Every month, many girls undergo moments that drive them mad. Everythin terjemahan - Every month, many girls undergo moments that drive them mad. Everythin Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Every month, many girls undergo mom

Every month, many girls undergo moments that drive them mad. Everything seems to come loose before and even during menstruation. All f sudden your boyfriend has become sooo annoying, your best buddies appear unreliable, your mom’s fussiness has increased tenfold, and your dad seems to be less and less sympathetic about your problems. Not to mention your brothers and sisters…ugh!

Wait, gals! Don’t put the blame entirely on your period if it plays havoc with your mood. It helps a lot to know more about this monthly guest. Menstruation is a natural process that happens to all women. The ideal menstrual cycle occurs once every 28 days. Usually it lasts for 2-7 days. The easiest way to keep track of your menstrual cycle is by marking the calendar. You can mark every day that you bleed on the calendar, beginning with the first day of your period. Don’t worry if your period comes two days earlier or later than did the previous month. This has to do with the calculation of the period which is different from the calculation on the calendar. So an early or late start is still considered normal as long as the cycle ranges from 22 to 35 days.

The bleeding during a period happens because the uterine lining (endometrium) is shed. Every month, woman’s womb builds lining as preparation for a possible pregnancy. If pregnancy fails to happen, the built lining is shed as tissues mixed with blood. The shedding stimulates the womb muscles to contract. The contractions cause an uncomfortable feeling, often called cramps, painful menstruation, or menstruation pain, varies from mild to severe. Lower abdominal (tummy) cramp is common but the pain can also spread to the lower back and thighs. Some pain during menstruation is normal but excessive pain is not. However, excessive menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) affects nearly 15% of menstruating women around their period time, causing time loss from school or work.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Every month, many girls undergo moments that drive them mad. Everything seems to come loose before and even during menstruation. All f sudden your boyfriend has become sooo annoying, your best buddies appear unreliable, your mom’s fussiness has increased tenfold, and your dad seems to be less and less sympathetic about your problems. Not to mention your brothers and sisters…ugh!MenstruationWait, gals! Don’t put the blame entirely on your period if it plays havoc with your mood. It helps a lot to know more about this monthly guest. Menstruation is a natural process that happens to all women. The ideal menstrual cycle occurs once every 28 days. Usually it lasts for 2-7 days. The easiest way to keep track of your menstrual cycle is by marking the calendar. You can mark every day that you bleed on the calendar, beginning with the first day of your period. Don’t worry if your period comes two days earlier or later than did the previous month. This has to do with the calculation of the period which is different from the calculation on the calendar. So an early or late start is still considered normal as long as the cycle ranges from 22 to 35 days.The bleeding during a period happens because the uterine lining (endometrium) is shed. Every month, woman’s womb builds lining as preparation for a possible pregnancy. If pregnancy fails to happen, the built lining is shed as tissues mixed with blood. The shedding stimulates the womb muscles to contract. The contractions cause an uncomfortable feeling, often called cramps, painful menstruation, or menstruation pain, varies from mild to severe. Lower abdominal (tummy) cramp is common but the pain can also spread to the lower back and thighs. Some pain during menstruation is normal but excessive pain is not. However, excessive menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) affects nearly 15% of menstruating women around their period time, causing time loss from school or work.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Setiap bulan, banyak gadis menjalani saat-saat yang mendorong mereka gila. Semuanya tampaknya datang longgar sebelum dan bahkan selama menstruasi. Semua f tiba-tiba pacar Anda telah menjadi sooo menjengkelkan, teman-teman terbaik Anda muncul tidak dapat diandalkan, kerewelan ibumu telah meningkat sepuluh kali lipat, dan ayahmu tampaknya kurang dan kurang simpatik tentang masalah Anda. Belum lagi saudara-saudara Anda ... ugh! Menstruasi Tunggu, gals! Jangan menyalahkan sepenuhnya pada periode Anda jika memainkan malapetaka dengan suasana hati Anda. Itu banyak membantu untuk mengetahui lebih banyak tentang tamu bulanan ini. Menstruasi adalah proses alami yang terjadi pada semua wanita. Siklus menstruasi yang ideal terjadi sekali setiap 28 hari. Biasanya berlangsung selama 2-7 hari. Cara termudah untuk melacak siklus menstruasi Anda adalah dengan menandai kalender. Anda dapat menandai setiap hari bahwa Anda berdarah di kalender, dimulai dengan hari pertama periode Anda. Jangan khawatir jika haid datang dua hari sebelumnya atau kemudian daripada bulan sebelumnya. Hal ini berkaitan dengan perhitungan periode yang berbeda dari perhitungan pada kalender. Jadi lebih awal atau akhir masih dianggap normal selama siklus berkisar 22-35 hari. Perdarahan selama periode terjadi karena rahim (endometrium) adalah gudang. Rahim setiap bulan, wanita build lapisan sebagai persiapan untuk kemungkinan kehamilan. Jika kehamilan gagal terjadi, lapisan dibangun ditumpahkan sebagai jaringan bercampur darah. Penumpahan merangsang otot rahim untuk berkontraksi. Kontraksi menyebabkan perasaan tidak nyaman, sering disebut kram, nyeri haid, nyeri haid atau, bervariasi dari ringan sampai berat. Perut bagian bawah (perut) kram adalah umum tetapi rasa sakit juga dapat menyebar ke punggung bawah dan paha. Rasa sakit saat menstruasi adalah normal tapi rasa sakit yang berlebihan tidak. Namun, nyeri haid yang berlebihan (dismenore) mempengaruhi hampir 15% dari wanita menstruasi sekitar waktu periode mereka, menyebabkan hilangnya waktu dari sekolah atau bekerja.

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