Among numerous outer membrane proteins of Vibrio cholerae(V. cholerae) terjemahan - Among numerous outer membrane proteins of Vibrio cholerae(V. cholerae) Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Among numerous outer membrane prote

Among numerous outer membrane proteins of Vibrio cholerae(V. cholerae),
which are vary in their abundance and immunogenicity, the 22 KDa Outer
Membrane Protein (OMPw) has been reported to be very
immunogenic. This protein which is produced in minor
amounts, its function is not well known, but may use as a
diagnostic indicator of V. cholerae. The effective and
rapid method for detection of V. cholerae
is required for control of epidemic outbreaks. Traditional
identification of V. cholerae is often achieved through the isolation of the bacteria and time-consuming, laborious routine
microbiological and biochemical analysis that require three
working days before obtaining the results (Suzita et al.,
2009; Ferdous, 2009). Among several molecular-based
techniques, only PCR assay has been useful in detecting
V. cholerae based on their gene (Vidal et al., 2007;Keddy
et al., 2013). Recently, Srisuk et al. (2010) has
reported a new Loop-mediated isothermal Amplification
(LAMP) assay which target the same gene with higher
sensitivity than simple PCR. It should also be mentioned
that PCR assay require expensive equipment and highly
skilled personnel, therefore, it is not feasible for small laboratories
as a diagnosis method. Indeed, in control of
disease outbreaks, we need a quick and easy method
without sacrificing specificity and sensitivity. In this
regard, it seems that immunoassay could be the simplest
and easy way with enough specificity and sensitivity in
recognizing different species of V. cholerae. Pensuk and
his colleagues have demonstrated a rapid method for
diagnosis of various V. cholerae based on specific
monoclonal antibodies (Pengsuk et al., 2010; 2011;
Prompamorn et al., 2013). The aim of this study was to
developed mouse monoclonal and rabbit polyclonal
antibodies against recombinant OMPw protein that might
be useful for immunodiagnostic of V. cholerae.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Among numerous outer membrane proteins of Vibrio cholerae(V. cholerae), which are vary in their abundance and immunogenicity, the 22 KDa OuterMembrane Protein (OMPw) has been reported to be veryimmunogenic. This protein which is produced in minoramounts, its function is not well known, but may use as adiagnostic indicator of V. cholerae. The effective andrapid method for detection of V. choleraeis required for control of epidemic outbreaks. Traditional identification of V. cholerae is often achieved through the isolation of the bacteria and time-consuming, laborious routinemicrobiological and biochemical analysis that require threeworking days before obtaining the results (Suzita et al.,2009; Ferdous, 2009). Among several molecular-basedtechniques, only PCR assay has been useful in detectingV. cholerae based on their gene (Vidal et al., 2007;Keddyet al., 2013). Recently, Srisuk et al. (2010) hasreported a new Loop-mediated isothermal Amplification(LAMP) assay which target the same gene with highersensitivity than simple PCR. It should also be mentionedthat PCR assay require expensive equipment and highlyskilled personnel, therefore, it is not feasible for small laboratoriesas a diagnosis method. Indeed, in control ofdisease outbreaks, we need a quick and easy methodwithout sacrificing specificity and sensitivity. In thisregard, it seems that immunoassay could be the simplestand easy way with enough specificity and sensitivity inmengenali berbagai jenis V. cholerae. Pensuk danrekan-rekannya telah menunjukkan metode cepat untukdiagnosis berbagai V. cholerae berdasarkan spesifikantibodi monoklonal (Pengsuk et al., 2010; 2011;Prompamorn et al., 2013). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untukdikembangkan mouse monoklonal dan kelinci poliklonalantibodi terhadap protein OMPw rekombinan yang mungkinsangat berguna untuk immunodiagnostic dari V. cholerae.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Di antara berbagai protein membran luar Vibrio cholerae (V. Cholerae),
yang bervariasi dalam kelimpahan dan imunogenisitas mereka, 22 KDa Outer
Membrane Protein (OMPw) telah dilaporkan sangat
imunogenik. Protein ini yang diproduksi di kecil
jumlah, fungsinya tidak dikenal, tetapi mungkin digunakan sebagai
indikator diagnostik V. cholerae. Efektif dan
metode cepat untuk mendeteksi V. cholerae
diperlukan untuk mengendalikan wabah epidemi. Tradisional
identifikasi V. cholerae sering dicapai melalui isolasi bakteri dan memakan waktu, rutinitas melelahkan
mikrobiologi dan analisis biokimia yang memerlukan tiga
hari kerja sebelum mendapatkan hasil (Suzita et al,.
2009; Ferdous, 2009). Di antara beberapa berbasis molekul
teknik, hanya uji PCR telah berguna dalam mendeteksi
V. cholerae berdasarkan gen mereka (Vidal et al, 2007;. Keddy
. et al, 2013). Baru-baru ini, Srisuk et al. (2010) telah
melaporkan Loop-dimediasi isotermal amplifikasi baru
(LAMP) assay yang menargetkan gen yang sama dengan tinggi
sensitivitas daripada sederhana PCR. Hal ini juga harus disebutkan
bahwa PCR membutuhkan peralatan yang mahal dan sangat
tenaga terampil, oleh karena itu, tidak layak untuk laboratorium kecil
sebagai metode diagnosis. Memang, mengendalikan
wabah penyakit, kita perlu metode cepat dan mudah
tanpa mengorbankan spesifisitas dan sensitivitas. Dalam
hal, tampaknya immunoassay yang bisa menjadi sederhana
dan mudah cara dengan cukup spesifisitas dan sensitivitas dalam
mengenali spesies yang berbeda dari V. cholerae. Pensuk dan
rekan-rekannya telah menunjukkan metode cepat untuk
diagnosis berbagai V. cholerae berdasarkan spesifik
antibodi monoklonal (Pengsuk et al, 2010;. 2011;
Prompamorn et al, 2013.). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk
mengembangkan tikus monoklonal dan poliklonal kelinci
antibodi terhadap protein rekombinan OMPw yang mungkin
berguna untuk immunodiagnostic dari V. cholerae.
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