[Canto 2]1. Now the honoured Illustrious Rajapatni, the renowned, She  terjemahan - [Canto 2]1. Now the honoured Illustrious Rajapatni, the renowned, She  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

[Canto 2]1. Now the honoured Illust

[Canto 2]
1. Now the honoured Illustrious Rajapatni, the renowned, She was the Illustrious Prince's Grandmother, the honoured, by aspect the Lady Parama-Bhagavati's embodiment, the Screen of the world, powerful, zealous in yoga (concentration), the commemoration of the Buddha was practised by Her unremittingly, being a wearer of the habit, an ancient bald-headed nun. In the Shaka-year sight-seven-sun (1272 = 1350 A.D.) was Her decease; being released, she aspired to the Buddha's place.
2. At the Illustrious Rajapatni's returning home to the Jina's estate, the world was left mournful, bewildered. At the accession of the Illustrious Protector, residing in Majapahit, thereupon it was well-pleased, practising submissiveness unremittingly. The Illustrious Protector's Mother, the honoured Illustrious Tribhuwana Wijayottunggadewi, took his place, residing in the Royal residence, there, in the Jiwana-compound ; She, to be sure, took care of the Illustrious Prince.
[Canto 3]
1. Naturally submissive She is, treating as a Mother the worshipful the Illustrious Rajapatni-Mistress, faithfully following the course of duties of the Buddhist denomination, performing the ceremonies at the feet of the honoured dead one. Unseparated is the Illustrious Kertawardhana-Master, Father in relation to the Illustrious Prince-Overlord; with his consort firm are They in the Buddha's Path, bringing about the rejoicing of the world.
2. Now the Illustrious Ruler the honoured Father of the Prince resides in Singasari, firmly, manifestly the holy eminent Ratnasambhawa is He, standing in the fixed relation of serving others in the world. Steadfastly He is exerting Hirnself for the increase of the world, there, in order that it be faithful and submissive to our lord, engaged in the carrying out of concerns, always reflecting, a superintendent most clever in management.
[Canto 4]
1. Further, our lord's Mother, the honoured Princess, younger sister in relation to mylady of Jiwana, renowned as mylady Rajadewi Maharajasa, the blameless, She, to be sure, is obeyed in Daha, peerless in personal appearance, in the sixfold statecraft, equally with mylady of Jiwana an aspect of Sudewi, in halves.
2. The consort of mylady is the honoured one who resides in Wengker, in shape the holy Upendra, descended, Prince Wijayarajasa, peerless in personal appearance, clever, excellent, the equal of the Prince of
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
[Canto 2]1. sekarang dihormati terkemuka Rajapatni terkenal, dia adalah Pangeran terkemuka nenek, dihormati, oleh aspek Lady Parama-Prapanca perwujudan, layar dunia, kuat, bersemangat dalam yoga (konsentrasi), peringatan Buddha adalah diamalkan oleh unremittingly, menjadi pemakainya kebiasaan, Kepala botak-biarawati kuno. Dalam tahun Shaka pandangan-tujuh-matahari (1272 = 1350 A.D.) adalah dia meninggal; sedang dirilis, ia bercita-cita ke tempat Buddha.2. di Rajapatni terkemuka kembali pulang ke Jina estate, dunia ditinggalkan sedih, bingung. Pada pencapaian pelindung terkenal, berada di Majapahit, kemudian itu berkenan, berlatih ketaatan unremittingly. Ibu pelindung terkemuka, dihormati Tribhuwana terkenal Wijayottunggadewi, mengambil tempatnya, tinggal di Royal residence, ada, di Jiwana-kompleks; Dia, yang pasti, merawat Pangeran terkemuka.[Canto 3]1. alami tunduk dia adalah, memperlakukan sebagai seorang ibu memuja terkemuka Rajapatni-Nyonya, setia mengikuti kursus tugas denominasi Buddha, melakukan upacara-upacara di kaki mati satu dihormati. Tidak terpisahkan adalah terkemuka Kertawardhana-Master, Bapa dalam kaitannya dengan Pangeran terkemuka-Overlord; dengan perusahaannya selir adalah mereka di jalan Buddha, membawa sukacita dunia.2. sekarang penguasa terkemuka Bapa dihormati Pangeran berada di Singasari, tegas, jelas Ratnasambhawa terkemuka Kudus adalah dia, berdiri di hubungan tetap melayani orang lain di dunia. Tegas ia adalah mengerahkan Hirnself untuk peningkatan dunia, sana, agar itu menjadi setia dan patuh Tuhan kita, terlibat dalam pelaksanaan kekhawatiran, selalu mencerminkan, Inspektur yang paling pandai dalam manajemen.[Canto 4]1. lebih lanjut, Tuhan ibu, adik putri, adik dihormati dalam kaitannya dengan mylady dari Jiwana, terkenal sebagai mylady Rajadewi Maharajasa, bersalah, dia, untuk memastikan, adalah mentaati di Daha, tak ada taranya dalam penampilan pribadi, di statecraft enam kali lipat, sama dengan mylady Jiwana aspek Sudewi, di bagian.2. Permaisuri mylady adalah dihormati orang yang tinggal di Wengker, dalam bentuk neneng Kudus, turun, Pangeran Wijayarajasa, tak ada taranya dalam penampilan pribadi, pintar, Hebat, sederajat dengan Pangeran
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