Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Despite current academic interest in “train low”, <br>91% of the current athletes did not manipulate their diet <br>to deliberately train with low muscle glycogen content <br>at specific sessions. Only 9% reported intentional use <br>of CHO restriction; furthermore, some athletes reported <br>being unaware of the concept of periodical CHO restric-<br>tion, and many reported a feeling or experience that it is <br>not helpful to their training outcomes (Figure 5). Identi-<br>fied disadvantages included the feeling that “train low” <br>does not benefit training overall (28%), and experiencing <br>a greater risk of illness and injury (9%); these have been <br>identified as potential side-effects (Bartlett et al., 2015; <br>Burke, 2010). Ada kemungkinan bahwa ini strategi diet <br>telah kurang baik dipromosikan menjadi atlet jarak menengah <br>dari ketahanan kohort. Kami mencatat, di samping itu, bahwa beberapa
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