Then, travel of with Lum­ing hole com­pletely comes to an end, I bigge terjemahan - Then, travel of with Lum­ing hole com­pletely comes to an end, I bigge Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Then, travel of with Lum­ing hole c

Then, travel of with Lum­ing hole com­pletely comes to an end, I biggest har­vest ob­tained the heroic hel­met, first ghost nian, the spe­cial ef­fect of heroic heart is to re­ally look at the human likes, the Dong Cheng month ob­tained the Lum­ing stick, Li Mu has at­tained the pur­ple flame keel chain, had a stunt of death im­pris­on­ment, must men­tion the main play­ers to har­vest.
Held the antler of Qin deer in the hand, I said: „Re­turns to Tian Ling Em­pire, then goes to king there to as­sign the duty to­gether, SSS Tier Main Quest, per­haps also has any good re­ward!”
Peo­ple nod: „Walks!”
The ray that the next quar­ter, brushes rip­ples in the Tian Ling Em­pire trans­mis­sion square, the [Zhan Long] 20 peo­ple have com­pleted the trans­mis­sion to­gether, I stand up from fail­ure to start, lead­ing the peo­ple to go to the im­pe­r­ial palace, is the troop of pa­trol, the Tian Ling Em­pire fi­nan­cial re­source phys­i­cal re­source wants by far Ba Huang City all the way every­where, after is the first-level host city, may not have that many body­guards and pa­trol lead­ers in Ba Huang City, even im­pe­r­ial palace also poor many, where has Tian Ling Em­pire this re­splen­dent in gold and jade green feel­ing.
Treads the stair of gold-plat­ing to walk the im­pe­r­ial palace main hall, the both sides stand in great num­bers are hold­ing the body­guard of sword, these body­guard flash­ing eyes is star­ing us, is ex­am­in­ing the sym­bol on our crowd of per­son shoul­ders, the com­plete con­fir­ma­tion is the Tian Ling Em­pire player can enter, oth­er­wise wanted the chaotic sword to hack to death mostly.
Above the main hall, a pic­ture of school of put on a show of peace and pros­per­ity, Locker Great seems invit­ing the whole body of min­is­ters, one group of palace ladies wear the friv­o­lous gauze skirt to dance lightly in the main hall cen­ter, the grace­ful body waves var­i­ous en­chant­ing pos­tures, looks at one group of no­bles and min­is­ters to beam with joy, Locker Great sits above the throne, in the crook of the elbow is hug­ging a beau­ti­ful woman, on the face slightly red, said with a smile: „Today in­vites in­dis­pens­able as­sis­tance min­is­ter, hopes that can not be drunk con­tin­u­ous, all things of em­pire must be tired of the work from now on you!”
Im­me­di­ately, a full beard stands up, holds the fist in the other hand smiles: „Your majesty please feels re­lieved, the 3 W pri­vate armed forces in slightly feu­dal of­fi­cial manor fol­low cer­tainly the lead by the em­pire, once your majesty has the need, my this 3 W army steps the front to drink the blood and not re­fus­ing under any cir­cum­stances in­evitably!”
Locker Great laughs: „Under dragon does the grand duke to please sit down, your piece of re­gard or­phaned king knew!”
In the next first seat, the big em­peror's son Theodore hand presses the sword hilt, the cor­ners of the mouth raises, sneers was say­ing in a low voice: „This per­son only thor­oughly un­der­stands cuts down the merit boast com­mis­ser­ate to be able the re­fined lan­guage to de­velop, when cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den was be­sieged, ac­tu­ally does not see the shadow of his half pri­vate armed forces, if the the­ory line of gab, he in­evitably was the day of plume em­pire first per­son with­out doubt!”
Wears the princess to throw by far glances at the light, said in a low voice: „Em­peror brother, cau­tious word”
Nearby two em­peror's son are very silent, but takes up the wine class, tosses down the grape good wine, lightly will say sev­eral sec­onds later: „The north­ern dif­fer­ent evil spir­its have been ready to make trou­ble, the pip­ing time of peace does not know that also how long can main­tain, hopes that this ex­pen­di­ture not poor in­vi­ta­tion can make these Feng Chen­men put out own army re­ally to come.”
Wears shows a faint smile: „Two em­peror broth­ers do not need ex­tremely to worry, cer­tainly, after all, em­pire, once under the avalanche, turn
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Then, travel of with Lum­ing hole com­pletely comes to an end, I biggest har­vest ob­tained the heroic hel­met, first ghost nian, the spe­cial ef­fect of heroic heart is to re­ally look at the human likes, the Dong Cheng month ob­tained the Lum­ing stick, Li Mu has at­tained the pur­ple flame keel chain, had a stunt of death im­pris­on­ment, must men­tion the main play­ers to har­vest.Held the antler of Qin deer in the hand, I said: „Re­turns to Tian Ling Em­pire, then goes to king there to as­sign the duty to­gether, SSS Tier Main Quest, per­haps also has any good re­ward!”Peo­ple nod: „Walks!”The ray that the next quar­ter, brushes rip­ples in the Tian Ling Em­pire trans­mis­sion square, the [Zhan Long] 20 peo­ple have com­pleted the trans­mis­sion to­gether, I stand up from fail­ure to start, lead­ing the peo­ple to go to the im­pe­r­ial palace, is the troop of pa­trol, the Tian Ling Em­pire fi­nan­cial re­source phys­i­cal re­source wants by far Ba Huang City all the way every­where, after is the first-level host city, may not have that many body­guards and pa­trol lead­ers in Ba Huang City, even im­pe­r­ial palace also poor many, where has Tian Ling Em­pire this re­splen­dent in gold and jade green feel­ing.Treads the stair of gold-plat­ing to walk the im­pe­r­ial palace main hall, the both sides stand in great num­bers are hold­ing the body­guard of sword, these body­guard flash­ing eyes is star­ing us, is ex­am­in­ing the sym­bol on our crowd of per­son shoul­ders, the com­plete con­fir­ma­tion is the Tian Ling Em­pire player can enter, oth­er­wise wanted the chaotic sword to hack to death mostly.Above the main hall, a pic­ture of school of put on a show of peace and pros­per­ity, Locker Great seems invit­ing the whole body of min­is­ters, one group of palace ladies wear the friv­o­lous gauze skirt to dance lightly in the main hall cen­ter, the grace­ful body waves var­i­ous en­chant­ing pos­tures, looks at one group of no­bles and min­is­ters to beam with joy, Locker Great sits above the throne, in the crook of the elbow is hug­ging a beau­ti­ful woman, on the face slightly red, said with a smile: „Today in­vites in­dis­pens­able as­sis­tance min­is­ter, hopes that can not be drunk con­tin­u­ous, all things of em­pire must be tired of the work from now on you!”
Im­me­di­ately, a full beard stands up, holds the fist in the other hand smiles: „Your majesty please feels re­lieved, the 3 W pri­vate armed forces in slightly feu­dal of­fi­cial manor fol­low cer­tainly the lead by the em­pire, once your majesty has the need, my this 3 W army steps the front to drink the blood and not re­fus­ing under any cir­cum­stances in­evitably!”
Locker Great laughs: „Under dragon does the grand duke to please sit down, your piece of re­gard or­phaned king knew!”
In the next first seat, the big em­peror's son Theodore hand presses the sword hilt, the cor­ners of the mouth raises, sneers was say­ing in a low voice: „This per­son only thor­oughly un­der­stands cuts down the merit boast com­mis­ser­ate to be able the re­fined lan­guage to de­velop, when cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den was be­sieged, ac­tu­ally does not see the shadow of his half pri­vate armed forces, if the the­ory line of gab, he in­evitably was the day of plume em­pire first per­son with­out doubt!”
Wears the princess to throw by far glances at the light, said in a low voice: „Em­peror brother, cau­tious word”
Nearby two em­peror's son are very silent, but takes up the wine class, tosses down the grape good wine, lightly will say sev­eral sec­onds later: „The north­ern dif­fer­ent evil spir­its have been ready to make trou­ble, the pip­ing time of peace does not know that also how long can main­tain, hopes that this ex­pen­di­ture not poor in­vi­ta­tion can make these Feng Chen­men put out own army re­ally to come.”
Wears shows a faint smile: „Two em­peror broth­ers do not need ex­tremely to worry, cer­tainly, after all, em­pire, once under the avalanche, turn
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Kemudian, perjalanan dengan Luming lubang-benar berakhir, saya panen terbesar diperoleh helm heroik, nian hantu pertama, efek khusus heroik jantung adalah untuk benar-benar melihat orang-orang seperti manusia, Dong Cheng bulan memperoleh tongkat Luming, Li . mu telah mencapai ungu rantai api keel, memiliki aksi penjara kematian, harus menyebutkan pemain utama untuk memanen
Diadakan tanduk Qin rusa di tangan, aku berkata: "Pengembalian ke Tian Ling Empire, kemudian pergi ke raja di sana untuk menetapkan tugas bersama-sama, SSS Tier Main Quest, mungkin juga memiliki imbalan yang baik "!
orang mengangguk:"! Walks "
sinar bahwa kuartal berikutnya, sikat riak dalam transmisi persegi Tian Ling Empire, yang [Zhan panjang] 20 orang menyelesaikan transmisi bersama-sama, aku berdiri dari kegagalan untuk memulai, memimpin orang-orang untuk pergi ke istana kekaisaran, adalah pasukan patroli, Tian Ling Empire sumber daya keuangan sumber daya fisik ingin jauh Ba Huang Kota sepanjang jalan di mana-mana, setelah adalah the-tingkat pertama kota tuan rumah, mungkin tidak memiliki banyak pengawal dan pemimpin patroli di Ba Huang City, bahkan kekaisaran istana juga miskin banyak, di mana memiliki Tian Ling Empire ini gemilang di emas dan batu giok hijau perasaan.
tapak tangga emas-plating untuk berjalan istana aula utama kekaisaran, sisi baik berdiri dalam jumlah besar yang memegang pengawal pedang, pengawal ini berkedip mata menatap kami, sedang memeriksa simbol pada kerumunan kami bahu orang, konfirmasi lengkap adalah pemain Tian Ling Empire dapat masukkan, jika tidak ingin pedang kacau hack mati sebagian besar.
di atas ruang utama, gambar sekolah dari put pada acara perdamaian dan kemakmuran, Locker besar tampaknya mengundang seluruh tubuh dari menteri, satu kelompok wanita istana memakai sembrono kasa rok menari ringan di pusat ruang utama, gelombang tubuh anggun berbagai postur mempesona, melihat satu kelompok bangsawan dan menteri untuk balok dengan sukacita, Locker besar duduk di atas takhta, di lekuk siku sedang memeluk seorang wanita cantik , pada wajah sedikit merah, berkata sambil tersenyum: "Hari ini mengundang menteri bantuan yang sangat diperlukan, berharap tidak bisa diminum terus menerus, semua hal kekaisaran pasti lelah dari pekerjaan dari sekarang Anda!"
Segera, janggut penuh berdiri , memegang tangan di senyum sisi lain: "yang Mulia silahkan merasa lega, 3 W angkatan bersenjata swasta di manor resmi sedikit feodal ikuti tentu memimpin dengan kekaisaran, setelah yang Mulia memiliki kebutuhan, saya ini tentara 3 W langkah yang ! depan untuk minum darah dan tidak menolak dalam keadaan apapun pasti "
Locker besar tertawa:" Di bawah naga tidak grand duke untuk menyenangkan duduk, bagian Anda berkenaan raja yatim tahu "!
Di kursi pertama berikutnya, anak kaisar besar itu Theodore tangan menekan gagang pedang, sudut-sudut mulut menimbulkan, menyeringai mengatakan dengan suara rendah: "orang ini hanya benar-benar mengerti pemotongan bawah prestasi yang membanggakan commisserate dapat bahasa halus untuk mengembangkan, saat dingin lahan tidur Dragon den dikepung , sebenarnya tidak melihat bayangan setengah swasta angkatan bersenjata, jika garis teori gab, dia pasti adalah hari yang membanggakan kekaisaran orang pertama tanpa diragukan lagi! "
memakai putri untuk melemparkan oleh lirikan jauh di cahaya, mengatakan dalam sebuah suara rendah: "Kaisar saudara, kata-hati"
anak Terdekat dua kaisar yang sangat diam, tapi mengambil kelas anggur, melemparkan ke bawah anggur anggur yang baik, ringan akan mengatakan beberapa detik kemudian: "roh-roh jahat utara yang berbeda telah siap untuk membuat masalah, waktu pipa perdamaian tidak tahu yang juga berapa lama dapat mempertahankan, berharap bahwa pengeluaran ini tidak undangan yang buruk dapat membuat ini Feng Chenmen mengeluarkan tentara sendiri benar-benar datang ".
Wears menunjukkan senyum samar:" Dua saudara kaisar tidak perlu sangat khawatir, tentu, setelah semua, kekaisaran, sekali di bawah longsoran salju, giliran
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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