Yue Qing Qian is whip­ping the wing, is propos­ing the dag­ger first f terjemahan - Yue Qing Qian is whip­ping the wing, is propos­ing the dag­ger first f Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Yue Qing Qian is whip­ping the wing

Yue Qing Qian is whip­ping the wing, is propos­ing the dag­ger first flight-test in air­borne, is hand-held a dozens me­ters high great tree, said: „The cool breeze orig­i­nal on per­son came fi­nally, is the per­son of dawn trade union, the hand of Wa­ter­loo leads a group per­son­ally, prob­a­bly prob­a­bly at least the ap­pear­ances of over a thou­sand cav­alry sol­diers, I was in sight the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate at the mir­ror image forum also to see, our [Zhan Long] and [Leg­end] and ap­pear­ances of [Hero’s Mound] sev­eral guilds have brought to their at­ten­tion, was not only the dawn, the god of thun­der trade union also had the sound, the god of thun­der guild­mas­ter smile led about 3000 + peo­ple to enter the ob­ser­va­tion rill to chase down on Fang Geque, paper the pic­ture demon to go, hand of belt Wa­ter­loo 1000 + cav­alry sol­diers the quarry stone for­est were ex­plor­ing, fol­low­ing also had at least 5000 peo­ple, the hand of this time Wa­ter­loo. Was the plan must turn out in full strength.”
I silent a meet­ing, looks to every­body, said: „Broth­ers, are you tired? If thinks very weary, we re­turned to the city.”
Li Muti the long sword, is shak­ing the head: „It is not tired, comes rarely one time, didn't oc­cupy three days three nights to feel all right to say here? Ha Ha, every­body said that is?”
Lin Xi­aowu is rais­ing the long bow, said with a smile: „These words ac­tu­ally a lit­tle truth, since spends for 78 hours to hurry along, do not go back to look at the map of rill and quarry stone for­est to be so big eas­ily, we are not nec­es­sar­ily able to be bumped into by their main forces, con­tinue to fol­low in the sur­round­ings, what perquisite hav­ing a look at the wood to be pos­si­ble to fish?”
I nod: „That this, we con­tinue to prac­tice the level, to 10 : 00 pm, then every­body wind­ing rest eats meal, will rest a meet­ing, 10 : 00 am gets on­line on time , to con­tinue to draw up to look at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate the do­main.”
The peo­ple nod in abun­dance, Ran Min raises the tom­a­hawk to say with a smile: „That pre­sent goes? Might as well am­bush here, comes a time am­bush war­fare to French?”
I in con­ster­na­tion: „Do 40 peo­ple am­bush oth­ers 1000 cav­al­ries?”
Lin Wan Er throws smiles: „Thought many, walked, we went to the south of quarry stone for­est, hav­ing a look at that side also to have any map! The elixir tech­nique of Li Xiao Yao also soon 13 lev­els, again can col­lect some pur­ple spirit grass, rushed to 13 lev­els to say again that 12 lev­els of com­pounded drugs so were fierce, 13 lev­els def­i­nitely has gone against heaven's will, had such op­por­tu­nity rarely, un­miss­able.”
Con­tin­ues to south, above, ac­cord­ing to my order, as long as saw that 1 level of stone tiger falls on the same seal, 200 + seal quartzes that until we bring have used up com­pletely, saw again 1 level of Shi Hu mas­sacres, does not leave the per­son of dawn trade union, kills 1 level of Shi Hu time I es­pe­cially am also grieved, but must kill as be­fore, gen­er­ally speak­ing, first rev­o­lu­tion of map, 1 level of mon­ster and BOSS rate super­el­e­va­tion, how­ever after being mas­sa­cred one time, leav­ing rate must sell at a dis­count greatly, kills 1 level of Shi Hu also is just to re­move fire­wood from under the pot, im­ped­i­ment as far as pos­si­ble looks. Semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate stone ** the army forms a big­ger de­ter­rent to Tian Ling Em­pire.
Kills along the way strangely, picks the med­i­cine and min­ing not to delay, the south­ern jun­gle edge of local chaos hoodoo time, fi­nally „bit­ing”, few re­fine the pill of im­mor­tal­ity stoves when I soon will bring every­body soon use up, sys­tem sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: Con­grat­u­lates you, your elixir tech­nique pro­moted suc­cess­fully! Be­cause you are the first elixir tech­nique 13 lev­els of play­ers, ob
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Yue Qing Qian is whip­ping the wing, is propos­ing the dag­ger first flight-test in air­borne, is hand-held a dozens me­ters high great tree, said: „The cool breeze orig­i­nal on per­son came fi­nally, is the per­son of dawn trade union, the hand of Wa­ter­loo leads a group per­son­ally, prob­a­bly prob­a­bly at least the ap­pear­ances of over a thou­sand cav­alry sol­diers, I was in sight the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate at the mir­ror image forum also to see, our [Zhan Long] and [Leg­end] and ap­pear­ances of [Hero’s Mound] sev­eral guilds have brought to their at­ten­tion, was not only the dawn, the god of thun­der trade union also had the sound, the god of thun­der guild­mas­ter smile led about 3000 + peo­ple to enter the ob­ser­va­tion rill to chase down on Fang Geque, paper the pic­ture demon to go, hand of belt Wa­ter­loo 1000 + cav­alry sol­diers the quarry stone for­est were ex­plor­ing, fol­low­ing also had at least 5000 peo­ple, the hand of this time Wa­ter­loo. Was the plan must turn out in full strength.”I silent a meet­ing, looks to every­body, said: „Broth­ers, are you tired? If thinks very weary, we re­turned to the city.”Li Muti the long sword, is shak­ing the head: „It is not tired, comes rarely one time, didn't oc­cupy three days three nights to feel all right to say here? Ha Ha, every­body said that is?”Lin Xi­aowu is rais­ing the long bow, said with a smile: „These words ac­tu­ally a lit­tle truth, since spends for 78 hours to hurry along, do not go back to look at the map of rill and quarry stone for­est to be so big eas­ily, we are not nec­es­sar­ily able to be bumped into by their main forces, con­tinue to fol­low in the sur­round­ings, what perquisite hav­ing a look at the wood to be pos­si­ble to fish?”I nod: „That this, we con­tinue to prac­tice the level, to 10 : 00 pm, then every­body wind­ing rest eats meal, will rest a meet­ing, 10 : 00 am gets on­line on time , to con­tinue to draw up to look at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate the do­main.”The peo­ple nod in abun­dance, Ran Min raises the tom­a­hawk to say with a smile: „That pre­sent goes? Might as well am­bush here, comes a time am­bush war­fare to French?”I in con­ster­na­tion: „Do 40 peo­ple am­bush oth­ers 1000 cav­al­ries?”Lin Wan Er throws smiles: „Thought many, walked, we went to the south of quarry stone for­est, hav­ing a look at that side also to have any map! The elixir tech­nique of Li Xiao Yao also soon 13 lev­els, again can col­lect some pur­ple spirit grass, rushed to 13 lev­els to say again that 12 lev­els of com­pounded drugs so were fierce, 13 lev­els def­i­nitely has gone against heaven's will, had such op­por­tu­nity rarely, un­miss­able.”„Um!”Con­tin­ues to south, above, ac­cord­ing to my order, as long as saw that 1 level of stone tiger falls on the same seal, 200 + seal quartzes that until we bring have used up com­pletely, saw again 1 level of Shi Hu mas­sacres, does not leave the per­son of dawn trade union, kills 1 level of Shi Hu time I es­pe­cially am also grieved, but must kill as be­fore, gen­er­ally speak­ing, first rev­o­lu­tion of map, 1 level of mon­ster and BOSS rate super­el­e­va­tion, how­ever after being mas­sa­cred one time, leav­ing rate must sell at a dis­count greatly, kills 1 level of Shi Hu also is just to re­move fire­wood from under the pot, im­ped­i­ment as far as pos­si­ble looks. Semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate stone ** the army forms a big­ger de­ter­rent to Tian Ling Em­pire.Kills along the way strangely, picks the med­i­cine and min­ing not to delay, the south­ern jun­gle edge of local chaos hoodoo time, fi­nally „bit­ing”, few re­fine the pill of im­mor­tal­ity stoves when I soon will bring every­body soon use up, sys­tem sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: Con­grat­u­lates you, your elixir tech­nique pro­moted suc­cess­fully! Be­cause you are the first elixir tech­nique 13 lev­els of play­ers, ob
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Yue Qing Qian adalah mencambuk sayap, mengusulkan belati penerbangan pertama-tes di udara, yang dipegang tangan pohon besar yang tinggi puluhan meter, mengatakan: "Angin asli keren pada seseorang datang akhirnya, adalah orang fajar serikat pekerja, tangan Waterloo memimpin kelompok pribadi, mungkin mungkin setidaknya penampilan lebih dari seribu tentara kavaleri, aku terlihat dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama di forum gambar cermin juga untuk melihat, kami [Zhan panjang ] dan [Legenda] dan penampilan dari [Hero Mound] beberapa guild telah dibawa ke perhatian mereka, tidak hanya fajar, dewa guntur serikat pekerja juga memiliki suara, dewa guntur senyum Guildmaster memimpin sekitar 3000 + orang untuk masuk yang rill observasi untuk memburu di Fang Geque, kertas gambar setan untuk pergi, tangan sabuk Waterloo 1000 + tentara kavaleri hutan batu tambang mengeksplorasi, berikut juga memiliki setidaknya 5000 orang, tangan kali ini Waterloo. . Apakah rencana harus berubah dalam kekuatan penuh "
Aku diam rapat, terlihat untuk semua orang, mengatakan:" Saudara-saudara, yang Anda lelah? Jika berpikir sangat lelah, kami kembali ke kota ".
Li Muti pedang panjang, gemetar kepala:" Hal ini tidak lelah, datang jarang satu waktu, tidak menempati tiga hari tiga malam untuk merasakan semua hak untuk mengatakan di sini? ? Ha ha, semua orang mengatakan bahwa adalah "
Lin Xiaowu menaikkan busur panjang, berkata sambil tersenyum:" Kata-kata ini sebenarnya sedikit kebenaran, karena menghabiskan 78 jam untuk bergegas bersama, tidak kembali untuk melihat peta rill dan hutan tambang batu menjadi begitu besar mudah, kita belum tentu bisa dapat bertemu dengan pasukan utama mereka, terus mengikuti di sekitarnya, apa prasyarat memiliki melihat kayu menjadi mungkin untuk ikan "?
saya mengangguk:" bahwa ini, kami terus berlatih tingkat, ke 10: 12:00, maka semua orang berliku sisa makan makan, akan beristirahat pertemuan, 10: 00:00 mendapat online pada waktu, untuk terus menarik sampai melihat pelindung setengah lingkaran . dinding luar gerbang kota utama domain "
orang-orang mengangguk dalam kelimpahan, Ran Min menimbulkan tomahawk untuk mengatakan dengan tersenyum:" hadir Itu berlaku? Mungkin juga menyergap di sini, saatnya penyergapan perang ke French "?
Saya dalam ketakutan:"? Apakah 40 orang menyergap orang lain 1000 cavalries "
Lin Wan Er melempar senyum:" Pemikiran banyak, berjalan, kami pergi ke selatan hutan tambang batu , melihat-lihat di sisi yang juga memiliki peta apapun! Teknik obat mujarab Li Xiao Yao juga segera 13 tingkat, sekali lagi dapat mengumpulkan beberapa rumput semangat ungu, bergegas ke 13 tingkat untuk mengatakan lagi bahwa 12 tingkat obat diperparah jadi sengit, 13 tingkat pasti telah melawan kehendak Tuhan, memiliki kesempatan seperti jarang , unmissable. "
" Um! "
Terus selatan, di atas, sesuai dengan pesanan saya, selama melihat bahwa 1 tingkat batu harimau jatuh pada segel yang sama, 200 + segel kuarsa yang sampai kita membawa telah digunakan sepenuhnya, melihat lagi 1 tingkat pembantaian Shi Hu, tidak meninggalkan orang fajar serikat buruh, membunuh 1 tingkat waktu Shi Hu saya terutama saya juga sedih, tapi harus membunuh seperti sebelumnya, secara umum, revolusi pertama peta, 1 tingkat rakasa dan BOSS tingkat superelevasi, namun setelah dibantai satu waktu, meninggalkan tingkat harus menjual dengan diskon sangat, membunuh 1 tingkat Shi Hu juga hanya untuk menghilangkan kayu bakar dari bawah pot, halangan sejauh mungkin terlihat. Dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran luar utama batu gerbang kota ** tentara membentuk penghalang besar untuk Tian Ling Empire.
Tewaskan sepanjang jalan anehnya, mengambil obat dan pertambangan tidak menunda, tepi hutan selatan waktu kekacauan sial setempat, akhirnya "menggigit", beberapa memperbaiki pil kompor keabadian ketika saya segera akan membawa semua orang segera menggunakan up, sistem sistem pemberitahuan: mengucapkan selamat, teknik elixir Anda dipromosikan berhasil! Karena Anda adalah teknik obat mujarab pertama 13 tingkat pemain, ob
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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