A South Ko­rean deep pool foot ma­li­ciously tram­ples on Luis's leg,  terjemahan - A South Ko­rean deep pool foot ma­li­ciously tram­ples on Luis's leg,  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

A South Ko­rean deep pool foot ma­l

A South Ko­rean deep pool foot ma­li­ciously tram­ples on Luis's leg, im­me­di­ately proud crazy Lei Jun com­mands kneels be­fore me in­stan­ta­neously, but the Luo four arms are shiv­er­ing, knees down slowly, in the eye is pass­ing des­per­ately, has ac­cepted fate, Xi­a­hou Ren­geng knees down long time ago, al­ready did not have the ini­tial ram­pant ar­ro­gance, side Xi­a­hou Ren, in hand, in ad­di­tion grasped the young girl of long hal­berd to look at my one eyes wickedly, she on was a that cloud is float­ing, takes over Qin Ye the po­si­tion be­comes com­mand­ing of flood dragon armed forces, the flood dragon armed forces had only been killed by us in a blue large male deer val­ley ser­vice. Re­main­ing is less than 10,000 peo­ple, now a war, can have 3000 peo­ple good again.
In sev­eral se­nior gen­er­als, an only truly per­son stands there as be­fore proudly, in the hand is grasp­ing the long sword, lets some­body cool off or calm down looks at the sur­round­ings, swings Xiao Li iron spear with the long sword sud­denly, shouted to clear the way: „Go away!”
Xiao Li stares, Ping Jutie the spear, has made the charge ges­ture sud­denly, shouted to clear the way lowly: „Old thing, are you are court­ing death?”
My hur­ried road: „Xiao Li, stop!”
Xiao Li is stunned: „Sir, why don't we butcher this old thing di­rectly?”
I: „Tem­porar­ily, does not want first”
At this time, dis­tant place one group of cav­al­ries flushed, is the im­pe­r­ial guard per­son, com­manded Situ Xin in the front line, the hand is grasp­ing the long sword, shouted loudly: „Bro­ken caul­dron male, please keep south the town a king life!”
He to plun­der­ing to come, to roll off the sad­dle to dis­con­tinue, kneels in my front sud­denly, holds the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Please re­tain a truly life, this is your majesty re­quested mat­ter that only you han­dle”
I knit the brows, said: „Situ fire­wood, I de­cided in­nately that you stand in the one side look!”
Truly is grasp­ing the long sword, sneers say­ing: „Li Xiao Yao, you have won, fi­nally you have won, is the taste of win­ner is what kind of?”
My deep looked at his one eyes, said: „Shal­low for­est is your son, are you for the au­thor­ity, cruel enough to de­pose him re­ally?”
Truly ice-cold say­ing: „Since old times the im­pe­r­ial throne had virtue to oc­cupy it, the shal­low for­est that child's in­di­vid­u­al­ity ex­tremely in the del­i­cacy, on the tu­mul­tuous times, he only will ac­tu­ally delay the day of plume em­pire, even if the final win­ner is I, I only will also dis­place, but has not harmed his life.”
I show a faint smile, pulls out the hand-writ­ten let­ter of shal­low for­est from the bosom, raised hand to throw, the paper from the sky flew up­wards, the above im­pe­r­ial seal color was pass­ing blood red, I said: „This is the sov­er­eign gives my se­cret order, the palace guard fol­lows or­ders to sweep the em­pire to be filthy, but truly you are the fa­ther of sov­er­eign, the despo­tism is ar­bi­trary, forges an im­pe­r­ial edict the at­tack palace guard, ha­rasses the in­ter­nal af­fairs, ac­cord­ing to law, when cuts, you have a look, above has the own hand­writ­ing char­ac­ter and im­pe­r­ial seal of seal shal­low for­est.”
Is truly stunned: „Shal­low for­est he”
Situ Xin in by­path: „South the town the king you could rest as­sured that the shal­low for­est said in the let­ter, for­gives your life, you can take care of the nat­ural lifes­pan until dying of old age in the im­pe­r­ial palace.”
Truly whole body trem­bles, in eye is pass­ing a hope: „Shal­low for­est doesn't he kill me re­ally?”
Situ Xin nods.
„” I did not say one.
Al­most all peo­ple looked in­stan­ta­neously to me, Situ Xin said in con­ster­na­tion: „Did Gen­eral Li, what you say?”
„I did not say.”
My ex­pres­sion is tran­quil, left hand lifted has drawn out the saber of Han Yuan waist, threw the long sword di­rectly, „scoff­ing” a sword blade edge en­tered in un­cul­ti­vated land eart
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
A South Ko­rean deep pool foot ma­li­ciously tram­ples on Luis's leg, im­me­di­ately proud crazy Lei Jun com­mands kneels be­fore me in­stan­ta­neously, but the Luo four arms are shiv­er­ing, knees down slowly, in the eye is pass­ing des­per­ately, has ac­cepted fate, Xi­a­hou Ren­geng knees down long time ago, al­ready did not have the ini­tial ram­pant ar­ro­gance, side Xi­a­hou Ren, in hand, in ad­di­tion grasped the young girl of long hal­berd to look at my one eyes wickedly, she on was a that cloud is float­ing, takes over Qin Ye the po­si­tion be­comes com­mand­ing of flood dragon armed forces, the flood dragon armed forces had only been killed by us in a blue large male deer val­ley ser­vice. Re­main­ing is less than 10,000 peo­ple, now a war, can have 3000 peo­ple good again.In sev­eral se­nior gen­er­als, an only truly per­son stands there as be­fore proudly, in the hand is grasp­ing the long sword, lets some­body cool off or calm down looks at the sur­round­ings, swings Xiao Li iron spear with the long sword sud­denly, shouted to clear the way: „Go away!”Xiao Li stares, Ping Jutie the spear, has made the charge ges­ture sud­denly, shouted to clear the way lowly: „Old thing, are you are court­ing death?”My hur­ried road: „Xiao Li, stop!”Xiao Li is stunned: „Sir, why don't we butcher this old thing di­rectly?”I: „Tem­porar­ily, does not want first”At this time, dis­tant place one group of cav­al­ries flushed, is the im­pe­r­ial guard per­son, com­manded Situ Xin in the front line, the hand is grasp­ing the long sword, shouted loudly: „Bro­ken caul­dron male, please keep south the town a king life!”He to plun­der­ing to come, to roll off the sad­dle to dis­con­tinue, kneels in my front sud­denly, holds the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Please re­tain a truly life, this is your majesty re­quested mat­ter that only you han­dle”I knit the brows, said: „Situ fire­wood, I de­cided in­nately that you stand in the one side look!”„Good!”Truly is grasp­ing the long sword, sneers say­ing: „Li Xiao Yao, you have won, fi­nally you have won, is the taste of win­ner is what kind of?”„Truly”My deep looked at his one eyes, said: „Shal­low for­est is your son, are you for the au­thor­ity, cruel enough to de­pose him re­ally?”Truly ice-cold say­ing: „Since old times the im­pe­r­ial throne had virtue to oc­cupy it, the shal­low for­est that child's in­di­vid­u­al­ity ex­tremely in the del­i­cacy, on the tu­mul­tuous times, he only will ac­tu­ally delay the day of plume em­pire, even if the final win­ner is I, I only will also dis­place, but has not harmed his life.”I show a faint smile, pulls out the hand-writ­ten let­ter of shal­low for­est from the bosom, raised hand to throw, the paper from the sky flew up­wards, the above im­pe­r­ial seal color was pass­ing blood red, I said: „This is the sov­er­eign gives my se­cret order, the palace guard fol­lows or­ders to sweep the em­pire to be filthy, but truly you are the fa­ther of sov­er­eign, the despo­tism is ar­bi­trary, forges an im­pe­r­ial edict the at­tack palace guard, ha­rasses the in­ter­nal af­fairs, ac­cord­ing to law, when cuts, you have a look, above has the own hand­writ­ing char­ac­ter and im­pe­r­ial seal of seal shal­low for­est.”Is truly stunned: „Shal­low for­est he”Situ Xin in by­path: „South the town the king you could rest as­sured that the shal­low for­est said in the let­ter, for­gives your life, you can take care of the nat­ural lifes­pan until dying of old age in the im­pe­r­ial palace.”Truly whole body trem­bles, in eye is pass­ing a hope: „Shal­low for­est doesn't he kill me re­ally?”Situ Xin nods.„” I did not say one.Al­most all peo­ple looked in­stan­ta­neously to me, Situ Xin said in con­ster­na­tion: „Did Gen­eral Li, what you say?”„I did not say.”My ex­pres­sion is tran­quil, left hand lifted has drawn out the saber of Han Yuan waist, threw the long sword di­rectly, „scoff­ing” a sword blade edge en­tered in un­cul­ti­vated land eart
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sebuah kolam yang dalam kaki Korea Selatan jahat menginjak-injak kaki Luis, langsung bangga gila Lei Juni perintah berlutut di depan saya seketika, tapi Luo empat lengan menggigil, lutut ke bawah perlahan-lahan, di mata lewat putus asa, telah menerima nasib, lutut Xiahou Rengeng bawah lama, sudah tidak memiliki arogansi merajalela awal, sisi Xiahou Ren, di tangan, di samping memahami gadis muda tombak panjang untuk melihat salah satu mata jahat, dia pada adalah awan yang mengambang, mengambil alih Qin Ye posisi menjadi komandan angkatan bersenjata naga banjir, naga banjir angkatan bersenjata hanya dibunuh oleh kami di layanan rusa lembah jantan besar berwarna biru. Sisanya kurang dari 10.000 orang, sekarang perang, dapat memiliki 3000 orang yang baik lagi.
Dalam beberapa jenderal senior, orang hanya benar-benar berdiri di sana seperti sebelumnya bangga, di tangan yang menggenggam pedang panjang, memungkinkan seseorang dingin atau tenang terlihat di sekitarnya, ayunan Xiao Li besi tombak dengan pedang panjang tiba-tiba, berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan: "! pergi"
Xiao Li menatap, Ping Jutie tombak, telah membuat tuduhan gerakan tiba-tiba, berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan rendah: " hal lama, yang Anda pacaran kematian "?
saya bergegas jalan:" Xiao Li, berhenti "!
Xiao Li tertegun:" Sir, mengapa kita tidak membantai barang tua ini langsung "?
saya:" Untuk sementara, tidak ingin pertama "
pada saat ini, jauh tempat satu kelompok cavalries memerah, adalah penjaga orang kekaisaran, diperintahkan Situ Xin di garis depan, tangan yang menggenggam pedang panjang, berteriak keras:" Broken kuali laki-laki, harap menjaga selatan kota raja ! hidup "
Dia ke menjarah untuk datang, untuk roll off pelana untuk menghentikan, berlutut di depan saya tiba-tiba, memegang tangan di sisi lain mengatakan:" Silakan mempertahankan yang benar-benar hidup, ini adalah yang Mulia meminta hal yang hanya Anda menangani "
saya merajut alis, mengatakan: "Situ kayu bakar, saya memutuskan bawaan bahwa Anda berdiri di satu sisi tampilan!"
Sesungguhnya yang menggenggam pedang panjang, menyeringai mengatakan: "Li Xiao Yao, Anda telah memenangkan, akhirnya Anda memiliki won, adalah rasa pemenang adalah apa jenis "?
" benar-benar "
saya dalam memandang satu matanya, mengatakan:"? hutan dangkal adalah anak Anda, yang Anda untuk otoritas, cukup kejam untuk menggulingkan dia benar-benar "
sesungguhnya es- pepatah dingin: "Sejak lama kali takhta kekaisaran memiliki kebajikan untuk menempatinya, hutan dangkal yang individualitas anak sangat di kelezatan, pada situasi yang penuh gejolak, ia hanya akan benar-benar menunda hari kerajaan membanggakan, bahkan jika pemenang akhir adalah saya , saya hanya akan menggantikan, namun tidak dirugikan hidupnya. "
saya menunjukkan senyum samar, menarik keluar surat yang ditulis tangan hutan dangkal dari dada, mengangkat tangan untuk melempar, kertas dari langit terbang ke atas, di atas warna segel kekaisaran lewat darah merah, saya berkata: "ini adalah berdaulat memberikan perintah rahasia saya, pengawal istana mengikuti perintah untuk menyapu kekaisaran untuk menjadi kotor, tapi benar-benar Anda adalah ayah dari berdaulat, despotisme adalah sewenang-wenang, menempa kekaisaran dekrit penjaga serangan istana, melecehkan urusan internal, menurut hukum, ketika pemotongan, Anda melihat-lihat, di atas memiliki karakter tulisan tangan sendiri dan segel kekaisaran hutan dangkal seal ".
Apakah benar-benar tertegun:" hutan dangkal dia "
Situ Xin di jalan simpangan: "Selatan kota raja Anda bisa yakin bahwa hutan dangkal mengatakan dalam surat itu, mengampuni hidup Anda, Anda bisa mengurus umur alam hingga sekarat usia tua di istana kekaisaran."
gemetar tubuh Sesungguhnya seluruh, mata adalah melewati harapan: "? hutan dangkal dia tidak membunuh saya benar-benar"
. Situ Xin mengangguk
"". saya tidak mengatakan satu
Hampir semua orang tampak seketika kepada saya, mengatakan Situ Xin dalam ketakutan: "apakah General Li, apa yang Anda katakan? "
" aku tidak bilang. "
ekspresi saya tenang, tangan kiri terangkat telah ditarik keluar saber dari Han Yuan pinggang, melemparkan pedang panjang langsung," mengejek "tepi pedang pisau dimasukkan dalam eart tanah yang tidak digarap
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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