King Surya Vadan almost stirred towards the edge of his couch, he play terjemahan - King Surya Vadan almost stirred towards the edge of his couch, he play Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

King Surya Vadan almost stirred tow

King Surya Vadan almost stirred towards the edge of his couch, he played with his fingers nervously. He cleared his throat twice, then mumbled confusingly, "Oh No... she is already here!!" His sound was mixed with impatience and anxiety.
"As per your instruction I invited her to come here in two hours. She is on time King." Rajvanshi guard informed King Surya Vadan.
King Surya Vadan was in a dilemma, many thoughts scrambled through his mind in a moment Oh god what should I do? We were supposed to meet alone to plan further... She has no clue that I am sitting here with all the royals, including Jalal. When I invited her to be here in two hours I thought our meeting will be over by then, but Jalal arrived later than expected and now everyone is here. I don't want her to wait outside, either I want to call her inside and make her scared in the presence of so many people including Shahenshah. I don't even have any knowledge what's going on in the palace as Jodha only sent two short messages which didn't have much detail. I guess I have to play with the information I have, which is Shahenshah has begun to like Jodha and as per Acharya's instructions my part is to make him jealous and praise Jodha's talent in front of the royals.'
After observing King Surya Vadan's nervous stance, and the way he was cracking his knuckles while deeply lost in thought, Jalal politely asked, "Is everything okay King Surya Vadan??"
It took Surya a few seconds to respond, "Uhhh... Actually, I had requested her to come and see me here at this time, so she is here, waiting outside... I thought our gathering will probably be finished by this time. So..." He stammered slightly while responding and left the sentence incomplete, but uncertainty in his faint sound was perceptible.
"That's not a problem King Surya Vadan, why don't you invite her inside to join us. I'm sure everyone here is curious to meet with the most fortunate girl." Jalal instantly responded gently understanding his edginess.
"Bring her in respectfully." King Surya Vadan ordered his personal guard Arijit Singh in imposing tone while stiffening his back, he sounded much more confident than before, but his extra effort on his posture was still giving out his nervousness. Jalal was the only one in the chamber who recognized Surya's extreme anxiety with his extraordinary skill of reading people's mind.
Almost everyone in the chamber was keen to see her, since King Surya Vadan's last statement was not clarified, everyone wanted to know WHO SHE WAS?
Suddenly, out of the blue Mariam Makhani's face turned absolutely pale as if a light bulb has sparkled in her mind.
No one was talking in the chamber, curiosity sealed everyone's mouth for a few seconds. Everyone's eyes were glued to the entrance, including the vicious Rukaiya's. Jalal also tilted his head towards the door.
Because of the pin drop silence in the room, the soothing sound of her anklet coming towards the entrance was audible. As soon as King Surya heard her steps towards the entrance, he instantly got up from his seat. His impatience was obvious and very noticeable.
Ultimately, Radha slowly reached the entrance, though slightly limping. She was quite excited to see her close friend King Surya Vadan after a long time. But when her eyes laid on all the people sitting in the chamber she nearly froze right at the entrance. She was expecting to see Surya alone to set up their further plans, this sudden, unexpected event shuddered her for a moment, she didn't understand what to do or where to go? With her instant reaction, she just stood there confused, while twisting the corner of her dupatta around her finger.
After recovering from the shock, Radha slowly lifted her gaze and looked at everyone, but she was not able to comprehend why every person was looking at her like they have seen something unexpected, unbelievable and weird. Rukaiya's eyes were so enlarged, it looked like they were about to bug out of their sockets, as if she has seen a ghost. Her mouth was open and her face was so pale that she looked like a ghost.
It took her a few seconds to grasp why everyone was looking at her unusually. It was because she was wearing a lavishing Royal Rajvanshi outfit which was given by Jalal. The instant she realized this, her eyes naturally turned towards Jalal. His burning penetrating gaze pierced through her soul. His sharp captivating dark eyes sparkled with excitement. The moment their eyes met, his lips parted slightly with erotic lust.
Jalal was so engrossed in her that he forgot about the presence of others in the chamber and softly crooned "Wow... Incredibly beautiful." His lips curved into a smirk and eyes fluttered at her with an approving gaze. When a hint of coy smile kissed her mouth, he instantly desired to claim her trembling rose petal lips.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Raja Surya Vadan hampir diaduk menuju tepi pembaringannya, ia bermain dengan jari-jarinya gugup. Ia membersihkan tenggorokannya dua kali, kemudian gumam membingungkan, "Oh No.... dia sudah di sini!!" Suara-Nya dicampur dengan ketidaksabaran dan kecemasan."Sesuai instruksi Anda saya diundang untuk datang ke sini dalam dua jam. Dia adalah pada waktu raja." Rajvanshi penjaga memberitahu raja Surya Vadan.Raja Surya Vadan dalam dilema, banyak pikiran bergegas melalui pikiran di saat Oh Tuhan apa yang harus saya lakukan? Kita seharusnya bertemu sendiri untuk rencana lebih lanjut... Dia tidak memiliki petunjuk bahwa aku duduk di sini dengan semua bangsawan, termasuk Jalal. Ketika saya diundang agar dia di sini dalam dua jam yang saya pikir pertemuan kami akan oleh itu, tetapi Jalal tiba lambat dari yang diharapkan dan sekarang semua orang di sini. Saya tidak ingin dia menunggu di luar, baik saya ingin menelepon dalam dirinya dan membuatnya takut depan begitu banyak orang, termasuk Shahenshah. Aku bahkan tidak memiliki pengetahuan apa yang sedang terjadi di istana sebagai Jodha hanya dikirim 2 pesan singkat yang tidak memiliki banyak detail. Saya kira saya harus bermain dengan informasi yang saya miliki, yang merupakan Shahenshah telah mulai menyukai Jodha dan sesuai petunjuk Acharya bagian saya adalah untuk membuat dia cemburu dan memuji Jodha's bakat di depan royals.'Setelah mengamati raja Surya Vadan sikap gugup, dan cara dia cracking jarinya sementara sangat kehilangan dalam pikiran, Jalal sopan bertanya, "adalah segalanya Oke raja Surya Vadan??"Surya butuh beberapa detik untuk menjawab, "Uhhh... Sebenarnya, saya telah meminta dia untuk datang dan menemuiku di sini pada saat ini, jadi dia berada disini, menunggu di luar... Saya pikir mungkin pertemuan kami akan selesai pada saat ini. Jadi.." Ia terbata-bata sedikit sementara menanggapi dan meninggalkan kalimat yang tidak lengkap, tetapi ketidakpastian dalam suara samar-Nya itu terlihat."Itu tidak masalah raja Surya Vadan, mengapa tidak Anda mengundang dia dalam untuk bergabung dengan kami. Saya yakin semua orang di sini penasaran untuk bertemu dengan gadis paling beruntung." Jalal langsung menjawab dengan lembut pemahaman edginess nya. "Membawa dia dengan hormat." Raja Surya Vadan memerintahkan penjaga pribadi Arijit Singh memaksakan nada sementara kaku punggungnya, ia terdengar lebih percaya diri dibandingkan sebelumnya, tetapi upaya tambahan pada posturnya masih memberikan gugup nya. Jalal adalah satu-satunya di ruang yang diakui darisyahril kecemasan ekstrem dengan keahliannya yang luar biasa membaca pikiran rakyat.Hampir semua orang di ruang bertekad untuk melihat dia, karena raja Surya Vadan pernyataan terakhir tidak dijelaskan, semua orang ingin tahu siapa dia?Tiba-tiba, dari biru Mariam Makhani disebut 's wajah berubah benar-benar pucat seolah-olah lampu telah berkilauan di pikirannya.Tidak ada yang berbicara di ruang, keingintahuan disegel mulut semua orang selama beberapa detik. Mata semua orang terpaku ke pintu masuk, termasuk Rukaiya setan. Jalal juga miring kepalanya kearah pintu.Because of the pin drop silence in the room, the soothing sound of her anklet coming towards the entrance was audible. As soon as King Surya heard her steps towards the entrance, he instantly got up from his seat. His impatience was obvious and very noticeable.Ultimately, Radha slowly reached the entrance, though slightly limping. She was quite excited to see her close friend King Surya Vadan after a long time. But when her eyes laid on all the people sitting in the chamber she nearly froze right at the entrance. She was expecting to see Surya alone to set up their further plans, this sudden, unexpected event shuddered her for a moment, she didn't understand what to do or where to go? With her instant reaction, she just stood there confused, while twisting the corner of her dupatta around her finger.After recovering from the shock, Radha slowly lifted her gaze and looked at everyone, but she was not able to comprehend why every person was looking at her like they have seen something unexpected, unbelievable and weird. Rukaiya's eyes were so enlarged, it looked like they were about to bug out of their sockets, as if she has seen a ghost. Her mouth was open and her face was so pale that she looked like a ghost.It took her a few seconds to grasp why everyone was looking at her unusually. It was because she was wearing a lavishing Royal Rajvanshi outfit which was given by Jalal. The instant she realized this, her eyes naturally turned towards Jalal. His burning penetrating gaze pierced through her soul. His sharp captivating dark eyes sparkled with excitement. The moment their eyes met, his lips parted slightly with erotic lust.Jalal was so engrossed in her that he forgot about the presence of others in the chamber and softly crooned "Wow... Incredibly beautiful." His lips curved into a smirk and eyes fluttered at her with an approving gaze. When a hint of coy smile kissed her mouth, he instantly desired to claim her trembling rose petal lips.
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