„Com­mands, do we also reen­force the strong gale for­est?”The South K terjemahan - „Com­mands, do we also reen­force the strong gale for­est?”The South K Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Com­mands, do we also reen­force t

„Com­mands, do we also reen­force the strong gale for­est?”
The South Ko­rean deep pool raised full is being the blood­stain long-bar­relled gun, on the face has cov­ered en­tirely the dirt and blood, al­most re­vealed an eye, clenched jaws say­ing: „Palace guards are too few, could not with­stand fights again, if we go to the strong gale for­est and blood giant Kyle again so­cial­ize, per­haps our time re­ally any­thing not re­main­ing, but also asked the gen­eral three to think!”
I ride on the fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse, ob­serves the sit­u­a­tion for one week, the palace guard linked the field fierce bat­tle truly to be in­ca­pable of fight­ing again, the re­main­ing peo­ple ex­ceeded half are the wounded, hit again is also brings death.
Is rais­ing the Longchi sword, my sink­ing sound track: „Palace guard all back­lash, deal with Sellin to at­tack by the ven­turer team fi­nally, that side the strong gale for­est has flame Long Jun­tuan, the leg­endary Em­peror Yu reg­i­ment, we do not need again.”
Long Xing is stunned, raises long blade to walk say­ing: „Sir, such came you to defy the mil­i­tary order, once in­ves­ti­gated that per­haps the palace guard could not take on this re­spon­si­bil­ity!”
I show a faint smile: „Has not re­lated, what re­spon­si­bil­ity has I to take on . More­over the palace guard goes to the words of strong gale for­est, blood giant Kyle knows us, only needs one time to fiercely at­tack can make our palace guards van­ish, the palace guards did not have had also feared that what de­fied the mil­i­tary order? Like this, Long Xing, Han Yuan, you lead the re­main­ing peo­ple to enter south the strong gale for­est, treats to the wounded sol­dier in the woods, do not ap­proach the blood giant, this!”
The South Ko­rean deep pool said: „Sir, you?”
I looked to the sound in sea level, said: „Sellin must lead the final sea-nymph clan mil­i­tary strength to start has struck fi­nally, I must de­fend with the friends of mine here, you go to the strong gale for­est im­me­di­ately, is quick!”
The trans­porta­tion bat­tal­ion of palace guard sup­ports by the arm wounded sol­dier to start to re­treat, Long Xing, Han Yuan and other mil­i­tary of­fi­cers di­rect the cav­alry sol­dier to trans­port cross­bow car­riage, ar­tillery and other mil­i­tary bag­gage, the palace guard about 30,000 peo­ple meet head-on the sea-nymph clan, but now ac­tu­ally only re­main­ing was less than 15,000, lost re­ally se­ri­ously, but passed through fierce bat­tles, the per­son who lived at least rose 5 lev­els and a step, the over­all strength had the enor­mous pro­mo­tion in fact, came sev­eral again times such fight, these NPC strength will be stronger, this was also I the pur­pose that wanted to serve, the over­all strength of palace guard dom­i­nates in a player clew team. Above, that is the true bat­tle ef­fi­ciency, oth­er­wise very eas­ily by player team con­sum­ing.
Palace guard com­plete with­drawal time, I re­turn to the [Zhan Long] po­si­tion, Li Mu, Yue Qing Qian, Lin Wan Er et al. the fit­ting out team lineup, was guar­an­tee­ing again each squad has the tank, treat­ment and out­put, oth­er­wise the com­plete force will be greatly af­fected.
In the sea level broad­casts an in­ter­mit­tent conch sound, the final at­tack also fi­nally came, the armed forces ac­count place, Locker Great has not re­treated un­ex­pect­edly, lead­ing the daugh­ter to wear is sit­ting well in armed forces ac­count, as if has de­cided to look that here Sellin's time of death ar­rived, but Theodore, brought his army to go to the strong gale for­est to meet head-on the blood giant reg­i­ment.
Li Mu smiles, said: „Sellin came fi­nally, some of our also again op­por­tu­ni­ties saw the king level dif­fer­ent demon, does not know how this time Sellin did want dead?”
Yue Qing Qian can­not bear the young lady smile: „Brother Li Mu do not crack a joke, we were not mas­sa­cred by Sellin have thanked heaven and earth, but also is think­i
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Com­mands, do we also reen­force the strong gale for­est?”The South Ko­rean deep pool raised full is being the blood­stain long-bar­relled gun, on the face has cov­ered en­tirely the dirt and blood, al­most re­vealed an eye, clenched jaws say­ing: „Palace guards are too few, could not with­stand fights again, if we go to the strong gale for­est and blood giant Kyle again so­cial­ize, per­haps our time re­ally any­thing not re­main­ing, but also asked the gen­eral three to think!”I ride on the fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse, ob­serves the sit­u­a­tion for one week, the palace guard linked the field fierce bat­tle truly to be in­ca­pable of fight­ing again, the re­main­ing peo­ple ex­ceeded half are the wounded, hit again is also brings death.Is rais­ing the Longchi sword, my sink­ing sound track: „Palace guard all back­lash, deal with Sellin to at­tack by the ven­turer team fi­nally, that side the strong gale for­est has flame Long Jun­tuan, the leg­endary Em­peror Yu reg­i­ment, we do not need again.”Long Xing is stunned, raises long blade to walk say­ing: „Sir, such came you to defy the mil­i­tary order, once in­ves­ti­gated that per­haps the palace guard could not take on this re­spon­si­bil­ity!”I show a faint smile: „Has not re­lated, what re­spon­si­bil­ity has I to take on . More­over the palace guard goes to the words of strong gale for­est, blood giant Kyle knows us, only needs one time to fiercely at­tack can make our palace guards van­ish, the palace guards did not have had also feared that what de­fied the mil­i­tary order? Like this, Long Xing, Han Yuan, you lead the re­main­ing peo­ple to enter south the strong gale for­est, treats to the wounded sol­dier in the woods, do not ap­proach the blood giant, this!”The South Ko­rean deep pool said: „Sir, you?”I looked to the sound in sea level, said: „Sellin must lead the final sea-nymph clan mil­i­tary strength to start has struck fi­nally, I must de­fend with the friends of mine here, you go to the strong gale for­est im­me­di­ately, is quick!”„Yes!”The trans­porta­tion bat­tal­ion of palace guard sup­ports by the arm wounded sol­dier to start to re­treat, Long Xing, Han Yuan and other mil­i­tary of­fi­cers di­rect the cav­alry sol­dier to trans­port cross­bow car­riage, ar­tillery and other mil­i­tary bag­gage, the palace guard about 30,000 peo­ple meet head-on the sea-nymph clan, but now ac­tu­ally only re­main­ing was less than 15,000, lost re­ally se­ri­ously, but passed through fierce bat­tles, the per­son who lived at least rose 5 lev­els and a step, the over­all strength had the enor­mous pro­mo­tion in fact, came sev­eral again times such fight, these NPC strength will be stronger, this was also I the pur­pose that wanted to serve, the over­all strength of palace guard dom­i­nates in a player clew team. Above, that is the true bat­tle ef­fi­ciency, oth­er­wise very eas­ily by player team con­sum­ing.Palace guard com­plete with­drawal time, I re­turn to the [Zhan Long] po­si­tion, Li Mu, Yue Qing Qian, Lin Wan Er et al. the fit­ting out team lineup, was guar­an­tee­ing again each squad has the tank, treat­ment and out­put, oth­er­wise the com­plete force will be greatly af­fected.In the sea level broad­casts an in­ter­mit­tent conch sound, the final at­tack also fi­nally came, the armed forces ac­count place, Locker Great has not re­treated un­ex­pect­edly, lead­ing the daugh­ter to wear is sit­ting well in armed forces ac­count, as if has de­cided to look that here Sellin's time of death ar­rived, but Theodore, brought his army to go to the strong gale for­est to meet head-on the blood giant reg­i­ment.„Hey!”Li Mu smiles, said: „Sellin came fi­nally, some of our also again op­por­tu­ni­ties saw the king level dif­fer­ent demon, does not know how this time Sellin did want dead?”Yue Qing Qian can­not bear the young lady smile: „Brother Li Mu do not crack a joke, we were not mas­sa­cred by Sellin have thanked heaven and earth, but also is think­i
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"? Perintah, kita juga reenforce hutan puting beliung"
Kolam renang yang mendalam Korea Selatan mengangkat penuh menjadi noda darah senjata laras panjang, pada wajah telah tertutup seluruhnya kotoran dan darah, hampir mengungkapkan mata, rahang terkatup mengatakan: " istana penjaga terlalu sedikit, tidak bisa menahan perkelahian lagi, jika kita pergi ke yang kuat raksasa hutan gale dan darah Kyle lagi bersosialisasi, mungkin waktu kita benar-benar sesuatu tidak tersisa, tapi juga meminta umum tiga berpikir! "
aku naik terbang dengan sabit lapis baja kuda perang, mengamati situasi selama satu minggu, pengawal istana terkait pertempuran sengit bidang yang benar-benar tak mampu melawan lagi, orang-orang yang tersisa melebihi setengah yang terluka, memukul lagi juga membawa kematian.
Apakah menaikkan pedang Longchi, tenggelam track saya suara: "Palace guard semua backlash, berurusan dengan Sellin untuk menyerang oleh tim venturer akhirnya, sisi hutan puting beliung memiliki api panjang Juntuan, legendaris Kaisar Yu resimen, kita tidak perlu lagi."
panjang Xing tertegun , menimbulkan pisau panjang untuk berjalan mengatakan: "Sir, seperti datang Anda untuk menentang perintah militer, setelah diselidiki bahwa mungkin pengawal istana tidak bisa mengambil tanggung jawab ini!"
aku menunjukkan senyum tipis: "Apakah tidak berhubungan, apa tanggung jawab memiliki saya untuk mengambil . Selain itu pengawal istana pergi ke kata-kata hutan puting beliung, raksasa darah Kyle mengenal kita, hanya membutuhkan satu waktu untuk keras serangan dapat membuat penjaga istana kita lenyap, penjaga istana tidak memiliki juga takut bahwa apa yang menantang perintah militer? ! Seperti ini, Long Xing, Han Yuan, Anda memimpin orang-orang yang tersisa untuk masuk selatan hutan puting beliung, memperlakukan dengan tentara yang terluka di hutan, jangan mendekati raksasa darah, ini "
kata The kolam yang dalam Korea Selatan:" Sir ?, Anda "
aku melihat suara di permukaan laut, mengatakan:" Sellin harus memimpin kekuatan militer laut nimfa klan akhir untuk memulai telah menyerang akhirnya, saya harus mempertahankan dengan teman-teman saya di sini, Anda pergi ke hutan puting beliung segera, cepat! "
" Ya! "
The batalion transportasi penjaga istana mendukung dengan lengan terluka tentara untuk mulai mundur, Long Xing, Han Yuan dan perwira militer lainnya mengarahkan tentara kavaleri untuk mengangkut kereta panah, artileri dan bagasi militer lainnya , pengawal istana sekitar 30.000 orang memenuhi kepala-on klan laut nimfa, tapi sekarang sebenarnya hanya tersisa kurang dari 15.000, hilang benar-benar serius, tapi melewati pertempuran sengit, orang yang hidup setidaknya naik 5 tingkat dan langkah, kekuatan secara keseluruhan memiliki promosi besar pada kenyataannya, datang beberapa kali lagi laga seperti itu, kekuatan NPC ini akan lebih kuat, ini juga saya tujuan yang ingin melayani, kekuatan keseluruhan pengawal istana mendominasi dalam tim pemain tika-tika. Atas, yaitu efisiensi pertempuran benar, jika tidak sangat mudah dengan mengkonsumsi tim pemain.
Palace menjaga waktu penarikan lengkap, aku kembali ke posisi [Zhan Panjang], Li Mu, Yue Qing Qian, Lin Wan Er et al. yang pas keluar tim lineup, itu menjamin lagi skuad masing-masing memiliki tangki, pengobatan dan output, jika kekuatan lengkap akan sangat terpengaruh.
Dalam permukaan laut menyiarkan suara keong intermiten, serangan terakhir juga akhirnya datang, angkatan bersenjata tempat rekening , Locker besar belum mundur tiba-tiba, memimpin anak untuk memakai duduk baik di akun angkatan bersenjata, seakan telah memutuskan untuk melihat bahwa di sini waktu Sellin ini kematian tiba, tapi Theodore, membawa pasukannya untuk pergi ke hutan gale yang kuat untuk memenuhi . kepala-on resimen raksasa darah
Li Mu tersenyum, mengatakan: "Sellin datang akhirnya, beberapa kami peluang juga lagi melihat tingkat raja iblis yang berbeda, tidak tahu bagaimana kali ini Sellin memang ingin mati?"
Yue Qing Qian tidak dapat menanggung wanita muda tersenyum: "Saudara Li Mu tidak retak lelucon, kita tidak dibantai oleh Sellin telah mengucapkan terima kasih langit dan bumi, tetapi juga adalah thinki
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