contractors. Small firms hire a larger proportion ofemployees who are  terjemahan - contractors. Small firms hire a larger proportion ofemployees who are  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

contractors. Small firms hire a lar

contractors. Small firms hire a larger proportion of
employees who are younger workers, older workers,
women, or workers who prefer to work part time.
Furthermore, small businesses provide 67 percent
of workers with their first jobs and initial on-the-job
training in basic skills. According to the SBA, small
businesses represent 99.7 percent of all employers,
employ more than 50 percent of the private workforce,
and provide about two-thirds of the net new jobs added
to our economy.11 Small businesses thus contribute significantly
to solving unemployment problems.
The business cycle, as discussed in Chapter 1, is an important
factor in the net creation or loss of jobs. During the 2008–
2009 recession, businesses with fewer than 20 employees began
losing jobs as early as mid-2007. From 2008 to mid-2009, these
smallest businesses accounted for 24 percent of the net job
losses, while those with 20–499 employees accounted for 36
percent; the remaining 40 percent of job losses were in larger
firms with more than 500 employees.12
Providing Competition
Small businesses challenge larger, established firms in many
ways, causing them to become more efficient and more
responsive to consumer needs. A small business cannot, of
course, compete with a large firm in all respects. However, a
number of small firms, each competing in its own particular
area and its own particular way, together have the desired
competitive effect. Thus, several small janitorial companies
together add up to reasonable competition for the no-longersmall
Filling Needs of Society and Other Businesses
Small firms also provide a variety of goods and services to each other and to much
larger firms. Sears, Roebuck & Co. purchases merchandise from approximately 12,000
suppliers—and most of them are small businesses. General Motors relies on more
than 32,000 companies for parts and supplies and depends on more than 11,000
independent dealers to sell its automobiles and trucks. Large firms generally buy parts
and assemblies from smaller firms for one very good reason: It is less expensive than
manufacturing the parts in their own factories. This lower cost eventually is reflected
in the price that consumers pay for their products.
It is clear that small businesses are a vital part of our economy and that, as
consumers and as members of the labor force, we all benefit enormously from their
existence. Now let us look at the situation from the viewpoint of the owners of small
The Pros and Cons of Smallness
Do most owners of small businesses dream that their firms will grow into giant
corporations—managed by professionals—while they serve only on the board of
directors? Or would they rather stay small, in a firm where they have the opportunity
(and the responsibility) to do everything that needs to be done? The answers depend
on the personal characteristics and motivations of the individual owners. For many, the
advantages of remaining small far outweigh the disadvantages.

Advantages of Small Business
Small-business owners with limited resources often must struggle
to enter competitive new markets. They also have to deal with
increasing international competition. However, they enjoy several
unique advantages.
Personal Relationships with Customers and Employees
For those who like dealing with people, small business is the place
to be. The owners of retail shops get to know many of their customers
by name and deal with them on a personal basis. Through such
relationships, small-business owners often become involved in the
social, cultural, and political life of the community.
Relationships between owner-managers and employees also
tend to be closer in smaller businesses. In many cases, the owner is
a friend and counselor as well as the boss.
These personal relationships provide an important business
advantage. The personal service small businesses offer to customers
is a major competitive weapon—one that larger firms try to match
but often cannot. In addition, close relationships with employees
often help the small-business owner to keep effective workers who might earn more
with a larger firm.
Ability to Adapt to Change Being his or her own boss, the owner-manager of a
small business does not need anyone’s permission to adapt to change. An owner may add
or discontinue merchandise or services, change store hours, and experiment with various
price strategies in response to changes in market conditions. And through personal
relationships with customers, the owners of small businesses quickly become aware of
changes in people’s needs and interests, as well as in the activities of competing firms.
Simplified Record Keeping Many small firms need only a simple set of records.
Record keeping might consist of a checkbook, a cash-receipts journal in which to
record all sales, and a cash-disbursements journal in which to record all amounts paid
out. Obviously, enough records must be kept to allow for producing and filing accurate
tax returns.
Independence Small-business owners do not have to punch in and out, bid for vacation
times, take orders from superiors, or worry about being fired or laid off. They
are the masters of their own destinies—at least with regard to employment. For many
people, this is the prime advantage of owning a small business.
Other Advantages According to the SBA, the most profitable companies in the
United States are small firms that have been in business for more than ten years and
employ fewer than 20 people. Small-business owners also enjoy all the advantages of
sole proprietorships, which were discussed in Chapter 4. These include being able to
keep all profits, the ease and low cost of going into business and (if necessary) going
out of business, and being able to keep business information secret.
Disadvantages of Small Business
Personal contacts with customers, closer relationships with employees, being one’s own
boss, less cumbersome record-keeping chores, and independence are the bright side of
small business. In contrast, the dark side reflects problems unique to these firms.
Risk of Failure As we have noted, small businesses (especially new ones) run a
heavy risk of going out of business—about 50 percent survive at least five years.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
contractors. Small firms hire a larger proportion ofemployees who are younger workers, older workers,women, or workers who prefer to work part time.Furthermore, small businesses provide 67 percentof workers with their first jobs and initial on-the-jobtraining in basic skills. According to the SBA, smallbusinesses represent 99.7 percent of all employers,employ more than 50 percent of the private workforce,and provide about two-thirds of the net new jobs addedto our economy.11 Small businesses thus contribute significantlyto solving unemployment problems.The business cycle, as discussed in Chapter 1, is an importantfactor in the net creation or loss of jobs. During the 2008–2009 recession, businesses with fewer than 20 employees beganlosing jobs as early as mid-2007. From 2008 to mid-2009, thesesmallest businesses accounted for 24 percent of the net joblosses, while those with 20–499 employees accounted for 36percent; the remaining 40 percent of job losses were in largerfirms with more than 500 employees.12Providing CompetitionSmall businesses challenge larger, established firms in manyways, causing them to become more efficient and moreresponsive to consumer needs. A small business cannot, ofcourse, compete with a large firm in all respects. However, anumber of small firms, each competing in its own particulararea and its own particular way, together have the desiredcompetitive effect. Thus, several small janitorial companiestogether add up to reasonable competition for the no-longersmallServiceMaster.Filling Needs of Society and Other BusinessesSmall firms also provide a variety of goods and services to each other and to muchlarger firms. Sears, Roebuck & Co. purchases merchandise from approximately 12,000suppliers—and most of them are small businesses. General Motors relies on morethan 32,000 companies for parts and supplies and depends on more than 11,000independent dealers to sell its automobiles and trucks. Large firms generally buy partsand assemblies from smaller firms for one very good reason: It is less expensive thanmanufacturing the parts in their own factories. This lower cost eventually is reflectedin the price that consumers pay for their products.It is clear that small businesses are a vital part of our economy and that, asconsumers and as members of the labor force, we all benefit enormously from theirexistence. Now let us look at the situation from the viewpoint of the owners of smallbusinesses.The Pros and Cons of SmallnessDo most owners of small businesses dream that their firms will grow into giantcorporations—managed by professionals—while they serve only on the board ofdirectors? Or would they rather stay small, in a firm where they have the opportunity(and the responsibility) to do everything that needs to be done? The answers dependon the personal characteristics and motivations of the individual owners. For many, theadvantages of remaining small far outweigh the disadvantages.142Advantages of Small BusinessSmall-business owners with limited resources often must struggleto enter competitive new markets. They also have to deal withincreasing international competition. However, they enjoy severalunique advantages.Personal Relationships with Customers and EmployeesFor those who like dealing with people, small business is the placeto be. The owners of retail shops get to know many of their customersby name and deal with them on a personal basis. Through suchrelationships, small-business owners often become involved in thesocial, cultural, and political life of the community.Relationships between owner-managers and employees alsotend to be closer in smaller businesses. In many cases, the owner isa friend and counselor as well as the boss.These personal relationships provide an important businessadvantage. The personal service small businesses offer to customersis a major competitive weapon—one that larger firms try to matchbut often cannot. In addition, close relationships with employeesoften help the small-business owner to keep effective workers who might earn morewith a larger firm.Ability to Adapt to Change Being his or her own boss, the owner-manager of asmall business does not need anyone’s permission to adapt to change. An owner may addor discontinue merchandise or services, change store hours, and experiment with variousstrategi harga dalam menanggapi perubahan kondisi pasar. Dan melalui pribadihubungan dengan pelanggan, pemilik usaha kecil dengan cepat menjadi sadarperubahan dalam kebutuhan orang-orang dan kepentingan, serta dalam kegiatan perusahaan yang bersaing.Sederhana catatan menjaga banyak perusahaan kecil membutuhkan hanya satu set sederhana catatan.Pencatatan mungkin terdiri dari buku cek, jurnal terima kas untukmerekam semua penjualan, dan uang tunai-pencairan jurnal untuk merekam semua jumlah dibayarkeluar. Jelas, catatan cukup harus disimpan untuk memungkinkan untuk memproduksi dan pengajuan akuratpengembalian pajak.Pemilik usaha kecil kemerdekaan tidak perlu memukul masuk dan keluar, tawaran untuk liburankali, menerima perintah dari atasan, atau khawatir tentang menjadi dipecat atau diberhentikan. Merekaadalah tuan dari nasib mereka sendiri — setidaknya dalam pekerjaan. Bagi banyakorang-orang, ini adalah keuntungan utama dari memiliki bisnis kecil.Lain keuntungan menurut SBA, perusahaan yang paling menguntungkan dalamAmerika Serikat adalah perusahaan kecil yang telah dalam bisnis selama lebih dari sepuluh tahun danmempekerjakan kurang dari 20 orang. Pemilik usaha kecil juga menikmati semua keuntungan darikepemilikan tunggal, yang dibahas dalam bab 4. Ini termasuk yang mampumenjaga semua keuntungan, kemudahan dan biaya yang rendah akan masuk ke bisnis dan (jika perlu) akanBisnis, dan mampu untuk merahasiakan informasi bisnis.Kerugian dari usaha kecilPersonal contacts with customers, closer relationships with employees, being one’s ownboss, less cumbersome record-keeping chores, and independence are the bright side ofsmall business. In contrast, the dark side reflects problems unique to these firms.Risk of Failure As we have noted, small businesses (especially new ones) run aheavy risk of going out of business—about 50 percent survive at least five years.143
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
kontraktor. Perusahaan kecil mempekerjakan proporsi yang lebih besar dari
karyawan yang pekerja muda, pekerja yang lebih tua,
wanita, atau pekerja yang lebih memilih untuk bekerja paruh waktu.
Selain itu, usaha kecil memberikan 67 persen
dari pekerja dengan pekerjaan pertama mereka dan awal on-the-job
training di dasar keterampilan. Menurut SBA, kecil
bisnis mewakili 99,7 persen dari semua pengusaha,
mempekerjakan lebih dari 50 persen tenaga kerja swasta,
dan menyediakan sekitar dua-pertiga dari pekerjaan baru bersih ditambahkan
ke economy.11 kami Usaha kecil sehingga memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan
untuk memecahkan masalah pengangguran .
Siklus bisnis, seperti dibahas dalam Bab 1, merupakan penting
faktor dalam penciptaan atau kehilangan pekerjaan bersih. Selama 2008-
2009 resesi, bisnis dengan kurang dari 20 karyawan mulai
kehilangan pekerjaan sejak pertengahan 2007. Dari tahun 2008 sampai pertengahan 2009, ini
bisnis terkecil menyumbang 24 persen dari pekerjaan bersih
kerugian, sementara mereka dengan 20-499 karyawan menyumbang 36
persen; 40 persen sisanya dari kehilangan pekerjaan berada di lebih besar
perusahaan dengan lebih dari 500 employees.12
Memberikan Persaingan
Usaha kecil menantang yang lebih besar, perusahaan didirikan di banyak
hal, menyebabkan mereka untuk menjadi lebih efisien dan lebih
responsif terhadap kebutuhan konsumen. Sebuah usaha kecil tidak bisa, dari
Tentu saja, bersaing dengan perusahaan besar dalam segala hal. Namun,
sejumlah perusahaan kecil, masing-masing bersaing khususnya sendiri
daerah dan cara tertentu sendiri, bersama-sama memiliki diinginkan
efek kompetitif. Dengan demikian, beberapa perusahaan kebersihan kecil
bersama-sama menambahkan hingga kompetisi yang wajar untuk no-longersmall
Mengisi Kebutuhan Masyarakat dan Usaha Lainnya
perusahaan kecil juga menyediakan berbagai barang dan jasa satu sama lain dan banyak
perusahaan besar. Sears, Roebuck & Co membeli barang dagangan dari sekitar 12.000
pemasok-dan kebanyakan mereka adalah usaha kecil. General Motors bergantung pada lebih
dari 32.000 perusahaan untuk suku cadang dan persediaan dan tergantung pada lebih dari 11.000
dealer independen untuk menjual mobil dan truk. Perusahaan besar umumnya membeli suku cadang
dan rakitan dari perusahaan-perusahaan kecil untuk satu alasan yang sangat baik: Hal ini lebih murah daripada
pembuatan bagian-bagian di pabrik-pabrik mereka sendiri. Biaya yang lebih rendah ini akhirnya tercermin
dalam harga yang dibayar konsumen untuk produk mereka.
Hal ini jelas bahwa usaha kecil adalah bagian penting dari perekonomian kita dan bahwa, sebagai
konsumen dan sebagai anggota dari angkatan kerja, kita semua manfaat besar dari mereka
keberadaan. Sekarang mari kita lihat situasi dari sudut pandang pemilik kecil
Pro ​​dan Kontra kecilnya
Do sebagian besar pemilik usaha kecil bermimpi bahwa perusahaan mereka akan tumbuh menjadi raksasa
perusahaan yang dikelola oleh profesional-sementara mereka hanya melayani di papan dari
direksi? Atau akan mereka suka tinggal kecil, di sebuah perusahaan di mana mereka memiliki kesempatan
(dan tanggung jawab) untuk melakukan segala sesuatu yang perlu dilakukan? Jawaban tergantung
pada karakteristik pribadi dan motivasi dari para pemilik perorangan. Bagi banyak orang,
keuntungan dari sisa kecil jauh lebih besar daripada kerugian.
142 Keuntungan dari Usaha Kecil Pemilik usaha kecil dengan sumber daya terbatas sering harus berjuang untuk memasuki pasar baru yang kompetitif. Mereka juga harus berurusan dengan meningkatnya persaingan internasional. Namun, mereka menikmati beberapa keuntungan yang unik. Hubungan Pribadi dengan Pelanggan dan Karyawan Bagi mereka yang seperti berurusan dengan orang-orang, usaha kecil adalah tempat untuk menjadi. Pemilik toko ritel mengenal banyak pelanggan mereka dengan nama dan berurusan dengan mereka secara pribadi. Melalui seperti hubungan, pemilik usaha kecil sering menjadi terlibat dalam kehidupan sosial, budaya, dan politik masyarakat. Hubungan antara pemilik-manajer dan karyawan juga cenderung lebih dekat dalam bisnis kecil. Dalam banyak kasus, pemilik teman dan konselor serta bos. Hubungan pribadi ini memberikan bisnis penting keuntungan. Layanan pribadi usaha kecil menawarkan kepada pelanggan adalah kompetitif senjata-satu utama yang perusahaan besar mencoba untuk mencocokkan tetapi sering tidak bisa. Selain itu, hubungan dekat dengan karyawan sering membantu pemilik usaha kecil untuk menjaga pekerja efektif yang mungkin mendapatkan lebih dengan perusahaan yang lebih besar. Kemampuan untuk Beradaptasi Mengubah Menjadi atau bosnya sendiri, pemilik-manajer sebuah usaha kecil tidak perlu izin siapa pun untuk beradaptasi dengan perubahan. Seorang pemilik dapat menambahkan atau menghentikan barang atau jasa, toko jam perubahan, dan bereksperimen dengan berbagai strategi harga dalam menanggapi perubahan kondisi pasar. Dan melalui personal hubungan dengan pelanggan, pemilik usaha kecil cepat menjadi sadar perubahan kebutuhan dan kepentingan masyarakat, serta dalam kegiatan perusahaan yang bersaing. Sederhana Rekam Menjaga Banyak perusahaan kecil hanya perlu satu set sederhana catatan. Menjaga Rekam mungkin terdiri dari buku cek, jurnal kas penerimaan di mana untuk merekam semua penjualan, dan jurnal kas pengeluaran di mana untuk merekam semua jumlah yang dibayarkan keluar. Jelas, cukup catatan harus disimpan untuk memungkinkan untuk memproduksi dan mengajukan akurat pengembalian pajak. Kemerdekaan Pemilik usaha kecil tidak perlu meninju masuk dan keluar, tawaran untuk liburan kali, menerima perintah dari atasan, atau khawatir akan dipecat atau diberhentikan. Mereka adalah tuan dari nasib-di mereka sendiri setidaknya berkaitan dengan pekerjaan. Bagi banyak orang, ini adalah keuntungan utama dari memiliki bisnis kecil. Keuntungan lain Menurut SBA, perusahaan yang paling menguntungkan di Amerika Serikat adalah perusahaan kecil yang telah dalam bisnis selama lebih dari sepuluh tahun dan mempekerjakan kurang dari 20 orang. Pemilik usaha kecil juga menikmati semua keuntungan dari perseorangan, yang dibahas dalam Bab 4. Ini termasuk mampu menyimpan semua keuntungan, kemudahan dan biaya rendah masuk ke bisnis dan (jika perlu) akan keluar dari bisnis, dan menjadi mampu menjaga bisnis rahasia informasi. Kekurangan Usaha Kecil kontak pribadi dengan pelanggan, hubungan lebih dekat dengan karyawan, menjadi salah satu sendiri bos, kurang praktis pencatatan tugas, dan kemandirian adalah sisi terang dari usaha kecil. Sebaliknya, sisi gelap mencerminkan masalah yang unik untuk perusahaan-perusahaan ini. Risiko Kegagalan Seperti yang kita ketahui, usaha kecil (terutama yang baru) menjalankan risiko berat akan keluar dari bisnis-sekitar 50 persen bertahan hidup setidaknya lima tahun. 143

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Bahasa lainnya
Dukungan alat penerjemahan: Afrikans, Albania, Amhara, Arab, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahasa Indonesia, Basque, Belanda, Belarussia, Bengali, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Burma, Cebuano, Ceko, Chichewa, China, Cina Tradisional, Denmark, Deteksi bahasa, Esperanto, Estonia, Farsi, Finlandia, Frisia, Gaelig, Gaelik Skotlandia, Galisia, Georgia, Gujarati, Hausa, Hawaii, Hindi, Hmong, Ibrani, Igbo, Inggris, Islan, Italia, Jawa, Jepang, Jerman, Kannada, Katala, Kazak, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirghiz, Klingon, Korea, Korsika, Kreol Haiti, Kroat, Kurdi, Laos, Latin, Latvia, Lituania, Luksemburg, Magyar, Makedonia, Malagasi, Malayalam, Malta, Maori, Marathi, Melayu, Mongol, Nepal, Norsk, Odia (Oriya), Pashto, Polandia, Portugis, Prancis, Punjabi, Rumania, Rusia, Samoa, Serb, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somali, Spanyol, Sunda, Swahili, Swensk, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thai, Turki, Turkmen, Ukraina, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Vietnam, Wales, Xhosa, Yiddi, Yoruba, Yunani, Zulu, Bahasa terjemahan.

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