Actually, a hod!

Actually, a hod!" repeated Mrs. Kin

Actually, a hod!" repeated Mrs. Kinsolving, pathetically.

Mrs. Bellamy Bellmore arched a sympathetic eyebrow. Thus she expressed condolence and a generous amount of apparent surprise.

"Fancy her telling everywhere," recapitulated Mrs. Kinsolving, "that she saw a ghost in the apartment she occupied here—our choicest guest-room—a ghost, carrying a hod on its shoulder—the ghost of an old man in overalls, smoking a pipe and carrying a hod! The very absurdity of the thing shows her malicious intent. There never was a Kinsolving that carried a hod. Every one knows that Mr. Kinsolving's father accumulated his money by large building contracts, but he never worked a day with his own hands. He had this house built from his own plans; but—oh, a hod! Why need she have been so cruel and malicious?"

"It is really too bad," murmured Mrs. Bellmore, with an approving glance of her fine eyes about the vast chamber done in lilac and old gold. "And it was in this room she saw it! Oh, no, I'm not afraid of ghosts. Don't have the least fear on my account. I'm glad you put me in here. I think family ghosts so interesting! But, really, the story does sound a little inconsistent. I should have expected something better from Mrs. Fischer-Suympkins. Don't they carry bricks in hods? Why should a ghost bring bricks into a villa built of marble and stone? I'm so sorry, but it makes me think that age is beginning to tell upon Mrs. Fischer-Suympkins."

"This house," continued Mrs. Kinsolving, "was built upon the site of an old one used by the family during the Revolution. There wouldn't be anything strange in its having a ghost. And there was a Captain Kinsolving who fought in General Greene's army, though we've never been able to secure any papers to vouch for it. If there is to be a family ghost, why couldn't it have been his, instead of a bricklayer's?"

"The ghost of a Revolutionary ancestor wouldn't be a bad idea," agreed Mrs. Bellmore; "but you know how arbitrary and inconsiderate ghosts can be. Maybe, like love, they are 'engendered in the eye.' One advantage of those who see ghosts is that their stories can't be disproved. By a spiteful eye, a Revolutionary knapsack might easily be construed to be a hod. Dear Mrs. Kinsolving, think no more of it. I am sure it was a knapsack."

"But she told everybody!" mourned Mrs. Kinsolving, inconsolable. "She insisted upon the details. There is the pipe. And how are you going to get out of the overalls?"

"Shan't get into them," said Mrs. Bellmore, with a prettily suppressed yawn; "too stiff and wrinkly. Is that you, Felice? Prepare my bath, please. Do you dine at seven at Clifftop, Mrs. Kinsolving? So kind of you to run in for a chat before dinner! I love those little touches of informality with a guest. They give such a home flavour to a visit. So sorry; I must be dressing. I am so indolent I always postpone it until the last moment.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Actually, a hod!" repeated Mrs. Kinsolving, pathetically.Mrs. Bellamy Bellmore arched a sympathetic eyebrow. Thus she expressed condolence and a generous amount of apparent surprise."Fancy her telling everywhere," recapitulated Mrs. Kinsolving, "that she saw a ghost in the apartment she occupied here—our choicest guest-room—a ghost, carrying a hod on its shoulder—the ghost of an old man in overalls, smoking a pipe and carrying a hod! The very absurdity of the thing shows her malicious intent. There never was a Kinsolving that carried a hod. Every one knows that Mr. Kinsolving's father accumulated his money by large building contracts, but he never worked a day with his own hands. He had this house built from his own plans; but—oh, a hod! Why need she have been so cruel and malicious?""It is really too bad," murmured Mrs. Bellmore, with an approving glance of her fine eyes about the vast chamber done in lilac and old gold. "And it was in this room she saw it! Oh, no, I'm not afraid of ghosts. Don't have the least fear on my account. I'm glad you put me in here. I think family ghosts so interesting! But, really, the story does sound a little inconsistent. I should have expected something better from Mrs. Fischer-Suympkins. Don't they carry bricks in hods? Why should a ghost bring bricks into a villa built of marble and stone? I'm so sorry, but it makes me think that age is beginning to tell upon Mrs. Fischer-Suympkins."
"This house," continued Mrs. Kinsolving, "was built upon the site of an old one used by the family during the Revolution. There wouldn't be anything strange in its having a ghost. And there was a Captain Kinsolving who fought in General Greene's army, though we've never been able to secure any papers to vouch for it. If there is to be a family ghost, why couldn't it have been his, instead of a bricklayer's?"

"The ghost of a Revolutionary ancestor wouldn't be a bad idea," agreed Mrs. Bellmore; "but you know how arbitrary and inconsiderate ghosts can be. Maybe, like love, they are 'engendered in the eye.' One advantage of those who see ghosts is that their stories can't be disproved. By a spiteful eye, a Revolutionary knapsack might easily be construed to be a hod. Dear Mrs. Kinsolving, think no more of it. I am sure it was a knapsack."

"But she told everybody!" mourned Mrs. Kinsolving, inconsolable. "She insisted upon the details. There is the pipe. And how are you going to get out of the overalls?"

"Shan't get into them," said Mrs. Bellmore, with a prettily suppressed yawn; "too stiff and wrinkly. Is that you, Felice? Prepare my bath, please. Do you dine at seven at Clifftop, Mrs. Kinsolving? So kind of you to run in for a chat before dinner! I love those little touches of informality with a guest. They give such a home flavour to a visit. So sorry; I must be dressing. I am so indolent I always postpone it until the last moment.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sebenarnya, gerobak a! "Ulang Mrs. Kinsolving, menyedihkan. Mrs. Bellamy Bellmore melengkung alis simpatik. Dengan demikian ia menyatakan belasungkawa dan murah jumlah jelas mengejutkan. " Fancy dia mengatakan di mana-mana, "direkapitulasi Mrs. Kinsolving," bahwa dia melihat hantu di apartemen dia menduduki sini-kami terpilih tamu kamar-hantu, membawa gerobak di bahu-the-nya hantu seorang pria tua di overall, mengisap pipa dan membawa gerobak a! Sangat absurditas hal yang menunjukkan niat jahat padanya. Tidak pernah ada Kinsolving yang dilakukan gerobak a. Setiap orang tahu bahwa ayah Mr. Kinsolving akumulasi uang dengan kontrak bangunan besar, tapi dia tidak pernah bekerja sehari dengan tangannya sendiri. Dia memiliki rumah ini dibangun dari rencana sendiri; tapi-oh, gerobak a! Mengapa perlu ia telah begitu kejam dan jahat? " " Ini benar-benar terlalu buruk, "gumam Mrs. Bellmore, dengan pandangan menyetujui dari mata baik-baik saja padanya tentang ruang yang luas dilakukan di ungu dan emas tua." Dan itu di kamar ini dia melihatnya! Oh, tidak, aku tidak takut hantu. Tidak memiliki rasa takut sedikit pada account saya. Aku senang kau menempatkan saya di sini. Saya pikir hantu keluarga begitu menarik! Tapi, benar-benar, cerita ini terdengar sedikit tidak konsisten. Saya harus mengharapkan sesuatu yang lebih baik dari Ibu Fischer-Suympkins. Apakah mereka tidak membawa batu bata di hods? Mengapa hantu harus membawa batu bata ke dalam villa dibangun dari marmer dan batu? Saya minta maaf, tapi itu membuat saya berpikir usia yang mulai memberitahu pada Mrs Fischer-Suympkins. " " Rumah ini, "lanjut Mrs. Kinsolving," dibangun di atas lokasi yang lama digunakan oleh keluarga selama revolusi. Tidak akan ada sesuatu yang aneh dalam yang memiliki hantu. Dan ada Kinsolving Kapten yang berjuang di militer Jenderal Greene, meskipun kita tidak pernah mampu mengamankan surat-surat untuk menjamin untuk itu. ? Jika ada menjadi hantu keluarga, mengapa tidak bisa itu telah nya, bukan seorang tukang batu ini " " Hantu seorang nenek moyang Revolusi tidak akan menjadi ide yang buruk, "setuju Mrs. Bellmore," tapi kau tahu bagaimana hantu sewenang-wenang dan tidak pengertian dapat. Mungkin, seperti cinta, mereka 'dilahirkan dalam mata.' Salah satu keuntungan dari orang-orang yang melihat hantu adalah bahwa cerita-cerita mereka tidak bisa dibantah. Dengan mata dengki, sebuah ransel Revolusioner mungkin dengan mudah ditafsirkan menjadi gerobak a. Dear Mrs Kinsolving, tidak memikirkan itu. Saya yakin itu adalah ransel. " " Tapi dia mengatakan kepada semua orang! "Berkabung Mrs. Kinsolving, dihibur." Dia bersikeras pada rincian. Ada pipa. ? Dan bagaimana Anda akan keluar dari overall " " Akan tidak masuk ke mereka, "kata Mrs. Bellmore, dengan menguap manis ditekan;" terlalu kaku dan keriput. Adalah bahwa Anda, Felice? Siapkan mandi saya, silakan. Apakah Anda makan di tujuh di Clifftop, Mrs. Kinsolving? Jadi baik dari Anda untuk menjalankan untuk mengobrol sebelum makan malam! Saya suka sentuhan-sentuhan kecil dari informalitas dengan tamu. Mereka memberikan semacam rasa rumah untuk kunjungan. Sangat menyesal; Aku harus berpakaian. Saya sangat malas aku selalu menundanya sampai saat terakhir.

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