Next day, in the morn­ing at­tended a lec­ture, then 11 points left th terjemahan - Next day, in the morn­ing at­tended a lec­ture, then 11 points left th Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Next day, in the morn­ing at­tended

Next day, in the morn­ing at­tended a lec­ture, then 11 points left the class­room on time, re­turns to the dwelling briefly has eaten a thing, im­me­di­ately goes to the room to get on­line re­spec­tively, hero's the Chi­nese con­test area in­vi­ta­tional meet of wing soon on time will start at 12 : 00 pm, the in­vi­ta­tional meet stage is 5 BO1, wins one game is 1 point, there­fore can­not be care­less, more­over is the uni­form sin­gle de­feat elim­i­na­tion se­ries, lacked one to be elim­i­nated.
En­ters the game, ap­pears in the Tian Ling Em­pire east gate square, hero's wing will soon make war, even ad­vo­cates the sky of city to reap­pear hero's the de­sign of wing, this is a des­tiny of­fi­cial sports event, was paid at­ten­tion to the de­gree can be imag­ined.
Ex­am­ined that in wrapped var­i­ous goods, the liq­uid med­i­cines, card brought suf­fi­ciently, si­mul­ta­ne­ously re­paired one equip­ment newly, this af­ter­noon was doomed to ex­pe­ri­ence fierce bat­tles, the Chi­nese con­test area al­to­gether had a 100 W + team to par­tic­i­pate, but must break through a tight en­cir­clement to ad­vance to 32, then at least needs to ex­pe­ri­ence 15 vic­to­ries, this ab­solutely was the pro­tracted war!
After sev­eral min­utes, Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month and Yue Qing Qian, swim baby sev­eral MM to ap­pear side me to­gether, the dis­tance com­pe­ti­tion 10 min­utes, the sys­tem vol­un­tar­ily has also formed a team for our 5 peo­ple, and on the con­tact sur­face of every­one pre­sented a com­pe­ti­tion count­down.
From com­pe­ti­tion still left over 5 min­utes, the trans­mis­sion en­ters the com­pe­ti­tion mir­ror image com­pe­ti­tion room vol­un­tar­ily
5 peo­ple en­tered air­tight space, for­bid­ding a round of news to chat, for­bids to put through the out­side phone sig­nal wait, si­mul­ta­ne­ously after ting, the sys­tem was nar­rat­ing this hero's the con­crete rule of wing league tour­na­ment to us
1 st, all cools Cooldown to sur­pass 60 min­utes of skill and spe­cial skill is for­bid­den to use
2 nd, for­bids to use the pet and sad­dle horse
3 rd, for­bids to use the card
4 th, for­bids the player's spo­ken lan­guage in­sult op­po­site party in the com­pe­ti­tion, will oth­er­wise be sen­tenced to lose
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Hari berikutnya, pagi menghadiri kuliah, kemudian 11 poin, meninggalkan ruang kelas pada waktu, kembali ke tempat tinggal singkat telah dimakan satu, segera pergi ke ruang untuk online masing-masing, pahlawan Cina kontes area invitational bertemu sayap segera pada waktu akan dimulai pada jam 12:00 pm, memenuhi invitational tahap 5 BO1, menang satu permainan adalah 1 poin , oleh karena itu tidak bisa ceroboh, Selain itu adalah serial penghapusan seragam satu kekalahan, tidak memiliki satu untuk dihilangkan."Kuas!"Memasuki permainan, muncul di pintu gerbang timur Tian Ling Empire square, pahlawan sayap akan segera membuat perang, bahkan pendukung langit kota muncul pahlawan desain sayap, ini adalah acara olahraga resmi takdir, memperhatikan tingkat dapat Anda bayangkan.Memeriksa bahwa di dibungkus berbagai barang, obat-obatan cair, kartu membawa cukup, secara bersamaan diperbaiki satu peralatan baru, sore ini ditakdirkan untuk mengalami pertempuran sengit, daerah Cina kontes sama sekali telah 100 W + tim untuk berpartisipasi, tetapi harus menembus pengepungan ketat untuk maju ke 32, maka setidaknya perlu pengalaman 15 kemenangan, ini benar-benar adalah perang yang berlarut-larut!After sev­eral min­utes, Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month and Yue Qing Qian, swim baby sev­eral MM to ap­pear side me to­gether, the dis­tance com­pe­ti­tion 10 min­utes, the sys­tem vol­un­tar­ily has also formed a team for our 5 peo­ple, and on the con­tact sur­face of every­one pre­sented a com­pe­ti­tion count­down.From com­pe­ti­tion still left over 5 min­utes, the trans­mis­sion en­ters the com­pe­ti­tion mir­ror image com­pe­ti­tion room vol­un­tar­ily„Brushes!”5 peo­ple en­tered air­tight space, for­bid­ding a round of news to chat, for­bids to put through the out­side phone sig­nal wait, si­mul­ta­ne­ously after ting, the sys­tem was nar­rat­ing this hero's the con­crete rule of wing league tour­na­ment to us1 st, all cools Cooldown to sur­pass 60 min­utes of skill and spe­cial skill is for­bid­den to use2 nd, for­bids to use the pet and sad­dle horse3 rd, for­bids to use the card4 th, for­bids the player's spo­ken lan­guage in­sult op­po­site party in the com­pe­ti­tion, will oth­er­wise be sen­tenced to lose„Drop!”
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