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REST AND EYEWITNESS MEMORY RECALLR. Edward Geiselman, Ph.D.To maximize the completeness and accuracy of memory recall, it is logicalto assume that an eyewitness should be ready emotionally, physiologically,and cognitively to participate in an investigative interview. Towardachieving complete and accurate recall, there are several factors commonlystudied within the field of eyewitness psychology that would suggest aneyewitness should be interviewed as soon as possible following an event.These factors include ordinary forgetting, contextual changes, mood changes,and post-event influences (see 1, for a review of these factors). Perhaps themost obvious factor in favor of delaying an interview is the extreme level ofstress experienced by some eyewitnesses soon after the event. In recognitionof these possibly counteracting factors, I have recommended to detectivesthat a decision about when to conduct a full investigative interview must bemade on a case-by-case basis. If the witness is in apparent shock, is incoherent,sweating, or pacing, then obtain some basic elements from the witnessto begin the investigation and return for a full investigative interview later.Otherwise, conduct the full interview as soon as possible before the retrievalenvironment has changed and memory has faded.However, the eyewitness’s level of stress at the time of an interview maynot be the only factor worthy of consideration in favor of delaying the fullinvestigative interview. The eyewitness’s level of rest at the time of an interviewmay also be a significant factor. It is somewhat common, for example,in cases of officer involved shootings that the officer involved would bewithout sleep for more than 24 hours prior to participating in a full investigativeinterview (2, 3). The purpose of the present research report is to presentsome previously unpublished data from past research projects which suggestthat an eyewitness’s level of rest at the time of recall is related to the eyewitness’sability to recall information accurately in detail.2 / GEISELMAN: RESEARCH NOTE: REST AND EYEWITNESS MEMORY RECALLThe data come from three research projects (four experiments, five comparisons)conducted between 1995 and 2001 in which a range of methodologieswas employed and a range of performance criteria was measured. In thefirst project, Geiselman et al. (4) staged a realistic classroom disruption andaltercation where the students believed the event to be authentic, and themeasure of eyewitness performance was photo array identification accuracy.In the second project, Geiselman et al. (5) showed a videotape of a stagedrobbery, and the measure of eyewitness performance was the completenessand accuracy of the descriptions of the persons involved. In the third project,Geiselman et al. (6) showed a videotape of a purse snatching, and the measuresaksi mata kinerja adalah foto array identifikasi akurasi. Dalammasing-masing studi, saksi mata yang diberikan yang lengkap yang samakuesioner sebelum ujian kenangan mereka. Salah satubanyak item atas kuesioner ini, "seberapa baik beristirahat Apakah Anda sekarang?"Peserta menanggapi item ini pada skala peringkat 5-titik.Sementara tidak ada proyek-proyek penelitian tiga dirancang secara khusus untukmeneliti hubungan antara lain pada saat pengujian dan memori ingatkinerja, para peserta tanggapan pada pertanyaan tentang sisa yangditemukan secara signifikan berhubungan dengan langkah-langkah memori dalam studi masing-masing. Dalamkorelasi Geiselman et al. (4) percobaan 1 dan 2, titik-Biserialantara peserta peringkat istirahat pada saat tes dan foto arrayidentifikasi akurasi adalah.40, p <.001 (1 percobaan, ukuran sampel = 238)dan.44, p <.001 (2 percobaan, ukuran sampel = 111). Dalam Geiselman et al.(5) percobaan 2, Pearson korelasi antara peringkat pesertaberistirahat pada saat pengujian dan jumlah elemen masing-masing pesertaDeskripsi verbal pelaku adalah.38, p <.001 (sampel ukuran =160). dari percobaan sama, Pearson korelasi antara peringkatistirahat dan tingkat akurasi (persen benar) untuk elemen-elemen di Deskripsipelaku adalah 51, p <.001. Dalam Geiselman et al. (6) percobaan,the Point-Biserial correlation between participants’ ratings of rest atthe time of test and photo array identification accuracy was .43, p < .001(sample size = 100). In sum, across these three research projects, participants’ratings of rest at the time of test were consistently related to the memory-recall measures.AMERICAN JOURNAL OF FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY, VOLUME 28, ISSUE 2, 2010 / 3It is important to note that these observations from each of the threeprojects are correlational in nature. Level of rest at the time of test was notmanipulated systematically in any of the experimental designs such that acausal connection could be drawn between level of rest and eyewitness recallperformance. Nonetheless, the present observations based on over 600 eyewitnessesare consistent with the idea that allowing an eyewitness to rest beforebeing interviewed is an important consideration. This relationship isworthy of further study in experiments where causality can be established.Based on the present observations in relatively low-stress situations, it is reasonableto expect that a well-rested eyewitness would exhibit more completeand more accurate recall than would a less-rested eyewitness (especially inhigher-stress situations).Obtaining the needed rest prior to a full investigative interview could bedifficult to achieve in some situations such as officer involved shootings.Klinger (3) reports that 46% of officers involved in shootings experiencedifficulty sleeping within the first 24 hours and approximately one-third ofthe officers still experience difficulty sleeping after one week. In addition,the decision to possibly delay the full investigative interview to allow for restmust be made based on surface indicators of officer stress only. It is welldocumented within the field of eyewitness psychology that police officersshow the same deleterious effects of heightened stress on memory performanceas civilians (7). Artwohl (8) cautions that some officers might appearquite calm shortly after participating in a shooting and may prefer to give afull interview at that time. Nevertheless, “often it is best for officers to sleepfirst and give their statement later. This does not preclude their providingenough brief information during an immediate on-scene ‘walk-through’ toget the investigation started.” The present observations concerning rest andmemory recall from the three Geiselman research projects are consistent withArtwohl’s assessment and recommendation.How might rest contribute to more complete and accurate eyewitness recall?One hypothesis is that REM (rapid eye movement) sleep plays an importantrole in the consolidation of memories and therefore recall should bemore complete following sleep (see 9, for a review). Recent research alsosuggests that sleep deprivation may contribute to the generation of falsememories (10). Interestingly, the generation of false memories caused by4 / GEISELMAN: RESEARCH NOTE: REST AND EYEWITNESS MEMORY RECALL
sleep deprivation has been found to be largely reversed with the administration
of caffeine, “indicating that adenosinergic mechanisms can contribute to
the generation of false memories associated with sleep loss” (11). In light of
these research data showing positive effects of rest and negative effects of
sleep deprivation, the expression “let me sleep on it” appears to have some
validity as it applies to eyewitness memory recall performance.
If a full investigative interview is delayed to allow for rest, investigators
should consider using the cognitive-interview protocol to conduct the interview
(12). The cognitive-interview protocol contains techniques for reconstructing
the sensory and emotional context that existed at the time of the
event as well as techniques for enhancing memory retrieval following some
forgetting. These techniques also have been found to circumvent certain
post-event influences (13). Therefore, a cognitive interview could help to
counter any negative effects on memory recall caused by a delay of the full
investigative interview to allow for rest.
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