Again shortly after van­guard, front pre­sented a check­point, about 2 terjemahan - Again shortly after van­guard, front pre­sented a check­point, about 2 Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Again shortly after van­guard, fron

Again shortly after van­guard, front pre­sented a check­point, about 200 + hot lion mer­ce­nary sol­diers are guard­ing here, looks at our these 1000 troops, they have alerted ob­vi­ously for a long time, above archers stood in the archer's tower city fill al­ready at dag­gers drawn, the cav­alry sol­dier who on a shoul­der wore the mil­i­tary of­fi­cer sym­bol pro­gressed to come, shouted to clear the way in a low voice: „Sin­ga­pore heavy, is not al­lowed the sur­round­ing mil­i­tary strength to enter, who you are!”
Xia Ye pokes the old fes­ti­val in warhorse one side travel bag, holds the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Asked this gen­eral to no­tify one for us, the day plume em­pire palace guards com­mands, bro­ken caul­dron male Li Xiao Yao to visit Sin­ga­pore per­son­ally the main and hot lion mer­ce­nary sol­dier group reg­i­men­tal com­man­der xing hot gen­eral!”
The mil­i­tary of­fi­cer of op­po­site party has been star­tled being star­tled: „Bro­ken caul­dron male does Li Xiao Yao visit per­son­ally?”
I am smil­ing im­me­di­ately, pull out my token, said: „Can con­firm?”
He is some­what anx­ious, cramped road: „Does not use, bro­ken caul­dron male is too po­lite, please enter, but Sin­ga­pore has own cus­tom, the ex­ter­nal army can not over hun­dred peo­ple, but the palace guard ac­tu­ally at least came 1000 peo­ple!”
Xia Ye has a look at me, said in a low voice: „Gen­eral, what to do?”
I with­out hes­i­ta­tion: „That choice hun­dred peo­ple go in me!”
Xia Ye called the first team of hun­dred peo­ple to enter Sin­ga­pore with us di­rectly, truly was sharp, al­most uni­form tem­ple knight, had them to ac­com­pany, even if were the hot lion mer­ce­nary sol­dier launches an at­tack, we also mostly can kill the city to es­cape, I did not have the issue in any case, thou­sand frost wings opened, no­body can block me to walk.
The sum­mer leaf is rais­ing fes­ti­val stick as be­fore, lead­ing one group of peo­ple to drive away the cat­tle, to trans­port the freight ve­hi­cle to enter Sin­ga­pore, when we enter Sin­ga­pore ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that here is not in­deed wealthy, in the city com­mon peo­ple many are liv­ing life in rags, the Sin­ga­pore sur­round­ings re­sources are de­fi­cient, is un­able to cul­ti­vate too much lands, does not have too many trade route com­mu­ni­ca­tion doing busi­ness, the na­ture was in­fe­rior to Tian Ling Em­pire in the cloth and silk fab­rics greatly.
A mer­ce­nary sol­dier team leader ea­gerly an­tic­i­pates our one group of peo­ple to di­rectly soar the city main palace, Sin­ga­pore is too not big, less than 20 min­utes can cross the north and south, when we ar­rive at the city main palace, the dis­cov­ery city main palace in­com­pa­ra­ble lux­ury, the fa­cade even has ac­tu­ally sur­passed the style of Tian Ling Em­pire im­pe­r­ial palace, the Baiyu col­umn that soar­ing to the heav­ens is tow­er­ing, under is a row of equip­ment ex­cel­lent armed sol­dier in guard­ing, when we ar­rive at the Baiyu gate front, raises the mil­i­tary of­fi­cer of tom­a­hawk to shout to clear the way lowly: „Halts to me! Can't you un­der­stand the cus­tom? Re­lieves the pointed weapons to me, oth­er­wise can not enter Jiangjunfu!”
I am qui­etly re­ceived the but­ter­fly and town Yue Dao the travel bag to­gether, beck­ons with the hand, said: „Leaves be­hind the weapon.”
Xia Ye knit­ting the brows head, said: „Did not have the pointed weapons, once they launch an at­tack, we can only de­gen­er­ate into prey­ing on block!”
I: „Relax, they do not dare to be dis­solute.”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Again shortly after van­guard, front pre­sented a check­point, about 200 + hot lion mer­ce­nary sol­diers are guard­ing here, looks at our these 1000 troops, they have alerted ob­vi­ously for a long time, above archers stood in the archer's tower city fill al­ready at dag­gers drawn, the cav­alry sol­dier who on a shoul­der wore the mil­i­tary of­fi­cer sym­bol pro­gressed to come, shouted to clear the way in a low voice: „Sin­ga­pore heavy, is not al­lowed the sur­round­ing mil­i­tary strength to enter, who you are!”Xia Ye pokes the old fes­ti­val in warhorse one side travel bag, holds the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Asked this gen­eral to no­tify one for us, the day plume em­pire palace guards com­mands, bro­ken caul­dron male Li Xiao Yao to visit Sin­ga­pore per­son­ally the main and hot lion mer­ce­nary sol­dier group reg­i­men­tal com­man­der xing hot gen­eral!”The mil­i­tary of­fi­cer of op­po­site party has been star­tled being star­tled: „Bro­ken caul­dron male does Li Xiao Yao visit per­son­ally?”I am smil­ing im­me­di­ately, pull out my token, said: „Can con­firm?”He is some­what anx­ious, cramped road: „Does not use, bro­ken caul­dron male is too po­lite, please enter, but Sin­ga­pore has own cus­tom, the ex­ter­nal army can not over hun­dred peo­ple, but the palace guard ac­tu­ally at least came 1000 peo­ple!”Xia Ye has a look at me, said in a low voice: „Gen­eral, what to do?”I with­out hes­i­ta­tion: „That choice hun­dred peo­ple go in me!”„Yes!”Xia Ye called the first team of hun­dred peo­ple to enter Sin­ga­pore with us di­rectly, truly was sharp, al­most uni­form tem­ple knight, had them to ac­com­pany, even if were the hot lion mer­ce­nary sol­dier launches an at­tack, we also mostly can kill the city to es­cape, I did not have the issue in any case, thou­sand frost wings opened, no­body can block me to walk.The sum­mer leaf is rais­ing fes­ti­val stick as be­fore, lead­ing one group of peo­ple to drive away the cat­tle, to trans­port the freight ve­hi­cle to enter Sin­ga­pore, when we enter Sin­ga­pore ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that here is not in­deed wealthy, in the city com­mon peo­ple many are liv­ing life in rags, the Sin­ga­pore sur­round­ings re­sources are de­fi­cient, is un­able to cul­ti­vate too much lands, does not have too many trade route com­mu­ni­ca­tion doing busi­ness, the na­ture was in­fe­rior to Tian Ling Em­pire in the cloth and silk fab­rics greatly.A mer­ce­nary sol­dier team leader ea­gerly an­tic­i­pates our one group of peo­ple to di­rectly soar the city main palace, Sin­ga­pore is too not big, less than 20 min­utes can cross the north and south, when we ar­rive at the city main palace, the dis­cov­ery city main palace in­com­pa­ra­ble lux­ury, the fa­cade even has ac­tu­ally sur­passed the style of Tian Ling Em­pire im­pe­r­ial palace, the Baiyu col­umn that soar­ing to the heav­ens is tow­er­ing, under is a row of equip­ment ex­cel­lent armed sol­dier in guard­ing, when we ar­rive at the Baiyu gate front, raises the mil­i­tary of­fi­cer of tom­a­hawk to shout to clear the way lowly: „Halts to me! Can't you un­der­stand the cus­tom? Re­lieves the pointed weapons to me, oth­er­wise can not enter Jiangjunfu!”I am qui­etly re­ceived the but­ter­fly and town Yue Dao the travel bag to­gether, beck­ons with the hand, said: „Leaves be­hind the weapon.”„Gen­eral”Xia Ye knit­ting the brows head, said: „Did not have the pointed weapons, once they launch an at­tack, we can only de­gen­er­ate into prey­ing on block!”I: „Relax, they do not dare to be dis­solute.”„Yes!”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sekali lagi tak lama setelah barisan depan, depan disajikan sebuah pos pemeriksaan, sekitar 200 + panas singa tentara bayaran yang menjaga di sini, melihat kami 1000 pasukan ini, mereka telah diperingatkan jelas untuk waktu yang lama, di atas pemanah berdiri di pemanah mengisi kota tower sudah di belati ditarik , prajurit kavaleri yang di bahu mengenakan simbol perwira militer berkembang untuk datang, berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan dengan suara rendah: "! Singapura berat, tidak diperbolehkan kekuatan militer sekitarnya untuk masuk, siapa Anda"
Xia Ye pokes yang festival tua di kuda perang tas travel satu sisi, memegang tangan di sisi lain mengatakan: "Ditanyakan ini umum untuk memberitahukan satu untuk kita, hari membanggakan kerajaan istana penjaga perintah, patah kuali laki-laki Li Xiao Yao untuk mengunjungi Singapura pribadi utama dan panas ! singa tentara bayaran kelompok tentara resimen komandan xing panas umum "
perwira militer pihak lawan telah dikejutkan sedang kaget:"? Patah kuali laki-laki tidak Li Xiao Yao kunjungan pribadi "
saya tersenyum segera, mengeluarkan tanda saya, berkata:" Bisa mengkonfirmasi ? "
Dia agak cemas, jalan sempit:" Apakah tidak menggunakan, patah kawah laki-laki terlalu sopan, masukkan, tapi Singapura memiliki kebiasaan sendiri, tentara eksternal tidak bisa lebih seratus orang, tapi pengawal istana benar-benar setidaknya datang 1000 orang "
Xia Ye memiliki menatapku, berkata dengan suara rendah:" General, apa yang harus dilakukan "?
saya tanpa ragu-ragu:" Itu pilihan ratus orang masuk saya "!
" Ya! "
Xia Ye disebut tim pertama dari seratus orang untuk memasuki Singapura dengan kami secara langsung, benar-benar tajam, hampir seragam ksatria kuil, telah mereka untuk menemani, bahkan jika itu singa panas tentara bayaran meluncurkan serangan, kami juga sebagian besar dapat membunuh kota untuk melarikan diri, saya tidak punya masalah dalam hal apapun, seribu sayap es dibuka, tidak ada yang bisa menghalangi saya untuk berjalan.
daun musim panas membesarkan festival tongkat seperti sebelumnya, memimpin satu kelompok orang untuk mengusir ternak, untuk mengangkut kendaraan angkutan untuk memasuki Singapura, ketika kita memasuki Singapura benar-benar menemukan bahwa di sini tidak memang kaya, di masyarakat umum kota banyak yang menjalani hidup compang-camping, sumber daya Singapore lingkungan kekurangan, tidak dapat mengolah tanah terlalu banyak, tidak memiliki terlalu banyak komunikasi rute perdagangan berbisnis, alam itu kalah dengan Tian Ling Empire di kain dan kain sutra sangat.
Seorang pemimpin tim tentara bayaran penuh semangat mengantisipasi salah satu kelompok kami orang langsung melambung kota istana utama, Singapura terlalu tidak besar, kurang dari 20 menit dapat menyeberangi utara dan selatan, ketika kita tiba di kota istana utama, kota penemuan istana utama tertandingi mewah, fasad bahkan telah benar-benar melampaui gaya Tian Ling Empire istana kekaisaran, kolom Baiyu yang melonjak ke langit yang menjulang tinggi, di bawah deretan peralatan yang sangat baik tentara bersenjata di penjagaan, ketika kita tiba di Baiyu gerbang depan, menimbulkan perwira militer dari tomahawk berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan rendah: "Menghentikan dengan saya! Tidak bisa Anda memahami kebiasaan? ! Mengurangi senjata menunjuk kepada saya, jika tidak bisa masuk Jiangjunfu "
Saya diam-diam menerima kupu-kupu dan kota Yue Dao tas perjalanan bersama-sama, mengundang dengan tangan, mengatakan:" Daun di belakang senjata ".
" General "
Xia Ye merajut alis kepala, mengatakan: "tidak memiliki senjata runcing, setelah mereka melancarkan serangan, kita hanya bisa berubah menjadi memangsa blok!"
I: "Tenang, mereka tidak berani untuk menjadi bermoral."
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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