We have seen that three inconveniences attach to the practice of simpl terjemahan - We have seen that three inconveniences attach to the practice of simpl Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

We have seen that three inconvenien

We have seen that three inconveniences attach to the practice of simple barter, namely, the improbability, of coincidence between persons wanting and persons possessing; the complexity of exchanges, which are not made in terms of one single substance; and the need of some means of dividing and distributing valuable articles. Money remedies these inconveniences, and thereby performs two distinct functions of high importance, acting as—

(1) A medium of exchange.
(2) A common measure of value.
In its first form money is simply any commodity esteemed by all persons, any article of food, clothing, or ornament which any person will readily receive, and which, therefore, every person desires to have by him in greater or less quantity, in order that he may have the means of procuring necessaries of life at any time. Although many commodities may be capable of performing this function of a medium more or less perfectly, some one article will usually be selected, as money par excellence, by custom or the force of circumstances. This article will then begin to be used as a measure of value. Being accustomed to exchange things frequently for sums of money, people learn the value of other articles in terms of money, so that all exchanges will most readily be calculated and adjusted by comparison of the money values of the things exchanged.

A Standard of Value.
A third function of money soon develops itself. Commerce cannot advance far before people begin to borrow and lend, and debts of various origin are contracted. It is in some cases usual, indeed, to restore the very same article which was borrowed, and in almost every case it would be possible to pay back in the same kind of commodity. If corn be borrowed, corn might be paid back, with interest in corn; but the lender will often not wish to have things returned to him at an uncertain time, when he does not much need them, or when their value is unusually low. A borrower, too, may need several different kinds of articles, which he is not likely to obtain from one person; hence arises the convenience of borrowing and lending in one generally recognized commodity, of which the value varies little. Every person making a contract by which he will receive something at a future day, will prefer to secure the receipt of a commodity likely to be as valuable then as now. This commodity will usually be the current money, and it will thus come to perform the function of a standard of value. We must not suppose that the substance serving as a standard of value is really invariable in value, but merely that it is chosen as that measure by which the value of future payments is to be regulated. Bearing in mind that value is only the ratio of quantities exchanged, it is certain that no substance permanently bears exactly the same value relatively to another commodity; but it will, of course, be desirable to select as the standard of value that which appears likely to continue to exchange for many other commodities in nearly unchanged ratios.

A Store of Value.
It is worthy of inquiry whether money does not also serve a fourth distinct purpose—that of embodying value in a convenient form for conveyance to distant places. Money, when acting as a medium of exchange, circulates backwards and forwards near the same spot, and may sometimes return to the same hands again and again. It subdivides and distributes property, and lubricates the action of exchange. But at times a person needs to condense his property into the smallest compass, so that he may hoard it away for a time, or carry it with him on a long journey, or transmit it to a friend in a distant country. Something which is very valuable, although of little bulk and weight, and which will be recognised as very valuable in every part of the world, is necessary for this purpose. The current money of a country is perhaps more likely to fulfil these conditions than anything else, although diamonds and other precious stones, and articles of exceptional beauty and rarity, might occasionally be employed.

The use of esteemed articles as a store or medium for conveying value may in some cases precede their employment as currency. Mr. Gladstone states that in the Homeric poems gold is mentioned as being hoarded and treasured up, and as being occasionally used in the payment of services, before it became the common measure of value, oxen being then used for the latter purpose. Historically speaking, such a generally esteemed substance as gold seems to have served, firstly, as a commodity valuable for ornamental purposes; secondly, as stored wealth; thirdly, as a medium of exchange; and, lastly, as a measure of value.

Separation of Functions.
It is in the highest degree important that the reader should discriminate carefully and constantly between the four functions which money fulfils, at least in modern societies. We are so accustomed to use the one same substance in all the four different ways, that they tend to become confused together in thought. We come to regard as almost necessary that union of functions which is, at the most, a matter of convenience, and may not always be desirable. We might certainly employ one substance as a medium of exchange, a second as a measure of value, a third as a standard of value, and a fourth as a store of value. In buying and selling we might transfer portions of gold; in expressing and calculating prices we might speak in terms of silver; when we wanted to make long leases we might define the rent in terms of wheat, and when we wished to carry our riches away we might condense it into the form of precious stones. This use of different commodities for each of the functions of money has in fact been partially carried out. In Queen Elizabeth's reign silver was the common measure of value; gold was employed in large payments in quantities depending upon its current value in silver, while corn was required by the Act 18th Elizabeth, c. VI. (1576), to be the standard of value in drawing the leases of certain college lands.

There is evident convenience in selecting, if possible, one single substance which can serve all the functions of money. It will save trouble if we can pay in the same money in which the prices of things are calculated. As few people have the time or patience to investigate closely the history of prices, they will probably assume that the money in which they make all minor and temporary bargains, is also the best standard in which to register debts and contracts extending over many years. A great mass of payments too are invariably fixed by law, such as tolls, fees, and tariffs of charges: many other payments are fixed by custom. Accordingly, even if the medium of exchange varied considerably in value, people would go on making their payments in terms of it, as if there had been no variation, some gaining at the expense of others.

One of our chief tasks in this book will be to consider the various materials which have been employed as money, or have been, or may be, suggested for the purpose. It must be our endeavour, if possible, to discover some substance which will in the highest degree combine the characters requisite for all the different functions of money, but we must bear in mind that a partition of these functions amongst different substances is practicable. We will first proceed to a brief review of the very various ways in which the need of currency has been supplied from the earliest ages, and we will afterwards analyse the physical qualities and circumstances which render the substances employed more or less suited to the purpose to which they were applied. We may thus arrive at some decision as to the exact nature of the commodity which is best adapted to meet our needs in the present day.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Kita telah melihat bahwa tiga ketidaknyamanan melampirkan ke praktek barter sederhana, yaitu, ketidakmungkinan, kebetulan antara orang-orang yang menginginkan dan orang-orang yang memiliki; kompleksitas dari pertukaran, yang tidak dibuat dalam satu zat tunggal; dan perlu beberapa cara untuk membagi dan mendistribusikan artikel yang berharga. Uang obat ketidaknyamanan ini, dan dengan demikian melakukan dua berbeda fungsi penting tinggi, bertindak sebagai —(1) alat tukar. (2) ukuran umum nilai.III.1Dalam bentuknya yang pertama uang adalah hanya setiap komoditi yang dihargai oleh semua orang, setiap artikel makanan, pakaian, atau ornamen yang setiap orang akan mudah menerima dan yang, oleh karena itu, setiap orang keinginan untuk memiliki dengan dia dalam jumlah yang lebih besar atau kurang, agar ia dapat memiliki sarana pengadaan eels hidup setiap saat. Meskipun banyak komoditas mungkin mampu melakukan fungsi media lebih atau kurang sempurna, beberapa satu artikel akan biasanya dipilih, sebagai uang par excellence, oleh kebiasaan atau kekuatan keadaan. Artikel ini akan mulai digunakan sebagai ukuran nilai. Menjadi terbiasa bertukar hal sering untuk sejumlah uang, orang belajar nilai artikel lain dalam bentuk uang, sehingga semua pertukaran akan paling mudah dihitung dan disesuaikan dengan perbandingan nilai-nilai uang yang dipertukarkan.Standar nilai.III.2Ketiga fungsi uang segera berkembang dengan sendirinya. Perdagangan tidak maju jauh sebelum orang-orang mulai meminjam dan meminjamkan, dan utang berbagai asal dikontrak. Ini adalah dalam beberapa kasus yang biasa, memang, untuk mengembalikan artikel yang sama yang dipinjam, dan di hampir setiap kasus itu akan mungkin untuk membayar kembali dalam jenis komoditi yang sama. Jika jagung dipinjam, jagung akan dibayar kembali, dengan minat dalam jagung; Tapi kreditur akan sering tidak ingin memiliki hal-hal yang kembali kepadanya saat ketidakpastian, saat dia tidak banyak membutuhkan mereka, atau ketika nilainya sangat rendah. Peminjam, juga, mungkin perlu beberapa jenis artikel, yang ia tidak mungkin untuk mendapatkan dari satu orang; oleh karena itu muncul kenyamanan pinjaman dan pinjaman dalam satu umumnya diakui komoditas, yang nilai bervariasi sedikit. Setiap orang yang membuat kontrak dengan mana ia akan menerima sesuatu hari masa depan, akan lebih suka untuk mengamankan penerimaan komoditas cenderung kemudian berharga sebagai sekarang. Komoditi ini biasanya akan uang saat ini, dan dengan demikian akan datang untuk melakukan fungsi standar nilai. Kita harus tidak menganggap bahwa substansi yang melayani sebagai standar nilai benar-benar invariabel dalam nilai, tetapi hanya itu ia dipilih sebagai ukuran yang nilai pembayaran akan diatur. Mengingat bahwa nilai adalah rasio jumlah yang dipertukarkan, maka dapat dipastikan bahwa tidak ada substansi permanen beruang nilai yang sama relatif untuk komoditas lain; Tapi, tentu saja, akan diinginkan untuk memilih sebagai standar nilai yang tampaknya akan terus bertukar untuk banyak komoditas lain di hampir tidak berubah rasio.Sebuah toko nilai.III.3Ini layak penyelidikan Apakah uang tidak juga melayani tujuan berbeda yang keempat — yang mewujudkan nilai dalam bentuk yang nyaman untuk penyampaian ke tempat yang jauh. Uang, ketika bertindak sebagai alat tukar, beredar ke belakang dan ke depan dekat sama tempat, dan kadang-kadang mungkin kembali ke tangan sama lagi dan lagi. Membagi dan mendistribusikan properti, dan melumasi tindakan asing. Tetapi kadang-kadang orang perlu mengembun hartanya menjadi Kompas terkecil, sehingga ia dapat menimbun pergi untuk sementara waktu, atau membawa bersamanya pada perjalanan panjang, atau mengirimkannya kepada teman di negeri jauh. Sesuatu yang sangat berharga, meskipun dari sedikit massal dan berat, dan yang akan diakui sebagai sangat berharga dalam setiap bagian dari dunia, diperlukan untuk tujuan ini. Saat ini uang negara ini mungkin lebih cenderung untuk memenuhi syarat-syarat dari apa pun, meskipun berlian dan batu-batu berharga lainnya, dan Artikel Kecantikan dan langka, mungkin kadang-kadang digunakan.III.4Penggunaan artikel terhormat sebagai toko atau menengah untuk menyampaikan nilai mungkin dalam beberapa kasus mendahului pekerjaan mereka sebagai mata uang. Tn. Gladstone menyatakan bahawa emas Homer puisi disebutkan sebagai sedang ditimbun dan berharga atas, dan kadang-kadang digunakan dalam pembayaran layanan, sebelum ia menjadi ukuran umum nilai, lembu-lembu yang kemudian digunakan untuk tujuan yang terakhir. Secara historis berbicara, suatu zat umumnya dihargai sebagai emas tampaknya telah melayani, pertama, sebagai suatu komoditi yang berharga untuk tujuan hias; kedua, sebagai disimpan kekayaan; ketiga, sebagai alat tukar; dan, akhirnya, sebagai ukuran nilai.Pemisahan fungsi.III.5Ini adalah tingkat tertinggi yang penting bahwa pembaca harus membedakan dengan hati-hati dan terus-menerus antara empat fungsi uang yang memenuhi, paling tidak dalam masyarakat modern. Kami begitu terbiasa untuk menggunakan satu zat yang sama dalam semua empat cara yang berbeda, bahwa mereka cenderung menjadi bingung bersama-sama dalam pikiran. Kami datang untuk menganggap sebagai hampir diperlukan bahwa Persatuan fungsi yang adalah, paling banyak masalah kenyamanan, dan mungkin tidak selalu diinginkan. Kami jelas mungkin menggunakan satu zat sebagai alat tukar, kedua sebagai ukuran nilai, ketiga sebagai standar nilai, dan keempat sebagai suatu simpanan nilai. Dalam pembelian dan penjualan kami mungkin mentransfer sebagian dari emas; dalam mengekspresikan dan menghitung harga kita mungkin berbicara dalam hal perak; Ketika kita ingin membuat panjang sewa kita mungkin mendefinisikan sewa dalam hal gandum, dan ketika kami berharap untuk membawa kekayaan kami kami mungkin mengembun menjadi bentuk permata. Penggunaan komoditas yang berbeda untuk masing-masing fungsi uang sebenarnya telah sebagian dilakukan. Dalam pemerintahan Ratu Elizabeth perak adalah ukuran umum nilai; emas dipekerjakan dalam besar pembayaran dalam jumlah yang tergantung pada nilai saat ini perak, sedangkan jagung diharuskan oleh undang-undang Elizabeth 18, c. VI. (1576), menjadi standar nilai dalam menggambar sewa tanah perguruan tinggi tertentu.III.6There is evident convenience in selecting, if possible, one single substance which can serve all the functions of money. It will save trouble if we can pay in the same money in which the prices of things are calculated. As few people have the time or patience to investigate closely the history of prices, they will probably assume that the money in which they make all minor and temporary bargains, is also the best standard in which to register debts and contracts extending over many years. A great mass of payments too are invariably fixed by law, such as tolls, fees, and tariffs of charges: many other payments are fixed by custom. Accordingly, even if the medium of exchange varied considerably in value, people would go on making their payments in terms of it, as if there had been no variation, some gaining at the expense of others.III.7One of our chief tasks in this book will be to consider the various materials which have been employed as money, or have been, or may be, suggested for the purpose. It must be our endeavour, if possible, to discover some substance which will in the highest degree combine the characters requisite for all the different functions of money, but we must bear in mind that a partition of these functions amongst different substances is practicable. We will first proceed to a brief review of the very various ways in which the need of currency has been supplied from the earliest ages, and we will afterwards analyse the physical qualities and circumstances which render the substances employed more or less suited to the purpose to which they were applied. We may thus arrive at some decision as to the exact nature of the commodity which is best adapted to meet our needs in the present day.
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