As described earlier in this paper, the high complementarities in reso terjemahan - As described earlier in this paper, the high complementarities in reso Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

As described earlier in this paper,

As described earlier in this paper, the high complementarities in resources and capabilities possessed
by a HEI enable it to deepen the internationalisation activities. However, this requires that
all of the main elements of the internationalisation strategy are integrated in order to add value. To
further the international activities from student mobility towards institutionalised internationalisation
requires systematic efforts to establish a common way of working from every stakeholder’s
perspective. The two examples of novel activities in internationalisation showed that individual
faculty member can create new interesting ways to implement internationalisation strategies. In
order to improve the quality of those activities, continuity in the selected activities needs to be
assured. For this, the proposed model provides a good starting point.
Evtek and Stadia polytechnics merged into Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
on August 2008. Metropolia will be the biggest polytechnic in Finland. Based on the analysis,
it seems that both polytechnics are at the same level in their internationalisation stages, although
they have different focus areas. However, Metropolia has a good opportunity to begin to unite
their internationalisation strategies in order to formulate one common strategy. The strengths
and the weaknesses of both HEIs need to be evaluated in this process in order to institutionalise
the internationalisation strategies in engineering education.
The elements of internationalisation and deepening the institutionalising of internationalisation
presented in this paper show those areas in an education institution that need to be coordinated.
Those elements are pedagogy, operative arrangements, and decision-making. According to the
model, the quality of the internationalisation activities can be improved with integrated coordination.
If the main elements of the international activities are closely integrated, internationality
will become an integral part of the basic tasks of the HEI. Also, improving the routines into
processes may ease the internationalisation in becoming an everyday activity. As suggested in the
model, each stakeholder brings competencies and skills to the international activities. This would
strengthen the resource utilisation, saving money and time.
Several large corporations such as Cisco (Cisco Systems Inc. 2008), IBM (IBM 2008), and
Nokia (Nokia 2008) cooperate with educational institutions in their education and research
European Journal of Engineering Education 541
programmes. Corporations also provide other means for cooperating internationally. In order
to participate fully with corporations, the processes and roles need to be defined in the HEI.
Diversified procedures and processes will not provide industry or other partners with seamless
cooperation opportunities.
This article contributes to the existing research in multiple ways. First, we extend the international
education literature by exploring the internationalisation behaviour of HEIs. Further, the
article is consistent with Rogers’ report on the status of internationalisation in HEIs in Helsinki.
Moreover, although earlier international research has emphasised the importance of the student
perspective, the faculty perspective had not been investigated before. The relevance of the faculty
and pedagogy approach to the mainstream of the educational institutions’ internationalisation
strategy literature is argued. The existing education literature is complemented by focusing on
less-researched multi-focal constellations.
Several extensions appear worth exploring in future research. First, process development based
on the suggested model need to be considered. Also, roles and responsibilities in relation to
those processes need to be defined. Second, learning platforms and a repository for international
activities need to be developed. Third, the relationships in partnerships, networks, and
alliances require special attention. It would be beneficial to examine the processes related to

Institutionalising internationalisation strategies in engineering

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
As described earlier in this paper, the high complementarities in resources and capabilities possessedby a HEI enable it to deepen the internationalisation activities. However, this requires thatall of the main elements of the internationalisation strategy are integrated in order to add value. Tofurther the international activities from student mobility towards institutionalised internationalisationrequires systematic efforts to establish a common way of working from every stakeholder’sperspective. The two examples of novel activities in internationalisation showed that individualfaculty member can create new interesting ways to implement internationalisation strategies. Inorder to improve the quality of those activities, continuity in the selected activities needs to beassured. For this, the proposed model provides a good starting point.Evtek and Stadia polytechnics merged into Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Scienceson August 2008. Metropolia will be the biggest polytechnic in Finland. Based on the analysis,it seems that both polytechnics are at the same level in their internationalisation stages, althoughthey have different focus areas. However, Metropolia has a good opportunity to begin to unitetheir internationalisation strategies in order to formulate one common strategy. The strengthsand the weaknesses of both HEIs need to be evaluated in this process in order to institutionalisethe internationalisation strategies in engineering education.The elements of internationalisation and deepening the institutionalising of internationalisationpresented in this paper show those areas in an education institution that need to be coordinated.Those elements are pedagogy, operative arrangements, and decision-making. According to themodel, the quality of the internationalisation activities can be improved with integrated coordination.If the main elements of the international activities are closely integrated, internationalitywill become an integral part of the basic tasks of the HEI. Also, improving the routines intoprocesses may ease the internationalisation in becoming an everyday activity. As suggested in themodel, each stakeholder brings competencies and skills to the international activities. This wouldstrengthen the resource utilisation, saving money and time.Several large corporations such as Cisco (Cisco Systems Inc. 2008), IBM (IBM 2008), andNokia (Nokia 2008) cooperate with educational institutions in their education and researchEuropean Journal of Engineering Education 541programmes. Corporations also provide other means for cooperating internationally. In orderto participate fully with corporations, the processes and roles need to be defined in the HEI.Diversified procedures and processes will not provide industry or other partners with seamlesscooperation opportunities.This article contributes to the existing research in multiple ways. First, we extend the international
education literature by exploring the internationalisation behaviour of HEIs. Further, the
article is consistent with Rogers’ report on the status of internationalisation in HEIs in Helsinki.
Moreover, although earlier international research has emphasised the importance of the student
perspective, the faculty perspective had not been investigated before. The relevance of the faculty
and pedagogy approach to the mainstream of the educational institutions’ internationalisation
strategy literature is argued. The existing education literature is complemented by focusing on
less-researched multi-focal constellations.
Several extensions appear worth exploring in future research. First, process development based
on the suggested model need to be considered. Also, roles and responsibilities in relation to
those processes need to be defined. Second, learning platforms and a repository for international
activities need to be developed. Third, the relationships in partnerships, networks, and
alliances require special attention. It would be beneficial to examine the processes related to

Institutionalising internationalisation strategies in engineering

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Seperti dijelaskan sebelumnya dalam makalah ini, melengkapi tinggi dalam sumber daya dan kemampuan yang dimiliki
oleh HEI memungkinkan untuk memperdalam kegiatan internasionalisasi. Namun, ini mensyaratkan bahwa
semua elemen utama dari strategi internasionalisasi yang terintegrasi dalam rangka untuk menambah nilai. Untuk
memajukan kegiatan internasional dari mobilitas siswa terhadap dilembagakan internasionalisasi
membutuhkan upaya sistematis untuk membangun cara yang umum bekerja dari setiap stakeholder
perspektif. Dua contoh kegiatan baru dalam internasionalisasi menunjukkan bahwa individu
anggota fakultas dapat menciptakan cara-cara baru yang menarik untuk menerapkan strategi internasionalisasi. Dalam
rangka meningkatkan kualitas kegiatan tersebut, kontinuitas dalam kegiatan yang dipilih harus
terjamin. Untuk ini, model yang diusulkan memberikan titik awal yang baik.
Evtek dan Stadia politeknik bergabung ke Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
pada Agustus 2008. Metropolia akan menjadi politeknik terbesar di Finlandia. Berdasarkan hasil analisis,
tampaknya bahwa kedua politeknik berada pada tingkat yang sama dalam tahap internasionalisasi mereka, meskipun
mereka memiliki area fokus yang berbeda. Namun, Metropolia memiliki kesempatan yang baik untuk mulai menyatukan
strategi internasionalisasi mereka untuk merumuskan satu strategi bersama. Kekuatan
dan kelemahan dari kedua HEIs perlu dievaluasi dalam proses ini dalam rangka untuk melembagakan
strategi internasionalisasi pendidikan teknik.
Unsur-unsur dari internasionalisasi dan memperdalam pelembagaan internasionalisasi
disajikan dalam makalah ini menunjukkan daerah-daerah di lembaga pendidikan yang perlu dikoordinasikan.
unsur Mereka adalah pedagogi, pengaturan operasi, dan pengambilan keputusan. Menurut
model kualitas kegiatan internasionalisasi dapat ditingkatkan dengan koordinasi yang terintegrasi.
Jika unsur-unsur utama dari kegiatan internasional yang terintegrasi erat, internasionalitas
akan menjadi bagian integral dari tugas pokok dari HEI. Juga, meningkatkan rutinitas ke
proses dapat meringankan internasionalisasi dalam menjadi suatu kegiatan sehari-hari. Seperti yang disarankan dalam
Model, setiap pemangku kepentingan membawa kompetensi dan keterampilan untuk kegiatan internasional. Hal ini akan
memperkuat pemanfaatan sumber daya, menghemat uang dan waktu.
Beberapa perusahaan besar seperti Cisco (Cisco Systems Inc 2008), IBM (IBM 2008), dan
Nokia (Nokia 2008) bekerja sama dengan lembaga pendidikan dalam pendidikan mereka dan penelitian
European Journal of Pendidikan Teknik 541
program. Perusahaan juga menyediakan cara lain untuk bekerja sama secara internasional. Dalam rangka
untuk berpartisipasi penuh dengan perusahaan, proses dan peran perlu didefinisikan dalam HEI.
Prosedur Diversifikasi dan proses tidak akan memberikan industri atau mitra lainnya dengan mulus
peluang kerjasama.
Artikel ini memberikan kontribusi untuk penelitian yang ada dalam berbagai cara. Pertama, kita memperpanjang internasional
literatur pendidikan dengan menjelajahi perilaku internasionalisasi HEIs. Selanjutnya,
artikel ini konsisten dengan laporan Rogers 'pada status internasionalisasi di HEIs di Helsinki.
Selain itu, meskipun penelitian internasional sebelumnya telah menekankan pentingnya siswa
perspektif, perspektif fakultas belum diselidiki sebelumnya. Relevansi fakultas
dan pedagogi pendekatan arus utama internasionalisasi lembaga pendidikan
'strategi sastra berpendapat. Yang ada literatur pendidikan dilengkapi dengan berfokus pada
kurang diteliti rasi bintang multi-fokus.
Beberapa ekstensi muncul perlu ditelusuri dalam penelitian masa depan. Pertama, proses pengembangan berdasarkan
pada model disarankan perlu dipertimbangkan. Juga, peran dan tanggung jawab dalam kaitannya dengan
proses-proses tersebut perlu didefinisikan. Kedua, platform belajar dan repositori untuk internasional
kegiatan perlu dikembangkan. Ketiga, hubungan dalam kemitraan, jaringan, dan
aliansi memerlukan perhatian khusus. Ini akan bermanfaat untuk memeriksa proses yang terkait dengan
mereka Melembagakan strategi internasionalisasi di bidang teknik pendidikan

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