After solving the problem of direction, Sephirah started to explain hi terjemahan - After solving the problem of direction, Sephirah started to explain hi Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

After solving the problem of direct

After solving the problem of direction, Sephirah started to explain his plan to save Pam’s mother. “OK, now that the problem with the direction is solved, our next objective is to save Pam’s mother. I will explain my plan now.” Sephirah sat gesturing everyone to sit down. Sephirah started to explain his plan, “Lisa and Lila will rush towards our caravan. Since they are traveling at a moderate speed, Lisa and Lila can catch up within few hours. Informing miss Rayna of the situation should be our first priority. Next, Saburo will rush towards the opposite direction from where we came in. Saburo brother will contact the principal with the telepathy ring as soon as he is out of the mist.” “I will take Hagen, Adelmund and Pam with me to rescue her mom. I already have a plan for that but let’s not waste any more time with the explanations.” Sephirah stood up following him everyone stood up. “Wait, why should I and Lila have to rush towards the caravan? What do you think will happen if we encounter those invaders along the way?” Lisa showed her disapproval with Sephirah’s plan. “Don’t worry, the invaders formed this mist to make us think, this is a new ghost forest. If you encounter them, just ignore and run. They will probably do the same. If you are really that scared then take Saburo brother with you. Contacting principal is not a priority.” Sephirah sighed and slightly changed his plan. “Who made you the leader, isn’t Saburo the leader of this group? In situations like this, we are supposed to stick together. And exactly how do you plan to save her mother, do you think I will let you take Pam without a proper explanation?” Lisa went on and on about her dissatisfaction with Sephirah leading. She even started to yell at Saburo and Adelmund for not saying anything. … Then, Suddenly Lisa felt something. She turned to look at Sephirah but she couldn’t find him there. Sephirah with a grim face was right in front of her with his fists rose close to his cheat and his right foot rising from the ground. She was too late by the time she noticed him. … …Sephirah’s right heel moved towards Lisa’s head… …Sephirah’s right foot rose above his head and reached Lisa’s right chin… …His right heel smashed her chin and sent her flying to the side… … “Crash!” Lisa fell few meters away to her left side. She was out cold. Lila immediately rushed to her sister. She kneeled to check her condition. Lisa’s chin was shattered and half of her face was covered in blood. The state of her sister enraged Lila. … …Blood thirst filled Lila’s distorting face… …Lila gathered large amount of mana in her palms… …While in kneeled position, Lila turned towards Sephirah… She wanted to blast Sephirah with her strongest wind blast but when she turned, she saw Sephirah in front her. …Sephirah’s left foot was pushing the ground to the point where it started to crack… …His right fist was piercing the wind creating a howling sound… …He bent his body to the left to increase the force of his punch… …Sephirah’s face was fierce and the mana around him was fluctuating aggressively… …Lila’s body shivered uncontrollably and the mana in her palm dispersed as she lost control… …His fist reached Lila’s face… … Sephirah did not complete the punch. He stopped his fist one inch away from her face. Lila felt the wind blowing in between his fist and her face. The rage in Lila’s face was replaced with fear. Her body trembled and she fell back being unable to balance herself. Few drops of tears appeared on the sides of her eyes. She couldn’t stop thinking about Sephirah’s fist reaching her face with a howling sound. Several meters away from them, Saburo and Adelmund were cringing on the ground panting. They couldn’t handle the pressure. “I thought, her face was going to shatter.” Saburo said in a low voice while panting and sweating heavily on the ground. Next to him, Adelmund said with a trembling voice, “N…now I understand what you meant, Saburo.” “Li… little brother.” Hagen was looking here and there not knowing what to do in that situation. … Sephirah relaxed from his punching stance and stood normally. He glared at the trembling Lila. She flinched at his glare. Sephirah said in a most threatening tone, “The burden of saving her mother weighs much heavier on me than any of you. I don’t mind you sisters helping but if you can’t then SHUT UP AND STAY OUT OF MY WAY. If you interfere one more time… I will bury both of you, right where you are. You are gravely mistaken, if you think I won’t attack girls.” Lisa couldn’t even talk back. She has never experienced a situation like this in her entire life. Then Sephirah turned towards the others. “Change of plans, Lila will remain here healing Lisa. Saburo will rush towards the caravan. I will take Hagen, Adelmund and Pam with me to rescue her mom, IS THAT CLEAR?” Sephirah said coldly. No one voiced any objection. Then the plan was set in motion. Saburo immediately rushed towards the caravan. Adelmund provided first aid to Lisa on Sephirah’s orders as Lila was nowhere near able to provide first aid. Then Sephirah took Hagen, Adelmund and Pam towards the village leaving behind Lisa and Lila. *** Along the way, Sephirah explained his plan. “All of you listen carefully, our goal is only to rescue Pam’s mom, saving the village is not included in it. Don’t try any Heroism.” Sephirah coldly said. “But…” Adelmund tried to say something but swallowed his words. Sephirah sighed and continued his explanation. “We have no idea how strong they are. We can’t take them on with just the three of us. That is why we are only going to rescue Pam’s mom and retreat. We will wait for Miss Rayna and other hunters to arrive to save the villagers later, OK? We are not abandoning anyone.” Hearing the words of Sephirah, smile returned on Hagen and Adelmund’s face. Few miles away from the village, lies a small lake which was the only source of water for the villagers. Hagen was carrying Pam and they went around the village towards the lake. “Based on what Pam explained, the villagers were trapped inside the village. Water and other necessities were provided to them by the invaders. If that is true, then there must be 1 or 2 invaders lurking near the lake. Our objective was to locate and capture at least one of the invaders for information.” Sephirah explained his plan. “Remember we have to do this as quickly and as silently as possible, don’t bring any honor crap for this mission. Just kick their groin with everything you got and throw mud into their mouth to prevent them from shouting.” Adelmund felt a sudden chill at Sephirah’s words. … When they got close to the lake, they slowed down and moved sneakily. Just like Sephirah predicted there were invaders present near the lake but there were six of them. All of them looked like sturdily built middle aged men. Two of them had a spear and the rest were wielding normal long swords. Like a uniform, all six of them were wearing black coats, which reached the ground. Compared to them, Sephirah and his group were wearing normal clothes suitable for hunting without any robes or coats. “They are looking more like a cult group than invaders.” Sephirah said in a low voice. “What should we do Sephirah?” Adelmund asked as there were six invaders near the lake. “Don’t worry I have a plan.” Sephirah said as he turned towards Pam. *** Near the lake, conversation among the invaders, “Ah! It’s so boring just standing here all day.” “This lake is the main source of water, we can’t leave it unguarded.” “But why do we need six people? All of us are 5th order warriors. Just one should be enough and it’s not like anyone will come here.” “One person can’t stay on alert all the time.” “Then two should have been enough there is no need for six of us.” While they were chatting, a small figure approached them from behind. One of them noticed the figure. “What do we have here?” One of them looked at the figure with a smirk. The figure is none other than Pam with a mud ball in her hand. “GIVE ME BACK MY MOM.” Pam yelled and threw the mud ball at the invaders. They easily dodged it. No one got angry at her for throwing mud ball. “Isn’t she the kid who ran away this morning?” One of the invaders asked the others. “So this is where she ran off to, it pains me to force kids but it can’t be helped. The two of you capture her and take her back to the village.” One of them instructed. Immediately, an invader rushed and captured Pam, she tried to resist but her small body couldn’t do anything. … Two of the invaders, carried Pam and walked towards the village when they were few hundred meters away from the lake, suddenly out of nowhere, two mud balls slapped their face. The mud entered their mouth and covered their eyes. They were startled for a second. At that moment, two silhouettes leaped at them with incredible speed. It was Sephirah and Hagen. The invaders were greeted with a flying back kick to their manhood. Since they were choking because of the mud, they couldn’t even shout. Both of them were knocked out cold from behind with 4th order lightning from Adelmund. Sephirah walked towards the unconscious invaders with an evil grin filling his face. “Such a savage method… I can’t believe I tried to bully them.” A shiver ran down his spine, when Adelmund recollected the time he tried to bully the brothers. - See more at:
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
After solving the problem of direction, Sephirah started to explain his plan to save Pam’s mother. “OK, now that the problem with the direction is solved, our next objective is to save Pam’s mother. I will explain my plan now.” Sephirah sat gesturing everyone to sit down. Sephirah started to explain his plan, “Lisa and Lila will rush towards our caravan. Since they are traveling at a moderate speed, Lisa and Lila can catch up within few hours. Informing miss Rayna of the situation should be our first priority. Next, Saburo will rush towards the opposite direction from where we came in. Saburo brother will contact the principal with the telepathy ring as soon as he is out of the mist.” “I will take Hagen, Adelmund and Pam with me to rescue her mom. I already have a plan for that but let’s not waste any more time with the explanations.” Sephirah stood up following him everyone stood up. “Wait, why should I and Lila have to rush towards the caravan? What do you think will happen if we encounter those invaders along the way?” Lisa showed her disapproval with Sephirah’s plan. “Don’t worry, the invaders formed this mist to make us think, this is a new ghost forest. If you encounter them, just ignore and run. They will probably do the same. If you are really that scared then take Saburo brother with you. Contacting principal is not a priority.” Sephirah sighed and slightly changed his plan. “Who made you the leader, isn’t Saburo the leader of this group? In situations like this, we are supposed to stick together. And exactly how do you plan to save her mother, do you think I will let you take Pam without a proper explanation?” Lisa went on and on about her dissatisfaction with Sephirah leading. She even started to yell at Saburo and Adelmund for not saying anything. … Then, Suddenly Lisa felt something. She turned to look at Sephirah but she couldn’t find him there. Sephirah with a grim face was right in front of her with his fists rose close to his cheat and his right foot rising from the ground. She was too late by the time she noticed him. … …Sephirah’s right heel moved towards Lisa’s head… …Sephirah’s right foot rose above his head and reached Lisa’s right chin… …His right heel smashed her chin and sent her flying to the side… … “Crash!” Lisa fell few meters away to her left side. She was out cold. Lila immediately rushed to her sister. She kneeled to check her condition. Lisa’s chin was shattered and half of her face was covered in blood. The state of her sister enraged Lila. … …Blood thirst filled Lila’s distorting face… …Lila gathered large amount of mana in her palms… …While in kneeled position, Lila turned towards Sephirah… She wanted to blast Sephirah with her strongest wind blast but when she turned, she saw Sephirah in front her. …Sephirah’s left foot was pushing the ground to the point where it started to crack… …His right fist was piercing the wind creating a howling sound… …He bent his body to the left to increase the force of his punch… …Sephirah’s face was fierce and the mana around him was fluctuating aggressively… …Lila’s body shivered uncontrollably and the mana in her palm dispersed as she lost control… …His fist reached Lila’s face… … Sephirah did not complete the punch. He stopped his fist one inch away from her face. Lila felt the wind blowing in between his fist and her face. The rage in Lila’s face was replaced with fear. Her body trembled and she fell back being unable to balance herself. Few drops of tears appeared on the sides of her eyes. She couldn’t stop thinking about Sephirah’s fist reaching her face with a howling sound. Several meters away from them, Saburo and Adelmund were cringing on the ground panting. They couldn’t handle the pressure. “I thought, her face was going to shatter.” Saburo said in a low voice while panting and sweating heavily on the ground. Next to him, Adelmund said with a trembling voice, “N…now I understand what you meant, Saburo.” “Li… little brother.” Hagen was looking here and there not knowing what to do in that situation. … Sephirah relaxed from his punching stance and stood normally. He glared at the trembling Lila. She flinched at his glare. Sephirah said in a most threatening tone, “The burden of saving her mother weighs much heavier on me than any of you. I don’t mind you sisters helping but if you can’t then SHUT UP AND STAY OUT OF MY WAY. If you interfere one more time… I will bury both of you, right where you are. You are gravely mistaken, if you think I won’t attack girls.” Lisa couldn’t even talk back. She has never experienced a situation like this in her entire life. Then Sephirah turned towards the others. “Change of plans, Lila will remain here healing Lisa. Saburo will rush towards the caravan. I will take Hagen, Adelmund and Pam with me to rescue her mom, IS THAT CLEAR?” Sephirah said coldly. No one voiced any objection. Then the plan was set in motion. Saburo immediately rushed towards the caravan. Adelmund provided first aid to Lisa on Sephirah’s orders as Lila was nowhere near able to provide first aid. Then Sephirah took Hagen, Adelmund and Pam towards the village leaving behind Lisa and Lila. *** Along the way, Sephirah explained his plan. “All of you listen carefully, our goal is only to rescue Pam’s mom, saving the village is not included in it. Don’t try any Heroism.” Sephirah coldly said. “But…” Adelmund tried to say something but swallowed his words. Sephirah sighed and continued his explanation. “We have no idea how strong they are. We can’t take them on with just the three of us. That is why we are only going to rescue Pam’s mom and retreat. We will wait for Miss Rayna and other hunters to arrive to save the villagers later, OK? We are not abandoning anyone.” Hearing the words of Sephirah, smile returned on Hagen and Adelmund’s face. Few miles away from the village, lies a small lake which was the only source of water for the villagers. Hagen was carrying Pam and they went around the village towards the lake. “Based on what Pam explained, the villagers were trapped inside the village. Water and other necessities were provided to them by the invaders. If that is true, then there must be 1 or 2 invaders lurking near the lake. Our objective was to locate and capture at least one of the invaders for information.” Sephirah explained his plan. “Remember we have to do this as quickly and as silently as possible, don’t bring any honor crap for this mission. Just kick their groin with everything you got and throw mud into their mouth to prevent them from shouting.” Adelmund felt a sudden chill at Sephirah’s words. … When they got close to the lake, they slowed down and moved sneakily. Just like Sephirah predicted there were invaders present near the lake but there were six of them. All of them looked like sturdily built middle aged men. Two of them had a spear and the rest were wielding normal long swords. Like a uniform, all six of them were wearing black coats, which reached the ground. Compared to them, Sephirah and his group were wearing normal clothes suitable for hunting without any robes or coats. “They are looking more like a cult group than invaders.” Sephirah said in a low voice. “What should we do Sephirah?” Adelmund asked as there were six invaders near the lake. “Don’t worry I have a plan.” Sephirah said as he turned towards Pam. *** Near the lake, conversation among the invaders, “Ah! It’s so boring just standing here all day.” “This lake is the main source of water, we can’t leave it unguarded.” “But why do we need six people? All of us are 5th order warriors. Just one should be enough and it’s not like anyone will come here.” “One person can’t stay on alert all the time.” “Then two should have been enough there is no need for six of us.” While they were chatting, a small figure approached them from behind. One of them noticed the figure. “What do we have here?” One of them looked at the figure with a smirk. The figure is none other than Pam with a mud ball in her hand. “GIVE ME BACK MY MOM.” Pam yelled and threw the mud ball at the invaders. They easily dodged it. No one got angry at her for throwing mud ball. “Isn’t she the kid who ran away this morning?” One of the invaders asked the others. “So this is where she ran off to, it pains me to force kids but it can’t be helped. The two of you capture her and take her back to the village.” One of them instructed. Immediately, an invader rushed and captured Pam, she tried to resist but her small body couldn’t do anything. … Two of the invaders, carried Pam and walked towards the village when they were few hundred meters away from the lake, suddenly out of nowhere, two mud balls slapped their face. The mud entered their mouth and covered their eyes. They were startled for a second. At that moment, two silhouettes leaped at them with incredible speed. It was Sephirah and Hagen. The invaders were greeted with a flying back kick to their manhood. Since they were choking because of the mud, they couldn’t even shout. Both of them were knocked out cold from behind with 4th order lightning from Adelmund. Sephirah walked towards the unconscious invaders with an evil grin filling his face. “Such a savage method… I can’t believe I tried to bully them.” A shiver ran down his spine, when Adelmund recollected the time he tried to bully the brothers. - See more at:
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Setelah memecahkan masalah arah, Sephirah mulai menjelaskan rencananya untuk menyelamatkan ibu Pam. "OK, sekarang bahwa masalah dengan arah diselesaikan, tujuan kami berikutnya adalah untuk menyelamatkan ibu Pam. Saya akan menjelaskan rencana saya sekarang. "Sephirah duduk menunjuk orang untuk duduk. Sephirah mulai menjelaskan rencananya, "Lisa dan Lila akan terburu-buru menuju kafilah kami. Karena mereka bepergian pada kecepatan moderat, Lisa dan Lila bisa mengejar dalam beberapa jam. Menginformasikan rindu Rayna situasi harus menjadi prioritas pertama kami. Berikutnya, Saburo akan terburu-buru menuju arah yang berlawanan dari tempat kami masuk. Saburo saudara akan menghubungi kepala sekolah dengan cincin telepati segera setelah ia keluar dari kabut. "" Aku akan mengambil Hagen, Adelmund dan Pam dengan saya untuk menyelamatkannya ibu. Saya sudah punya rencana untuk itu tapi jangan buang waktu lagi dengan penjelasan. "Sephirah berdiri mengikutinya semua orang berdiri. "Tunggu, kenapa aku dan Lila harus buru-buru menuju kafilah? Apa yang Anda pikir akan terjadi jika kita temui orang-orang penjajah di sepanjang jalan? "Lisa menunjukkan ketidaksetujuannya dengan rencana Sephirah ini. "Jangan khawatir, penjajah membentuk kabut ini membuat kita berpikir, ini adalah hutan hantu baru. Jika Anda bertemu dengan mereka, hanya mengabaikan dan menjalankan. Mereka mungkin akan melakukan hal yang sama. Jika Anda benar-benar takut kemudian mengambil Saburo saudara dengan Anda. Menghubungi utama adalah tidak prioritas. "Sephirah mendesah dan sedikit berubah rencananya. "Siapa yang membuat Anda pemimpin, tidak Saburo pemimpin kelompok ini? Dalam situasi seperti ini, kita seharusnya tetap bersama-sama. Dan persis bagaimana Anda berencana untuk menyelamatkan ibunya, apakah Anda pikir saya akan membiarkan Anda mengambil Pam tanpa penjelasan yang tepat? "Lisa terus dan terus tentang ketidakpuasannya dengan Sephirah terkemuka. Dia bahkan mulai berteriak Saburo dan Adelmund untuk tidak mengatakan apa-apa. ... Kemudian, tiba-tiba Lisa merasakan sesuatu. Dia berbalik untuk melihat Sephirah tapi dia tidak bisa menemukan dia di sana. Sephirah dengan wajah muram itu tepat di depannya dengan tinjunya naik dekat ke cheat dan kaki kanannya naik dari tanah. Dia terlambat pada saat ia melihat dirinya. ... ... Tumit kanan Sephirah pindah ke kepala Lisa ... ... kaki kanan Sephirah naik di atas kepalanya dan mencapai dagu kanan Lisa ... ... tumit kanannya pecah dagu dan mengirimnya ke samping ... ... "Crash!" Lisa jatuh beberapa meter ke sisi kirinya. Dia keluar dingin. Lila langsung dilarikan ke adiknya. Dia berlutut untuk memeriksa kondisinya. Dagu Lisa hancur setengah wajahnya berlumuran darah. Keadaan kakaknya marah Lila. ... ... Haus darah diisi wajah mendistorsi Lila ... ... Lila mengumpulkan sejumlah besar mana di telapak tangannya ... ... Sementara di posisi berlutut, Lila berpaling ke arah Sephirah ... Dia ingin ledakan Sephirah dengannya ledakan angin kuat tapi ketika ia berbalik, ia melihat Sephirah di depan rumahnya. ... Kaki kiri Sephirah ini mendorong tanah ke titik di mana ia mulai retak ... ... tangan kanannya menusuk angin menciptakan suara melolong ... ... Dia membungkuk tubuhnya ke kiri untuk meningkatkan kekuatan pukulannya ... ... wajah Sephirah adalah sengit dan mana sekelilingnya berfluktuasi agresif ... ... tubuh Lila menggigil tak terkendali dan mana di telapak tangannya tersebar saat ia kehilangan kendali ... ... tinju-Nya mencapai wajah Lila ... ... Sephirah tidak menyelesaikan punch. Dia berhenti tinjunya satu inci dari wajahnya. Lila merasakan angin bertiup di antara tinjunya dan wajahnya. Kemarahan di wajah Lila digantikan dengan rasa takut. Tubuhnya bergetar dan dia jatuh kembali karena tidak mampu menyeimbangkan dirinya sendiri. Beberapa tetes air mata muncul di sisi matanya. Dia tidak bisa berhenti memikirkan tinju Sephirah ini mencapai wajahnya dengan suara melolong. Beberapa meter dari mereka, Saburo dan Adelmund yang mengernyit pada terengah-engah tanah. Mereka tidak bisa menangani tekanan. "Saya pikir, wajahnya akan pecah." Kata Saburo dengan suara rendah, sementara terengah-engah dan berkeringat berat di tanah. Di sampingnya, Adelmund kata dengan suara gemetar, "N ... sekarang aku mengerti apa yang Anda maksud, Saburo." "Li ... adik." Hagen cari di sana-sini tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan dalam situasi itu. ... Sephirah santai dari sikap meninju dan berdiri normal. Dia memelototi Lila gemetar. Dia tersentak di silau nya. Sephirah berkata dengan nada yang paling mengancam, "Beban menyelamatkan ibunya beratnya jauh lebih berat pada saya daripada Anda. Saya tidak keberatan Anda saudara membantu tetapi jika Anda tidak dapat maka SHUT UP DAN TINGGAL DARI MY WAY. Jika Anda mengganggu sekali lagi ... Aku akan mengubur Anda berdua, tepat di mana Anda berada. Anda serius keliru, jika Anda berpikir saya tidak akan menyerang perempuan. "Lisa bahkan tidak bisa berbicara kembali. Dia tidak pernah mengalami situasi seperti ini di sepanjang hidupnya. Kemudian Sephirah berpaling ke arah lain. "Perubahan rencana, Lila akan tetap di sini penyembuhan Lisa. Saburo akan terburu-buru menuju kafilah. Aku akan mengambil Hagen, Adelmund dan Pam dengan saya untuk menyelamatkan ibunya, IS YANG JELAS? "Kata Sephirah dingin. Tidak ada yang menyuarakan keberatan. Kemudian rencana itu digerakkan. Saburo segera bergegas menuju kafilah. Adelmund memberikan bantuan pertama yang Lisa atas perintah Sephirah sebagai Lila adalah tempat di dekat mampu memberikan pertolongan pertama. Kemudian Sephirah mengambil Hagen, Adelmund dan Pam menuju desa meninggalkan Lisa dan Lila. *** Sepanjang jalan, Sephirah menjelaskan rencananya. "Kalian semua mendengarkan dengan seksama, tujuan kami adalah hanya untuk menyelamatkan ibu Pam, menyimpan desa tidak termasuk di dalamnya. Jangan mencoba Kepahlawanan apapun. "Dingin kata Sephirah. "Tapi ..." Adelmund mencoba mengatakan sesuatu tapi menelan kata-katanya. Sephirah mendesah dan melanjutkan penjelasannya. "Kami tidak tahu seberapa kuat mereka. Kita tidak bisa membawa mereka pada hanya kami bertiga. Itulah sebabnya kami hanya akan menyelamatkan ibu Pam dan mundur. Kami akan menunggu untuk Miss Rayna dan pemburu lainnya tiba untuk menyelamatkan penduduk desa kemudian, OK? Kami tidak meninggalkan siapa pun. "Mendengar kata-kata Sephirah, tersenyum kembali pada wajah Hagen dan Adelmund ini. Beberapa mil jauhnya dari desa, terletak sebuah danau kecil yang merupakan satu-satunya sumber air bagi warga desa. Hagen membawa Pam dan mereka pergi di sekitar desa menuju danau. "Berdasarkan apa yang dijelaskan Pam, para penduduk desa terperangkap di dalam desa. Air dan kebutuhan lainnya yang diberikan kepada mereka oleh penjajah. Jika itu benar, maka harus ada 1 atau 2 penjajah bersembunyi di dekat danau. Tujuan kami adalah untuk mencari dan menangkap setidaknya satu dari penjajah untuk informasi. "Sephirah menjelaskan rencananya. "Ingat kita harus melakukan ini secepat dan diam-diam mungkin, tidak membawa omong kosong kehormatan untuk misi ini. Hanya menendang selangkangan mereka dengan segala sesuatu yang Anda punya dan membuang lumpur ke dalam mulut mereka untuk mencegah mereka dari berteriak. "Adelmund merasa dingin tiba-tiba kata-kata Sephirah ini. ... Ketika mereka sampai di dekat danau, mereka melambat dan pindah diam-diam. Sama seperti Sephirah diperkirakan ada penjajah hadir di dekat Danau tetapi ada enam dari mereka. Semua dari mereka tampak seperti tegap pria paruh baya. Dua dari mereka memiliki tombak dan sisanya memegang pedang panjang normal. Seperti seragam, semua enam dari mereka mengenakan mantel hitam, yang mencapai tanah. Dibandingkan dengan mereka, Sephirah dan kelompoknya mengenakan pakaian normal cocok untuk berburu tanpa jubah atau mantel. "Mereka tampak lebih seperti sebuah kelompok kultus dari penjajah." Kata Sephirah dengan suara rendah. "Apa yang harus kita lakukan Sephirah?" Tanya Adelmund karena ada enam penjajah dekat danau. "Jangan khawatir saya punya rencana." Sephirah sambil berbalik ke arah Pam. *** Dekat danau, percakapan antara penjajah, "Ah! Ini sangat membosankan hanya berdiri di sini sepanjang hari. "" Danau ini adalah sumber utama air, kita tidak bisa meninggalkan itu tak dijaga. "" Tapi mengapa kita perlu enam orang? Semua dari kita agar 5th prajurit. Hanya satu harus cukup dan itu tidak seperti orang akan datang ke sini. "" Satu orang tidak bisa tinggal waspada sepanjang waktu. "" Kemudian dua seharusnya cukup tidak ada kebutuhan untuk enam dari kami. "Sementara mereka mengobrol , sosok kecil mendekati mereka dari belakang. Salah satunya melihat gambar. "Apa yang kita miliki di sini?" Salah satu dari mereka melihat sosok dengan seringai. Angka ini tak lain Pam dengan bola lumpur di tangannya. "GIVE ME KEMBALI IBU SAYA." Pam berteriak dan melemparkan bola lumpur di penjajah. Mereka dengan mudah berhasil mengelak. Tidak ada yang marah padanya karena melempar bola lumpur. "Bukankah dia anak yang lari pagi ini?" Salah satu penjajah meminta yang lain. "Jadi ini adalah di mana dia lari ke, itu sakit aku memaksa anak-anak tetapi tidak dapat membantu. Anda berdua menangkap dia dan membawanya kembali ke desa. "Salah satu dari mereka diinstruksikan. Segera, penyerang bergegas dan menangkap Pam, ia mencoba untuk melawan tapi tubuh kecilnya tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa. ... Dua dari penjajah, dilakukan Pam dan berjalan menuju desa ketika mereka beberapa ratus meter dari danau, tiba-tiba entah dari mana, dua bola lumpur menampar wajah mereka. Lumpur masuk mulut mereka dan menutupi mata mereka. Mereka terkejut untuk kedua. Pada saat itu, dua siluet melompat pada mereka dengan kecepatan yang luar biasa. Itu Sephirah dan Hagen. Penjajah disambut dengan tendangan terbang kembali ke kejantanan mereka. Karena mereka tersedak karena lumpur, mereka bahkan tidak bisa berteriak. Keduanya tersingkir dingin dari belakang dengan 4 urutan kilat dari Adelmund. Sephirah berjalan menuju penjajah sadar dengan seringai jahat mengisi wajahnya. "Metode buas seperti ... Aku tidak percaya aku mencoba untuk menggertak mereka." Sebuah menggigil berlari tulang, ketika Adelmund teringat saat ia mencoba untuk menggertak saudara. - Lihat lebih lanjut di:
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