Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
The haiku is a very useful way to encourage writing. But it is a Japanese form, andneeds locating in Japanese contexts.The practical advantages for the teacher of doingthis should be apparent later in the chapter, when practical suggestions for writingare made.Something needs to be said about three things: the haiku’s social role, its historyas a form, and what the writer of haiku aims to do.A few paragraphs on these topicswill act as preface to the practicalities – and the benefits – of handling haiku andrelated forms in the classroom.First, we should stress its importance in Japanese life, in times past and in thepresent. Japan today has hundreds of haiku groups and haiku magazines. Newspaperspublish columns of haiku.They are written and read in informal as well as formalsocial contexts. What is more, the pre-eminent masters of haiku – Basho, Buson,Issa, Shiki – are still greatly venerated and imitated.
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