The peo­ple open the eye, fights in­tent to be soar­ing anx­iously.„Ki terjemahan - The peo­ple open the eye, fights in­tent to be soar­ing anx­iously.„Ki Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The peo­ple open the eye, fights in

The peo­ple open the eye, fights in­tent to be soar­ing anx­iously.
Wang Jian, Li Mu at­tack on own ini­tia­tive, fights the spin and the du­pli­cate sword hal­berd to cut falls in the crowd to­gether, but my great an­tiq­uity + sharp knife blade spa­tial spin at­tracted the ha­tred val­ues of two dri­ving a horse beastly heavy cav­al­ries, the warhorse neighed, I held up the dou­ble sword to ad­vance for­ward, a body spin, fought the blade edge to cut two heavy cav­al­ries and two brave fight­ers sud­denly con­tin­u­ously, the in­jury digit spat­tered in all di­rec­tions
Luck­ily, my strik­ing power is very pow­er­ful.
„Courts death!”
Two heavy cav­al­ries raise the long sword in abun­dance, the sword air/Qi day­break in­ter­weave on me, si­mul­ta­ne­ously every­one came to at­tack twice or­di­nary, my HP also brushed to fall, falls the blood speed to be too as­ton­ish­ing
Two brave fight­ers were also roar­ing, sharp claws killing on me, HP saw the bot­tom in­stan­ta­neously com­pletely, hur­ried self- Mu Yushu gave first, then swam baby's treat­ment to fol­low, which roar­ing flame god tiger could de­fend the mas­ter in­jured like this, roars is bran­dish­ing the sharp claws, the roar­ing flame claw + treads the fire long-range raid to wreak havoc be­tween the two brave fight­ers of op­po­site party, but the strength was some­what dis­parate, 2-3 made into the rem­nant blood, this time has not clamped the tail to es­cape, puts on roar­ing flame Ar­mour to con­tinue to worry the op­po­site party, until was killed by a dri­ving a horse beastly heavy cav­alry sharp knife blade.
I look very re­luc­tantly, small tiger the step was too truly low, but AI is not low, it whole­heart­edly only wants to pro­tect the mas­ter, at this mo­ment was con­sid­ered as has a mind to be in­ca­pable.
Dou­ble sword Ling Lie at­tacks, stran­gling to death on two bow heavy cav­alry sol­diers, I go against in the front, does not make them ap­proach my be­hind [Zhan Long] crowd, re­sist­ing stiffly, al­though very stren­u­ous with being sur­rounded by per­ils. Nearby, [Zhan Long] di­vides the pledge one crowd of heavy Ar­mour is the player is killed, the sword of dri­ving a horse beastly heavy cav­alry to the dam­age that they cause at least is 1 W 5 +, can­not block is also nor­mal, can only con­sume to strike to kill these 5 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its with the life.
„Roar roar”
HP of dri­ving a horse beastly heavy cav­alry only then 50% times, im­me­di­ately a low roar, brave fighter also spins the body to go, leapt sud­denly, changes into the golden light to seep in the stature of heavy cav­alry to­gether, con­densed cov­ers for the pro­tec­tion shape of mil­i­tary might on the armor of mas­ter
Fight sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: Please note, the dri­ving a horse beastly heavy cav­alry has used the skill 【Imag­i­nary beastly armor】, The at­tack and de­fense have pro­moted 30%!
This time was fatal, sword air/Qi day­break al­most can HP pol­ish Lin Wan Er and Li Mu, Wang Jian, Ran Min et al., a [Zhan Long] mas­ter can only walk ran­domly is dodg­ing the at­tack, Yue Qing Qian and Song Han and other light Ar­mour Class ap­proaches does not dare, the dizzi­ness prob­a­bil­ity of archer also un­ceas­ingly drops, 90 + lev­els of play­ers think that dizzi­ness 119 lev­els of dif­fer­ent demon level mon­sters, is how dif­fi­cult
The so-called strength falls ten meet­ings, the strik­ing power of dri­ving a horse beastly heavy cav­alry was too strong, our co­or­di­na­tion and tac­tics are good, but in the un­ceas­ing buckle, is less than as be­fore for one hour, the [Zhan Long] 1500 peo­ple shrank rapidly, only then about 700 peo­ple, and bat­tle loss was con­tin­u­ing as be­fore, as if every­body felt that the de­pres­sion of a de­feat and death, in the guild chan­nel did not have what happy talks and laugh­ters.
The dis­tant place, Prague can only re­treat the city south edge,
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The peo­ple open the eye, fights in­tent to be soar­ing anx­iously.„Kills!”Wang Jian, Li Mu at­tack on own ini­tia­tive, fights the spin and the du­pli­cate sword hal­berd to cut falls in the crowd to­gether, but my great an­tiq­uity + sharp knife blade spa­tial spin at­tracted the ha­tred val­ues of two dri­ving a horse beastly heavy cav­al­ries, the warhorse neighed, I held up the dou­ble sword to ad­vance for­ward, a body spin, fought the blade edge to cut two heavy cav­al­ries and two brave fight­ers sud­denly con­tin­u­ously, the in­jury digit spat­tered in all di­rec­tions„5128!”„5532!”„4917!”Luck­ily, my strik­ing power is very pow­er­ful.„Courts death!”Two heavy cav­al­ries raise the long sword in abun­dance, the sword air/Qi day­break in­ter­weave on me, si­mul­ta­ne­ously every­one came to at­tack twice or­di­nary, my HP also brushed to fall, falls the blood speed to be too as­ton­ish­ing„5272!”„5721!”„4529!”„4417!”Two brave fight­ers were also roar­ing, sharp claws killing on me, HP saw the bot­tom in­stan­ta­neously com­pletely, hur­ried self- Mu Yushu gave first, then swam baby's treat­ment to fol­low, which roar­ing flame god tiger could de­fend the mas­ter in­jured like this, roars is bran­dish­ing the sharp claws, the roar­ing flame claw + treads the fire long-range raid to wreak havoc be­tween the two brave fight­ers of op­po­site party, but the strength was some­what dis­parate, 2-3 made into the rem­nant blood, this time has not clamped the tail to es­cape, puts on roar­ing flame Ar­mour to con­tinue to worry the op­po­site party, until was killed by a dri­ving a horse beastly heavy cav­alry sharp knife blade.I look very re­luc­tantly, small tiger the step was too truly low, but AI is not low, it whole­heart­edly only wants to pro­tect the mas­ter, at this mo­ment was con­sid­ered as has a mind to be in­ca­pable.Dou­ble sword Ling Lie at­tacks, stran­gling to death on two bow heavy cav­alry sol­diers, I go against in the front, does not make them ap­proach my be­hind [Zhan Long] crowd, re­sist­ing stiffly, al­though very stren­u­ous with being sur­rounded by per­ils. Nearby, [Zhan Long] di­vides the pledge one crowd of heavy Ar­mour is the player is killed, the sword of dri­ving a horse beastly heavy cav­alry to the dam­age that they cause at least is 1 W 5 +, can­not block is also nor­mal, can only con­sume to strike to kill these 5 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its with the life.„Roar roar”HP of dri­ving a horse beastly heavy cav­alry only then 50% times, im­me­di­ately a low roar, brave fighter also spins the body to go, leapt sud­denly, changes into the golden light to seep in the stature of heavy cav­alry to­gether, con­densed cov­ers for the pro­tec­tion shape of mil­i­tary might on the armor of mas­ter„Drop!”Fight sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: Please note, the dri­ving a horse beastly heavy cav­alry has used the skill 【Imag­i­nary beastly armor】, The at­tack and de­fense have pro­moted 30%!This time was fatal, sword air/Qi day­break al­most can HP pol­ish Lin Wan Er and Li Mu, Wang Jian, Ran Min et al., a [Zhan Long] mas­ter can only walk ran­domly is dodg­ing the at­tack, Yue Qing Qian and Song Han and other light Ar­mour Class ap­proaches does not dare, the dizzi­ness prob­a­bil­ity of archer also un­ceas­ingly drops, 90 + lev­els of play­ers think that dizzi­ness 119 lev­els of dif­fer­ent demon level mon­sters, is how dif­fi­cultThe so-called strength falls ten meet­ings, the strik­ing power of dri­ving a horse beastly heavy cav­alry was too strong, our co­or­di­na­tion and tac­tics are good, but in the un­ceas­ing buckle, is less than as be­fore for one hour, the [Zhan Long] 1500 peo­ple shrank rapidly, only then about 700 peo­ple, and bat­tle loss was con­tin­u­ing as be­fore, as if every­body felt that the de­pres­sion of a de­feat and death, in the guild chan­nel did not have what happy talks and laugh­ters.The dis­tant place, Prague can only re­treat the city south edge,
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Orang-orang membuka mata, perkelahian niat untuk melonjak cemas.
Wang Jian, Li Mu serangan atas inisiatif sendiri, perkelahian spin dan pedang tombak duplikat untuk memotong jatuh di kerumunan bersama-sama, tapi sangat kuno saya + pisau tajam pisau berputar spasial menarik nilai kebencian dari dua mengemudi kuda jijik cavalries berat, kuda perang yang meringkik, aku mengangkat pedang ganda untuk maju ke depan, spin tubuh, berjuang tepi pisau untuk memotong dua cavalries berat dan dua pejuang pemberani tiba-tiba terus menerus, cedera digit terpercik ke segala arah
Untungnya, kekuatan mencolok saya sangat kuat.
"Pengadilan mati!"
Dua cavalries berat mengangkat pedang panjang dalam kelimpahan, pedang udara / Qi fajar menjalin pada saya, secara bersamaan semua orang datang untuk menyerang dua kali biasa, HP saya juga disikat jatuh, jatuh kecepatan darah menjadi terlalu menakjubkan
Dua pejuang pemberani juga menderu, tajam cakar membunuh pada saya, HP melihat bagian bawah seketika benar, bergegas diri Mu Yushu memberi pertama, kemudian berenang pengobatan bayi untuk mengikuti, yang menderu dewa api harimau bisa membela master cedera seperti ini, mengaum adalah mengacungkan cakar yang tajam, api menderu cakar + treads api jarak jauh razia untuk melampiaskan malapetaka antara dua pejuang pemberani dari pihak lawan, tapi kekuatan agak berbeda, 2-3 membuat ke dalam darah sisa, saat ini belum dijepit ekor untuk melarikan diri, menempatkan pada menderu api Armour untuk terus khawatir pihak lawan, sampai tewas oleh mengemudi kuda jijik berat kavaleri pisau tajam.
aku terlihat sangat enggan, harimau kecil langkah itu terlalu benar-benar rendah, tetapi AI tidak rendah, sepenuh hati hanya ingin melindungi master, pada saat ini dianggap sebagai memiliki pikiran untuk tidak mampu.
serangan ganda pedang Ling Lie, mencekik sampai mati pada dua tentara kavaleri busur berat, saya melawan di depan, tidak membuat mereka mendekati belakang saya [Zhan panjang ] kerumunan, menolak kaku, meskipun sangat berat dengan dikelilingi oleh bahaya. Dekatnya, [Zhan Panjang] membagi janji salah satu kerumunan Armour berat adalah pemain dibunuh, pedang mengemudi kuda kavaleri jijik berat untuk kerusakan yang mereka menyebabkan setidaknya adalah 1 W 5 +, tidak dapat memblokir juga normal, bisa hanya mengkonsumsi untuk menyerang untuk membunuh 5 tingkat ini dari roh-roh jahat yang berbeda dengan kehidupan.
"Roar gemuruh"
HP mengemudi kuda kavaleri jijik berat hanya kemudian 50% kali, segera raungan rendah, berani tempur juga berputar tubuh untuk pergi, melompat tiba-tiba, perubahan ke dalam cahaya emas meresap dalam perawakannya kavaleri berat bersama-sama, selimut kental untuk bentuk perlindungan kekuatan militer di armor master
pemberitahuan sistem Fight: Harap dicatat, mengemudi kuda jijik kavaleri berat memiliki menggunakan keterampilan 【Imaginary armor jijik】, serangan dan pertahanan telah dipromosikan 30%!
kali ini fatal, pedang udara / Qi fajar hampir dapat HP polish Lin Wan Er dan Li Mu, Wang Jian, Ran Min et al., sebuah [ Zhan panjang] master dapat hanya berjalan secara acak adalah menghindari serangan itu, Yue Qing Qian dan Song Han dan cahaya lainnya pendekatan Armour Kelas tidak berani, probabilitas pusing dari pemanah juga tak henti-hentinya turun, 90 + tingkat pemain berpikir bahwa pusing 119 tingkat yang berbeda monster tingkat setan, adalah betapa sulitnya
kekuatan yang disebut jatuh sepuluh pertemuan, kekuatan mencolok dari mengendarai kuda jijik kavaleri berat terlalu kuat, koordinasi dan taktik kami adalah baik, tetapi di gesper tak henti-hentinya, kurang dari seperti sebelumnya untuk satu jam, yang [Zhan panjang] 1500 orang menyusut dengan cepat, hanya kemudian sekitar 700 orang, dan pertempuran kerugian masih terus seperti sebelumnya, seakan semua orang merasa bahwa depresi dari kekalahan dan kematian, dalam saluran serikat tidak memiliki apa pembicaraan bahagia dan laughters.
tempat yang jauh, Praha hanya mundur tepi selatan kota,
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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