Alternatives to a Stage ApproachDoes development unfold in a sequence  terjemahan - Alternatives to a Stage ApproachDoes development unfold in a sequence  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

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Alternatives to a Stage Approach
Does development unfold in a sequence of stages, each characterized by a dominant developmental "theme" or issue? Or do developmentalists notice such sequences only because they expect to find them? Many developmental theorists such as Freud, Mahler, and Erikson, based their theories on clinical observations of patients who brought them the pieces of their lives. As anyone knows who works puzzles, they are easiest to put together with the picture in front of you. Theories of per¬sonality give us such a picture. Using clinical data to reconstruct earlier develop¬mental periods, theorists piece together fragments of memories and hidden dynam¬ics to give us a picture of earlier developmental periods that makes clinical sense.
Most theories characterize development in terms of distinct stages, each marked by a predominant issue that captures the central struggle of that point in the life cycle—for example, issues of dependency and trust in infancy, autonomy and rebellion in toddlerhood, and identity in adolescence. These issues help explain adult functioning in terms of developmental experiences. Mahler's encounter with childhood autism in her adult clinical patients, for instance, led her to assume the existence of a similar state earlier in life—one that her patients had not resolved successfully. Similarly, Freud related his observations of tightly controlled or ex¬plosive personalities to tensions experienced as the child learned to withhold and release its feces. From these and similar observations, Freud arrived at his formu¬lation of the anal stage of development (Stern, 1985).
Noam's Transformational Self. Gil Noam, at Harvard Medical School, questions whether the view of development as a simple progression of stages from least to most mature captures all of the self. He observes that "there are too many simul¬taneous 'ego states,' repetitions and breakthroughs of primitive thought to be able to organize the material around the most mature stage alone" (Noam, 1986, p. 32). He notes that some aspects of the self do not become integrated during development. These continue to exist as a part of the self, but as encapsulations; they remain governed by earlier forms of thought and feeling even as the self-system as a whole matures developmentally. Under optimal conditions, earlier structures are "transformed into content" and become memories. When transformation fails to occur, the processes governing hinctioning fail to evolve, and encapsulations result. Noam refers to these as a "living biography" in which earlier self-systems continue to contribute to one's frame of reference (Noam, 1988).
The transformational self is the mature side of the self. Our knowledge c ourselves is based on our experiences of relationshps with others. As the self evolves, there is a new ability to see the self in relation to others, and with this the chance to reinterpret one's past. One can see in Noam's approach the influence of Piagetian concepts. Accommodation of the self-system to fit one's experiences describes the development of the transformational self. Failures to accommodate and grow occur in -assimilatory pockets," encapsulations in which new experiences trigger old issues and dynamics, and are reacted to in earlier, less-mature ways.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Alternatives to a Stage ApproachDoes development unfold in a sequence of stages, each characterized by a dominant developmental "theme" or issue? Or do developmentalists notice such sequences only because they expect to find them? Many developmental theorists such as Freud, Mahler, and Erikson, based their theories on clinical observations of patients who brought them the pieces of their lives. As anyone knows who works puzzles, they are easiest to put together with the picture in front of you. Theories of per¬sonality give us such a picture. Using clinical data to reconstruct earlier develop¬mental periods, theorists piece together fragments of memories and hidden dynam¬ics to give us a picture of earlier developmental periods that makes clinical sense.Most theories characterize development in terms of distinct stages, each marked by a predominant issue that captures the central struggle of that point in the life cycle—for example, issues of dependency and trust in infancy, autonomy and rebellion in toddlerhood, and identity in adolescence. These issues help explain adult functioning in terms of developmental experiences. Mahler's encounter with childhood autism in her adult clinical patients, for instance, led her to assume the existence of a similar state earlier in life—one that her patients had not resolved successfully. Similarly, Freud related his observations of tightly controlled or ex¬plosive personalities to tensions experienced as the child learned to withhold and release its feces. From these and similar observations, Freud arrived at his formu¬lation of the anal stage of development (Stern, 1985).Noam's Transformational Self. Gil Noam, at Harvard Medical School, questions whether the view of development as a simple progression of stages from least to most mature captures all of the self. He observes that "there are too many simul¬taneous 'ego states,' repetitions and breakthroughs of primitive thought to be able to organize the material around the most mature stage alone" (Noam, 1986, p. 32). He notes that some aspects of the self do not become integrated during development. These continue to exist as a part of the self, but as encapsulations; they remain governed by earlier forms of thought and feeling even as the self-system as a whole matures developmentally. Under optimal conditions, earlier structures are "transformed into content" and become memories. When transformation fails to occur, the processes governing hinctioning fail to evolve, and encapsulations result. Noam refers to these as a "living biography" in which earlier self-systems continue to contribute to one's frame of reference (Noam, 1988).The transformational self is the mature side of the self. Our knowledge c ourselves is based on our experiences of relationshps with others. As the self evolves, there is a new ability to see the self in relation to others, and with this the chance to reinterpret one's past. One can see in Noam's approach the influence of Piagetian concepts. Accommodation of the self-system to fit one's experiences describes the development of the transformational self. Failures to accommodate and grow occur in -assimilatory pockets," encapsulations in which new experiences trigger old issues and dynamics, and are reacted to in earlier, less-mature ways.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Alternatif untuk Pendekatan Tahap
Apakah pengembangan terungkap dalam urutan tahap, masing-masing ditandai dengan perkembangan "tema" yang dominan atau masalah? Atau melakukan ahli perkembangan melihat urutan tersebut hanya karena mereka berharap untuk menemukan mereka? Banyak teori perkembangan seperti Freud, Mahler, dan Erikson, berdasarkan teori mereka pada pengamatan klinis pasien yang membawa mereka potongan-potongan kehidupan mereka. Seperti ada yang tahu yang bekerja teka-teki, mereka paling mudah untuk menempatkan bersama-sama dengan gambar di depan Anda. Teori per¬sonality memberi kita gambaran seperti itu. Menggunakan data klinis untuk merekonstruksi periode develop¬mental sebelumnya, teori mengumpulkan fragmen kenangan dan dynam¬ics tersembunyi untuk memberikan kita gambaran periode perkembangan sebelumnya yang masuk akal klinis.
Kebanyakan teori ciri perkembangan dalam hal tahap yang berbeda, masing-masing ditandai dengan Masalah utama yang menangkap perjuangan pusat titik dalam kehidupan contoh siklus-untuk, masalah ketergantungan dan kepercayaan pada masa bayi, otonomi dan pemberontakan di masa balita, dan identitas pada masa remaja. Isu-isu ini membantu menjelaskan fungsi dewasa dalam hal pengalaman perkembangan. Pertemuan Mahler dengan autisme masa kanak-kanak pada pasien klinis dewasa, misalnya, menyebabkan dia untuk menganggap keberadaan keadaan yang sama sebelumnya dalam hidup yang pasiennya tidak berhasil diselesaikan. Demikian pula, Freud terkait pengamatannya dari dikontrol ketat atau kepribadian ex¬plosive ketegangan dialami sebagai anak belajar untuk menahan dan melepaskan kotorannya. Dari ini dan yang sejenis pengamatan, Freud tiba di formu¬lation tentang tahap anal pembangunan (Stern, 1985).
Noam ini Transformasional Diri. Gil Noam, di Harvard Medical School, pertanyaan apakah pandangan pembangunan sebagai perkembangan sederhana dari tahap dari setidaknya menangkap paling matang semua diri. Dia mengamati bahwa "ada terlalu banyak simul¬taneous 'negara ego,' pengulangan dan terobosan pemikiran primitif untuk dapat mengatur materi di sekitar panggung paling matang saja" (Noam, 1986, hal. 32). Dia mencatat bahwa beberapa aspek dari diri tidak menjadi terintegrasi selama pengembangan. Ini terus eksis sebagai bagian dari diri, tetapi sebagai enkapsulasi; mereka tetap diatur oleh bentuk-bentuk awal pikiran dan perasaan bahkan sebagai self-sistem secara keseluruhan jatuh tempo perkembangan. Dalam kondisi optimal, struktur sebelumnya yang "berubah menjadi konten" dan menjadi kenangan. Ketika transformasi gagal terjadi, proses yang mengatur hinctioning gagal untuk berkembang, dan enkapsulasi hasil. Noam mengacu ini sebagai "biografi hidup" di mana sistem self-awal terus berkontribusi bingkai seseorang acuan (Noam, 1988).
The transformasional diri adalah sisi dewasa dari diri. Pengetahuan kita c diri kita didasarkan pada pengalaman kami relationshps dengan orang lain. Sebagai berkembang diri, ada kemampuan baru untuk melihat diri dalam hubungannya dengan orang lain, dan dengan ini kesempatan untuk menafsirkan kembali masa lalu seseorang. Satu dapat melihat dalam pendekatan Noam ini pengaruh konsep Piaget. Akomodasi dari diri-sistem agar sesuai pengalaman seseorang menggambarkan perkembangan diri transformasional. Kegagalan untuk mengakomodasi dan tumbuh terjadi di saku -assimilatory, "enkapsulasi di mana pengalaman baru memicu masalah lama dan dinamika, dan bereaksi terhadap cara-cara sebelumnya, kurang-matang.
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