ISIS IN OUR FRONT YARDGough Whitlam once said, “Australia will not sta terjemahan - ISIS IN OUR FRONT YARDGough Whitlam once said, “Australia will not sta Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan


Gough Whitlam once said, “Australia will not stand in the way of Indonesia’s annexation of East Timor”. That worked out pretty well as a rampaging Indonesian militia promptly cut a swathe through a civilian population leaving five Australian journalists brutally murdered in their wake.
Yet not a word of complaint was heard from a compliant Gough.
Tony Abbott recently said, “I want to acknowledge the work that Indonesia has done to provide greater autonomy... to provide a better life for the people of West Papua”.
And in response to demonstrators in Jakarta, he said, “... and people seeking to grandstand against Indonesia’s [invasion of West Papua] please, don't look to do it in Australia. You are not welcome.”
Documented incidents of torture and mass murder by the Indonesian military in West Papua abound, while the local population complains that profit from the rich resources raped from its land finds its way back to Jakarta leaving West Papuans destitute.
West Papuans are a distinctly ethnic and mostly Christian group ripe for Islamic dominance. Bows and arrows prove hardly an effective defence against the rape of women and children and the slaughter of entire villages.
Toward the end of Dutch colonisation in 1962, the West Papuans prepared for their independence by creating a national education program, proud national symbols, including the Morning Star flag, a national anthem, and even a parliamentary body.
But their hopes and dreams came to nought as Indonesia quickly annexed the territory using a farcical United Nations-supervised "Act of Free Choice". It was a thinly veiled sham referendum in which only 1,054 people hand-picked by Indonesia were allowed to vote, from a population of almost 800,000 .
Australia has always supported Indonesia's occupation of a virtually defenceless West Papua, and it helps train a murderous bunch of gun toting Indonesian thugs guilty of the worst crimes imaginable.
Yet no outcry from even the Greens. Not one news item, not a paragraph of protest from any of Australia’s media, yet over 100,000 West Papuans have been mercilessly slaughtered as a result of the Indonesian occupation.
A recent report by the Asian Human Rights Commission, found that two helicopters supplied by Australia were used in an operation that killed more than 5,000 defenceless highland natives.
Their only crime was to seek to reclaim their native land with primitive weapons.
Dissenting West Papuan leaders have also been assassinated including Arnold Ap in 1984, Theys Eluay in 2001, Kelly Kwalik in 2009 and, as late as 2012, Mako Tabuni.
Hundreds of West Papuan civilians simply “disappear”, never to be seen again.
Indonesia correspondent Budi Hernawan says, “Torture is often used in West Papua, intended less as a means of procuring information from victims than as a method of public intimidation”.
Rape and torture of West Papuan women and children is also commonplace. After having been gang raped, hundreds were rounded up by the Indonesian military, loaded on to boats, taken far out to sea and thrown overboard.
Another Indonesia correspondent, Michael Bachelard, detailed the trafficking of West Papuan children to hard-line Islamic schools in Jakarta.
He reported, “Their names are changed, they are forced to observe Islamic practices and they are confined in harsh conditions. Families never hear from their children again.”
Dissenting West Papuan indigenes are regarded by the Indonesian State as the “enemy” and, therefore, legitimate targets for genocide.
Australia is duty bound to report these instances of genocide on its doorstep but inexplicably it prefers to silently support this Indonesian carnage.
Can Parliament possibly be unaware of it?
Tony Abbott is making a serious error appeasing an Islamic Indonesia. The disdain in which its new President, Joko Widodo, holds a craven and cowering Australia is conspicuously palpable.
If we are ever to reclaim our position as a just and influential South-East Asian democracy we must stop supporting this ISIS style barbarity.
We must atone for our own complicity in this carnage and keep an expansionist Indonesia from running amok in our front yard.
Only then can one lesson be learnt both at home and in West Papua:
“Never, ever show weakness in the face of animalistic Islam!”
[Google graphic images of a suffering West Papua I cannot show here.]
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Gough Whitlam once said, “Australia will not stand in the way of Indonesia’s annexation of East Timor”. That worked out pretty well as a rampaging Indonesian militia promptly cut a swathe through a civilian population leaving five Australian journalists brutally murdered in their wake.
Yet not a word of complaint was heard from a compliant Gough.
Tony Abbott recently said, “I want to acknowledge the work that Indonesia has done to provide greater autonomy... to provide a better life for the people of West Papua”.
And in response to demonstrators in Jakarta, he said, “... and people seeking to grandstand against Indonesia’s [invasion of West Papua] please, don't look to do it in Australia. You are not welcome.”
Documented incidents of torture and mass murder by the Indonesian military in West Papua abound, while the local population complains that profit from the rich resources raped from its land finds its way back to Jakarta leaving West Papuans destitute.
West Papuans are a distinctly ethnic and mostly Christian group ripe for Islamic dominance. Bows and arrows prove hardly an effective defence against the rape of women and children and the slaughter of entire villages.
Toward the end of Dutch colonisation in 1962, the West Papuans prepared for their independence by creating a national education program, proud national symbols, including the Morning Star flag, a national anthem, and even a parliamentary body.
But their hopes and dreams came to nought as Indonesia quickly annexed the territory using a farcical United Nations-supervised "Act of Free Choice". It was a thinly veiled sham referendum in which only 1,054 people hand-picked by Indonesia were allowed to vote, from a population of almost 800,000 .
Australia has always supported Indonesia's occupation of a virtually defenceless West Papua, and it helps train a murderous bunch of gun toting Indonesian thugs guilty of the worst crimes imaginable.
Yet no outcry from even the Greens. Not one news item, not a paragraph of protest from any of Australia’s media, yet over 100,000 West Papuans have been mercilessly slaughtered as a result of the Indonesian occupation.
A recent report by the Asian Human Rights Commission, found that two helicopters supplied by Australia were used in an operation that killed more than 5,000 defenceless highland natives.
Their only crime was to seek to reclaim their native land with primitive weapons.
Dissenting West Papuan leaders have also been assassinated including Arnold Ap in 1984, Theys Eluay in 2001, Kelly Kwalik in 2009 and, as late as 2012, Mako Tabuni.
Hundreds of West Papuan civilians simply “disappear”, never to be seen again.
Indonesia correspondent Budi Hernawan says, “Torture is often used in West Papua, intended less as a means of procuring information from victims than as a method of public intimidation”.
Rape and torture of West Papuan women and children is also commonplace. After having been gang raped, hundreds were rounded up by the Indonesian military, loaded on to boats, taken far out to sea and thrown overboard.
Another Indonesia correspondent, Michael Bachelard, detailed the trafficking of West Papuan children to hard-line Islamic schools in Jakarta.
He reported, “Their names are changed, they are forced to observe Islamic practices and they are confined in harsh conditions. Families never hear from their children again.”
Dissenting West Papuan indigenes are regarded by the Indonesian State as the “enemy” and, therefore, legitimate targets for genocide.
Australia is duty bound to report these instances of genocide on its doorstep but inexplicably it prefers to silently support this Indonesian carnage.
Can Parliament possibly be unaware of it?
Tony Abbott is making a serious error appeasing an Islamic Indonesia. The disdain in which its new President, Joko Widodo, holds a craven and cowering Australia is conspicuously palpable.
If we are ever to reclaim our position as a just and influential South-East Asian democracy we must stop supporting this ISIS style barbarity.
We must atone for our own complicity in this carnage and keep an expansionist Indonesia from running amok in our front yard.
Only then can one lesson be learnt both at home and in West Papua:
“Never, ever show weakness in the face of animalistic Islam!”
[Google graphic images of a suffering West Papua I cannot show here.]
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Gough Whitlam pernah berkata, "Australia tidak akan berdiri di jalan aneksasi Indonesia atas Timor Timur". Yang bekerja cukup baik sebagai milisi mengamuk Indonesia segera memotong balut melalui penduduk sipil meninggalkan lima wartawan Australia dibunuh secara brutal di belakang mereka.
Namun bukan kata keluhan terdengar dari Gough compliant.
Tony Abbott baru ini mengatakan, "Saya ingin mengakui pekerjaan yang telah dilakukan Indonesia untuk memberikan otonomi yang lebih besar ... untuk memberikan kehidupan yang lebih baik bagi rakyat Papua Barat ".
Dan dalam menanggapi demonstran di Jakarta, ia berkata, "... dan orang-orang yang ingin pacuan melawan [di Indonesia invasi Papua Barat] tolong, jangan melihat ke melakukannya di Australia. Anda tidak diterima. "
terdokumentasi insiden penyiksaan dan pembunuhan massal oleh militer Indonesia di Papua Barat berlimpah, sementara penduduk setempat mengeluh bahwa keuntungan dari sumber daya yang kaya diperkosa dari tanahnya menemukan jalan kembali ke Jakarta meninggalkan Papua Barat yang miskin.
Papua Barat adalah kelompok etnis jelas dan sebagian besar Kristen matang untuk dominasi Islam. Busur dan anak panah membuktikan hampir pertahanan efektif terhadap pemerkosaan perempuan dan anak-anak dan pembantaian seluruh desa.
Menjelang akhir penjajahan Belanda pada tahun 1962, orang Papua Barat yang disiapkan untuk kemerdekaan mereka dengan menciptakan program pendidikan nasional, simbol nasional bangga, termasuk bendera Bintang Kejora, lagu kebangsaan, dan bahkan tubuh parlemen.
Tapi harapan dan impian mereka datang ke sia-sia karena Indonesia cepat mencaplok wilayah menggunakan menggelikan PBB-diawasi "Act of Free Choice". Itu palsu referendum terselubung yang hanya 1.054 orang mengangkat tangan oleh Indonesia diizinkan untuk memilih, dari populasi hampir 800.000.
Australia selalu mendukung pendudukan Indonesia dari Papua Barat hampir tak berdaya, dan membantu melatih sekelompok pembunuh gun toting preman Indonesia bersalah atas kejahatan terburuk yang bisa dibayangkan.
Namun tidak ada protes dari bahkan Greens. Tidak satu item berita, bukan sebuah paragraf protes dari setiap media Australia, namun lebih dari 100.000 orang Papua Barat telah tanpa ampun membantai sebagai akibat dari pendudukan Indonesia.
Sebuah laporan terbaru oleh Asian Human Rights Commission, menemukan bahwa dua helikopter yang disediakan oleh Australia digunakan dalam operasi yang menewaskan lebih dari 5.000 penduduk asli dataran tinggi berdaya.
satunya kejahatan mereka adalah untuk berusaha untuk merebut kembali tanah air mereka dengan senjata primitif.
Dissenting pemimpin Papua Barat juga telah dibunuh termasuk Arnold Ap pada tahun 1984, Theys Eluay pada tahun 2001, Kelly Kwalik pada tahun 2009 dan, hingga akhir 2012, Mako Tabuni.
Ratusan warga sipil Papua Barat hanya "menghilang", tidak pernah terlihat lagi.
Indonesia koresponden Budi Hernawan mengatakan, "Penyiksaan sering digunakan di Papua Barat, dimaksudkan kurang sebagai sarana pengadaan informasi dari korban selain sebagai metode intimidasi publik ".
Pemerkosaan dan penyiksaan perempuan dan anak-anak Papua Barat juga biasa. Setelah telah diperkosa, ratusan ditangkap oleh militer Indonesia, dimuat ke kapal, dibawa jauh ke laut dan dibuang ke laut.
koresponden lain Indonesia, Michael Bachelard, rinci perdagangan anak Papua Barat ke sekolah-sekolah Islam garis keras di Jakarta.
Dia melaporkan, "Nama-nama mereka berubah, mereka dipaksa untuk mengamati praktik Islam dan mereka terbatas dalam kondisi yang keras. Keluarga tidak pernah mendengar dari anak-anak mereka lagi. "
Dissenting pribumi Papua Barat dianggap oleh Negara Indonesia sebagai "musuh" dan, karena itu, target yang sah untuk genosida.
Australia berkewajiban untuk melaporkan kasus ini genosida di depan pintu, tetapi entah kenapa ia lebih suka untuk diam-diam mendukung pembantaian Indonesia ini.
Bisa Parlemen mungkin tidak menyadari itu?
Tony Abbott membuat kesalahan serius memenuhi tuntutan Indonesia yang Islam. Penghinaan di mana Presiden baru, Joko Widodo, memegang penakut dan meringkuk Australia adalah mencolok teraba.
Jika kita pernah untuk merebut kembali posisi kami sebagai demokrasi Asia adil dan berpengaruh Tenggara kita harus berhenti mendukung ini ISIS gaya kebiadaban.
Kita harus menebus keterlibatan kita sendiri dalam pembantaian ini dan menjaga ekspansionis Indonesia dari amuk di halaman depan kami.
Hanya kemudian dapat satu pelajaran dipelajari baik di rumah dan di Papua Barat:
"Jangan pernah menunjukkan kelemahan dalam menghadapi Islam kebinatangan!"
[Google gambar grafis dari menderita Papua Barat saya tidak bisa menunjukkan di sini.]
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