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Manufacturing StrategyThe unique nature of each manufacturing process and the market served limit the prac¬tical range of alternative strategies. Manufacturing strategic range is constrained by both marketing and technological forces. Prevailing marketing practices serve to ground manufacturing strategy in terms of customer acceptability. Technology drives strategy to a manufacturing model that is competitive. For example, a manufacturer having a process dominated by economy of scale may desire to improve process flexi¬bility. However, significant investment will typically be required to increase frequency and repetition.Over time, the changing nature of the market and available technology serve to alter a firm's existing strategic posture. Consider, for example, the steel industry, which was long dominated by processes highly dependent on economy of scale. Re¬cent years have witnessed market acceptance of a wide range of new steel-based mate¬rials combined with value-added services. The birth of the Steel Service Center has in-('Steven A. Melnyk and R. T. Christensen, op. cit., p. 17. troduced postponement as a way to increase customer accommodation. The nature of basic steel production has also undergone dramatic change. New process methods are being perfected that reduce long-time dependence on high-scale manufacturing processes. The combined impact of these changes in market and process has shifted the strategic posture of steel producers.Pencocokan manufaktur strategi untuk kebutuhan pasarDalam bab 3, strategi pemasaran yang khas diklasifikasikan sebagai massa, segmental dan terfokus, atau satu-di-one.21 strategi ini dibedakan, sebagian, dalam hubungannya dengan tingkat re-diperlukan akomodasi produk dan layanan. Pemasaran massal memerlukan produk terbatas diferensiasi. Sebaliknya, strategi pemasaran yang satu-satu didasarkan pada produk unik atau disesuaikan persembahan untuk masing-masing dan setiap pelanggan. Sikap pemasaran strategis perusahaan dalam hal fleksibilitas dan kelincahan untuk mengakomodasi kebutuhan spesifik pelanggan secara langsung berkaitan dengan kemampuan manufaktur. Untuk gelar sig¬nificant, sebuah perusahaan manufaktur kemampuan drive kisaran yang layak strategi pemasaran yang efektif. Untuk perusahaan manufaktur untuk secara efektif bersaing, itu harus dapat mengintegrasikan kemampuan manufaktur ke proposisi nilai pemasaran bermakna.Alternatif strategiStrategi manufaktur yang paling umum yang membuat untuk rencana (MTP), membuat-to-order (MTO), dan merakit-to-order (ATO). Hal ini juga umum untuk merujuk MTP sebagai membuat untuk saham (MTS).22Sebagai aturan umum, strategi MTP merupakan karakteristik dari industri yang mengeksploitasi econ-omy skala yang dihasilkan dari panjang produksi berjalan. Barang jadi yang signifikan inven-tory biasanya diproduksi dalam mengantisipasi kebutuhan masa depan pelanggan. Persyaratan lo-gistical untuk mendukung MTP adalah pergudangan kapasitas untuk menyimpan produk jadi dan untuk memfasilitasi bermacam-macam produk untuk pelanggan tertentu. Ketika manufactur¬ing fleksibel diperkenalkan untuk mempercepat peralihan, banyak persediaan yang diproduksi biasanya lebih kecil dalam jumlah. Namun, gudang masih diperlukan untuk penyimpanan sementara dan untuk memfasilitasi bermacam-macam produk.Sebaliknya, strategi manufaktur MTO berusaha untuk memproduksi untuk speci¬fication pelanggan. Sementara MTO tidak mungkin terbatas seperti toko tradisional pekerjaan, jumlah yang tepat dan konfigurasi yang diproduksi dalam jumlah yang relatif kecil. Kapasitas logistik mungkin diperlukan untuk penyimpanan sementara dan untuk mencapai consolida¬tion transportasi keluar, tapi kebanyakan produk yang dihasilkan di lingkungan MTO dikirim langsung ke pelanggan.Dalam situasi ATO, produk-produk dasar dan komponen yang diproduksi di anticipa-tion pesanan pelanggan masa depan; Namun, produk tidak sepenuhnya dirakit atau cus tomized sampai diterima pelanggan. Perakitan akhir tersebut mencerminkan pelaksaan prinsip manufaktur atau bentuk postponement.23 kebutuhan logistik kapasitas sangat penting dalam ATO operasi. Pada kenyataannya, peningkatan jumlah ATO produk finalisasi sedang dilakukan di gudang-gudang distribusi. Daya tarik strategi manufaktur ATO adalah bahwa ia memiliki potensi untuk menggabungkan beberapa aspek ekonomi skala khas MTP dengan gelar MTO fleksibilitas. Penuh pelaksaan strategi ATO memerlukan bahwa operasi gudang diintegrasikan dalam proses untuk melakukan operasi menyesuaikan dan perakitan. Industri wawasan 5-4 Ilus-trates pentingnya logistik mendukung produsen peralatan asli.21Chapter 3, mukasurat 69.22This umum klasifikasi menarik berdasarkan Robert H. Hayes dan Gary P. Pisan °, "Beyond kelas dunia: strategi manufaktur baru,-Hanurd Business Review, Januari/Februari, 1994, ms. 77-86.23See Bab I. ms. 18. WAWASAN INDUSTRI 5-4 BAGIAN-BAGIAN PENTING DISAMPAIKAN DALAM JAMKecepatan adalah semakin pasokan kunci jaringan pembeda, terutama dalam pasokan bagian-bagian penting, dimana pelanggan mengharapkan pengiriman dalam hitungan jam, bukan hari.Two primary forces are driving development of this service niche. First, original equipment manufacturers have warranty contracts with their end users, which frequently include protec¬tions against downtime losses. Second, many parts supply operations are fragmented as compa¬nies generally have multiple service territories and different service providers for each. Faced with pressures to reduce inventory levels and associated investments, OEMs and other compa¬nies need greater visibility, not only to parts availability, but also to pipeline contents—a diffi¬cult challenge when responsibilities are spread across numerous networks."OEMs are always looking to improve their service to their end users, and having a service parts network with a high parts availability and rapid response time to their field engineers en¬ables them to improve system uptime," says Scott Collins, VP of service parts logistics for Sonic Air, a division of United Parcel Service. Throughout the last decade Sonic Air, in con¬junction with UPS, has focused on designing a service network to specifically meet the needs of these OEMs. "We give the OEMs a single point of contact, we use our own network, and we have systems connectivity across that entire network," states Collins.Sonic owns a central parts distribution center with more than 1 million square feet of space within 3 miles of the UPS air hub in Louisville, an arrangement that enables Sonic to provide late-night processing of orders with delivery guaranteed by 10:30 A.M. the next day, or even ear¬lier if customers use premium services. From that distribution center, Sonic replenishes its net¬work of more than 400 field support bank locations worldwide. With the exception of a few dedicated sites, the field support banks are multiclient facilities.Orders can come in to Sonic from customers by EDI, Internet, fax, or via one of several call centers Sonic operates, as late as I A.M. for next-day availability. Orders are routed to the appro-priate dispatcher, who then alerts the respective branch operations that the particular part has to be pulled and dispatched for delivery. Parts can be sent overnight directly to certified engineers (CEs) in the field. Another option is a hold-for-pickup service at any of the 1,430 UPS service counters designated as sites where CEs can snag the parts as early as 7:30 A.M.The Sonic strategy is to locate field support banks close to the end-user population of their customers to minimize the time from order entry to delivery. "Our network runs 24x7, and right now we can serve 68 percent of the U.S. business population within an hour, 88 percent in two hours, and 99 percent in four hours," says Collins.Sonic also uses its Louisville distribution center to provide repair and refurbishment ser¬vices, maintaining a staff of more than 300 technicians to provide rapid turnaround of equip¬ment such as laptop computers, hard drives, monitors, and telecommunications devices, includ¬ing the programming of cell phones.
Getronics (formerly Wang Getronics) is currently in the ramp-up phase of a new service pro-gram. Sonic technicians now perform 1,100 repairs a month for Getronics on a wide array of computer parts, peripherals, and point-of-sale equipment and Sonic expects to see that number rise from 6,000 to 8,000 as the program comes fully online.
Sonic also provides Getronics with end-of-runway central warehousing, which improves Getronics' efficiency and reduces some of the fixed and variable costs associated with the parts operation. "The Sonic/UPS relationship has allowed Getronics to enhance our overall logistics services to our customers by consolidating our freight services—ground, air, and next-flight-out, warehousing, and repair—in one central facility," says Richard Fogarty, VP of service delivery for Getronics. "This allows us to take advantage of freight savings and enables us to reduce our investments in parts by cutting the cycle time for returning defective parts to a serviceable con-dition. Getronics can also offer a higher level of logistics consulting services to our customers by using the Sonic nationwide network of parts distribution centers, which provide four-hour parts delivery in major business areas for our client base."
Sonic is reconfiguring its information systems. "By the first quarter of next year, we are going to have a fully integrated service parts system that ties together order entry, dispatch, order management, repair, inventory management, billing, and financials," says Collins. An in-
ventory management system interconnecting the network will help identify which parts to store at particular locations, based on the frequency of failures experienced by the end-user popula¬tion. "Hopefully, this visibility across the entire network will enable customers to do a better job planning and thus be able to reduce the total cost of the inventory in the pipeline," he adds.
Sonic provides much of this informa
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