„Jie Jie”Three fine ag­ilisauruses exude the sharp cry, the sharp claw terjemahan - „Jie Jie”Three fine ag­ilisauruses exude the sharp cry, the sharp claw Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Jie Jie”Three fine ag­ilisauruses

„Jie Jie”
Three fine ag­ilisauruses exude the sharp cry, the sharp claws deeply prick in the rock layer, pur­sued fol­low­ing the dike, Saint sun­light step BOSS, I ac­tu­ally spe­cial fear­ing, Shan Tiao does not have the issue, but the issue is al­to­gether 3 heads, if I turned head to spell hardly def­i­nitely could not leave, can only dash about wildly fu­ri­ously, the four hooves of fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse stepped on the un­even road, the mo­tion speed was hin­dered enor­mously, but I have not can­celled the sad­dle horse ef­fect, the good and evil has also pro­moted my many at­trib­utes, had al­ways feels bet­ter in not hav­ing.
„Roar roar”
The an­tiq­uity god tiger was roar­ing, turned around sud­denly, has been lay­ing out an angry claw to a fine ag­ilisaurus, was a fierce sound roar, then the at­tacked fine ag­ilisaurus called out piti­fully, the HP in­jury blew out con­tin­u­ously
Has say­ing that the an­tiq­uity god tiger pre­sent strik­ing power was re­ally too strong, still ex­ceeded in me , after the roar­ing flame claw + the fierce sound roared, four palms were dense the roar­ing flame, trod the fire long-range raid to start rapidly, si­mul­ta­ne­ously be­fore being at­tacked roared, roar­ing flame Ar­mour changes into flame rem­nant Ar­mour re­volv­ing around the small tiger, sig­nif­i­cantly has pro­moted the de­fen­sive power, the dragon rests of three fine ag­ilisauruses emit­ted on roar­ing flame Ar­mour, un­ex­pect­edly has not caused too many dam­age
I looked to un­der­stand that a fact, roar­ing flame Ji­a­jia of small tiger held under the con­di­tion, ba­si­cally can break its de­fen­sive power on no­body large scale, was only a pity that roar­ing flame Ar­mour can only con­tinue for 7 sec­onds, CD ac­tu­ally 30 sec­onds, but was unim­por­tant, 7 sec­onds of crit­i­cal mo­ment were enough, for ex­am­ple now, the an­tiq­uity god tiger can con­strain three Saint sun­light step BOSS for me!
Tiger roar is un­ceas­ing with dragon howl, shortly small tiger blood strip 30% times I order it to evac­u­ate the fight rapidly, the small tiger rum­bles a blood­thirsty to strike im­me­di­ately, after hav­ing ab­sorbed 7000 + HP, turns round to run, the speed is ex­tremely fast, three fine ag­ilisaurus na­tures sound to fol­low close on com­ing sharply same, the speed fast.
I progress to dash about wildly, at the same time turns on the small map, the map of heart of dragon nest just likes a nar­row wind­ing path, curv­ing to the dis­tant place, in the ter­mi­nus of path is a scar­let red main hall, this makes my pal­pi­ta­tion ac­cel­er­ate slightly, in the deep place of heart of wild dragon clan re­stricted area dragon nest the main hall, the place of what store­house trea­sure can be?
Is it pos­si­ble that was I de­vel­oped?
Be­fore the fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse lost sud­denly the hoof, hav­ing my one to stag­ger to­gether, the rugged path made me re­turn to the re­al­ity, not to men­tion any con­ceal trea­sure lo­cated, first can live to say under the sharp claws of three fine ag­ilisauruses again!
„Jie Jie”
Fierce and sharp Long re­cited sound to trans­mit, the wild Long Clan dragon class truly did not pity with hu­mane, the two fine ag­ilisaurus first Cooldown dives killed, sharp claws „clang clang clang” strik­ing thor­oughly my be­hind hot prison armor, has car­ried over the con­sec­u­tively 4 in­jury digit, NND, the Saint sun­light step BOSS strik­ing power to me was not very fatal, but were many un­able to bear same
Three after strik­ing, the third fine ag­ilisaurus flies high time roar­ing flame Long Xi emit­ting, im­me­di­ately my whole body en­ters the sea of fire, heavy Ar­mour was man­i­fests to the fear that the magic at­tacked once more
HP saw the bot­tom in­stan­ta­neously!
I am out of con­trol to trem­ble, clenches teeth to retro­cede hur­riedly, si­mul­ta­ne­ously fills the next blood bot­tle, Mu Yu
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
"Jie Jie"Tiga baik agilisauruses memancarkan teriakan tajam, tajam cakar sangat menusuk dalam lapisan batu, mengejar mengikuti tanggul, Saint sinar matahari langkah bos, saya benar-benar khusus takut, Shan Tiao tidak memiliki masalah, tapi masalahnya adalah kepala 3 sama sekali, jika aku berpaling kepala untuk mantra hampir pasti bisa tidak meninggalkan, dapat hanya dash tentang liar marah, kuku empat terbang sabit lapis baja kuda-kuda menginjak jalan tidak merata , kecepatan gerakan terhambat sangat, tapi aku tidak dibatalkan efek pelana kuda, yang baik dan jahat juga telah dipromosikan saya banyak atribut, harus selalu terasa lebih baik tidak memiliki."Raungan raungan"Dewa kuno harimau menderu, berbalik tiba-tiba, telah meletakkan cakar marah untuk agilisaurus halus, adalah gemuruh suara sengit, maka baik agilisaurus menyerang memanggil menyedihkan, cedera HP meniup terus-menerus"8721!""7432!""7716!"Has say­ing that the an­tiq­uity god tiger pre­sent strik­ing power was re­ally too strong, still ex­ceeded in me , after the roar­ing flame claw + the fierce sound roared, four palms were dense the roar­ing flame, trod the fire long-range raid to start rapidly, si­mul­ta­ne­ously be­fore being at­tacked roared, roar­ing flame Ar­mour changes into flame rem­nant Ar­mour re­volv­ing around the small tiger, sig­nif­i­cantly has pro­moted the de­fen­sive power, the dragon rests of three fine ag­ilisauruses emit­ted on roar­ing flame Ar­mour, un­ex­pect­edly has not caused too many dam­age„3818!”„3417!”„3541!”I looked to un­der­stand that a fact, roar­ing flame Ji­a­jia of small tiger held under the con­di­tion, ba­si­cally can break its de­fen­sive power on no­body large scale, was only a pity that roar­ing flame Ar­mour can only con­tinue for 7 sec­onds, CD ac­tu­ally 30 sec­onds, but was unim­por­tant, 7 sec­onds of crit­i­cal mo­ment were enough, for ex­am­ple now, the an­tiq­uity god tiger can con­strain three Saint sun­light step BOSS for me!Tiger roar is un­ceas­ing with dragon howl, shortly small tiger blood strip 30% times I order it to evac­u­ate the fight rapidly, the small tiger rum­bles a blood­thirsty to strike im­me­di­ately, after hav­ing ab­sorbed 7000 + HP, turns round to run, the speed is ex­tremely fast, three fine ag­ilisaurus na­tures sound to fol­low close on com­ing sharply same, the speed fast.I progress to dash about wildly, at the same time turns on the small map, the map of heart of dragon nest just likes a nar­row wind­ing path, curv­ing to the dis­tant place, in the ter­mi­nus of path is a scar­let red main hall, this makes my pal­pi­ta­tion ac­cel­er­ate slightly, in the deep place of heart of wild dragon clan re­stricted area dragon nest the main hall, the place of what store­house trea­sure can be?Is it pos­si­ble that was I de­vel­oped?„”Be­fore the fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse lost sud­denly the hoof, hav­ing my one to stag­ger to­gether, the rugged path made me re­turn to the re­al­ity, not to men­tion any con­ceal trea­sure lo­cated, first can live to say under the sharp claws of three fine ag­ilisauruses again!„Jie Jie”Fierce and sharp Long re­cited sound to trans­mit, the wild Long Clan dragon class truly did not pity with hu­mane, the two fine ag­ilisaurus first Cooldown dives killed, sharp claws „clang clang clang” strik­ing thor­oughly my be­hind hot prison armor, has car­ried over the con­sec­u­tively 4 in­jury digit, NND, the Saint sun­light step BOSS strik­ing power to me was not very fatal, but were many un­able to bear same„6218!”„6633!”„7102!”Three after strik­ing, the third fine ag­ilisaurus flies high time roar­ing flame Long Xi emit­ting, im­me­di­ately my whole body en­ters the sea of fire, heavy Ar­mour was man­i­fests to the fear that the magic at­tacked once more„16363!”HP saw the bot­tom in­stan­ta­neously!I am out of con­trol to trem­ble, clenches teeth to retro­cede hur­riedly, si­mul­ta­ne­ously fills the next blood bot­tle, Mu Yu
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Jie Jie"
Tiga agilisauruses baik memancarkan jeritan tajam, cakar yang tajam sangat menusuk di lapisan batuan, dikejar berikut tanggul, Saint sinar matahari langkah BOSS, saya benar-benar istimewa takut, Shan Tiao tidak memiliki masalah, tapi masalah ini sama sekali 3 kepala, jika saya menoleh mengeja hampir pasti tidak bisa meninggalkan, hanya bisa lari sekitar liar marah, empat kuku terbang sabit kuda perang lapis baja melangkah di jalan yang tidak rata, kecepatan gerak terhalang sangat besar, tapi saya belum dibatalkan efek kuda pelana, yang baik dan yang jahat juga telah dipromosikan banyak atribut saya, selalu merasa lebih baik karena tidak memiliki.
"Roar gemuruh"
The kuno dewa harimau mengaum, dibalik tiba-tiba, telah meletakkan cakar marah ke agilisaurus baik, itu raungan suara sengit, maka agilisaurus baik menyerang memanggil menyedihkan, cedera HP meniup terus
telah mengatakan bahwa jaman dahulu dewa harimau listrik hadir mencolok benar-benar terlalu kuat, masih melebihi di saya, setelah menderu api cakar + suara sengit meraung, empat telapak tangan yang padat api menderu, menginjak api jarak jauh razia untuk memulai dengan cepat, secara bersamaan sebelum diserang raung, menderu perubahan api Armour menjadi api sisa Armour bergulir sekitar harimau kecil, secara signifikan telah mempromosikan kekuatan pertahanan, sisanya naga dari tiga agilisauruses baik yang dipancarkan pada menderu api Armour, tiba-tiba tidak menyebabkan terlalu banyak kerusakan
aku melihat untuk memahami bahwa fakta, menderu api Jiajia harimau kecil yang diadakan di bawah kondisi, pada dasarnya dapat mematahkan kekuatan pertahanan pada tidak ada skala besar, hanya disayangkan bahwa menderu api Armour hanya dapat berlanjut selama 7 detik, CD benar-benar 30 detik, tapi tidak penting, 7 detik kritis saat yang cukup, misalnya sekarang, jaman dahulu dewa harimau dapat membatasi tiga Saint sinar matahari langkah BOSS bagi saya!
Tiger gemuruh adalah tanpa henti dengan naga melolong, tak lama kecil Strip darah harimau 30% kali saya memesan untuk mengevakuasi pertarungan cepat, harimau kecil bergemuruh sebuah haus darah untuk menyerang segera, setelah diserap 7000 + HP, berbalik untuk menjalankan, kecepatan sangat cepat, tiga agilisaurus baik sifat suara untuk mengikuti dekat datang tajam yang sama, kecepatan cepat.
saya maju untuk lari sekitar liar, di saat yang sama ternyata pada peta kecil, peta dari jantung sarang naga hanya suka jalan berkelok-kelok sempit, melengkung ke tempat yang jauh, di ujung jalan adalah ruang utama merah merah, ini membuat palpitasi saya mempercepat sedikit, di tempat mendalam jantung sarang naga liar klan dibatasi daerah naga ruang utama, tempat apa harta gudang bisa?
Apakah mungkin yang saya kembangkan?
Sebelum terbang sabit kuda perang lapis baja hilang tiba-tiba kuku, memiliki satu saya sempoyongan bersama-sama, jalan terjal membuat saya kembali ke realitas, belum lagi setiap menyembunyikan harta terletak, pertama dapat hidup untuk mengatakan di bawah cakar tajam dari tiga agilisauruses baik lagi!
"Jie Jie"
Fierce dan tajam panjang membacakan suara untuk mengirimkan, liar panjang Clan kelas naga benar-benar tidak kasihan dengan manusiawi, dua baik agilisaurus penyelaman Cooldown pertama yang tewas, cakar tajam "berdentang dentang dentang" mencolok secara menyeluruh di balik baju besi penjara panas, telah dilakukan selama berturut-turut 4 cedera digit, NND, Saint sinar matahari langkah BOSS kekuatan mencolok bagi saya adalah tidak sangat fatal, tapi banyak tidak mampu menanggung sama
Tiga setelah mencolok, yang agilisaurus baik ketiga terbang tinggi waktu menderu api panjang Xi memancarkan, segera saya seluruh tubuh memasuki lautan api, Armour berat adalah manifes takut bahwa sihir menyerang sekali lagi
HP melihat bagian bawah seketika!
saya tidak terkendali gemetar, mengepalkan gigi untuk retrocede buru-buru, secara bersamaan mengisi darah berikutnya botol, Mu Yu
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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