„Com­mands, how to have rested?” The South Ko­rean deep pool walked fr terjemahan - „Com­mands, how to have rested?” The South Ko­rean deep pool walked fr Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Com­mands, how to have rested?” Th

„Com­mands, how to have rested?” The South Ko­rean deep pool walked from the tent sud­denly.
I nod: „Im­me­di­ately rests, how haven't you rested?”
The South Ko­rean deep pool laughs, the racket the liquor bot­tle gourd of waist, said: „Glut­ton causes trou­ble, I go to depot to bor­row a wine and meat, does not eat a thing some­what un­able to fall asleep.”
I said with a smile slightly: „Um, lit­tle drinks wine, ad­di­tion­ally ap­points some man­power to scout in the sur­round­ings, is fore­armed.”
Looks that Han Yuan re­cedes, I opened thou­sand frost wings im­me­di­ately, ice glow linger under the star light in my body week, sud­denly the con­den­sa­tion is a pair of ice wing, next quar­ter I have risen straight from the ground, has flown sev­eral hun­dred me­ters upper air di­rectly, all of bird's eye view earth, this time were clearer, the bat­tal­ion in Chi­nese war zone is big dragon one of the one deep sleep crawls likely on this strange lands, but on is a place is watch­ing for our city fire likely city in the dis­tant place in dark ex­tremely, the In­dian war zone most solid bar­rier!
Con­firmed around not to have any­thing to pose the fatal threat to us the map, the river water of Heishui River were too few, and did not have the al­ti­tude ad­van­tage, there­fore is un­able to at­tack to our water, but the jun­gle on plain was not too lux­u­ri­ant, mostly was some low bushes, there­fore the fire at­tack pos­si­bly, in ad­di­tion the bat­tal­ion area is not big, con­firmed the se­cu­rity, slept along with Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month wind­ing.
The coun­try fought the 1st date, did not have the too big achieve­ments.
Lies on the bed, I close the eye to be been grad­u­ally tran­quil by my train of thought that also thinks the sit­u­a­tion that the coun­try fights, the clear pupil de­vel­ops black ink and maple­wood to be drunk has not led the player main force to spell with us hardly, but draws back draws back again, their in­ten­tions were re­ally too ob­vi­ous, forc­ing us to at­tack a city, fought a de­ci­sive bat­tle with it, thus it can be seen the firm thick de­gree of fire city pos­si­bly truly has sur­passed likely our imag­i­na­tion, but the player in Chi­nese war zone did not have what means that we can only fight a de­ci­sive bat­tle in the fire city with them likely, Great im­pe­r­ial de­cree, we have flown back with­out any re­sults af­fir­ma­tive will not eat the pocket walk­ing . The coun­try fights the sys­tem to trig­ger, play­ers will not be re­signed, can only walk one step to look at one.
Im­mer­sion slowly in dream­land, even is un­able to re­mem­ber the dream to any­thing.
Sleep wakes up, the out of the win­dow beau­ti­ful sun­light sprin­kles on the pure white bed sheet, I stretched the arm to sit to set out, looks at the thing in room, thought in­com­pa­ra­ble clear, after as if en­tered Yang Yan the bound­ary, has pro­moted in­clud­ing the vi­sion much, and spirit sleep and sen­si­tiv­ity of in­tent sea also sig­nif­i­cantly pro­moted, needs to con­cen­trate these sta­tic and rays that the at­ten­tion can re­move not to need, but for me was not the too major prob­lem, ac­tu­ally I also know that my spir­i­tual do­main re­paired to al­ready break through Yang Yan, was only the ex­er­cise de­gree of body could not have fol­lowed, until and Eu­ro­pean Yangchuan. Fought in the true sense breaks through has con­trolled one's feel­ings the level limit, after just stepped into Yang Yan, I had al­most cul­ti­va­tion of Yang Yan scala media, if given time, per­haps all over the world also no­body can be my match.
Out of the door broad­casts the Lin Wan Er sweet sound: „Dear, gets out of bed, the fin­ish break­fast must get on­line fights!”
I smile: „Um, im­me­di­ately comes!”
Got out of bed, after wash­ing, went out of the room, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that every­body , about 8 : 00 am, Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month and Tang Qi sat near the din­ner table, Qin Wen also.
„Qin Wen­jie
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Com­mands, how to have rested?” The South Ko­rean deep pool walked from the tent sud­denly.I nod: „Im­me­di­ately rests, how haven't you rested?”The South Ko­rean deep pool laughs, the racket the liquor bot­tle gourd of waist, said: „Glut­ton causes trou­ble, I go to depot to bor­row a wine and meat, does not eat a thing some­what un­able to fall asleep.”I said with a smile slightly: „Um, lit­tle drinks wine, ad­di­tion­ally ap­points some man­power to scout in the sur­round­ings, is fore­armed.”„Yes!”Looks that Han Yuan re­cedes, I opened thou­sand frost wings im­me­di­ately, ice glow linger under the star light in my body week, sud­denly the con­den­sa­tion is a pair of ice wing, next quar­ter I have risen straight from the ground, has flown sev­eral hun­dred me­ters upper air di­rectly, all of bird's eye view earth, this time were clearer, the bat­tal­ion in Chi­nese war zone is big dragon one of the one deep sleep crawls likely on this strange lands, but on is a place is watch­ing for our city fire likely city in the dis­tant place in dark ex­tremely, the In­dian war zone most solid bar­rier!Con­firmed around not to have any­thing to pose the fatal threat to us the map, the river water of Heishui River were too few, and did not have the al­ti­tude ad­van­tage, there­fore is un­able to at­tack to our water, but the jun­gle on plain was not too lux­u­ri­ant, mostly was some low bushes, there­fore the fire at­tack pos­si­bly, in ad­di­tion the bat­tal­ion area is not big, con­firmed the se­cu­rity, slept along with Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month wind­ing.The coun­try fought the 1st date, did not have the too big achieve­ments.Lies on the bed, I close the eye to be been grad­u­ally tran­quil by my train of thought that also thinks the sit­u­a­tion that the coun­try fights, the clear pupil de­vel­ops black ink and maple­wood to be drunk has not led the player main force to spell with us hardly, but draws back draws back again, their in­ten­tions were re­ally too ob­vi­ous, forc­ing us to at­tack a city, fought a de­ci­sive bat­tle with it, thus it can be seen the firm thick de­gree of fire city pos­si­bly truly has sur­passed likely our imag­i­na­tion, but the player in Chi­nese war zone did not have what means that we can only fight a de­ci­sive bat­tle in the fire city with them likely, Great im­pe­r­ial de­cree, we have flown back with­out any re­sults af­fir­ma­tive will not eat the pocket walk­ing . The coun­try fights the sys­tem to trig­ger, play­ers will not be re­signed, can only walk one step to look at one.Im­mer­sion slowly in dream­land, even is un­able to re­mem­ber the dream to any­thing.
Sleep wakes up, the out of the win­dow beau­ti­ful sun­light sprin­kles on the pure white bed sheet, I stretched the arm to sit to set out, looks at the thing in room, thought in­com­pa­ra­ble clear, after as if en­tered Yang Yan the bound­ary, has pro­moted in­clud­ing the vi­sion much, and spirit sleep and sen­si­tiv­ity of in­tent sea also sig­nif­i­cantly pro­moted, needs to con­cen­trate these sta­tic and rays that the at­ten­tion can re­move not to need, but for me was not the too major prob­lem, ac­tu­ally I also know that my spir­i­tual do­main re­paired to al­ready break through Yang Yan, was only the ex­er­cise de­gree of body could not have fol­lowed, until and Eu­ro­pean Yangchuan. Fought in the true sense breaks through has con­trolled one's feel­ings the level limit, after just stepped into Yang Yan, I had al­most cul­ti­va­tion of Yang Yan scala media, if given time, per­haps all over the world also no­body can be my match.
Out of the door broad­casts the Lin Wan Er sweet sound: „Dear, gets out of bed, the fin­ish break­fast must get on­line fights!”
I smile: „Um, im­me­di­ately comes!”
Got out of bed, after wash­ing, went out of the room, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that every­body , about 8 : 00 am, Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month and Tang Qi sat near the din­ner table, Qin Wen also.
„Qin Wen­jie
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