Jalal teasingly said

Jalal teasingly said "Jodha, Do you

Jalal teasingly said "Jodha, Do you know your nose and cheeks turn red in anger and you looks so cute when you are angry. I feel like kissing you again." Hearing cute compliment Jodha couldn't control her blush, to hide it she turned back from him...few seconds later she irritably said "Shenshah, leave my room now."

Jalal gulp her insult and said "Jodha begum, it's our room till I am in Amer."

Jodha angrily asked "Don't you have self-respect...??? Don't you get it I hate you...??? Jalal got hurt with her ignorance and anger but he knew what he has done was nothing comparable to this... he swallow his pride and said "No Jodha begum! I know you don't hate me...probably you think that you hate me but I know you can't hate me from your heart."

Jodha with aggravation replied "You know what, think whatever you want to think, but I will never forgive you." Jalal painfully smirk at Jodha and walk out of her room with sadly.

When Mainavati entered to divan, Jalal and Bharmal were discussing about politics and current problems about Amer , she informed about final ritual of pag fere rasam and havan. Jalal with curiosity asked "What is this havan for...It's a custom, in this custom, husband and wife takes their seven promises (vows) again and sit in the pooja together and pray to god for their happy marriage life." Jalal pleased to hear that and with exciting tone asked "When this havan is organized?" Mainavati could read Jalal's expression, with smile she replied "In two hours but before this havan you need to take shower again and needs wear new clothes." Jalal agreed with his eyes expression.

Mainavati went to Jodha's room to inform about Havan...Jodha with smile welcomes her masa. Maina with love said "Jodha, today I have organized satyanarayan bhagvan havan for you and jamaisa for your happy and long marriage life. It is a final custom of your marriage." Jodha dryly replied "Masa, I have no interest in this havan, I don't want to sit in the havan..."

Mainavati in advising tone replied "Jodha, I am your mother and I know there is something between you and Jamaisa, which is not right. In last month I have not seen a real smile on your face. In marriage sometimes, problem comes... It takes a long time to build trust on each other. In beginning mistakes happens but that doesn't mean you don't forgive each other. Jodha get ready in two hours...Here is your clothes and Jewelry and walk out of the room gracefully."

Jodha in her room thinking about what happened since Jalal came... his sincere apology, deep pain on his face and teary eyes...also her reaction towards her anger... she could sense her painful words were shattering him... all of the thoughts dilute her anger little bit... Finally very dim smile she went to get ready.

It was time for havan, everyone was running around for the function, lots of people were invited ... Preparation was almost like a wedding... Jalal got ready and came to the hall for havan... Dadisa welcome Jalal and gave him blessings...

Jodha enter in the hall...she dressed in beautiful white and green chania-choli with heavy work and beautiful dark red and white chunni with royal Jewelries with full Sringar. Everyone eyes glued at Jodha... Jalal completely mesmerized while gazing at her beautya without a blink...Jodha shyly looked around... unknowingly her eyes were searching him... suddenly their eyes met...

To mask her emotions she gave him a fake angry gaze... Jalal smirk back at her. They both sit in the havan, Jalal followed as per pandit instruction; both of them repeated Mantra... Pandit gave sindoor thal to Jalal and told him to fills Jodha's Maang. Bothof them looked at each other with intense gaze and deep sorrow. Jalal waited for Jodha's eyes to mellow down... and give her permission... Jodha lowered her eyes and bend slightly approving to follow ritual... Jalal took pinch of sindoor and filled Jodha's maang with deep love... Jodha lift her eyes slowly, tear pricked out of from her eyes... Jalal looked at her with moist eyes and guilt then softly he wiped her tears from her face. Pandit told Jalal to take Jodha's hand in his hand and put water in havan after mantra is finish. Jalal forward his hand toward Jodha... with hesitation Jodha forward her hand towards him... Jalal hold her hand tightly with smile and whisper in her ears... Jodha I will never let this hand go away from me again" Jodha looked back at him without any expression... Seeing her sad face, he put his second hand on top of Jodha's hand, started to tickle her hand... Jodha looked at him with anger...He continued tickling her... finally she couldn't hold any more started to laugh with little blush...Mantra finished and they put water in the havan...They both took wedding vows again. Havan finished peacefully. They both took blessing from elderly.

After the pooja Jalal inform Raja Bharmal that they are leaving tomorrow morning.

Jodha in between said "Yes, of course Shenshah, has lot of things to catch up... he can surely go but I would like to stay here for some time.

Jalal gave her bitter look and replied "but Jodha, as per custom I have to take you back to Agra that is why I am here, you can always come back to Amer few days later.

Bharmal agreed with Jalal but he requested if Jalal can to stay two more days since to attend Holi.

Jalal respectfully agreed and said "I will stay here for two more days since Jodha begum also wants to stay here little longer, I have no problem."

It was almost evening; Entire family gathered at the dinning table. Jodha and Jalal both sat next to each other... Ameri food served, Jodha quietly started to eat... Jalal suddenly in front of everyone offered to feed her a sweet and with angry look Jodha moved her face away. Jalal keep insisted and didn't move his hand...finally Jodha gave up and took bite of the sweet and Jalal with winning smirk ate rest. By every mintute Jodha was getting more and more annoyed with this trapped feeling. Mainavati instruct dasi to decorate Jodha's room with lots of candle and flowers.

After dinner everyone gathered in main hall and started to chat, Jalal wanted to spend some alone time with Jodha, so he pretend that he is tired and said he wants to sleep. Jodha immediately, sure Shenshah you can go sleep... Me and Sukanya is going play chopat for entire night.

Sukanya replied resignedly with a deep sigh; " but jiji I am tired too play, I also want to sleep...entire day running I am done for the day." Jalal smirk at Suku with thank you expression... Jalal with romantic gaze said "Actually I am not too tired we can play chopat Jodha begum... Mainavati understand the situation she said to everyone; it's really late, and told everyone to leave then in instructive tone said "Jodha, take Jamaisa to his room..." With annoyed look Jodha said "Ji Masa"

Both of them are walking...complete silence...Jalal is looking at her beauty and her upset face. Jodha opened her chamber door and shocked seeing decoration in her room, there were lots of candles were burning...her bed was decorated with beautiful flowers...

Jalal teasing said "Wow... Jodha begum, every night you sleep like this... You are so romantic...

She looked at him with irritation then she screamed loud " Moti...Reva..." both of them came to room and asked "What happen Jodha..." Jodha pointed her fingers towards her bed and asked angrily "Who did all this?"

Moti with low tone replied "Masa instructed to us to decorate your room." Jalal smiled at Moti and Reva and thanked for beautiful decoration...they left with smile.

Jalal closed door...Jodha tetchily said "There is no need to close door..."

Jalal cross questions her "You don't have trust on me Jodha..."

Jodha painfully replied "Yes, I don't have trust on you and why you need to be in wh**e's room..."

Jalal screamed out loud "Enough Jodha...I don't want to hear this word again..."

Jodha sarcastically said "Why not...you called me wh**e in front of your entire family...then why you have shame now. I have said it again "wh**e" what you will do slap me again? Hurt me? Push me? Drag me?

Jalal sadly gaze at her angry face and gulped his pain and said "Jodha, I am really sorry for what happened, but please don't use that word again and again... and you know what I will do...every time you use this word, I will kiss you, I will even kiss you against your wish... Jodha with extreme anger shouted "Don't even dare to touch me... you can't force on me...and if you do I will kill myself, You are a disgusting monster, devil, heartless and ruthless person... I am so shameful you are my husband, I hate you.. I will never forgive you ever."

Her hurtful anger shaken him to his core, with regret and ache he said in thick tone "I am your husband Jodha, I have asked for your forgiveness... I am truly sorry for what happened...I have also suffered entire month, when my anger came down, I realized that you can't do this, so I inquired about the truth... but you will not admit your mistake...why did you went out of the palace without my permission...you didn't even trust me. Why you thought that I wouldn't allow meeting with Sujamal. You ever thought it was more hurtful for me than anyone...In my life only one woman I trusted and that was you... and with roared he shouts out loud... Yes!!!! I am heartless and ruthless, devil, monster person and I am really ashamed of myself...I know, I don't deserve you... I am a worst husband any women can get... tell me what will give you peace...you want to punish me ...you want to kill me...kill me once, but stop killing me with your words and disgust look at me...I can't take your hate anymore, you words suffocates me, your words gives unbearable pain... Jalal's eyes filled with full of tears... Complete silence in the room.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Jalal bercanda mengatakan bahwa "Jodha, Apakah Anda tahu hidung dan pipi merah dalam kemarahan dan Anda terlihat begitu lucu ketika kamu menjadi marah. Saya merasa seperti mencium Anda lagi." Mendengar pujian lucu Jodha tak bisa mengendalikan blush nya, menyembunyikannya dia berbalik darinya... beberapa detik kemudian dia kesal berkata "Shenshah, meninggalkan ruang saya sekarang."Jalal menelan nya penghinaan dan berkata "Jodha begum, kami sampai aku di Amer"Jodha bertanya dengan marahnya "Jangan Anda memiliki harga diri...??? Anda tidak bisa melakukannya aku benci Anda...??? Jalal mendapat sakit dengan kebodohan dan kemarahan tapi ia tahu apa yang ia telah lakukan apa-apa dibandingkan dengan ini... ia menelan kesombongannya dan berkata "tidak Jodha begum! Saya tahu Anda tidak membenci me... mungkin Anda berpikir bahwa Anda benci saya tetapi saya tahu Anda tidak bisa membenci aku dari dalam hatimu. "Jodha dengan kejengkelan menjawab "kau tahu apa, memikirkan apa pun yang Anda ingin untuk berpikir, tetapi saya tidak akan pernah memaafkan Anda." Jalal menyakitkan menyeringai pada Jodha dan berjalan keluar dari kamarnya dengan sedih.Ketika Mainavati dimasukkan untuk divan, Jalal dan Bharmal sedang membicarakan tentang politik dan saat ini masalah tentang Amer, dia diberitahu tentang akhir upacara pag fere rasam dan havan. Jalal dengan rasa ingin tahu yang bertanya "Apakah ini havan untuk...Custom, di ini kustom, suami dan istri mengambil janji mereka tujuh (sumpah) lagi dan duduk di pooja bersama-sama dan berdoa kepada Tuhan untuk hidup perkawinan yang bahagia mereka." Senang mendengar bahwa dan dengan nada yang menarik Jalal bertanya "ketika havan ini terorganisir?" Mainavati bisa membaca ekspresi Jalal's, dengan senyum dia menjawab "dalam dua jam, tapi sebelum havan ini Anda perlu mengambil mandi lagi dan membutuhkan mengenakan pakaian baru." Jalal setuju dengan ekspresi mata.Mainavati pergi ke Jodha's kamar menginformasikan tentang Havan...Jodha dengan senyum menyambut masa nya. Maina dengan cinta berkata "Jodha, hari ini saya telah terorganisir satyanarayan bhagvan havan untuk Anda dan jamaisa untuk Anda bahagia dan panjang kehidupan perkawinan. Ini adalah adat perkawinan Anda akhir." Jodha dryly menjawab "Masa, saya tidak memiliki minat pada havan ini, saya tidak ingin duduk di havan..."Mainavati dalam menasihati nada menjawab "Jodha, I am ibumu dan aku tahu ada sesuatu antara Anda dan Jamaisa, yang tidak benar. Dalam bulan terakhir saya belum melihat nyata senyum di wajah Anda. Dalam perkawinan kadang-kadang, masalah datang... Dibutuhkan waktu lama untuk membangun kepercayaan pada satu sama lain. Di awal kesalahan terjadi, tetapi itu tidak berarti Anda tidak mengampuni satu sama lain. Jodha bersiap-siap dalam waktu dua jam...Berikut adalah pakaian dan perhiasan dan berjalan keluar dari kamar anggun."Jodha di kamar berpikir tentang apa yang terjadi karena Jalal datang... nya permintaan maaf tulus, dalam sakit di wajahnya dan berkaca-kaca mata... juga reaksinya terhadap kemarahan... dia bisa merasakan perkataannya menyakitkan yang menghancurkan dia... semua pikiran mencairkan kemarahan sedikit... Akhirnya sangat redup senyum dia pergi untuk bersiap-siap.Itu adalah waktu untuk havan, semua orang berlarian untuk fungsi, banyak orang yang diundang... Persiapan adalah hampir seperti sebuah pernikahan... Jalal bersiap-siap dan datang ke hall untuk havan... Dadisa Selamat datang Jalal dan memberinya berkat...Masukkan Jodha di aula... dia berpakaian indah putih dan hijau chania-choli dengan kerja berat dan indah gelap merah dan putih chunni dengan perhiasan kerajaan dengan penuh Sringar. Semua orang yang mata terpaku di Jodha... Jalal benar-benar terpesona sambil menatap dia beautya tanpa sekejap...Jodha shyly melihat sekeliling... tanpa sadar matanya yang mencari dia... tiba-tiba mata mereka bertemu...Untuk menutupi emosinya dia memberinya tatapan marah palsu... Jalal seringai kembali pada dirinya. Mereka berdua duduk di havan, Jalal diikuti sesuai instruksi pandit; keduanya mengulangi Mantra... Pandit memberikan sindoor thal Jalal dan menyuruhnya untuk mengisi Jodha di Maang. Bothof mereka saling memandang dengan pandangan intens dan kesedihan mendalam. Jalal menunggu mata Jodha di mellow turun... dan memberikan izin... Jodha diturunkan matanya dan membungkuk sedikit menyetujui untuk mengikuti ritual... Jalal mengambil sejumput sindoor dan diisi Jodha's maang dengan cinta yang mendalam... Jodha mengangkat matanya perlahan-lahan, air mata pricked dari mata... Jalal memandangnya dengan mata yang lembab dan rasa bersalah kemudian lembut ia menyeka matanya dari wajahnya. Pandit mengatakan Jalal untuk mengambil Jodha di tangan di tangan-Nya dan menempatkan air dalam havan setelah mantra adalah selesai. Jalal maju tangannya terhadap Jodha... dengan ragu-ragu Jodha maju tangannya ke arahnya... Jalal memegang tangannya erat dengan senyum dan berbisik di telinganya... Saya tidak akan pernah membiarkan tangan ini pergi dari saya lagi Jodha"Jodha memandang ke arahnya tanpa ekspresi apapun... Melihat wajahnya sedih, ia meletakkan tangannya kedua di atas Jodha di tangan, mulai untuk menggelitik tangannya... Jodha memandangnya dengan kemarahan...Dia terus menggelitik her... akhirnya ia tidak bisa menahan apapun lebih mulai tertawa dengan sedikit blush...Mantra selesai dan mereka menempatkan air dalam havan...Keduanya mengambil janji pernikahan lagi. Havan menyelesaikan secara damai. Keduanya mengambil berkat dari orang tua.Setelah pooja Jalal memberitahukan Raja Bharmal bahwa mereka meninggalkan besok pagi.Jodha di antara berkata "Ya, tentu saja Shenshah, memiliki banyak hal untuk menangkap up... dia pasti bisa pergi tapi saya ingin tinggal di sini selama beberapa waktu.Jalal memberikan tampak pahit dan menjawab "tapi Jodha, sesuai kebiasaan saya harus membawa Anda kembali ke Agra itu sebabnya aku di sini, Anda dapat selalu kembali ke Amer beberapa hari kemudian.Bharmal setuju dengan Jalal tapi ia diminta jika Jalal dapat tinggal dua hari lagi sejak untuk menghadiri Holi.Jalal hormat setuju dan mengatakan "Aku akan tinggal di sini selama dua hari karena Jodha begum juga ingin tinggal di sini sedikit lebih lama, saya tidak punya masalah."Itu hampir malam hari; Seluruh keluarga berkumpul di meja makan. Jodha dan Jalal keduanya duduk berdekatan satu sama lain... Ameri makanan yang disajikan, Jodha diam-diam mulai makan... Jalal tiba-tiba di depan semua orang ditawarkan untuk makan yang manis dan dengan marah Jodha pindah wajahnya. Jalal tetap bersikeras dan tidak bergerak tangannya... akhirnya Jodha menyerah dan mengambil gigitan manis dan Jalal dengan seringai menang makan sisa. Oleh setiap menit Jodha semakin lebih dan lebih kesal dengan perasaan terperangkap ini. Mainavati menginstruksikan dasi untuk menghias kamar Jodha's dengan banyak lilin dan bunga.Setelah makan malam semua orang berkumpul di aula utama dan mulai chatting, Jalal ingin menghabiskan beberapa waktu sendirian dengan Jodha, sehingga ia berpura-pura bahwa dia lelah dan mengatakan ia ingin tidur. Jodha segera, Shenshah yakin Anda dapat pergi tidur... Saya dan Sukanya adalah pergi bermain chopat untuk seluruh malam.Sukanya menjawab resignedly dengan napas; "tapi aku lelah jiji juga bermain, saya juga ingin tidur... seluruh hari menjalankan saya selesai untuk hari." Jalal menyeringai di Suku dengan ungkapan terima kasih... Jalal dengan tatapan romantis berkata "sebenarnya aku tidak terlalu lelah kita bisa bermain chopat Jodha begum... Mainavati memahami situasi katanya kepada semua orang; itu benar-benar terlambat, dan memberitahu semua orang untuk meninggalkan kemudian instruktif nada berkata "Jodha, mengambil Jamaisa ke kamarnya..." Dengan tampilan jengkel Jodha berkata "Ji Masa"Keduanya berjalan... menyelesaikan keheningan...Jalal melihat kecantikannya dan wajahnya marah. Jodha dibuka pintu kamar dan terkejut melihat dekorasi di kamarnya, ada banyak lilin terbakar... tidurnya dihiasi dengan bunga-bunga indah...Jalal menggoda berkata "Wow... Jodha begum, setiap malam Anda tidur seperti ini... Anda begitu romantis...Dia memandangnya dengan iritasi maka ia berteriak keras "Moti...Darisuhadi..."keduanya datang ke kamar dan bertanya"Apa terjadi Jodha..." Jodha menunjuk jarinya ke arah tidurnya dan marah bertanya "Yang melakukan semua ini?"Moti dengan nada rendah menjawab "Masa memerintahkan kepada kita untuk menghias ruang Anda." Jalal tersenyum pada Moti dan darisuhadi dan mengucapkan terima kasih untuk dekorasi indah... mereka meninggalkan dengan senyum.Jalal tutup pintu...Jodha tetchily berkata "Ada tidak perlu menutup pintu..."Jalal salib pertanyaan nya "Anda tidak memiliki kepercayaan pada saya Jodha..."Jodha menyakitkan menjawab "Ya, saya tidak memiliki kepercayaan pada Anda dan mengapa Anda perlu berada di wh ** darikukuh kamar..."Jalal berteriak keras "cukup Jodha...Aku tidak ingin mendengar kata ini lagi..."Jodha sinis mengatakan "Mengapa tidak... kau memanggilku wh ** e di depan seluruh keluarga Anda... maka mengapa Anda memiliki rasa malu sekarang. Saya telah mengatakan itu lagi "wh ** e" apa yang akan Anda lakukan menampar saya lagi? Menyakiti saya? Mendorong me? Menyeret saya?Jalal sayangnya menatap wajahnya marah dan menelan rasa sakit dan berkata "Jodha, saya sangat menyesal atas apa yang terjadi, tetapi harap tidak menggunakan kata lagi dan lagi... tersebut dan Anda tahu apa yang akan saya lakukan... setiap kali Anda menggunakan kata ini, aku akan mencium Anda, aku akan bahkan mencium Anda terhadap keinginan Anda... Jodha dengan kemarahan ekstrim berteriak "tidak bahkan berani menyentuh saya... Anda tidak bisa memaksa pada saya... dan jika Anda lakukan saya akan membunuh diri, Anda adalah rakasa menjijikkan, Iblis, orang tak berperasaan dan kejam... Aku begitu memalukan Anda suamiku, aku benci Anda... Aku akan pernah memaafkan Anda pernah."Kemarahan menyakitkan terguncang dia ke inti nya, dengan penyesalan dan sakit dia berkata dalam nada tebal "Aku Jodha suami Anda, saya telah meminta pengampunan Anda... Aku benar-benar menyesal atas apa yang terjadi...Saya juga telah menderita sebulan, ketika kemarahan saya turun, aku menyadari bahwa Anda tidak dapat melakukan ini, jadi aku bertanya tentang kebenaran... tetapi Anda tidak akan mengakui kesalahan Anda... Mengapa Apakah Anda pergi keluar istana tanpa izin saya... Anda bahkan tidak percaya padaku. Mengapa Anda berpikir bahwa aku tidak akan mengizinkan pertemuan dengan Sujamal. Anda pernah berpikir itu lebih menyakitkan bagiku daripada siapa pun...Saya wanita hanya satu kehidupan saya percaya dan itu adalah Anda... dan dengan raung dia berteriak keras... Ya!!! Aku tak berperasaan dan kejam, Iblis, Rakasa orang dan aku benar-benar malu sendiri...Aku tahu, aku tidak pantas Anda... Saya seorang suami yang terburuk setiap perempuan bisa mendapatkan... ceritakan apa akan memberikan ketenangan... ingin menghukum saya... Anda ingin membunuh me...kill saya sekali, tapi berhenti membunuh saya dengan jijik dan kata-kata Anda melihat saya...Aku tidak bisa mengambil Anda benci lagi, kata-kata Anda suffocates saya, kata-kata Anda memberikan sakit yang tak tertahankan... Jalal di mata penuh dengan penuh air mata... Keheningan dalam kamar.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Jalal teasingly said "Jodha, Do you know your nose and cheeks turn red in anger and you looks so cute when you are angry. I feel like kissing you again." Hearing cute compliment Jodha couldn't control her blush, to hide it she turned back from him...few seconds later she irritably said "Shenshah, leave my room now."

Jalal gulp her insult and said "Jodha begum, it's our room till I am in Amer."

Jodha angrily asked "Don't you have self-respect...??? Don't you get it I hate you...??? Jalal got hurt with her ignorance and anger but he knew what he has done was nothing comparable to this... he swallow his pride and said "No Jodha begum! I know you don't hate me...probably you think that you hate me but I know you can't hate me from your heart."

Jodha with aggravation replied "You know what, think whatever you want to think, but I will never forgive you." Jalal painfully smirk at Jodha and walk out of her room with sadly.

When Mainavati entered to divan, Jalal and Bharmal were discussing about politics and current problems about Amer , she informed about final ritual of pag fere rasam and havan. Jalal with curiosity asked "What is this havan for...It's a custom, in this custom, husband and wife takes their seven promises (vows) again and sit in the pooja together and pray to god for their happy marriage life." Jalal pleased to hear that and with exciting tone asked "When this havan is organized?" Mainavati could read Jalal's expression, with smile she replied "In two hours but before this havan you need to take shower again and needs wear new clothes." Jalal agreed with his eyes expression.

Mainavati went to Jodha's room to inform about Havan...Jodha with smile welcomes her masa. Maina with love said "Jodha, today I have organized satyanarayan bhagvan havan for you and jamaisa for your happy and long marriage life. It is a final custom of your marriage." Jodha dryly replied "Masa, I have no interest in this havan, I don't want to sit in the havan..."

Mainavati in advising tone replied "Jodha, I am your mother and I know there is something between you and Jamaisa, which is not right. In last month I have not seen a real smile on your face. In marriage sometimes, problem comes... It takes a long time to build trust on each other. In beginning mistakes happens but that doesn't mean you don't forgive each other. Jodha get ready in two hours...Here is your clothes and Jewelry and walk out of the room gracefully."

Jodha in her room thinking about what happened since Jalal came... his sincere apology, deep pain on his face and teary eyes...also her reaction towards her anger... she could sense her painful words were shattering him... all of the thoughts dilute her anger little bit... Finally very dim smile she went to get ready.

It was time for havan, everyone was running around for the function, lots of people were invited ... Preparation was almost like a wedding... Jalal got ready and came to the hall for havan... Dadisa welcome Jalal and gave him blessings...

Jodha enter in the hall...she dressed in beautiful white and green chania-choli with heavy work and beautiful dark red and white chunni with royal Jewelries with full Sringar. Everyone eyes glued at Jodha... Jalal completely mesmerized while gazing at her beautya without a blink...Jodha shyly looked around... unknowingly her eyes were searching him... suddenly their eyes met...

To mask her emotions she gave him a fake angry gaze... Jalal smirk back at her. They both sit in the havan, Jalal followed as per pandit instruction; both of them repeated Mantra... Pandit gave sindoor thal to Jalal and told him to fills Jodha's Maang. Bothof them looked at each other with intense gaze and deep sorrow. Jalal waited for Jodha's eyes to mellow down... and give her permission... Jodha lowered her eyes and bend slightly approving to follow ritual... Jalal took pinch of sindoor and filled Jodha's maang with deep love... Jodha lift her eyes slowly, tear pricked out of from her eyes... Jalal looked at her with moist eyes and guilt then softly he wiped her tears from her face. Pandit told Jalal to take Jodha's hand in his hand and put water in havan after mantra is finish. Jalal forward his hand toward Jodha... with hesitation Jodha forward her hand towards him... Jalal hold her hand tightly with smile and whisper in her ears... Jodha I will never let this hand go away from me again" Jodha looked back at him without any expression... Seeing her sad face, he put his second hand on top of Jodha's hand, started to tickle her hand... Jodha looked at him with anger...He continued tickling her... finally she couldn't hold any more started to laugh with little blush...Mantra finished and they put water in the havan...They both took wedding vows again. Havan finished peacefully. They both took blessing from elderly.

After the pooja Jalal inform Raja Bharmal that they are leaving tomorrow morning.

Jodha in between said "Yes, of course Shenshah, has lot of things to catch up... he can surely go but I would like to stay here for some time.

Jalal gave her bitter look and replied "but Jodha, as per custom I have to take you back to Agra that is why I am here, you can always come back to Amer few days later.

Bharmal agreed with Jalal but he requested if Jalal can to stay two more days since to attend Holi.

Jalal respectfully agreed and said "I will stay here for two more days since Jodha begum also wants to stay here little longer, I have no problem."

It was almost evening; Entire family gathered at the dinning table. Jodha and Jalal both sat next to each other... Ameri food served, Jodha quietly started to eat... Jalal suddenly in front of everyone offered to feed her a sweet and with angry look Jodha moved her face away. Jalal keep insisted and didn't move his hand...finally Jodha gave up and took bite of the sweet and Jalal with winning smirk ate rest. By every mintute Jodha was getting more and more annoyed with this trapped feeling. Mainavati instruct dasi to decorate Jodha's room with lots of candle and flowers.

After dinner everyone gathered in main hall and started to chat, Jalal wanted to spend some alone time with Jodha, so he pretend that he is tired and said he wants to sleep. Jodha immediately, sure Shenshah you can go sleep... Me and Sukanya is going play chopat for entire night.

Sukanya replied resignedly with a deep sigh; " but jiji I am tired too play, I also want to sleep...entire day running I am done for the day." Jalal smirk at Suku with thank you expression... Jalal with romantic gaze said "Actually I am not too tired we can play chopat Jodha begum... Mainavati understand the situation she said to everyone; it's really late, and told everyone to leave then in instructive tone said "Jodha, take Jamaisa to his room..." With annoyed look Jodha said "Ji Masa"

Both of them are walking...complete silence...Jalal is looking at her beauty and her upset face. Jodha opened her chamber door and shocked seeing decoration in her room, there were lots of candles were burning...her bed was decorated with beautiful flowers...

Jalal teasing said "Wow... Jodha begum, every night you sleep like this... You are so romantic...

She looked at him with irritation then she screamed loud " Moti...Reva..." both of them came to room and asked "What happen Jodha..." Jodha pointed her fingers towards her bed and asked angrily "Who did all this?"

Moti with low tone replied "Masa instructed to us to decorate your room." Jalal smiled at Moti and Reva and thanked for beautiful decoration...they left with smile.

Jalal closed door...Jodha tetchily said "There is no need to close door..."

Jalal cross questions her "You don't have trust on me Jodha..."

Jodha painfully replied "Yes, I don't have trust on you and why you need to be in wh**e's room..."

Jalal screamed out loud "Enough Jodha...I don't want to hear this word again..."

Jodha sarcastically said "Why not...you called me wh**e in front of your entire family...then why you have shame now. I have said it again "wh**e" what you will do slap me again? Hurt me? Push me? Drag me?

Jalal sadly gaze at her angry face and gulped his pain and said "Jodha, I am really sorry for what happened, but please don't use that word again and again... and you know what I will do...every time you use this word, I will kiss you, I will even kiss you against your wish... Jodha with extreme anger shouted "Don't even dare to touch me... you can't force on me...and if you do I will kill myself, You are a disgusting monster, devil, heartless and ruthless person... I am so shameful you are my husband, I hate you.. I will never forgive you ever."

Her hurtful anger shaken him to his core, with regret and ache he said in thick tone "I am your husband Jodha, I have asked for your forgiveness... I am truly sorry for what happened...I have also suffered entire month, when my anger came down, I realized that you can't do this, so I inquired about the truth... but you will not admit your mistake...why did you went out of the palace without my permission...you didn't even trust me. Why you thought that I wouldn't allow meeting with Sujamal. You ever thought it was more hurtful for me than anyone...In my life only one woman I trusted and that was you... and with roared he shouts out loud... Yes!!!! I am heartless and ruthless, devil, monster person and I am really ashamed of myself...I know, I don't deserve you... I am a worst husband any women can get... tell me what will give you peace...you want to punish me ...you want to kill me...kill me once, but stop killing me with your words and disgust look at me...I can't take your hate anymore, you words suffocates me, your words gives unbearable pain... Jalal's eyes filled with full of tears... Complete silence in the room.
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