The results of this study were 1) the creativity of teachers in learning speaking skills MTs sultan Agung Jabalsari. Arabic teacher's creativity is an attempt to develop human nature to be a new thing. At the time of the learning strategies teachers use methods of engineering and media interest. The media can be a visual media and audio-visual media so students can pay attention to when learning takes place. After completion of learning teachers to assign work to students to make or seek mufrodat or hiwar and practice in front of the class. 2) issue of creativity of teachers of Arabic and solutions in the Sultan Agung Jabalsari MTs. Problem often encountered during the learning conversational skills that is the lack of awareness among the students in learning Arabic. Students can be invited to lack of cooperation in the learning process and when given a task. There are some who still did not master sisiwa mufrodat even there are still some students who do not know letters hija'iyah or can not read the Arabic alphabet. Solution of permasahan that is by trying to create a conducive atmosphere, effective and fun as well as using the strategies, methods, techniques and media interest in the learning process. At the time of teacher learning using multiple media both visual media and audio-visual media such as media card image media and powerpoint. Teacher training from the basics, such as letter recognition hija'iyah, mufrodat recognition, and the introduction of qiro'ah gradually. Another solution that teachers do that is by using a few games like charades, hiwar practice Arabic language and speech. 3) the result of the creativity of teachers in learning speaking skills MTs sultan Agung Jabalsari is to foster student interest that have not been able to learn the Arabic language and to familiarize students to always learn and speak the Arabic language so that students are more controlled.