3.6. Immunologic MechanismsThe immune system seems to play a critical  terjemahan - 3.6. Immunologic MechanismsThe immune system seems to play a critical  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

3.6. Immunologic MechanismsThe immu

3.6. Immunologic Mechanisms

The immune system seems to play a critical role in the etiology of TAO. However, knowledge about immunological aspects involved in the progression of vascular tissue inflammation, and consequently the evolution of this disease, is still limited. TAO may actually be an autoimmune disorder with antibodies directed towards vascular endothelium in response to antigens in tobacco. The presence of different antibodies, such as antinuclear, antielastin, anticollagens I and III, and antinicotine antibodies, as well as identification of deposits of immunoglobulin (Ig) G, IgC3, and IgC4 in the blood vessels of patients, provided evidence to the theory of the immune character of TAO [22]. Maslowski et al. [23] suggested that anticardiolipin antibodies are important for the pathogenesis of TAO. However, patients with generalized periodontitis had significantly greater titres of IgG or IgM anticardiolipin antibodies, and these levels were significantly higher in smokers than in nonsmokers. In addition, elevated titres of IgG against periodontal pathogens are related to development of TAO [24]. In a study by Halacheva et al. [25] biopsy specimen of arteries of TAO patients were studied with immunohistochemistry for presence of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), VCAM-1, and E-selectin. It was seen that endothelial cells are activated in TAO, and that vascular lesions are associated with TNF-α secretion by tissue-infiltrating inflammatory cells, ICAM-1, VCAM-1, and E-selectin expression on endothelial cells and leukocyte adhesion.
4. Pathology

Acute-phase lesion is characterized by acute inflammation involving all coats of the vessel wall, especially of the veins, in association with occlusive thrombosis. Around the periphery of the thrombus, there are often polymorphonuclear leukocytes with karyorrhexis, the so-called microabscesses.

Intermediate phase in which there is progressive organization of the occlusive thrombus in the arteries and veins. At this stage, there is often a prominent inflammatory cell infiltrate within the thrombus and much less inflammation in the vessel wall.

Chronic phase or end-stage lesion is characterized by organization of the occlusive thrombus with extensive recanalization, prominent vascularization of the media, and adventitial and perivascular fibrosis.

In all three phases, the normal architecture of the vessel wall subjacent to the occlusive thrombus and including the internal elastic lamina remains essentially intact. These findings distinguish TAO from arteriosclerosis and from other systemic vasculitides, in which there is usually more striking disruption of the internal elastic lamina, and the media, disproportional to the disruptions attributable to aging change. Buerger’s disease is segmental in distribution; “skip” areas of normal vessel between diseased segments are common, and the intensity of the periadventitial reaction may be quite variable in different segments of the same vessel.
5. Clinical Features

Classic presentation of Buerger’s disease is in a young male smoker with the onset of symptoms before the age of 40 to 45 years. TAO manifests as migratory thrombophlebitis or signs of arterial insufficiency in the extremities. In a study by Sasaki et al. [26] the subjects were 749 men and 76 women, with a mean age of 50.8 ± 0.4 years. In 42 patients (5.1%) involvement was limited to upper extremity arteries, in 616 patients (74.7%) disease was limited to the lower extremity, 167 patients (20.2%) showed involvement of both upper and lower extremities. The most frequently affected arteries were the anterior (41.4%) or posterior (40.4%) tibial arteries in the lower extremities and the ulnar artery (11.5%) in the upper extremities. In this report, approximately 25% of the patients had upper extremity involvement.

Two or more limbs are almost always involved in Buerger’s disease. In the series reported by Shionoya and Rutherford [27], two limbs were affected in 16% of patients, three limbs in 41%, and all four limbs in 43% of patients. In a study by Barlas et al. [28] patients with TAO (2468 total; 94.5% men and 5.5% women) at the time of admission, 78.2% had rest pain, 58% had intermittent claudication, 17.6% had supericial thrombophlebitis, 10.5% had Raynaud’s phenomenon, and 68.9% had ischemic ulcers. A staging system for clinical symptoms was proposed by Rutherford as described in Table 1. A clinico-pathological classification was proposed by Lerich et al. and later modified by Fontaine as described in Table 2.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
3.6. Immunologic Mechanisms

The immune system seems to play a critical role in the etiology of TAO. However, knowledge about immunological aspects involved in the progression of vascular tissue inflammation, and consequently the evolution of this disease, is still limited. TAO may actually be an autoimmune disorder with antibodies directed towards vascular endothelium in response to antigens in tobacco. The presence of different antibodies, such as antinuclear, antielastin, anticollagens I and III, and antinicotine antibodies, as well as identification of deposits of immunoglobulin (Ig) G, IgC3, and IgC4 in the blood vessels of patients, provided evidence to the theory of the immune character of TAO [22]. Maslowski et al. [23] suggested that anticardiolipin antibodies are important for the pathogenesis of TAO. However, patients with generalized periodontitis had significantly greater titres of IgG or IgM anticardiolipin antibodies, and these levels were significantly higher in smokers than in nonsmokers. In addition, elevated titres of IgG against periodontal pathogens are related to development of TAO [24]. In a study by Halacheva et al. [25] biopsy specimen of arteries of TAO patients were studied with immunohistochemistry for presence of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), VCAM-1, and E-selectin. It was seen that endothelial cells are activated in TAO, and that vascular lesions are associated with TNF-α secretion by tissue-infiltrating inflammatory cells, ICAM-1, VCAM-1, and E-selectin expression on endothelial cells and leukocyte adhesion.
4. Pathology

Acute-phase lesion is characterized by acute inflammation involving all coats of the vessel wall, especially of the veins, in association with occlusive thrombosis. Around the periphery of the thrombus, there are often polymorphonuclear leukocytes with karyorrhexis, the so-called microabscesses.

Intermediate phase in which there is progressive organization of the occlusive thrombus in the arteries and veins. At this stage, there is often a prominent inflammatory cell infiltrate within the thrombus and much less inflammation in the vessel wall.

Chronic phase or end-stage lesion is characterized by organization of the occlusive thrombus with extensive recanalization, prominent vascularization of the media, and adventitial and perivascular fibrosis.

In all three phases, the normal architecture of the vessel wall subjacent to the occlusive thrombus and including the internal elastic lamina remains essentially intact. These findings distinguish TAO from arteriosclerosis and from other systemic vasculitides, in which there is usually more striking disruption of the internal elastic lamina, and the media, disproportional to the disruptions attributable to aging change. Buerger’s disease is segmental in distribution; “skip” areas of normal vessel between diseased segments are common, and the intensity of the periadventitial reaction may be quite variable in different segments of the same vessel.
5. Clinical Features

Classic presentation of Buerger’s disease is in a young male smoker with the onset of symptoms before the age of 40 to 45 years. TAO manifests as migratory thrombophlebitis or signs of arterial insufficiency in the extremities. In a study by Sasaki et al. [26] the subjects were 749 men and 76 women, with a mean age of 50.8 ± 0.4 years. In 42 patients (5.1%) involvement was limited to upper extremity arteries, in 616 patients (74.7%) disease was limited to the lower extremity, 167 patients (20.2%) showed involvement of both upper and lower extremities. The most frequently affected arteries were the anterior (41.4%) or posterior (40.4%) tibial arteries in the lower extremities and the ulnar artery (11.5%) in the upper extremities. In this report, approximately 25% of the patients had upper extremity involvement.

Two or more limbs are almost always involved in Buerger’s disease. In the series reported by Shionoya and Rutherford [27], two limbs were affected in 16% of patients, three limbs in 41%, and all four limbs in 43% of patients. In a study by Barlas et al. [28] patients with TAO (2468 total; 94.5% men and 5.5% women) at the time of admission, 78.2% had rest pain, 58% had intermittent claudication, 17.6% had supericial thrombophlebitis, 10.5% had Raynaud’s phenomenon, and 68.9% had ischemic ulcers. A staging system for clinical symptoms was proposed by Rutherford as described in Table 1. A clinico-pathological classification was proposed by Lerich et al. and later modified by Fontaine as described in Table 2.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
3.6. Kekebalan Mekanisme Sistem kekebalan tubuh tampaknya memainkan peran penting dalam etiologi TAO. Namun, pengetahuan tentang aspek imunologi yang terlibat dalam perkembangan peradangan jaringan pembuluh darah, dan akibatnya evolusi penyakit ini, masih terbatas. TAO sebenarnya bisa gangguan autoimun dengan antibodi diarahkan endotelium pembuluh darah sebagai respons terhadap antigen dalam tembakau. Kehadiran antibodi yang berbeda, seperti antinuclear, antielastin, anticollagens I dan III, dan antibodi antinicotine, serta identifikasi deposito imunoglobulin (Ig) G, IgC3, dan IgC4 dalam pembuluh darah pasien, memberikan bukti teori karakter kekebalan TAO [22]. Maslowski et al. [23] menyarankan bahwa anticardiolipin antibodi penting untuk patogenesis TAO. Namun, pasien dengan periodontitis umum memiliki titer secara signifikan lebih besar dari IgG atau IgM antibodi anticardiolipin, dan tingkat ini secara signifikan lebih tinggi pada perokok daripada bukan perokok. Selain itu, titer IgG peningkatan terhadap patogen periodontal terkait dengan pengembangan TAO [24]. Dalam sebuah studi oleh Halacheva et al. [25] spesimen biopsi arteri pasien TAO dipelajari dengan imunohistokimia untuk kehadiran tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) dan ekspresi molekul adhesi antar-1 (ICAM-1), VCAM-1, dan E-selektin. Hal itu terlihat bahwa sel-sel endotel diaktifkan di TAO, dan lesi vaskular yang berhubungan dengan sekresi TNF-α oleh sel inflamasi jaringan-infiltrasi, ICAM-1, VCAM-1, dan ekspresi E-selektin pada sel endotel dan adhesi leukosit. 4 . Patologi akut-fase lesi ditandai dengan peradangan akut yang melibatkan semua lapisan dari dinding pembuluh darah, terutama pembuluh darah, berkaitan dengan trombosis oklusif. Sekitar pinggiran trombus, sering ada leukosit polimorfonuklear dengan Karioreksis, yang disebut mikroabses. fase Menengah di mana ada organisasi progresif trombus oklusif dalam arteri dan vena. Pada tahap ini, sering kali ada sel inflamasi yang menonjol menyusup dalam trombus dan inflamasi apalagi di dinding pembuluh darah. fase atau stadium akhir kronis lesi ditandai dengan organisasi trombus oklusif dengan rekanalisasi yang luas, vaskularisasi yang menonjol dari media, dan adventisia dan perivaskular fibrosis. Dalam semua tiga fase, arsitektur normal yg terletak di bawah dinding pembuluh ke thrombus oklusif dan termasuk lamina elastis internal yang pada dasarnya tetap utuh. Temuan ini membedakan TAO dari arteriosclerosis dan dari vaskulitid sistemik lainnya, di mana biasanya ada gangguan lebih mencolok dari lamina elastis internal dan media, tidak proporsional dengan gangguan disebabkan penuaan perubahan. Penyakit Buerger adalah segmental dalam distribusi; "Skip" daerah kapal normal antara segmen sakit yang umum, dan intensitas reaksi periadventitial mungkin cukup variabel dalam segmen yang berbeda dari kapal yang sama. 5. Fitur klinis klasik presentasi penyakit Buerger adalah perokok laki-laki muda dengan timbulnya gejala sebelum usia 40 hingga 45 tahun. TAO bermanifestasi sebagai tromboflebitis migrasi atau tanda-tanda insufisiensi arteri pada ekstremitas. Dalam sebuah studi oleh Sasaki et al. [26] mata pelajaran yang 749 pria dan 76 wanita, dengan usia rata-rata 50,8 ± 0,4 tahun. Pada 42 pasien (5,1%) keterlibatan terbatas pada arteri ekstremitas atas, pada 616 pasien (74,7%) penyakit terbatas pada tungkai bawah, 167 pasien (20,2%) menunjukkan keterlibatan kedua ekstremitas atas dan bawah. Arteri yang paling sering terkena adalah anterior (41,4%) atau posterior (40,4%) arteri tibialis di ekstremitas bawah dan arteri ulnaris (11,5%) pada ekstremitas atas. Dalam laporan ini, sekitar 25% dari pasien memiliki keterlibatan ekstremitas atas. Dua atau lebih anggota badan hampir selalu terlibat dalam penyakit Buerger. Dalam serial yang dilaporkan oleh Shionoya dan Rutherford [27], dua anggota badan yang terkena dampak di 16% dari pasien, tiga anggota badan dalam 41%, dan keempat anggota badan di 43% dari pasien. Dalam sebuah studi oleh Barlas et al. [28] pasien dengan TAO (2468 total; 94,5% laki-laki dan 5,5% perempuan) pada saat masuk, 78,2% mengalami nyeri istirahat, 58% telah klaudikasio intermiten, 17,6% telah tromboflebitis supericial, 10,5% memiliki fenomena Raynaud, dan 68,9 % memiliki ulkus iskemik. Sebuah sistem pementasan untuk gejala klinis diusulkan oleh Rutherford seperti dijelaskan pada Tabel 1. Klasifikasi Clinico-patologis diusulkan oleh Lerich et al. dan kemudian dimodifikasi oleh Fontaine seperti yang dijelaskan pada Tabel 2.

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