The relative proportions of the maceral groups determine coal type. Th terjemahan - The relative proportions of the maceral groups determine coal type. Th Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The relative proportions of the mac

The relative proportions of the maceral groups determine coal type. The vitrinite reflectance of a coal can be taken as a measure of its rank. These two variables are substantially independent, that is, they are orthogonal variables. Some degree of interaction occurs because the volume changes with rank are different for different macerals. Additionally, some macerals such as exsudatinite and micrinite are formed during rank change. Type and rank are independent to the extent that coal type does not influence coal rank. It may, however, affect some of the properties that are used to estimate coal rank.
Concepts similar to those of coal type and rank apply to the organic matter in other types of sedimentary rocks but it is common in that context to refer to rank-related change as the level of maturation and organic matter type is generally assessed in terms of source potential. Maturation is commonly stated to be a diagenetic process. However, as the driving factors are temperature and time, it is more correctly considered as a metamorphic process, part of organic metamorphism.
Although reflectance is a major distinguishing feature between the maceral groups, morphological differences are of critical factor in defining macerals. Most of the liptinite macerals show botanical structures that clearly indicate the origin of these macerals. In vitrinite-rich coals, vitrinite occurs as a mesostasis to the other macerals and in medium rank coals is distinguished by plastic behaviour adjacent to localised stress fields associated with differential compaction. Inertinite is more brittle than vitrinite. Although some plastic flow structures are present in lower reflecting inertinite occurrences, they are much less marked compared with those found in vitrinite. The characteristics used in making distinctions between maceral groups vary over the rank range.
Other important properties, such as carbon content, show a correlation with reflectance. Carbon content was recognized at an early stage as an important measure of coal rank and from this correlation it is clear that vitrinite reflectance can also be used to estimate coal rank. For the estimation of rank, the measurement of vitrinite reflectance is a simpler procedure than the measurement of carbon content. Further, it does not require corrections for the presence of mineral matter and the measurements are made on one maceral group, reducing the variation due to changes in the relative abundance of the maceral groups.
Minerals are excluded from the definition of macerals. However, it must be recognized that a sharp distinction cannot always be made. Minerals occurring as particles less than about 0.0005 mm (0.5nm) in diameter cannot be resolved with an optical microscope. Additionally, in low rank coals, some inorganic compounds are present in the water within the macerals and cations can be complexed with the organic matter in the coal. In making maceral analyses, mineral particles that can be distinguished are recorded separately.
Clear distinction between the maceral groups can be made in most cases. However, transitions between maceral groups do occur. Such transitions are rarely important volumetrically and present the greatest problems with some Permian and Cretaceous coals but do not give rise to problems with Tertiary coals. The most difficult aspect of making maceral analyses for coals of Tertiary age, is the presence in many coals of very small inclusions of liptinite within the vitrinite and the resolution of fine grained liptinite-rich aggregates. Accurate point counting of small entities is more difficult than for larger entities.Each maceral group is subdivided into a number of macerals. The macerals have a smaller range of properties compared with the parent maceral group. Morphology (external shape and internal texture) is the primary feature used in differentiating macerals. Further differentiation of macerals into maceral varieties can be made on the basis of lower level differences in morphology.
For the examination of morphology of the liptinite macerals, the use of fluorescence-mode illumination is essential. It may also be valuable for some unusual types of vitrinite. Where point counting is undertaken, each field should be examined in both reflected white light mode and fluorescence-mode. This is to be preferred over the sequential count method where a reflected white light mode count is followed by a fluorescence-mode count. The bituminite figured in Table 2.4 is from marine rocks, Bituminite in coals remains to be defined.
The various editions of the Glossary produced by the ICCP have different maceral classifications for lower rank coals (essentially brown coals) and for coals of higher rank. The main difference is the use of the term "HUMINITE" for the group of entities that is termed "VITRINITE" in coals of higher rank. The classification for the liptinite and inertinite groups is the same. For this study, the classification recommended accepted at the 1999 meeting of the ICCP is used. In this system, the term "VITRINITE" is used for related macerals throughout the rank range. It is subdivided into three subgroups and the macerals recognised within these subgroups pick up the textural terms that are of significance in studies of brown coals. In maceral analyses, vitrinite can be left undivided, subdivided to the subgroup level or divided to the maceral and sub-maceral levels, depending upon the requirements for the analyses. Vitrinite textural features will be indicated only if discrimination is made at the maceral level. THE VITRINITE GROUP
Vitrinite is the most abundant maceral in most, but not all, coals. In some coals of Palaeozoic or Mesozoic age, inertinite and more rarely liptinite is the most abundant maceral group. Most coals of Tertiary age have a very high content of vitrinite, the only exceptions being some relatively rare coals in which resinite or bituminite is unusually abundant. Thus, in volumetric terms, vitrinite is the most important maceral.
Distinguishing features of vitrinite
Vitrinite is distinguished from the other maceral groups primarily on the basis of its morphology, but the morphology of vitrinite in coals varies widely. Other properties of vitrinite are normally taken into account when making identifications of specific phytoclasts. Reflectance, dispersion of reflectance values about the mean, and autofluorescence properties are important additional criteria used in identification.
Most liptinite macerals of low to medium rank show much stronger autofluorescence than vitrinite and this is a further distinguishing feature. Thus, although the distinction of vitrinite from other maceral groups in coals is made primarily on morphological grounds, in practice, reflectance is commonly the most important criterion used to identify any given field. With dispersed organic matter in sediments, reflectance is less reliable in identifying vitrinite.
At low and medium ranks, vitrinite has a reflectance higher than that of liptinite and lower than that of inertinite. It shows negative polishing relief with respect to the other maceral groups and most minerals. In the middle and upper parts of the bituminous coal range, liptinite reflectance converges on that of vitrinite. Within the anthracite range, the maximum reflectance of vitrinite
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Proporsi relatif dari kelompok maceral menentukan tipe batubara. Reflektansi reflektansi batubara dapat diambil sebagai ukuran peringkat. Kedua variabel secara substansial independen, yaitu mereka adalah variabel ortogonal. Beberapa tingkat interaksi terjadi karena perubahan volume dengan peringkat berbeda untuk berbagai macerals. Selain itu, beberapa macerals seperti exsudatinite dan micrinite yang terbentuk selama perubahan peringkat. Jenis dan peringkat yang independen untuk sejauh bahwa tipe batubara tidak mempengaruhi peringkat batubara. Namun, dapat, mempengaruhi beberapa properti yang digunakan untuk memperkirakan batubara peringkat.Konsep-konsep yang mirip dengan tipe batubara dan peringkat berlaku untuk bahan organik dalam jenis batuan sedimen tapi umum dalam konteks untuk merujuk kepada pangkat yang berhubungan dengan perubahan sebagai tingkat pematangan dan jenis bahan organik umumnya dinilai dalam hal potensi sumber. Pematangan umumnya dinyatakan menjadi proses diagenetic. Namun, seperti faktor-faktor mengemudi suhu dan waktu, itu lebih tepat dianggap sebagai proses metamorf, Bagian dari metamorphism organik.Although reflectance is a major distinguishing feature between the maceral groups, morphological differences are of critical factor in defining macerals. Most of the liptinite macerals show botanical structures that clearly indicate the origin of these macerals. In vitrinite-rich coals, vitrinite occurs as a mesostasis to the other macerals and in medium rank coals is distinguished by plastic behaviour adjacent to localised stress fields associated with differential compaction. Inertinite is more brittle than vitrinite. Although some plastic flow structures are present in lower reflecting inertinite occurrences, they are much less marked compared with those found in vitrinite. The characteristics used in making distinctions between maceral groups vary over the rank range.Other important properties, such as carbon content, show a correlation with reflectance. Carbon content was recognized at an early stage as an important measure of coal rank and from this correlation it is clear that vitrinite reflectance can also be used to estimate coal rank. For the estimation of rank, the measurement of vitrinite reflectance is a simpler procedure than the measurement of carbon content. Further, it does not require corrections for the presence of mineral matter and the measurements are made on one maceral group, reducing the variation due to changes in the relative abundance of the maceral groups.Minerals are excluded from the definition of macerals. However, it must be recognized that a sharp distinction cannot always be made. Minerals occurring as particles less than about 0.0005 mm (0.5nm) in diameter cannot be resolved with an optical microscope. Additionally, in low rank coals, some inorganic compounds are present in the water within the macerals and cations can be complexed with the organic matter in the coal. In making maceral analyses, mineral particles that can be distinguished are recorded separately.Clear distinction between the maceral groups can be made in most cases. However, transitions between maceral groups do occur. Such transitions are rarely important volumetrically and present the greatest problems with some Permian and Cretaceous coals but do not give rise to problems with Tertiary coals. The most difficult aspect of making maceral analyses for coals of Tertiary age, is the presence in many coals of very small inclusions of liptinite within the vitrinite and the resolution of fine grained liptinite-rich aggregates. Accurate point counting of small entities is more difficult than for larger entities.Each maceral group is subdivided into a number of macerals. The macerals have a smaller range of properties compared with the parent maceral group. Morphology (external shape and internal texture) is the primary feature used in differentiating macerals. Further differentiation of macerals into maceral varieties can be made on the basis of lower level differences in morphology.For the examination of morphology of the liptinite macerals, the use of fluorescence-mode illumination is essential. It may also be valuable for some unusual types of vitrinite. Where point counting is undertaken, each field should be examined in both reflected white light mode and fluorescence-mode. This is to be preferred over the sequential count method where a reflected white light mode count is followed by a fluorescence-mode count. The bituminite figured in Table 2.4 is from marine rocks, Bituminite in coals remains to be defined.The various editions of the Glossary produced by the ICCP have different maceral classifications for lower rank coals (essentially brown coals) and for coals of higher rank. The main difference is the use of the term "HUMINITE" for the group of entities that is termed "VITRINITE" in coals of higher rank. The classification for the liptinite and inertinite groups is the same. For this study, the classification recommended accepted at the 1999 meeting of the ICCP is used. In this system, the term "VITRINITE" is used for related macerals throughout the rank range. It is subdivided into three subgroups and the macerals recognised within these subgroups pick up the textural terms that are of significance in studies of brown coals. In maceral analyses, vitrinite can be left undivided, subdivided to the subgroup level or divided to the maceral and sub-maceral levels, depending upon the requirements for the analyses. Vitrinite textural features will be indicated only if discrimination is made at the maceral level. THE VITRINITE GROUPVitrinite is the most abundant maceral in most, but not all, coals. In some coals of Palaeozoic or Mesozoic age, inertinite and more rarely liptinite is the most abundant maceral group. Most coals of Tertiary age have a very high content of vitrinite, the only exceptions being some relatively rare coals in which resinite or bituminite is unusually abundant. Thus, in volumetric terms, vitrinite is the most important maceral.Distinguishing features of vitriniteVitrinite is distinguished from the other maceral groups primarily on the basis of its morphology, but the morphology of vitrinite in coals varies widely. Other properties of vitrinite are normally taken into account when making identifications of specific phytoclasts. Reflectance, dispersion of reflectance values about the mean, and autofluorescence properties are important additional criteria used in identification.Most liptinite macerals of low to medium rank show much stronger autofluorescence than vitrinite and this is a further distinguishing feature. Thus, although the distinction of vitrinite from other maceral groups in coals is made primarily on morphological grounds, in practice, reflectance is commonly the most important criterion used to identify any given field. With dispersed organic matter in sediments, reflectance is less reliable in identifying vitrinite.At low and medium ranks, vitrinite has a reflectance higher than that of liptinite and lower than that of inertinite. It shows negative polishing relief with respect to the other maceral groups and most minerals. In the middle and upper parts of the bituminous coal range, liptinite reflectance converges on that of vitrinite. Within the anthracite range, the maximum reflectance of vitrinite
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

Proporsi relatif dari kelompok maseral menentukan jenis batubara. The vitrinite reflektansi batubara dapat diambil sebagai ukuran peringkatnya. Kedua variabel secara substansial independen, yaitu, mereka adalah variabel ortogonal. Beberapa tingkat interaksi terjadi karena perubahan volume dengan peringkat yang berbeda untuk macerals yang berbeda. Selain itu, beberapa macerals seperti exsudatinite dan micrinite terbentuk selama perubahan peringkat. Jenis dan peringkat independen sejauh jenis batubara tidak mempengaruhi peringkat batubara. Mungkin, bagaimanapun, mempengaruhi beberapa sifat yang digunakan untuk memperkirakan peringkat batubara.
Konsep mirip dengan jenis batubara dan peringkat berlaku untuk bahan organik di jenis-jenis batuan sedimen tapi itu adalah umum dalam konteks itu untuk menyebut Rank Perubahan terkait sebagai tingkat kematangan dan jenis bahan organik umumnya dinilai dari segi potensi sumber. Pematangan umumnya dinyatakan sebagai proses diagenesa. Namun, sebagai faktor pendorong adalah suhu dan waktu, itu lebih tepat dianggap sebagai proses metamorf, bagian dari metamorfosis organik.
Meskipun reflektansi adalah fitur yang membedakan besar antara kelompok maseral, perbedaan morfologi yang dari faktor penting dalam menentukan macerals. Sebagian besar macerals liptinite menunjukkan struktur botani yang jelas menunjukkan asal macerals ini. Dalam bara vitrinit kaya, vitrinit terjadi sebagai mesostasis ke macerals lain dan di batubara peringkat menengah dibedakan dengan perilaku plastik berdekatan dengan bidang stres lokal terkait dengan pemadatan diferensial. Inertinit lebih rapuh daripada vitrinit. Meskipun beberapa struktur aliran plastik yang hadir dalam merefleksikan rendah kejadian inertinit, mereka jauh lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan ditandai yang ditemukan di vitrinit. Karakteristik yang digunakan dalam membuat perbedaan antara kelompok maseral bervariasi selama rentang rank.
Sifat penting lainnya, seperti kandungan karbon, menunjukkan korelasi dengan reflektansi. Kandungan karbon diakui pada tahap awal sebagai ukuran penting dari peringkat batubara dan dari korelasi ini jelas bahwa vitrinit reflektansi juga dapat digunakan untuk memperkirakan peringkat batubara. Untuk estimasi peringkat, pengukuran reflektansi vitrinit adalah prosedur sederhana daripada pengukuran kadar karbon. Selanjutnya, tidak memerlukan koreksi untuk kehadiran bahan mineral dan pengukuran dilakukan pada satu kelompok maseral, mengurangi variasi akibat perubahan kelimpahan relatif dari kelompok maseral.
Mineral dikecualikan dari definisi macerals. Namun, harus diakui bahwa perbedaan yang tajam tidak selalu dapat dilakukan. Mineral terjadi sebagai partikel kurang dari sekitar 0,0005 mm (0.5nm) dengan diameter tidak dapat diselesaikan dengan mikroskop optik. Selain itu, di batubara peringkat rendah, beberapa senyawa anorganik yang hadir dalam air dalam macerals dan kation dapat dikomplekskan dengan bahan organik dalam batubara. Dalam membuat analisis maseral, partikel mineral yang dapat dibedakan dicatat secara terpisah.
Batal perbedaan antara kelompok maseral dapat dibuat dalam banyak kasus. Namun, transisi antara kelompok maseral terjadi. Transisi tersebut jarang penting volumetrically dan menyajikan masalah terbesar dengan beberapa bara Permian dan Cretaceous tapi tidak menimbulkan masalah dengan bara Tersier. Aspek yang paling sulit dari membuat maseral analisis untuk bara usia Tersier, adalah adanya di banyak bara inklusi sangat kecil liptinite dalam vitrinit dan resolusi berbutir halus agregat kaya liptinite. Penghitungan titik akurat entitas kecil lebih sulit daripada yang lebih besar entities.Each kelompok maseral dibagi menjadi beberapa macerals. The macerals memiliki kisaran yang lebih kecil dari sifat dibandingkan dengan kelompok maseral orangtua. Morfologi (bentuk eksternal dan tekstur internal) adalah fitur utama yang digunakan dalam membedakan macerals. Diferensiasi lebih lanjut dari macerals menjadi varietas maseral dapat dibuat atas dasar perbedaan tingkat yang lebih rendah dalam morfologi.
Untuk pemeriksaan morfologi macerals liptinite, penggunaan penerangan fluoresensi-mode adalah penting. Hal ini juga mungkin berharga untuk beberapa jenis yang tidak biasa vitrinit. Di mana titik penghitungan dilakukan, masing-masing bidang harus diperiksa di kedua tercermin modus cahaya putih dan fluoresensi-mode. Ini harus lebih disukai daripada metode hitungan berurutan di mana tercermin hitungan modus cahaya putih diikuti oleh jumlah fluoresensi-mode. Bituminite yang menduga pada Tabel 2.4 adalah dari batu laut, Bituminite di bara masih harus didefinisikan.
Berbagai edisi dari Glosarium dihasilkan oleh ICCP memiliki klasifikasi maseral yang berbeda untuk batubara peringkat rendah (pada dasarnya bara coklat) dan untuk bara peringkat yang lebih tinggi. Perbedaan utama adalah penggunaan istilah "huminit" untuk kelompok entitas yang disebut "vitrinit" di bara peringkat yang lebih tinggi. Klasifikasi untuk kelompok liptinite dan inertinit adalah sama. Untuk penelitian ini, klasifikasi direkomendasikan diterima pada pertemuan 1999 dari ICCP digunakan. Dalam sistem ini, istilah "vitrinit" digunakan untuk macerals terkait sepanjang rentang rank. Hal ini dibagi menjadi tiga sub kelompok dan macerals diakui dalam sub-kelompok mengambil istilah tekstur yang penting dalam studi batubara coklat. Dalam analisis maseral, vitrinit dapat dibiarkan tak terbagi, dibagi ke tingkat subkelompok atau dibagi ke tingkat maseral dan sub-maseral, tergantung pada kebutuhan untuk analisis. Fitur tekstur vitrinit akan ditunjukkan hanya jika diskriminasi dibuat di tingkat maseral. THE vitrinit GROUP
vitrinit adalah maseral paling melimpah di sebagian besar, tapi tidak semua, batubara. Dalam beberapa bara Palaeozoic atau usia Mesozoikum, inertinit dan lebih jarang liptinite adalah kelompok maseral paling berlimpah. Sebagian bara usia tersier memiliki kandungan yang sangat tinggi dari vitrinit, satu-satunya pengecualian menjadi beberapa bara yang relatif langka di mana resinite atau bituminite adalah luar biasa melimpah. Dengan demikian, dalam hal volumetrik, vitrinit adalah maseral yang paling penting.
Membedakan fitur vitrinit
vitrinit dibedakan dari kelompok maseral lainnya terutama atas dasar morfologi, tetapi morfologi vitrinit di bara bervariasi. Sifat lain dari vitrinite biasanya diperhitungkan ketika membuat identifikasi dari phytoclasts tertentu. Reflektansi, dispersi nilai reflektansi tentang mean, dan autofluorescence sifat yang kriteria tambahan penting yang digunakan dalam identifikasi.
Macerals Sebagian liptinite rendah ke peringkat menengah menunjukkan autofluorescence lebih kuat dari vitrinit dan ini adalah fitur yang membedakan lanjut. Jadi, meskipun perbedaan vitrinit dari kelompok maseral lainnya di bara dibuat terutama atas dasar morfologi, dalam prakteknya, pantulan umumnya kriteria yang paling penting yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi bidang tertentu. Dengan bahan organik tersebar di sedimen, pantulan kurang handal dalam mengidentifikasi vitrinit.
Pada jajaran rendah dan menengah, vitrinit memiliki pantulan yang lebih tinggi dari liptinite dan lebih rendah dari inertinit. Ini menunjukkan lega polishing negatif terhadap kelompok maseral lainnya dan paling mineral. Di bagian tengah dan atas dari kisaran batubara bituminous, pantulan liptinite menyatu pada yang vitrinit. Dalam rentang antrasit, reflektansi vitrinit maksimum
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