A sharp, shrill alarm sounded and Scout jerked upright. Instinctively, terjemahan - A sharp, shrill alarm sounded and Scout jerked upright. Instinctively, Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

A sharp, shrill alarm sounded and S

A sharp, shrill alarm sounded and Scout jerked upright. Instinctively, she reached for her bag as the alarm sounded again.
Her eyes landed on her unfamiliar surroundings and she remembered she was in the hotel, and the annoying sound that had woken her was coming from the phone. She leaned over and answered it.
“Get dressed. Something casual, but nice. Meet me out front in thirty minutes.”
Scout wiped her eyes and scowled. She was still angry from last night. “Where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise. Thirty minutes.” Lucian said and hung up in her ear.
She replaced the phone and glared at it. After a few minutes of refusing to move, eventually she gave in and went to take a shower.
She dressed in a pair of fitted jeans and knee-high boots. The boots, although heeled, offered more support than the pumps. Finding a soft corded sweater the color of rust, she slipped that over a lace brown camisole.
Katelyn had given her a dainty bag full of makeup the day before, and Scout sorted through the little tubes and compacts for some magic quick fix that wasn’t there. Locating the mascara, she pulled out the black wand. Her eyes flickered rapidly as she tried to swab her lashes with the goopy stuff. When she finished, she wasn’t pleased. Her eyes looked startling. Witch eyes. She tossed it back in the bag and found some powder.
There were ten different brushes. Selecting a fluffy large one to use with the powder, she dabbed the compact. Blending was a talent that took skill she lacked. Growing frustrated, she grabbed the clear gloss, slathered it over her lips, and left.
Her hair was still damp, so she twisted it into a bun as she waited for the elevator. Scout wasn’t sure how she’d treat Lucian today. Part of her wanted to hurt him the way he had hurt her, but another part of her missed the way they’d been that first night. And then there was the part of her that constantly reminded her she shouldn’t care that much.
There was no paying him back for the things he had given her, and her stubbornness refused to allow her to bow out at this point. If she let people like Lucian intimidate her, she’d never make it in the real world.
Squaring her shoulders, she stepped off the elevator. The lobby was politely hushed as people checked in and out. She could smell the restaurant and wondered if they’d ever dine there.
As soon as she stepped outside she recognized Dugan. She pulled the lapels of her camel coat tight against the wind and took the red runner toward the limo.
“Ms. Keats,” he greeted and opened the door for her.
“Good morning, Dugan.” She slid into the warmth of the car. Lucian was waiting for her. Folding the newspaper he was reading, he inspected her from head to toe.
“Your hair’s wet.”
“And my eyes are blue. Where are we going?”
He didn’t appreciate her comment. “It’s November, Evelyn. Do you enjoy pneumonia?”
“Not particularly, but you didn’t leave me much choice with your demands for promptness.”
He looked back at his paper. “I can see this morning will be full of your charming wit.”
The limo pulled away from the curb, and they rode in silence. The sound of newspaper pages turning interrupted the stillness of the ride every few minutes. The city rolled by quietly, buffeted by the sleek glass of the car, and appearing somewhat artificial.
“Care to read a section of the paper?” Lucian asked.
“No, thank you.”
“We need to stop by my office before we get to where we’re going.”
Scout nodded her understanding.
“I plan on introducing you to some colleagues this morning, Evelyn.”
“You’re working?”
“I’m always working.”
They arrived at a tall building in a section of the city she wasn’t familiar with. The door of the limo opened and Lucian climbed out. She scooted over toward the door to follow when he turned and said, “I shouldn’t be more than ten minutes.” The door shut in her face.
Scout spent the time snooping around the limo and testing each button. She found an apple in a small refrigerated compartment and ate it. She wasn’t sure what to do with the core, so she wrapped it in a napkin and held it in her lap.
When she found the radio, her fingers rolled the dial until locating a station that wasn’t fuzzy. Accidentally pressing the wrong button, the music cut off and a grinding sound came on.
“Crap.” She panicked, but a second later music came on again. There must be a CD in the player somewhere.
Soft, jazzy-sounding vocals filled the limo. Sitting back, she listened, realizing the words were being sung in a different language, but it was still nice. Her booted feet tapped as she waited for Lucian.
Finally the door opened and she spotted Lucian exiting the building with a stack of papers in his hands. His strides were confident and people seemed to defer to him. He climbed into the limo and smiled.
“Now we can go.”
As Dugan drove she noticed the buildings grow farther and farther apart and the sidewalks become less populated with people. The denseness of Folsom eased and suddenly there were houses and grass and then they were speeding along a raised section of highway.
“Are we still in Folsom?”
Panic filled her as they left the city she had never been outside of. She felt powerless as if she were being whisked away without choice. A sense of getting lost choked her as her world slipped farther and farther out of view, until the tall skyscrapers she’d grown up under were nothing more than specks along the horizon.
She didn’t want to turn away from the remaining view of the city, fearing if she lost sight of it she’d never find her way back home.
“Evelyn, what’s the matter?”
“You didn’t tell me we were leaving the city.”
“Does it matter? We’ll be back by tonight.” His words only slightly reassured her. “Come here.”
She jerked her gaze from the window and faced him. His papers were all neatly tucked away in a briefcase and he patted the space beside him on the bench seat. Hesitantly, she looked back out the window one last time and moved to his side.
His fingers undid the buttons of her coat and slid it off her shoulders. “You’re tense.” His thumbs pressed into the back of her neck and rubbed in firm, but gentle circles. Her shoulders slowly relaxed as he soothed the tension out of her muscles.
His touch moved up to her bun and tentatively turned the knot of hair.
“Take this out.”
Her fingers unraveled the rubber band and her hair uncoiled down her back.
“I prefer your hair down.”
Fingers sifted through the brunette strands, parting and separating the long locks over her shoulders. Her hair was different since she’d had it cut, softer, smoother at the ends. Lucian continued to play with her hair until he’d coaxed her into leaning into his shoulder. His fingertips delicately traced whorls over her collarbone. It was nice.
The music played and they fell into a much more welcome silence than how the ride had started out.
“I want you to spend the night with me tonight, Evelyn.”
She prided herself on hiding any physical reaction to his words. “Okay.”
“I’ve thought about Vivian’s cryptic warning and decided there’s no use postponing the inevitable.” She silently agreed with him.
“I assume by your presence that you still consent to our agreement.”
“I won’t back out,” she assured him.
They arrived at a tall iron gate that opened to a sprawling lawn. As the limousine eased slowly uphill, an enormous home came into view. It was pale yellow with rounded soffits and a terracotta roof. She moved to sit up a little straighter, and Lucian released the hold he’d kept on her for the majority of the drive.
“Is this somebody’s house?”
“Yes. Mine.”
She looked back at him and found honesty in his gaze.
“Do you like it?” There was a hint of vulnerability in the question, nearly hidden, but making him seem more human, less godlike.
“It’s the size of a hotel.”
“This one’s all mine.”
They parked at the curve of a cul-de-sac outside a six-bay garage. It occurred to her that she never considered much of Lucian’s life outside of the city, outside of Patras Hotel for that matter. She suddenly had a terrible thought.
“Lucian?” When he didn’t hear her rasp she forced herself to speak a little louder. “Lucian?”
He faced her.
“Do you have a family?”
His expression shuttered. “I have sisters and a father.”
Scout relaxed, but needed to make completely sure. “Have you ever been married?”
She could not do this if there was another woman. If she was the other woman.
“There’s no one else, Evelyn. I’ve been single for quite some time.”
It was obvious by his tone and the set of his features no other questions were welcomed. He climbed out of the car the moment Dugan opened the door. She breathed a sigh of relief. After a few deep breaths, she followed.
They walked up to a set of Gothic French doors that opened before they crossed the top step. A young woman, wearing the same dove gray gown that housekeeping wore at the hotel, held the heavy wooden door as they stepped through.
“Good morning, Mr. Patras.”
Lucian removed Scout’s coat and heaped the heavy wool into the maid’s arms. “Good morning, Lucy. Have my guests arrived?”
“They’re in the library, sir. Breakfast will be served in the dining room. Would you like me to escort your guests there?”
He undid the large buttons of his coat. “That won’t be necessary. Please send coffee to the library. We’ll eat in a bit. Come on, Evelyn.”
Scout still held her apple wrapped in a napkin. She looked down and at the maid. She couldn’t ask her to take her half-eaten apple core. Holding it low by her hip, she hoped no one would notice and followed Lucian, keeping her eyes peeled for a trash can.
The house was like a museum. Every step echoed and she was very aware of her prattling steps in the wake of his much surer paces.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
A sharp, shrill alarm sounded and Scout jerked upright. Instinctively, she reached for her bag as the alarm sounded again.Fire?Her eyes landed on her unfamiliar surroundings and she remembered she was in the hotel, and the annoying sound that had woken her was coming from the phone. She leaned over and answered it.“Hello?”“Get dressed. Something casual, but nice. Meet me out front in thirty minutes.”Scout wiped her eyes and scowled. She was still angry from last night. “Where are we going?”“It’s a surprise. Thirty minutes.” Lucian said and hung up in her ear.She replaced the phone and glared at it. After a few minutes of refusing to move, eventually she gave in and went to take a shower.She dressed in a pair of fitted jeans and knee-high boots. The boots, although heeled, offered more support than the pumps. Finding a soft corded sweater the color of rust, she slipped that over a lace brown camisole.Katelyn had given her a dainty bag full of makeup the day before, and Scout sorted through the little tubes and compacts for some magic quick fix that wasn’t there. Locating the mascara, she pulled out the black wand. Her eyes flickered rapidly as she tried to swab her lashes with the goopy stuff. When she finished, she wasn’t pleased. Her eyes looked startling. Witch eyes. She tossed it back in the bag and found some powder.There were ten different brushes. Selecting a fluffy large one to use with the powder, she dabbed the compact. Blending was a talent that took skill she lacked. Growing frustrated, she grabbed the clear gloss, slathered it over her lips, and left.Her hair was still damp, so she twisted it into a bun as she waited for the elevator. Scout wasn’t sure how she’d treat Lucian today. Part of her wanted to hurt him the way he had hurt her, but another part of her missed the way they’d been that first night. And then there was the part of her that constantly reminded her she shouldn’t care that much.
There was no paying him back for the things he had given her, and her stubbornness refused to allow her to bow out at this point. If she let people like Lucian intimidate her, she’d never make it in the real world.
Squaring her shoulders, she stepped off the elevator. The lobby was politely hushed as people checked in and out. She could smell the restaurant and wondered if they’d ever dine there.
As soon as she stepped outside she recognized Dugan. She pulled the lapels of her camel coat tight against the wind and took the red runner toward the limo.
“Ms. Keats,” he greeted and opened the door for her.
“Good morning, Dugan.” She slid into the warmth of the car. Lucian was waiting for her. Folding the newspaper he was reading, he inspected her from head to toe.
“Your hair’s wet.”
“And my eyes are blue. Where are we going?”
He didn’t appreciate her comment. “It’s November, Evelyn. Do you enjoy pneumonia?”
“Not particularly, but you didn’t leave me much choice with your demands for promptness.”
He looked back at his paper. “I can see this morning will be full of your charming wit.”
The limo pulled away from the curb, and they rode in silence. The sound of newspaper pages turning interrupted the stillness of the ride every few minutes. The city rolled by quietly, buffeted by the sleek glass of the car, and appearing somewhat artificial.
“Care to read a section of the paper?” Lucian asked.
“No, thank you.”
“We need to stop by my office before we get to where we’re going.”
Scout nodded her understanding.
“I plan on introducing you to some colleagues this morning, Evelyn.”
“You’re working?”
“I’m always working.”
They arrived at a tall building in a section of the city she wasn’t familiar with. The door of the limo opened and Lucian climbed out. She scooted over toward the door to follow when he turned and said, “I shouldn’t be more than ten minutes.” The door shut in her face.
Scout spent the time snooping around the limo and testing each button. She found an apple in a small refrigerated compartment and ate it. She wasn’t sure what to do with the core, so she wrapped it in a napkin and held it in her lap.
When she found the radio, her fingers rolled the dial until locating a station that wasn’t fuzzy. Accidentally pressing the wrong button, the music cut off and a grinding sound came on.
“Crap.” She panicked, but a second later music came on again. There must be a CD in the player somewhere.
Soft, jazzy-sounding vocals filled the limo. Sitting back, she listened, realizing the words were being sung in a different language, but it was still nice. Her booted feet tapped as she waited for Lucian.
Finally the door opened and she spotted Lucian exiting the building with a stack of papers in his hands. His strides were confident and people seemed to defer to him. He climbed into the limo and smiled.
“Now we can go.”
As Dugan drove she noticed the buildings grow farther and farther apart and the sidewalks become less populated with people. The denseness of Folsom eased and suddenly there were houses and grass and then they were speeding along a raised section of highway.
“Are we still in Folsom?”
Panic filled her as they left the city she had never been outside of. She felt powerless as if she were being whisked away without choice. A sense of getting lost choked her as her world slipped farther and farther out of view, until the tall skyscrapers she’d grown up under were nothing more than specks along the horizon.
She didn’t want to turn away from the remaining view of the city, fearing if she lost sight of it she’d never find her way back home.
“Evelyn, what’s the matter?”
“You didn’t tell me we were leaving the city.”
“Does it matter? We’ll be back by tonight.” His words only slightly reassured her. “Come here.”
She jerked her gaze from the window and faced him. His papers were all neatly tucked away in a briefcase and he patted the space beside him on the bench seat. Hesitantly, she looked back out the window one last time and moved to his side.
His fingers undid the buttons of her coat and slid it off her shoulders. “You’re tense.” His thumbs pressed into the back of her neck and rubbed in firm, but gentle circles. Her shoulders slowly relaxed as he soothed the tension out of her muscles.
His touch moved up to her bun and tentatively turned the knot of hair.
“Take this out.”
Her fingers unraveled the rubber band and her hair uncoiled down her back.
“I prefer your hair down.”
Fingers sifted through the brunette strands, parting and separating the long locks over her shoulders. Her hair was different since she’d had it cut, softer, smoother at the ends. Lucian continued to play with her hair until he’d coaxed her into leaning into his shoulder. His fingertips delicately traced whorls over her collarbone. It was nice.
The music played and they fell into a much more welcome silence than how the ride had started out.
“I want you to spend the night with me tonight, Evelyn.”
She prided herself on hiding any physical reaction to his words. “Okay.”
“I’ve thought about Vivian’s cryptic warning and decided there’s no use postponing the inevitable.” She silently agreed with him.
“I assume by your presence that you still consent to our agreement.”
“I won’t back out,” she assured him.
They arrived at a tall iron gate that opened to a sprawling lawn. As the limousine eased slowly uphill, an enormous home came into view. It was pale yellow with rounded soffits and a terracotta roof. She moved to sit up a little straighter, and Lucian released the hold he’d kept on her for the majority of the drive.
“Is this somebody’s house?”
“Yes. Mine.”
She looked back at him and found honesty in his gaze.
“Do you like it?” There was a hint of vulnerability in the question, nearly hidden, but making him seem more human, less godlike.
“It’s the size of a hotel.”
“This one’s all mine.”
They parked at the curve of a cul-de-sac outside a six-bay garage. It occurred to her that she never considered much of Lucian’s life outside of the city, outside of Patras Hotel for that matter. She suddenly had a terrible thought.
“Lucian?” When he didn’t hear her rasp she forced herself to speak a little louder. “Lucian?”
He faced her.
“Do you have a family?”
His expression shuttered. “I have sisters and a father.”
Scout relaxed, but needed to make completely sure. “Have you ever been married?”
She could not do this if there was another woman. If she was the other woman.
“There’s no one else, Evelyn. I’ve been single for quite some time.”
It was obvious by his tone and the set of his features no other questions were welcomed. He climbed out of the car the moment Dugan opened the door. She breathed a sigh of relief. After a few deep breaths, she followed.
They walked up to a set of Gothic French doors that opened before they crossed the top step. A young woman, wearing the same dove gray gown that housekeeping wore at the hotel, held the heavy wooden door as they stepped through.
“Good morning, Mr. Patras.”
Lucian removed Scout’s coat and heaped the heavy wool into the maid’s arms. “Good morning, Lucy. Have my guests arrived?”
“They’re in the library, sir. Breakfast will be served in the dining room. Would you like me to escort your guests there?”
He undid the large buttons of his coat. “That won’t be necessary. Please send coffee to the library. We’ll eat in a bit. Come on, Evelyn.”
Scout still held her apple wrapped in a napkin. She looked down and at the maid. She couldn’t ask her to take her half-eaten apple core. Holding it low by her hip, she hoped no one would notice and followed Lucian, keeping her eyes peeled for a trash can.
The house was like a museum. Every step echoed and she was very aware of her prattling steps in the wake of his much surer paces.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sebuah tajam, alarm melengking terdengar dan Pramuka tersentak tegak. Secara naluriah, ia meraih tasnya sebagai alarm berbunyi lagi.
Matanya mendarat di lingkungan yang tidak dikenalnya dan dia ingat dia di hotel, dan suara mengganggu yang terbangun nya berasal dari telepon. Dia membungkuk dan menjawab itu.
"Dapatkan berpakaian. Sesuatu yang biasa, tapi bagus. Temui aku di depan dalam tiga puluh menit. "
Scout mengusap matanya dan merengut. Dia masih marah dari tadi malam. "Di mana kita akan pergi?"
"Itu adalah kejutan. Tiga puluh menit. "Kata Lucian dan menutup telinganya.
Dia digantikan telepon dan melotot itu. Setelah beberapa menit menolak untuk bergerak, akhirnya dia menyerah dan pergi untuk mandi.
Dia mengenakan celana jins dipasang dan sepatu bot setinggi lutut. Sepatu, meskipun berhak, menawarkan dukungan lebih dari pompa. Mencari sweater dijalin dgn tali lembut warna karat, ia menyelinap bahwa lebih dari kamisol renda coklat.
Katelyn telah memberinya sebuah tas mungil penuh riasan sehari sebelumnya, dan Pramuka diurutkan melalui tabung kecil dan compacts untuk beberapa perbaikan cepat sihir yang tidak ' t ada. Menemukan maskara, dia menarik keluar tongkat hitam. Matanya berkedip-kedip cepat saat ia mencoba untuk menyeka bulu matanya dengan hal-hal goopy. Ketika dia selesai, dia tidak senang. Matanya tampak mengejutkan. Mata penyihir. Dia melemparkannya kembali tas dan menemukan beberapa bubuk.
Ada sepuluh kuas yang berbeda. Memilih satu besar berbulu untuk digunakan dengan bedak, dia mengusap kompak. Blending adalah bakat yang mengambil keahlian dia kekurangan. Tumbuh frustrasi, dia meraih gloss jelas, mengoleskan di atas bibirnya, dan kiri.
Rambutnya masih basah, jadi dia memutar ke disanggul saat ia menunggu lift. Scout tidak yakin bagaimana dia akan memperlakukan Lucian hari ini. Sebagian dirinya ingin menyakitinya cara dia telah menyakiti, tapi bagian lain dari dirinya merindukan cara mereka pernah malam pertama. Dan kemudian ada bagian dari dirinya yang terus-menerus mengingatkan dia seharusnya tidak peduli bahwa banyak.
Tidak ada membayarnya kembali untuk hal-hal yang telah diberikan, dan keras kepala nya menolak untuk mengizinkan dia untuk mundur pada saat ini. Jika ia membiarkan orang-orang seperti Lucian mengintimidasi, dia tidak pernah membuatnya dalam dunia nyata.
mengkuadratkan bahunya, ia melangkah keluar dari lift. Lobi sopan terdiam seperti orang check in dan out. Dia bisa mencium restoran dan bertanya-tanya apakah mereka pernah akan makan di sana.
Begitu ia melangkah ke luar ia diakui Dugan. Dia menarik kerah mantel untanya ketat terhadap angin dan mengambil runner merah menuju limo.
"Ms. Keats, "ia menyapa dan membuka pintu untuknya.
"Selamat pagi, Dugan." Dia meluncur ke kehangatan mobil. Lucian sedang menunggunya. Lipat koran yang sedang dibacanya, ia diperiksa dari kepala sampai kaki.
"basah. Rambutmu itu"
"Dan mataku berwarna biru. Di mana kita akan pergi? "
Dia tidak menghargai komentar nya. "Ini November, Evelyn. Apakah Anda menikmati pneumonia? "
"Tidak juga, tapi Anda tidak meninggalkan saya banyak pilihan dengan tuntutan untuk ketepatan."
Dia kembali menatap kertas. "Saya bisa melihat pagi ini akan penuh kecerdasan menawan Anda."
Limo menjauh dari tepi jalan, dan mereka naik dalam keheningan. Suara halaman koran memutar terganggu keheningan naik setiap beberapa menit. Kota digulung oleh diam-diam, diterpa kaca ramping dari mobil, dan muncul agak buatan.
"Perawatan untuk membaca bagian dari kertas?" tanya Lucian.
"Tidak, terima kasih."
"Kita harus berhenti oleh kantor saya sebelum kita sampai ke mana kita akan pergi. "
Scout mengangguk pemahamannya.
"Saya berencana untuk memperkenalkan Anda untuk beberapa rekan pagi ini, Evelyn."
"Kau bekerja?"
"Aku selalu bekerja."
Mereka tiba di sebuah tinggi bangunan di bagian kota dia tidak akrab dengan. Pintu limo terbuka dan Lucian memanjat keluar. Dia berlari lebih ke arah pintu untuk mengikuti ketika ia berbalik dan berkata, "Saya tidak boleh lebih dari sepuluh menit." Pintu tertutup di wajahnya.
Scout menghabiskan waktu menyelinap di sekitar limo dan pengujian setiap tombol. Dia menemukan sebuah apel di kompartemen berpendingin kecil dan memakannya. Dia tidak yakin apa yang harus dilakukan dengan inti, jadi dia membungkusnya dengan serbet dan diadakan di pangkuannya.
Ketika ia menemukan radio, jari-jarinya meluncur cepat sampai menemukan stasiun yang tidak kabur. Sengaja menekan tombol yang salah, musik dipotong dan suara grinding datang.
"Crap." Dia panik, tapi musik kemudian kedua datang lagi. Harus ada CD dalam pemain di suatu tempat.
Lembut, vokal jazzy terdengar penuh limusin. Duduk kembali, dia mendengarkan, menyadari kata-kata itu yang dinyanyikan dalam bahasa yang berbeda, tapi itu masih bagus. Kaki bersepatu bot nya disadap saat ia menunggu Lucian.
Akhirnya pintu terbuka dan ia melihat Lucian keluar gedung dengan tumpukan kertas di tangannya. Langkah-Nya yang percaya diri dan orang-orang tampaknya menunda padanya. Dia naik ke limusin dan tersenyum.
"Sekarang kita bisa pergi."
Sebagai Dugan melaju ia melihat bangunan tumbuh lebih jauh dan jauh terpisah dan trotoar menjadi kurang padat dengan orang-orang. The padatnya Folsom mereda dan tiba-tiba ada rumah dan rumput dan kemudian mereka ngebut di sepanjang bagian mengangkat dari jalan raya.
"Apakah kita masih di Folsom?"
Panic diisi saat mereka meninggalkan kota dia tidak pernah di luar . Dia merasa tidak berdaya seolah-olah dia sedang dibawa pergi tanpa pilihan. Rasa tersesat tersedak sebagai dunianya tergelincir lebih jauh dan lebih jauh dari pandangan, sampai gedung pencakar langit yang tinggi dia tumbuh di bawah tidak lebih dari bintik di sepanjang cakrawala.
Dia tidak ingin berpaling dari pandangan yang tersisa dari kota, takut jika dia kehilangan pandangan itu dia tidak pernah menemukannya perjalanan pulang.
"Evelyn, ada apa?"
"Kau tidak memberitahu saya kami meninggalkan kota."
"Apakah itu penting ? Kami akan kembali malam ini. "Kata-katanya hanya sedikit menenangkannya. "Kemarilah."
Dia tersentak tatapannya dari jendela dan menghadapi dia. Makalah nya semua rapi terselip di tas dan dia menepuk ruang di sampingnya di kursi bangku. Ragu-ragu, dia melihat kembali terakhir jendela satu waktu dan pindah ke sisinya.
Jari-jarinya membuka kancing kancing mantelnya dan meluncur itu dari bahunya. "Kau tegang." Jempol Nya ditekan ke belakang lehernya dan mengusap di perusahaan, tetapi lingkaran lembut. Bahunya perlahan santai sambil menenangkan ketegangan dari otot-ototnya.
Sentuhannya pindah ke bun dan ragu-ragu berbalik simpul rambut.
"Ambil ini."
Jari-jarinya terurai band karet dan rambutnya terurai di
punggungnya. " Saya lebih suka rambut Anda ke bawah. "
Fingers disaring melalui untaian brunette, berpisah dan memisahkan kunci yang panjang di atas bahunya. Rambutnya yang berbeda sejak ia telah memotong, lebih lembut, halus di ujung. Lucian terus bermain dengan rambutnya sampai ia membujuk dia ke bersandar di bahunya. Ujung jari halus ditelusuri whorls lebih tulang selangka nya. Itu bagus.
Musik yang dimainkan dan mereka jatuh ke dalam keheningan jauh lebih diterima daripada bagaimana perjalanan telah dimulai.
"Saya ingin Anda untuk menghabiskan malam dengan saya malam ini, Evelyn."
Dia membanggakan diri menyembunyikan reaksi fisik untuk kata-katanya . "Oke."
"Saya sudah berpikir tentang peringatan samar Vivian dan memutuskan tidak ada gunanya menunda tak terelakkan." Dia diam-diam setuju dengan dia.
"Saya menganggap dengan kehadiran Anda bahwa Anda masih menyetujui kesepakatan kita."
"Aku tidak akan kembali keluar, "ia meyakinkan.
Mereka tiba di sebuah gerbang besi tinggi yang dibuka untuk halaman yang luas. Sebagai limusin mereda perlahan menanjak, rumah besar muncul. Itu kuning pucat dengan sofit bulat dan atap terakota. Dia pindah untuk duduk sedikit lebih tegak, dan Lucian merilis terus dia terus dia untuk mayoritas drive.
"Apakah rumah ini seseorang?"
"Ya. Tambang. "
Dia kembali menatap dia dan menemukan kejujuran dalam tatapannya.
"Apakah Anda menyukainya?" Ada sedikit kerentanan dalam pertanyaan, hampir tersembunyi, tetapi membuatnya tampak lebih manusiawi, kurang dewa.
"Ini ukuran sebuah hotel. "
"Yang ini milikku."
Mereka parkir di lekukan cul-de-sac luar garasi enam bay. Terpikir olehnya bahwa dia tidak pernah dianggap jauh dari kehidupan Lucian di luar kota, luar Patras Hotel untuk hal itu. Dia tiba-tiba punya pikiran yang mengerikan.
"Lucian?" Ketika dia tidak mendengar serak dia memaksa dirinya untuk berbicara sedikit lebih keras. "Lucian?"
Dia menghadapi dia.
"Apakah Anda memiliki keluarga?"
Ekspresinya tertutup. "Saya punya saudara dan ayah."
Scout santai, tetapi diperlukan untuk membuat benar-benar yakin. "Apakah Anda pernah menikah?"
Dia tidak bisa melakukan hal ini jika ada wanita lain. Jika dia adalah wanita lain.
"Tidak ada orang lain, Evelyn. Aku sudah tunggal untuk beberapa waktu. "
Itu jelas oleh nada dan set fitur nya tidak ada pertanyaan lain disambut. Dia turun dari mobil saat Dugan membuka pintu. Dia menarik napas lega. Setelah beberapa napas dalam, dia mengikuti.
Mereka berjalan ke satu set pintu Prancis Gothic yang dibuka sebelum mereka menyeberangi langkah atas. Seorang wanita muda, mengenakan merpati yang sama gaun abu-abu yang housekeeping mengenakan di hotel, menahan pintu kayu yang berat karena mereka melangkah melalui.
"Selamat pagi, Pak Patras."
Lucian dihapus mantel Pramuka dan menumpuk wol berat ke pelukan pembantu. "Selamat pagi, Lucy. Memiliki tamu saya tiba? "
"Mereka berada di perpustakaan, Pak. Sarapan akan disajikan di ruang makan. Apakah Anda ingin saya untuk mengawal tamu Anda di sana? "
Dia membuka kancing besar mantelnya. "Itu tidak akan diperlukan. Silakan kirim kopi ke perpustakaan. Kami akan makan di sedikit. Ayo, Evelyn. "
Scout masih dipegang apel yang dibungkus serbet. Dia menunduk dan pada pembantu. Dia tidak bisa meminta dia untuk membawanya setengah dimakan inti apel. Memegangnya rendah dengan pinggulnya, ia berharap tidak ada yang akan melihat dan mengikuti Lucian, menjaga matanya kupas untuk tempat sampah.
Rumah itu seperti sebuah museum. Setiap langkah bergema dan dia sangat menyadari langkah berceloteh nya di bangun dari langkah nya banyak yang lebih pasti.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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