This head as if filled the ice to be cold, even if died, there is a co terjemahan - This head as if filled the ice to be cold, even if died, there is a co Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

This head as if filled the ice to b

This head as if filled the ice to be cold, even if died, there is a cold air to fill the air.
„Dao Tian!! He is first mountain Echelon Dao Tian!! In his hand ... Is the head of second mountain Echelon!!” Yuwen Jian loses one's voice, the facial color is instantaneous, he clearly remembers that the world mark of second country's, was already taken by Dao Tian, that second mountain Echelon runs away.
According to his beforehand judgment, did not have the world mark, the danger will not be big, but he has not thought that this crossed less than several breath, his judgment collapses, the death of second mountain Echelon, has as if lifted a prologue of chaotic war!
No matter you do have the world mark, crisis will be giant!
In Ru Feng Plane, the reverberation callous cruel sound, this sound ancient, revolves eight sides.
„Prize ... Ancient Treasure, mountain immortal lock!”
At this moment, all Echelon reacted, the development of this matter, was too rapid, Meng Hao just struck to kill Hai Dongqing, afterward in a while, Dao Tian similarly completed has struck to kill!
Reward, is Ancient Treasure!
Meng Hao is staring in the sky world, the Dao Tian statue, he reveals the swift and fierce glow, intrepid of this Dao Tian, gives his pressure not to be small, he does not know that between that second mountain Echelon and Hai Dongqing, which is more formidable.
„Dao Tian ...” Meng Hao both eyes dodge, when will depart, suddenly, Yuwen Jian hurries the half step to fly, the sound of shouting loudly spreads.
„Brother Meng Hao, Ha Ha, you looked that color of this day was late, do not walk, is living in several days of what kind of brother here.” Yuwen Jian has feared, how could at this moment to make Meng Hao such leave, most minimum Meng Hao here, they are two people, if that Dao Tian approaches, the stratagem which ensures success always feels better a person to resist.
Meng Hao has not paid attention, turns around in a flash, to go far away, Yuwen Jian was anxious, the mind thought rotation, clenching teeth maliciously, shouts loudly immediately.
„Meng Hao, I have the means to make you, obtain the world mark of sixth country's with hands down!”
Meng Hao footsteps, turns the head to look to Yuwen Jian.
„Meng Hao, nine world marks, Dao Tian has three now, you have four, remaining two, in the third country, in the sixth country, but young lad Hong Bin of that sixth country's, once had the friendship of life with here, I and you go to the sixth country together, urged him the mark to you!” Yuwen Jian sees Meng Hao to stop, hastily to open mouth.
„As the matter stands, you have five world marks, occupied the absolute initiative!”
„So long as you did not fear that first mountain Echelon Dao Tian, this sixth world mark, is your!” Yuwen Jian pats the chest, said loudly.
Meng Hao lets somebody cool off or calm down looks at Yuwen Jian, the words of this person, he too does not believe that two people of contact durations are not long, but this Yuwen Jian gives his feeling, with that Patriarch Reliance same is not reasonable.
„I am untrustworthy you.” Meng Hao said slowly.
„Brother Meng Hao, you said that I was too sad, if my Yuwen Jian person, cultivates the behavior firmly, the speech is firm, the conduct is firm, every kind firm!” Yuwen Jian thinks is shamed, gets angry the sound track.
„You once said that before Hai Dongqing once was extinguished a soul by you.” Meng Hao remains unmoved, said lightly.
Yuwen Jian not slightly awkward, but laughs.
„Brother Meng Hao, have wanted to change this bad custom for brother these years, I also know that this custom was not good, making Brother Meng Hao be laughed, I later certainly corrected!”
„You sensed before are too slow.” Meng Hao said again.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Kepala ini seolah-olah dipenuhi es harus dingin, bahkan jika meninggal, ada udara dingin untuk mengisi udara."Dao Tian!! Ia adalah pertama gunung Echelon Dao Tian!! Di tangan-Nya... Adalah kepala dari kedua Gunung Echelon!!" Yuwen Jian kehilangan suara, warna wajah seketika, dia jelas mengingat bahwa tanda dunia negara kedua, sudah diambil oleh Dao Tian, gunung itu kedua Echelon kabur.Menurut penghakimannya sebelumnya, tidak memiliki tanda dunia, bahaya tidak akan besar, tetapi ia tidak berpikir bahwa ini melintasi kurang dari beberapa nafas, runtuh penghakiman Nya, kematian kedua Gunung Echelon, memiliki seolah-olah mengangkat prolog perang kacau!Tidak peduli Anda memiliki tanda dunia, krisis akan raksasa!Di Ru Feng pesawat, gema suara kejam tak berperasaan, suara ini kuno, berputar 8 sisi."Hadiah... Kuno harta karun, Gunung abadi kunci!"Saat ini, Semua Echelon bereaksi, perkembangan hal ini terlalu cepat, Meng Hao hanya memukul untuk membunuh Hai Dongqing, kemudian dalam waktu, Dao Tian demikian pula selesai telah menyerang untuk membunuh!Pahala, harta karun!Meng Hao adalah menatap langit dunia, patung Dao Tian, ia mengungkapkan yang cepat dan cahaya sengit, pemberani ini Dao Tian, memberikan tekanan nya tidak harus kecil, ia tidak tahu bahwa antara bahwa kedua Gunung Echelon dan Hai Dongqing, yang merupakan lebih tangguh."Dao Tian..." meng Hao kedua matanya dodge, ketika akan berangkat, tiba-tiba, Yuwen Jian hurries setengah langkah untuk terbang, suara berteriak keras spread."Saudara Meng Hao, Ha Ha, Anda melihat bahwa warna hari ini adalah terlambat, tidak berjalan, tinggal di beberapa hari macam apa yang saudara di sini." Yuwen Jian telah takut, bagaimana bisa saat ini untuk membuat Meng Hao meninggalkan tersebut, paling minimum Meng Hao di sini, mereka adalah dua orang, jika pendekatan yang Dao Tian, siasat yang menjamin keberhasilan selalu merasa lebih baik seseorang untuk menolak.Meng Hao belum membayar perhatian, berbalik dalam flash, pergi jauh, Yuwen Jian adalah cemas, pikiran berpikir rotasi, mengepalkan gigi jahat, teriakan keras segera."Meng Hao, saya memiliki sarana untuk membuat Anda, memperoleh tanda dunia keenam negara dengan tangan turun!"Jejak meng Hao, ternyata kepala untuk melihat ke Yuwen Jian."Meng Hao, sembilan dunia tanda, Dao Tian memiliki tiga sekarang, Anda memiliki empat, sisa dua, di negara ketiga, di negeri keenam, tapi dijawab Bin Hong negara keenam, pernah persahabatan dengan kehidupan di sini, saya dan Anda pergi ke negara keenam bersama-sama, mendesaknya tanda untuk Anda!" Yuwen Jian melihat Meng Hao untuk berhenti, tergesa-gesa untuk membuka mulut."Seperti itu, Anda memiliki lima tanda dunia, menduduki inisiatif mutlak!""Jadi selama Anda tidak takut gunung itu pertama Echelon Dao Tian, tanda dunia ini keenam, adalah Anda!" Yuwen Jian menepuk dada, berkata keras.Meng Hao memungkinkan seseorang mendinginkan atau menenangkan terlihat pada Yuwen Jian, kata-kata orang ini, ia juga tidak percaya bahwa dua orang dari durasi Hubungi tidak lama, tapi Yuwen Jian ini memberikan perasaan, dengan ketergantungan patriak itu sama tidak masuk akal.„I am untrustworthy you.” Meng Hao said slowly.„Brother Meng Hao, you said that I was too sad, if my Yuwen Jian person, cultivates the behavior firmly, the speech is firm, the conduct is firm, every kind firm!” Yuwen Jian thinks is shamed, gets angry the sound track.„You once said that before Hai Dongqing once was extinguished a soul by you.” Meng Hao remains unmoved, said lightly.Yuwen Jian not slightly awkward, but laughs.„Brother Meng Hao, have wanted to change this bad custom for brother these years, I also know that this custom was not good, making Brother Meng Hao be laughed, I later certainly corrected!”„You sensed before are too slow.” Meng Hao said again.
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