The bodyguard had already been scared stiff, his face deathly white, h terjemahan - The bodyguard had already been scared stiff, his face deathly white, h Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The bodyguard had already been scar

The bodyguard had already been scared stiff, his face deathly white, he slowly described the details of what happened. As he was talking, Grandpa Jun’s face turned into a scowl, not uttering anything at all. After the bodyguard finished talking, Jun Zhantian weakly waved his hands and said. “You can leave now.”

The guard reacted as though he had just received amnesty and retreated while shivering. He then realized that his whole body had been soaked with his sweat!

In the study, Jun Zhantian closed his eyes and raised his head upwards, his Adam’s apple rolled up and down for a bit. A tear slipped out from his wrinkled eyes…

If Jun Xie had been the same as the original Jun Moxie, an unbearable and misbehaving debauchee, Grandpa Jun would not be in such pain due to this matter. Because he had already given up on him, even if such a tragedy had occurred, so what? The demise of the Jun Family was a foregone conclusion. For it to come earlier was no big deal.

But the problem lied in the fact that Jun Zhantian had just witnessed his own grandson’s incredible transformation, he had finally seen a dazzling light, a brilliant radiance of hope! He had become excited and had begun to imagine how the Jun Family could climb back up when this unexpected news suddenly came, throwing Grandpa Jun into an abyss of despair!

Considering the situation, for Grandpa Jun to not go crazy on the spot was something that required quite the respectable amount of self-control.

Moxie had died for the sake of warning Princess Ling Meng! This was Grandpa Jun’s first inference.

The assassin’s goal was Princess Ling Meng and the only ones with such an outrageous amount of courage would be either the three princes or the hostile forces from the other kingdoms. However, the current position of Crown Prince remained vacant and the three princes were in the midst of competing against one another for it. Under such circumstances, the other kingdoms would not choose to make such a radical move. Thus, the most probable suspects were the three princes! This was his second inference!

Thirdly, the princess was supposed to be the main target of the assassination attempt. But Moxie had died while the princess did not! This had revealed something strange within this matter. Could it be that it was Moxie’s enemies, the Li and Meng Families? Did they hire the assassins to create such a scenario? Was the assassination attempt on the princess just a camouflage for their real target? This was the third inference.

Moxie had delivered a warning but ended up dying while the princess who was the target of the assassination remained alive. This meant that although Moxie had delivered the warning for the princess, she did not send anyone to protect Moxie and had instead focused on protecting herself. Thus, Moxie had been easily killed! This was the fourth inference!

The more Jun Zhantian thought about it, the colder his face became, and the sharper his eyes shone. Eventually, it had become a ferocious visage!

Why is it that my grandson that went to deliver the warning ended up dying while that damned girl did not?

I, Jun Zhantian joined the army even before I could shave, fought through hundreds and thousands of battles! I massacred my way through millions of corpses to become a grand duke, contributing brilliant exploits for the kingdom, unparalleled within the kingdom! I, Jun Zhantian had three sons and three grandsons; two sons died fighting for the country while the youngest one was crippled for life. Of my three grandsons, two left on a war campaign only to never return. Now, my only heir died for the sake of the princess…

Is this how my family of valiant warriors would end? If such is the case, what else do I have to live for? Since it would come to an end either way, I might as well drag everyone who is trying to take down my Jun Family with me!

Jun Zhantian began to laugh, a bitter and sorrowful laughter, louder and louder, his face filled with tears. He suddenly sprang up violently, his eyes emitting sparks of lightning accompanied by a red shade of blood. Glancing coldly at the night outside the window, he turned and walked slowly to stand before the portrait of his late wife. He stood upright, gazing at it for a long while, his mouth moving as though he was about to say something but in the end chose not to. He extended his hand, stroking the air as though trying to feel something, as though he was trying to say goodbye for one last time…

Grandpa Jun narrowed his eyes slightly, as though he was trying to forcibly hold something back. He abruptly turned away and lifted his sword that had been left on the walls for a long time. His white hair flowing in a desolate manner, he strode out without looking back!

The moment he turned away, two drops of tears fell onto the ground, breaking into countless pieces!

On the portrait hanging off the wall was the image of a benevolent and motherly looking old woman, her smile remained everlasting. But h
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The bodyguard had already been scared stiff, his face deathly white, he slowly described the details of what happened. As he was talking, Grandpa Jun’s face turned into a scowl, not uttering anything at all. After the bodyguard finished talking, Jun Zhantian weakly waved his hands and said. “You can leave now.”The guard reacted as though he had just received amnesty and retreated while shivering. He then realized that his whole body had been soaked with his sweat!In the study, Jun Zhantian closed his eyes and raised his head upwards, his Adam’s apple rolled up and down for a bit. A tear slipped out from his wrinkled eyes…If Jun Xie had been the same as the original Jun Moxie, an unbearable and misbehaving debauchee, Grandpa Jun would not be in such pain due to this matter. Because he had already given up on him, even if such a tragedy had occurred, so what? The demise of the Jun Family was a foregone conclusion. For it to come earlier was no big deal.But the problem lied in the fact that Jun Zhantian had just witnessed his own grandson’s incredible transformation, he had finally seen a dazzling light, a brilliant radiance of hope! He had become excited and had begun to imagine how the Jun Family could climb back up when this unexpected news suddenly came, throwing Grandpa Jun into an abyss of despair!Considering the situation, for Grandpa Jun to not go crazy on the spot was something that required quite the respectable amount of self-control.Moxie had died for the sake of warning Princess Ling Meng! This was Grandpa Jun’s first inference.The assassin’s goal was Princess Ling Meng and the only ones with such an outrageous amount of courage would be either the three princes or the hostile forces from the other kingdoms. However, the current position of Crown Prince remained vacant and the three princes were in the midst of competing against one another for it. Under such circumstances, the other kingdoms would not choose to make such a radical move. Thus, the most probable suspects were the three princes! This was his second inference!Thirdly, the princess was supposed to be the main target of the assassination attempt. But Moxie had died while the princess did not! This had revealed something strange within this matter. Could it be that it was Moxie’s enemies, the Li and Meng Families? Did they hire the assassins to create such a scenario? Was the assassination attempt on the princess just a camouflage for their real target? This was the third inference.Moxie had delivered a warning but ended up dying while the princess who was the target of the assassination remained alive. This meant that although Moxie had delivered the warning for the princess, she did not send anyone to protect Moxie and had instead focused on protecting herself. Thus, Moxie had been easily killed! This was the fourth inference!The more Jun Zhantian thought about it, the colder his face became, and the sharper his eyes shone. Eventually, it had become a ferocious visage!Why is it that my grandson that went to deliver the warning ended up dying while that damned girl did not?I, Jun Zhantian joined the army even before I could shave, fought through hundreds and thousands of battles! I massacred my way through millions of corpses to become a grand duke, contributing brilliant exploits for the kingdom, unparalleled within the kingdom! I, Jun Zhantian had three sons and three grandsons; two sons died fighting for the country while the youngest one was crippled for life. Of my three grandsons, two left on a war campaign only to never return. Now, my only heir died for the sake of the princess…Is this how my family of valiant warriors would end? If such is the case, what else do I have to live for? Since it would come to an end either way, I might as well drag everyone who is trying to take down my Jun Family with me!Jun Zhantian began to laugh, a bitter and sorrowful laughter, louder and louder, his face filled with tears. He suddenly sprang up violently, his eyes emitting sparks of lightning accompanied by a red shade of blood. Glancing coldly at the night outside the window, he turned and walked slowly to stand before the portrait of his late wife. He stood upright, gazing at it for a long while, his mouth moving as though he was about to say something but in the end chose not to. He extended his hand, stroking the air as though trying to feel something, as though he was trying to say goodbye for one last time…Kakek Jun menyipitkan mata sedikit, seolah-olah ia sedang berusaha secara paksa memegang sesuatu kembali. Dia tiba-tiba berbalik dan mengangkat pedang yang telah ditinggalkan pada dinding untuk waktu yang lama. Rambut putih mengalir dalam cara yang sunyi, ia berjalan keluar tanpa melihat kembali!Saat dia berpaling, dua tetes air mata jatuh ke tanah, melanggar menjadi potongan-potongan yang tak terhitung jumlahnya!Pada potret menggantung dinding gambar penuh kebajikan dan keibuan melihat wanita tua, senyumnya tetap kekal. Tapi h
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pengawal sudah takut kaku, wajahnya pucat putih, ia perlahan menggambarkan rincian tentang apa yang terjadi. Saat ia berbicara, wajah Kakek Juni berubah menjadi cemberut, tidak mengucapkan apa-apa. Setelah pengawal selesai berbicara, Juni Zhantian lemah melambaikan tangannya dan berkata. "Anda bisa pergi sekarang." Penjaga itu bereaksi seolah-olah dia baru saja menerima amnesti dan mundur sementara menggigil. Dia kemudian menyadari bahwa seluruh tubuhnya telah direndam dengan keringat! Dalam studi tersebut, Juni Zhantian memejamkan mata dan mengangkat kepalanya ke atas, jakunnya digulung dan bawah untuk sedikit. Air mata menyelinap keluar dari matanya berkerut ... Jika Juni Xie telah sama seperti aslinya Juni Moxie, seorang orang gasang tak tertahankan dan nakal, Kakek Juni tidak akan sakit tersebut karena hal ini. Karena dia sudah menyerah pada dirinya, bahkan jika tragedi semacam itu terjadi, jadi apa? Runtuhnya Juni Keluarga adalah kepastian. Untuk datang lebih awal itu bukan masalah besar. Tapi masalahnya berbohong pada kenyataan bahwa Juni Zhantian baru saja menyaksikan transformasi yang luar biasa cucunya sendiri, ia akhirnya melihat cahaya menyilaukan, sebuah pancaran brilian harapan! Dia telah menjadi bersemangat dan mulai membayangkan bagaimana Juni Keluarga bisa naik kembali saat berita tak terduga ini tiba-tiba datang, melemparkan Kakek Juni ke dalam jurang keputusasaan! Mengingat situasi, untuk Kakek Juni untuk tidak pergi gila di tempat adalah sesuatu yang diperlukan cukup jumlah terhormat kontrol diri. Moxie telah meninggal demi peringatan Princess Ling Meng! Ini adalah kesimpulan pertama Kakek Jun. Tujuannya pembunuh adalah Princess Ling Meng dan satu-satunya dengan seperti jumlah yang keterlaluan keberanian akan baik tiga pangeran atau kekuatan musuh dari kerajaan lain. Namun, posisi saat Putra Mahkota tetap kosong dan tiga pangeran berada di tengah-tengah bersaing satu sama lain untuk itu. Dalam keadaan seperti itu, kerajaan lain tidak akan memilih untuk bergerak radikal. Dengan demikian, para tersangka yang paling mungkin adalah tiga pangeran! Ini adalah kesimpulan kedua! Ketiga, sang putri seharusnya menjadi sasaran utama dari upaya pembunuhan. Tapi Moxie telah meninggal saat sang putri tidak! Ini telah mengungkapkan sesuatu yang aneh dalam hal ini. Mungkinkah itu musuh Moxie, Li dan Meng Keluarga? Apakah mereka menyewa pembunuh untuk membuat skenario seperti itu? Adalah upaya pembunuhan terhadap sang putri hanya kamuflase untuk target sebenarnya mereka? Ini adalah kesimpulan ketiga. Moxie telah disampaikan peringatan tapi akhirnya mati sedangkan putri yang menjadi sasaran pembunuhan tetap hidup. Ini berarti bahwa meskipun Moxie telah menyampaikan peringatan bagi sang putri, dia tidak mengirim orang untuk melindungi Moxie dan telah bukannya berfokus pada melindungi dirinya sendiri. Dengan demikian, Moxie telah dengan mudah dibunuh! Ini adalah kesimpulan keempat! Semakin Juni Zhantian berpikir tentang hal itu, dingin wajahnya menjadi, dan lebih tajam mata bersinar nya. Akhirnya, itu telah menjadi wajah garang! Mengapa cucu saya yang pergi untuk memberikan peringatan akhirnya sekarat sementara gadis sialan tidak? Aku, Juni Zhantian bergabung dengan tentara bahkan sebelum aku bisa mencukur, berjuang melalui ratusan dan ribuan pertempuran! Saya membantai cara saya melalui jutaan mayat untuk menjadi duke besar, kontribusi eksploitasi brilian untuk kerajaan, yang tak tertandingi dalam kerajaan! Aku, Juni Zhantian memiliki tiga putra dan tiga cucu; dua anak meninggal berjuang untuk negara sedangkan yang termuda lumpuh seumur hidup. Tiga cucu saya, dua kiri pada kampanye perang hanya untuk tidak pernah kembali. Sekarang, hanya pewaris saya meninggal demi sang putri ... Apakah ini bagaimana keluarga saya prajurit gagah berani akan berakhir? Jika demikian halnya, apa lagi yang harus saya hidup? Karena akan berakhir baik cara, saya mungkin juga menyeret semua orang yang mencoba untuk mencatat saya Juni Keluarga dengan saya! Juni Zhantian mulai tertawa, tawa pahit dan sedih, lebih keras dan lebih keras, wajahnya penuh dengan air mata. Dia tiba-tiba bermunculan keras, matanya memancarkan percikan petir disertai dengan warna merah darah. Melirik dingin di malam hari di luar jendela, ia berbalik dan berjalan perlahan untuk berdiri di hadapan potret mendiang istrinya. Dia berdiri tegak, menatap untuk waktu yang lama, mulutnya bergerak seolah-olah ia hendak mengatakan sesuatu tapi pada akhirnya memilih untuk tidak. Dia mengulurkan tangan, membelai udara seakan mencoba untuk merasakan sesuatu, seolah-olah ia mencoba untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal untuk terakhir kalinya ... Kakek Juni menyipitkan matanya sedikit, seolah-olah ia mencoba paksa menahan sesuatu kembali. Dia tiba-tiba berbalik dan mengangkat pedangnya yang telah ditinggalkan di dinding untuk waktu yang lama. Rambutnya putih mengalir dengan cara terpencil, ia melangkah keluar tanpa melihat kembali! Saat ia berbalik, dua tetes air mata jatuh ke tanah, membobol tak terhitung jumlahnya potongan! Di potret tergantung dari dinding adalah gambar dari hati dan keibuan mencari wanita tua, senyumnya tetap abadi. Tapi h

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