Front and Rear Static Camber Adjustment is normally set to 1/2-degree  terjemahan - Front and Rear Static Camber Adjustment is normally set to 1/2-degree  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Front and Rear Static Camber Adjust

Front and Rear Static Camber Adjustment is normally set to 1/2-degree negative at ride height. However, adjusting the static
camber can increase or decrease front and rear chassis roll and affect the handling of your truck. Increasing negative
camber in the front will result in an increase in steering and improved handling through bumps. Increasing negative camber in the
rear will result in less side-bite and increased steering. Be careful not to add too much negative camber or the truck may start to
become difficult to drive.
Reducing negative camber in the front will result in a loss of steering, but smooth the steering response. Reducing
negative camber in the rear will result in an increase in side-bite and more forward traction. Typically a setting of between 1/2- and 0-degrees of negative camber on both the front and rear of the truck will result in a good, solid feel.

Rear Hub Camber Location is best set according the settings described in this manual. You should start with the inner hole in
the hub. This will typically make the truck go through bumps better. The inner hole may also give the feeling of more
steering. This steering generally comes from the rear end though. What this means is that the rear end of the truck may swing a bit
more — at times even sliding more. Moving it to the outer hole will tend to make the truck feel a bit stiffer. This results in the
truck accelerating straighter and also makes it a bit easier to line up for jumps.
Rear Camber Link Length can be another useful adjustment. It is virtually impossible to make a blanket statement for exactly
how the length of the camber link will affect the handling under all conditions. The following is our experience with how the length
of the camber link will typically affect the handling of the Triple-X-SCT. A longer rear camber link will usually result in more rear
traction. With a longer link, the truck can start to drive more square, or point-to-point. This can make it difficult to
carve corners at high speed. A shorter rear camber link will generally result in more steering from the rear of the truck due to
increased chassis roll. This can make it easier to change directions quicker, but can cause the rear of the truck to roll around if the
link is too short.
A shorter rear link will usually go through bumps a bit better than a long link as well.

Front Carrier Camber Location is another adjustment that is almost always run in the standard (middle hole) location. This
location keeps the truck flatter with less roll. The middle location also helps the truck stay tighter in turns with a more precise
steering feel. Moving the link to the inner hole will make the steering react slightly slower. The advantage to the inner hole is that
it can increase on-power steering and help the truck get through bumps better. Moving the link to the outside hole will result in
more off power steering and will make the steering react faster.

Washers Under the Front Camber Link Ball Stud can be added or removed. This is a very important adjustment on the
Triple-X-SCT You should get a feel for how the number of washers affects the handling.

Adding washers will make the truck
more stable and keep the front end flatter. Adding washers will give the truck more steering entering the turn but less steering on
the exit of the turn. Removing washers will reduce steering going into the turn and give more steering on the exit of the turn.

Front Camber Link Length is another adjustment that is difficult to make a generic statement for as it can have slightly
different results on various conditions. The following is a summary of how this adjustment will usually impact the
handling of the Triple-X-SCT.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Front and Rear Static Camber Adjustment is normally set to 1/2-degree negative at ride height. However, adjusting the staticcamber can increase or decrease front and rear chassis roll and affect the handling of your truck. Increasing negative camber in the front will result in an increase in steering and improved handling through bumps. Increasing negative camber in the rear will result in less side-bite and increased steering. Be careful not to add too much negative camber or the truck may start to become difficult to drive.Reducing negative camber in the front will result in a loss of steering, but smooth the steering response. Reducingnegative camber in the rear will result in an increase in side-bite and more forward traction. Typically a setting of between 1/2- and 0-degrees of negative camber on both the front and rear of the truck will result in a good, solid feel.Rear Hub Camber Location is best set according the settings described in this manual. You should start with the inner hole inthe hub. This will typically make the truck go through bumps better. The inner hole may also give the feeling of more steering. This steering generally comes from the rear end though. What this means is that the rear end of the truck may swing a bit more — at times even sliding more. Moving it to the outer hole will tend to make the truck feel a bit stiffer. This results in the truck accelerating straighter and also makes it a bit easier to line up for jumps.Rear Camber Link Length can be another useful adjustment. It is virtually impossible to make a blanket statement for exactlyhow the length of the camber link will affect the handling under all conditions. The following is our experience with how the lengthof the camber link will typically affect the handling of the Triple-X-SCT. A longer rear camber link will usually result in more reartraction. With a longer link, the truck can start to drive more square, or point-to-point. This can make it difficult to carve corners at high speed. A shorter rear camber link will generally result in more steering from the rear of the truck due to increased chassis roll. This can make it easier to change directions quicker, but can cause the rear of the truck to roll around if thelink is too short.A shorter rear link will usually go through bumps a bit better than a long link as well.Front Carrier Camber Location is another adjustment that is almost always run in the standard (middle hole) location. Thislocation keeps the truck flatter with less roll. The middle location also helps the truck stay tighter in turns with a more precisesteering feel. Moving the link to the inner hole will make the steering react slightly slower. The advantage to the inner hole is thatit can increase on-power steering and help the truck get through bumps better. Moving the link to the outside hole will result inmore off power steering and will make the steering react faster.Washers Under the Front Camber Link Ball Stud can be added or removed. This is a very important adjustment on theTriple-X-SCT You should get a feel for how the number of washers affects the handling. Adding washers will make the truckmore stable and keep the front end flatter. Adding washers will give the truck more steering entering the turn but less steering onthe exit of the turn. Removing washers will reduce steering going into the turn and give more steering on the exit of the turn.Front Camber Link Length is another adjustment that is difficult to make a generic statement for as it can have slightlydifferent results on various conditions. The following is a summary of how this adjustment will usually impact the handling of the Triple-X-SCT.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Depan dan Belakang Static Camber Penyesuaian biasanya diatur ke 1/2-derajat negatif pada naik tinggi. Namun, menyesuaikan statis
camber dapat meningkatkan atau menurunkan depan dan belakang chassis roll dan mempengaruhi penanganan truk Anda. Meningkatkan negatif
camber di depan akan menghasilkan peningkatan kemudi dan ditingkatkan penanganan melalui benjolan. Meningkatkan camber negatif di
belakang akan menghasilkan kurang sisi-gigitan dan peningkatan kemudi. Hati-hati untuk tidak menambahkan terlalu banyak camber negatif atau truk mungkin mulai
menjadi sulit untuk mengemudi.
Mengurangi camber negatif di depan akan mengakibatkan hilangnya kemudi, tapi halus respon kemudi. Mengurangi
camber negatif di belakang akan menghasilkan peningkatan sisi-gigitan dan lebih maju traksi. Biasanya pengaturan antara 1 / 2- dan 0 derajat dari camber negatif pada bagian depan dan belakang truk akan menghasilkan yang baik, merasa solid. Rear Hub Camber Lokasi yang terbaik diatur sesuai pengaturan yang diuraikan dalam buku petunjuk ini. Anda harus mulai dengan lubang bagian dalam hub. Ini biasanya akan membuat truk melewati gundukan yang lebih baik. Lubang dalam juga dapat memberikan perasaan lebih kemudi. Kemudi ini umumnya berasal dari bagian belakang sekalipun. Apakah ini berarti bahwa bagian belakang truk dapat ayunan sedikit lebih - kadang-kadang bahkan geser lagi. Pindah ke lubang luar akan cenderung membuat truk merasa sedikit kaku. Hal ini menyebabkan truk mempercepat tegak dan juga membuat sedikit lebih mudah untuk berbaris untuk melompat. Rear Camber link Panjang dapat penyesuaian lain yang berguna. Hal ini hampir tidak mungkin untuk membuat pernyataan selimut untuk persis bagaimana panjang link camber akan mempengaruhi penanganan dalam segala kondisi. Berikut ini adalah pengalaman kami dengan cara panjang dari link camber biasanya akan mempengaruhi penanganan Triple-X-SCT. Sebuah link camber lagi belakang biasanya akan menghasilkan lebih banyak belakang traksi. Dengan link lagi, truk dapat mulai untuk mendorong lebih persegi, atau point-to-point. Hal ini dapat membuat sulit untuk mengukir sudut dengan kecepatan tinggi. Sebuah link camber belakang lebih pendek umumnya akan menghasilkan lebih banyak kemudi dari belakang truk karena peningkatan chassis roll. Hal ini dapat membuat lebih mudah untuk mengubah arah lebih cepat, namun dapat menyebabkan bagian belakang truk untuk berguling-guling jika link yang terlalu pendek. Sebuah link belakang lebih pendek biasanya akan melalui gundukan sedikit lebih baik daripada link panjang juga. Depan Pembawa Camber Lokasi penyesuaian lain yang hampir selalu dijalankan dalam standar (lubang tengah) lokasi. Ini lokasi membuat truk datar dengan kurang roll. Lokasi tengah juga membantu truk tetap ketat bergantian dengan lebih tepat nuansa kemudi. Pindah link ke lubang bagian dalam akan membuat kemudi bereaksi sedikit lebih lambat. Keuntungan ke lubang batin adalah bahwa hal itu dapat meningkatkan on-power steering dan membantu truk melewati gundukan yang lebih baik. Pindah link ke lubang luar akan menghasilkan lebih dari power steering dan akan membuat kemudi lebih cepat bereaksi. Cincin bawah depan Camber link Bola Stud dapat ditambahkan atau dihapus. Ini adalah penyesuaian yang sangat penting pada Triple-X-SCT Anda harus mendapatkan merasakan bagaimana jumlah pencuci mempengaruhi penanganan. Menambahkan pencuci akan membuat truk lebih stabil dan menjaga ujung datar depan. Menambahkan mesin cuci akan memberikan truk lebih kemudi memasuki pergantian tapi kurang kemudi pada keluar dari belokan. Menghapus pencuci akan mengurangi kemudi masuk ke belokan dan memberikan lebih kemudi pada keluar dari belokan. Depan Camber link Panjang adalah penyesuaian lain yang sulit untuk membuat pernyataan umum untuk karena dapat memiliki sedikit hasil yang berbeda pada berbagai kondisi. Berikut ini adalah ringkasan tentang bagaimana penyesuaian ini biasanya akan berdampak pada penanganan Triple-X-SCT.

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