillion. This amount of Money would be spent on these three main problems of Jakarta, which are Flood, Transportation, and Education. 20% of the Budget will be spent on Education, in number it could reach until 15,4 trillion Rupiah. The governor of Jakarta, Mr. Basuki Cahaya Purnama recognizes that there is a Budget Abuse made by the Jakarta’s House of Representative with the total amount of 12 trillion rupiah. This big amount of is considered as an abuse because these Budget proposal was not verified by the Governor of Jakarta himself where according to the constitution, both the Governor and the Jakarta House of Representatives must both verified this Budget Proposal.One of the examples of this Budget Abuse is the purchase of Uninterruptable Power Supply for 49 different high schools in Jakarta. The mechanic of the school was taught how to use the UPS, and then soon he realizes that the UPS costs until 5.8 billion rupiah, where normally it could cost around 80-120 million rupiah. There is mark up when it comes to purchasing needs, and it is normal because considering of the commission and taxes, but from 120 million until 5.8 billion, that’s amazing.This budget abuse has been mediated at the meeting between the Governor of Jakarta and The Jakarta House of Representatives. But the only result is chaos between them.Gubernur DKI Jakarta tahu bahwa ini adalah suatu tindakan anggaran menyalahgunakan atau korupsi, tetapi masih ada kelompok pemimpin yang tidak peduli tentang dia dan ingin menggulingkannya.L n GMari kita kembali ke masa lalu, pada hari-hari awal kemerdekaan Indonesia, saat itu Indonesia dikombinasikan, bersatu karena satu tujuan, yang adalah untuk mendapatkan kemerdekaan dari penyerbu.L n GKami tidak akan melupakan dengan korban-korban yang telah dibuat oleh generasi awal kami, yang memberikan hidup mereka untuk kemerdekaan Indonesia. Negara Indonesia ini dibentuk karena kesatuan kita. Mari kita tidak membuat pemerintah atau pemimpin politik mengacaukan dengan negara ini karena kebutuhan pribadi mereka.Seorang filsuf politik yang terkenal Aristoteles pernah berkata, bahwa sebuah diskusi tentang sebuah negara adalah untuk mencapai target yang sama, mimpi yang sama, dan pencapaian sama. Para pemimpin kita memperhatikan hal ini, tapi sayangnya kebanyakan pemimpin kita saat ini tidak peduli tentang hal ini.Jika sebagian besar pemimpin dan pemimpin politik kita tidak berjuang untuk apa yang kita pantas, mari kita memberikan dukungan terbaik kami bagi para pemimpin yang masih berjuang untuk kita.L n GBanyak cara yang kami bisa mendukung para pemimpin yang masih berjuang untuk kita, dengan membuat organisasi LSM atau Non Pemerintah misalnya Indonesia Corruption Watch, bergabung dengan pemilihan politik dengan memilih kandidat yang tepat, bukan kandidat yang membayar Anda untuk memilih mereka, memberikan dukungan dari media sosial, demonstrasi.L n GJika kita membuat upaya-upaya ini, kita bisa mendorong para pemimpin melakukan thi tepat
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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