Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
CHAPTER IINTRODUCTION BackgroundElementary school is critical year for all children. Elementary school is transition from preschool programs or home to formal schooling. Most the children arrive in elementary school filled with curiosity, wonder, and enthusiams to learn about themselves, others, and the world. A teacher’s role responsibility is to nourish this hunger for knowledge, and to motivate and challeng the students, as well as to protect and nature them.Children srart school with a vocabulary which has been learned mainly from their contact with parents and the literacy enviroment at home, as well as they experiences this age will largely be oral for example words which they can understand when heard and use themselves, with some elements of a reading or writing vocabulary for example words which they can understand when read, and words which they can write. Teaching English to children need a very much understanding of the characteristies of the learnes, skillful in meaning the classroom and good ability in the language.Children are very special, they are in their period to get ability in a second language. There is a golden age for learning a language. Tahta, Wood and Loewhenthal (1981: 45) state that children will be better in language learning before the age 8, while Long (1990 : 24) remark under the age of 6 will be better for them in learning language. Many experts go along together that sooner is better in language for children because they will get difficulties in learning new language puberty or adolescent stages. The young and adult leaners should have different treatment based on their characteristics, needs and ability.Teaching English foreign language to children requires that teacher have a through understanding of children development, needs, and characteristics. It needs skillful teacher to involved in the teaching learning process. There are three assumption of a skillful teacher a stated by Brookfield (2006 : 17) Use whatever helps students learn, Adapt a critically reflective stance towards their pratic, Do a constant awareness of how student are experiencing their learning and perceiving teacher’s actions.The teacher should also have not only the required personal qualities, but also training in the discipline and field of study appropriate to the language teaching process because young learnes’ need are different from adults’ need, they need : Affirmation of their abilities and interests, To believe that they are contributing to the class, To feel a sense of belonging, that they matter to others, Self-confidence, safety, trust, and acceptance, Interaction with others, To connect new information to their lives, To learn in an orderly, clean, and well-light build in which their work is displayed ( Tomlinson, 2002; Miller and Tallal 2006; and Gregory and Champman, 2002 ).The needs of children to interact with other should bring the classroom into a communicative and meaningful athmosphere. Classroom management is a key to skilled taeching and enhances learning by optimazing time on task. It is the teacher’s responsibility to create a welcoming and safe classrooom which offers a rich learning enviroment Thus, the goal of teaching learning can by achieved.In learning, the children need media of object as their instrument, this is the reason that says the children learning by doing. According to biological theory, that made up to see and monitor children in playing because they have to prepare their self with energy and their thinking for the future ( Karl Groos ).The words of “media” come from latin language “medius” which literary mean “medley”, “ medium” or “deliver”. More special, the meaning of media in teaching and learning process tend to be interpreted as graphical appliances, photographs, or electronics to catch, to process, and reconized visual information. One of elections of teaching methods selected will influence appropriate study media type. The using of media or orient study phase will really assist affectivity of study process and forwarding of lesson content and message at the moment. Besides awakening student enthusiams and motivation, study with media also can help student to improve understanding. Students need to start learn from all of things that close with them. Surrounding things can be a good media for elementary school students that just start to learn about English vocabulary.Teaching English vocabulary as foreign language at elementary school is not easy, may be some of students like stop study, but some others are possibly not. Teachers, is this case have a big role to motivate all of them to have the same perception about the importent of English today. They should be aware that mastery English vocabulary will help them to understand English easily.We realize that the failure succes of teaching and learning foreign language depend of many aspects such as teachers’, factor, students, methods, fasilities and equipments. Taringan (1989 : 23) in effort to increase the quality and quantity vocabulary, the students also increase their life, attitude, develop their conceptual, and knowledge. Therefore teachers should use a good technique and method to media to increase the students’ English vocabulary in teaching and learning process since early.Teaching vocabulary needs good and interesting media. Media use in to teaching learning activity will keep the leaner focus on the teacher, thus the classroom will be on teacher’s control. The media used should be effectived and interesting; Suyanto ( 2007: 6.4 ) said that penggunaan media yang efektif dan menarik dalam pembelajaran dapat membantu siswa agar lebih mudah memahami materi pembelajaran.On of the faets above is students need media to improve their learning process, the writter interest to do a research about “the use of surraounding things In teaching to build the studennts vocabulary at SDN 1 Laompo”. Identification of the problemThere are some factors that contribute in the effort of developing deventary school students’ vocabulary. The faeters are teachers, student, subject, the method in teaching , time, fasilities and media.The English teacher has to be able to organize teaching and learnig activities they have to give materials by using a suitable technique and master to lesson effectiely. Especially in learning vocabulary, teacher must make the student able to memorize such words in English language and group of new words. The statements above mean, vocabulary is important to teach and teachers must try to find the most effective way to teach it.There are many problems of language teaching that can identified as reseach subjects. We could discuss about methods, material selections, and others. In this research it is identified that teaching technique for elementary school level challenging. Therefore, in this research the writer wants to make a study about how to teach vocabulary for elementary school level. Problem Statement Based on the description on the background above, the problem statement is “can the elementary school students’ vocabulary be build through using surround things?” Objective Of The ResearchIn relation to the problem statement problem above the objective of this research was to build the elementary school students’ vocabulary using surround things. Significance Of The ResearchThe significance of the research was follow : To develop student English vocsbulary To show how vocabulary lesson with surruonding things can be organized and surrounding things do have an impect on students motivation and interest. Scope Of The ResearchThis research focus in teaching vocabulary use of surrounding things were limited only object around the class ( realia and picture ). CHAPTTER IIREVIEW OF RELATER LITERATURE Learning and Learning ProcessThe complexity of education caused the psycolinguist have poused out much attention toward learning problems. Some expert state that learning is an activity to memorize the emount of facts. In relation with that statement, than someone who passed through a learning process will be shown by the amount of facts that has been mastered. While the other opinion views that learning is some with practice. From the fact above, it is found some definition of learning. The following will be presented some learning definition from the experts.“learning may be defined as a process by which behavior originates through training and experiences” (Whittaker, 1970 : 215). Hence, the behavior changes as a result of physical growing, exhastion, sick or medical effect do not belong as learning. Whittaker opinion above strengthened by Cronbach in his book “educationol psycology” which state that “learning is shown by change in behavior as a result of experience” Cronbach (1920 : 213). So that, learning means may develop. The chang can be in form of knowledge change, attitude change and the development on intelligent.Yet a knowledge, skill and attitude that possessed by human is formed and develop through learning process. Therefore, it can be concluded that learning is a basic activity for human being, and it does not only continue other place, whether, through formal education, nonformal as well as informal continuously.Skill and humans’ attitude is formed and developed through learning process. School institution is one of the places of learning process that organized intentionally to serve students experience so that they grow and develop with the goal or the purpose. Therefore, school as one of the formal institute demands a private equipment capacity in his activity. Learning as a process means that learning continue active and integrated with kinds of activity to achieve the goal. One may be learned by someone depend on the need and motivation.The lack of experience is often to be obstacle in learning. Because of that an individual needs to learn frequently. Basically lear
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