Jasmine…. Jasmine….” While calling Jasmine’s name, Yun Che’s heart tig terjemahan - Jasmine…. Jasmine….” While calling Jasmine’s name, Yun Che’s heart tig Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Jasmine…. Jasmine….” While calling

Jasmine…. Jasmine….” While calling Jasmine’s name, Yun Che’s heart tightly cramped. The degree of severeness of this time’s deadly poison break-out was more than ten times stronger than the break-out four months ago. After all, last time, she only settled down two Spirit Profound Realms, and that already made her writhe in agony. This time however, she had dispatched a true dragon of the Emperor Profound Realm, in a flash! The intensity of the profound strength she had to utilize was simply as different as heaven and earth.

Jasmine couldn’t have not known the outcome of killing this Flame Dragon. But she had to strike, because if she didn’t, Yun Che would have died. And if Yun Che died, she would also definitely die as well.

Immense remorse made the inside of Yun Che’s heart experience a wave of prickling pain…. During the process of sneaking into the Flame Dragon’s cave, Jasmine had continuously dissuaded him thrice, and had also warned him that the true dragon’s treasure would undoubtedly have power imprints on them without exception; meaning that they weren’t all that easy to obtain. Yet he still continued on without hesitation…. He indeed had courage and boldness, but he may have had unknowingly forgotten one thing; he was no longer the Yun Che whose voice resounded throughout the continent before, but instead was only a trivial being that had only reached the fourth level of Elementary Profound Realm. What he was facing, however, was an extremely horrifying Emperor Profound Beast. With even the slightest hint of carelessness, he would lose his life and drag Jasmine into losing her life with him.

Yet this kind of outcome, still occurred in the end.

“I’m sorry Jasmine… I’m sorry…. I’m sorry…. I shouldn’t have not listened to you, I shouldn’t have been that reckless….” As his hands felt the changes within Jasmine’s body, Yun Che’s heart constricted more and more. He said sorry to Jasmine again and again…. But no matter how much he apologized and regretted at this point, it simply couldn’t restore the present situation.

Jasmine’s lips slightly moved, but the sound she gave off was too quiet to hear.

Her body became colder and colder, and had unwittingly, already changed into a semitransparent state.

Although Jasmine’s body was only a half ethereal form that depended on Yun Che’s life force, in the end, it was still the host of Jasmine’s soul. If this body disappeared, then Jasmine’s soul that had lost its host would disperse and completely disappear under the devourment of the deadly poison.

“Jasmine!! Jasmine!!”

Yun Che tightly clenched his teeth as his left hand desperately emitted the Sky Poison Pearl’s purification power. His right hand forcefully rocked her body, greedily hoping to rouse even the tiniest hint of her consciousness. Finally, he saw her ghastly white lips faintly open and close again. Yun Che froze for a moment, then hurriedly put his ears near her lips.

“I… don’t want… to die…….. Still haven’t… avenged… mother…. and brother……. Haven’t… killed… them all….. I don’t… want to… die…..”
(TL: Jasmine uses 母后 for mother. In English, I guess it would mean “my mother, the empress”, but its true meaning is “mother” and is generally only used by an imperial child.)

Jasmine’s voice was incredibly feeble and it was almost impossible to hear clearly even from this close. This feeble voice, however, made the inside of Yun Che’s heart violently surge.

When Jasmine first officially appeared in front of his eyes four months ago, he had already felt a kind of inexplicable sense of familiarity from her…. A kind of feeling that was very similar to himself during those days….. She was undoubtedly young and outrageously beautiful, and even calls herself a princess; she should have grown up showered with love from tens of thousands of people…. Yet, her beautiful eyes always brimmed with coldness and apathy. When killing people, her tender face didn’t carry the slightest hint of fear and sympathy, but instead held cruelty…. and an unchanging indifference.

This time, he finally understood what was so familiar about her that resembled him, during his previous days…

It was hatred!

In Azure Cloud Continent, when he was seventeen, he had lived under the shadow of his Master being hounded to death. That time, only hatred, bottomless hatred, overflowed from inside his heart…. During those days, the expression in his eyes; his apathy, his ruthlessness….. Perhaps, were extremely similar to the Jasmine he was looking at right now.

However, at that time, he was already seventeen and could at least be considered to be an adult. But Jasmine…. was only thirteen this year. He couldn’t imagine what kind of hatred it was that drove a girl, who originally should have been an angel, into an apathetic and cruel devil.

In her muttering just now, the way she referred to herself had turned into ‘I’, instead of ‘this princess’. This discovery also made the inside of Yun Che’s heart complicated. It was because the Jasmi
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Jasmine... Jasmine..." Sementara memanggil nama melati, Yun Che jantung erat sempit. Tingkat severeness kali ini racun yang mematikan break-out adalah lebih dari sepuluh kali lebih kuat daripada break-out empat bulan yang lalu. Setelah semua, terakhir kali, dia hanya menetap dua alam Roh mendalam, dan yang telah membuat dia menggeliat kesakitan. Kali ini namun, dia telah dikirim naga sejati dari Kaisar Profound dunia, dalam sekejap! Intensitas ia harus memanfaatkan kekuatan mendalam adalah hanya sebagai berbeda sebagai langit dan bumi.Jasmine tidak bisa tidak diketahui hasil dari membunuh naga api ini. Tapi dia harus menyerang, karena jika dia tidak, Yun Che akan mati. Dan jika Yun Che meninggal, ia juga pasti akan mati juga.Immense remorse made the inside of Yun Che’s heart experience a wave of prickling pain…. During the process of sneaking into the Flame Dragon’s cave, Jasmine had continuously dissuaded him thrice, and had also warned him that the true dragon’s treasure would undoubtedly have power imprints on them without exception; meaning that they weren’t all that easy to obtain. Yet he still continued on without hesitation…. He indeed had courage and boldness, but he may have had unknowingly forgotten one thing; he was no longer the Yun Che whose voice resounded throughout the continent before, but instead was only a trivial being that had only reached the fourth level of Elementary Profound Realm. What he was facing, however, was an extremely horrifying Emperor Profound Beast. With even the slightest hint of carelessness, he would lose his life and drag Jasmine into losing her life with him.Yet this kind of outcome, still occurred in the end.“I’m sorry Jasmine… I’m sorry…. I’m sorry…. I shouldn’t have not listened to you, I shouldn’t have been that reckless….” As his hands felt the changes within Jasmine’s body, Yun Che’s heart constricted more and more. He said sorry to Jasmine again and again…. But no matter how much he apologized and regretted at this point, it simply couldn’t restore the present situation.Jasmine’s lips slightly moved, but the sound she gave off was too quiet to hear.Her body became colder and colder, and had unwittingly, already changed into a semitransparent state.Although Jasmine’s body was only a half ethereal form that depended on Yun Che’s life force, in the end, it was still the host of Jasmine’s soul. If this body disappeared, then Jasmine’s soul that had lost its host would disperse and completely disappear under the devourment of the deadly poison.“Jasmine!! Jasmine!!”Yun Che tightly clenched his teeth as his left hand desperately emitted the Sky Poison Pearl’s purification power. His right hand forcefully rocked her body, greedily hoping to rouse even the tiniest hint of her consciousness. Finally, he saw her ghastly white lips faintly open and close again. Yun Che froze for a moment, then hurriedly put his ears near her lips.“I… don’t want… to die…….. Still haven’t… avenged… mother…. and brother……. Haven’t… killed… them all….. I don’t… want to… die…..”(TL: Jasmine uses 母后 for mother. In English, I guess it would mean “my mother, the empress”, but its true meaning is “mother” and is generally only used by an imperial child.)Jasmine’s voice was incredibly feeble and it was almost impossible to hear clearly even from this close. This feeble voice, however, made the inside of Yun Che’s heart violently surge.When Jasmine first officially appeared in front of his eyes four months ago, he had already felt a kind of inexplicable sense of familiarity from her…. A kind of feeling that was very similar to himself during those days….. She was undoubtedly young and outrageously beautiful, and even calls herself a princess; she should have grown up showered with love from tens of thousands of people…. Yet, her beautiful eyes always brimmed with coldness and apathy. When killing people, her tender face didn’t carry the slightest hint of fear and sympathy, but instead held cruelty…. and an unchanging indifference.This time, he finally understood what was so familiar about her that resembled him, during his previous days…It was hatred!In Azure Cloud Continent, when he was seventeen, he had lived under the shadow of his Master being hounded to death. That time, only hatred, bottomless hatred, overflowed from inside his heart…. During those days, the expression in his eyes; his apathy, his ruthlessness….. Perhaps, were extremely similar to the Jasmine he was looking at right now.However, at that time, he was already seventeen and could at least be considered to be an adult. But Jasmine…. was only thirteen this year. He couldn’t imagine what kind of hatred it was that drove a girl, who originally should have been an angel, into an apathetic and cruel devil.In her muttering just now, the way she referred to herself had turned into ‘I’, instead of ‘this princess’. This discovery also made the inside of Yun Che’s heart complicated. It was because the Jasmi
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Melati…. Jasmine .... "Sementara memanggil nama Jasmine, jantung Yun Che erat sempit. Tingkat kehebatan waktu ini mematikan racun break-out lebih dari sepuluh kali lebih kuat dari break-out empat bulan yang lalu. Setelah semua, terakhir kali, dia hanya duduk dua Roh Alam Mendalam, dan yang sudah dibuat menggeliat dia kesakitan. Namun kali ini, ia telah mengirim naga sejati Kaisar Realm Mendalam, dalam sekejap! Intensitas kekuatan yang mendalam ia harus memanfaatkan itu hanya berbeda seperti langit dan bumi. Jasmine tidak bisa tidak diketahui hasil dari pembunuhan ini Dragon Flame. Tapi ia harus menyerang, karena jika dia tidak, Yun Che akan mati. Dan jika Yun Che meninggal, ia akan juga pasti mati juga. Penyesalan Immense membuat bagian dalam Yun Che pengalaman jantung gelombang rasa sakit menusuk-nusuk .... Selama proses menyelinap ke dalam gua Flame Dragon, Jasmine telah terus dibujuk dia tiga kali, dan juga telah memperingatkan bahwa harta naga sejati pasti akan memiliki jejak kekuasaan pada mereka tanpa kecuali; yang berarti bahwa mereka tidak semua yang mudah diperoleh. Namun ia masih melanjutkan tanpa ragu-ragu .... Dia memang memiliki keberanian dan keberanian, tetapi ia mungkin telah telah sadar melupakan satu hal; ia tidak lagi Yun Che yang suaranya terdengar di seluruh benua sebelumnya, melainkan hanya makhluk sepele yang hanya mencapai tingkat keempat Dasar Realm Mendalam. Apa yang ia hadapi, bagaimanapun, adalah seorang Kaisar Binatang Mendalam sangat mengerikan. Dengan bahkan sedikit pun kecerobohan, ia akan kehilangan nyawanya dan menyeret Jasmine menjadi kehilangan hidupnya dengan dia. Namun jenis hasil, masih terjadi pada akhirnya. "Aku minta maaf Jasmine ... aku minta maaf .... Maafkan saya…. Saya tidak seharusnya tidak mendengarkan Anda, saya tidak seharusnya yang sembrono .... "Sebagai tangannya merasakan perubahan dalam tubuh Jasmine, jantung Yun Che mengerut lebih dan lebih. Dia mengatakan maaf untuk Jasmine lagi dan lagi .... Tapi tidak peduli berapa banyak ia meminta maaf dan menyesal pada saat ini, itu hanya tidak bisa mengembalikan situasi sekarang. Bibir Jasmine sedikit bergerak, tapi suara dia memberi off terlalu tenang untuk mendengar. Tubuhnya menjadi lebih dingin dan lebih dingin, dan memiliki tanpa disadari , sudah berubah menjadi negara semitransparan. Meskipun tubuh Jasmine adalah hanya setengah bentuk halus yang bergantung pada kekuatan hidup Yun Che, pada akhirnya, itu masih host jiwa Jasmine. Jika tubuh ini menghilang, maka jiwa Jasmine yang telah kehilangan inangnya akan membubarkan dan benar-benar menghilang di bawah devourment dari racun yang mematikan. "Jasmine !! Jasmine !! "Yun Che erat mengertakkan gigi saat tangan kirinya putus asa dipancarkan kekuatan pemurnian Sky Poison Pearl. Tangan kanannya tegas mengguncang tubuhnya, rakus berharap untuk membangunkan bahkan sedikit terkecil dari kesadarannya. Akhirnya, ia melihat bibir mengerikan putihnya agak membuka dan menutup lagi. Yun Che membeku sejenak, kemudian buru-buru memasang telinganya dekat bibirnya. "Aku ... tidak ingin ... mati ...... .. Masih belum ... membalas ... ibu .... dan saudara ....... Belum ... membunuh ... mereka semua ... .. saya tidak ... ingin ... mati ... .. "(TL:. Jasmine menggunakan母后untuk ibu dalam bahasa Inggris, saya kira itu akan berarti" ibu saya, permaisuri ", tapi makna sebenarnya adalah "ibu" dan umumnya hanya digunakan oleh anak kekaisaran.) suara Jasmine adalah sangat lemah dan itu hampir mustahil untuk mendengar dengan jelas bahkan dari dekat ini. Suara lemah ini, bagaimanapun, membuat bagian dalam hati Yun Che keras gelombang. Ketika Jasmine pertama kali secara resmi muncul di depan matanya empat bulan yang lalu, ia sudah merasakan semacam rasa dijelaskan keakraban darinya .... Semacam perasaan yang sangat mirip dengan dirinya selama hari-hari ... .. Dia tidak diragukan lagi muda dan penghinaan yang indah, dan bahkan menyebut dirinya seorang putri; ia harus tumbuh mandi dengan cinta dari puluhan ribu orang .... Namun, mata yang indah selalu bertepi dengan sikap dingin dan apatis. Saat membunuh orang, wajah yang lembut tidak membawa sedikit pun rasa takut dan simpati, melainkan diadakan kekejaman .... dan ketidakpedulian tidak berubah. Kali ini, dia akhirnya mengerti apa yang begitu akrab tentang dirinya yang menyerupai dia, selama hari-hari sebelumnya ... Itu kebencian! Di Azure Cloud Benua, ketika ia berusia tujuh belas tahun, ia hidup di bawah bayang-bayang gelar Master makhluk diburu sampai mati. Saat itu, hanya kebencian, kebencian tanpa dasar, meluap dari dalam hatinya .... Selama hari-hari, ekspresi di matanya; apatis nya, kekejaman ... .. Mungkin, yang sangat mirip dengan Jasmine ia melihat sekarang. Namun, pada saat itu, dia sudah tujuh belas dan setidaknya bisa dianggap dewasa. Tapi Jasmine .... hanya tiga belas tahun ini. Dia tidak bisa membayangkan seperti apa kebencian itu yang mendorong seorang gadis, yang awalnya seharusnya malaikat, menjadi setan apatis dan kejam. Dalam dirinya bergumam sekarang, cara dia menyebut dirinya telah berubah menjadi 'aku', bukan 'ini putri'. Penemuan ini juga membuat bagian dalam hati Yun Che rumit. Itu karena Jasmi

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