Culture is men’s medium; there is not one aspect of human life that is terjemahan - Culture is men’s medium; there is not one aspect of human life that is Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Culture is men’s medium; there is n

Culture is men’s medium; there is not one aspect of human life that is not touched and altered by culture. This means personality, how people express themselves (including shows of emotion), the way they think, how they move, how problems are solved, how their cities are planned and laid out, how transportation system function and are organized, as well as how economic and goverment systems are put together and function. However.. it is frequently the most obvious and taken for granted and therefore the least studied aspects of culture that influence behavior in the deepest and most subtle ways.
Communication is far more complex and much more important to us than we may thus far suspect. With rare exception, our daily lives almost constantly are acts af communication. As was brought out in chapter 1, we cannot communicate, and “the way people communicate isthe way they live.”
When we begin to talk about the way people live we are thrust immediately into the arena of culture because culture is the form or pattern for living. People learn to think, feel believe, and strive for what their culture considers proper. Language habits, friendships, eating habits, communication practices, social acts, economic and political activities, and technology all follow the patterns of culture. If people speak Tagalog, avoid members of another race, eat snakes, avoid wine, live in communal housing, bury their dead, talk on the telephone, or rocket to the moon, it is because they have been born into or at least reared in a culture that contains these elements. What people do, how they act, and how they live and communicate is both a response to and a function of their culture.
Culture and communication are inseparable because culture not only dictates who talks with whom, about what, and how the communication proceeds, it also helps to determine how people encode messages, the meanings they have for messages, and the conditions sent, noticed, or interpreted. In fact, our entire repertory of communicative behaviors is dependent largery on the culture in which we have been raised. Culture, consequently, is the foundation of communication. And, when cultures vary, communication practices also vary.
Culture and communication are so inextricably bound to one another that some cultural anthropologists have argued persuasively that the terms culture and communication are essentially synonymous. This insepreable relationship between culture and communication is the key factor in our fully understanding communication. Our ability to fathom the complexities of intercultural communication must begin with a sound grasp of cultural influences on the way people communicate. Cultural variance in how people encode and decode messages is the foremost problem in intercultural communication . to help us develop an appropriate perspective for the study of intercultural communication, we are going to survey the nation of culture, describe and define intercultural communication, and then consider in detail some socio-cultural elements that affect intercultural communication most directly.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Budaya adalah pria menengah; ada tidak satu aspek kehidupan manusia yang tidak disentuh dan diubah oleh budaya. Ini berarti kepribadian, bagaimana orang mengekspresikan diri (termasuk menunjukkan emosi), cara mereka berpikir, bagaimana mereka bergerak, bagaimana masalah ini diselesaikan, bagaimana kota-kota mereka direncanakan dan meletakkan keluar, bagaimana fungsi sistem transportasi dan yang terorganisir, serta bagaimana ekonomi dan sistem pemerintah disatukan dan fungsi. Namun... sangat sering yang paling jelas dan diambil untuk diberikan dan karena itu paling tidak mempelajari aspek-aspek budaya yang mempengaruhi perilaku dengan cara paling halus dan terdalam.Komunikasi jauh lebih kompleks dan lebih penting bagi kita daripada kita sejauh mungkin menduga. Dengan pengecualian langka, kita sehari-hari hidup hampir adalah terus-menerus tindakan af komunikasi. Sebagai dibawa keluar pada bab 1, kita tidak dapat berkomunikasi, dan "cara orang berkomunikasi adalah cara mereka hidup."Ketika kita mulai berbicara tentang cara orang hidup kita dorong segera ke arena budaya karena budaya adalah bentuk atau pola untuk hidup. Orang belajar untuk berpikir, merasa percaya, dan senantiasa apa budaya mereka anggap tepat. Bahasa kebiasaan, persahabatan, kebiasaan makan, praktek-praktek komunikasi, tindakan sosial, kegiatan ekonomi dan politik, dan teknologi semua mengikuti pola budaya. Jika orang-orang berbicara Tagalog, menghindari anggota ras lain, ular makan, menghindari anggur, tinggal di perumahan komunal, mengubur orang mati, berbicara di telepon atau roket ke bulan, karena mereka telah dilahirkan ke dalam atau setidaknya dibesarkan dalam budaya yang berisi elemen-elemen ini. Apa yang orang lakukan, bagaimana mereka bertindak, dan bagaimana mereka hidup dan berkomunikasi menanggapi dan fungsi dari budaya mereka.Budaya dan komunikasi yang tak terpisahkan karena budaya tidak hanya menentukan siapa yang berbicara dengannya, tentang apa, dan bagaimana hasil komunikasi, hal ini juga membantu untuk menentukan bagaimana orang menyandikan pesan, makna mereka memiliki untuk pesan, dan kondisi yang dikirim, melihat, atau ditafsirkan. Pada kenyataannya, kami perbendaharaan seluruh komunikatif perilaku adalah tergantung largery pada budaya di mana kita telah dibangkitkan. Budaya, akibatnya, adalah dasar komunikasi. Dan, ketika budaya bervariasi, praktek-praktek komunikasi juga bervariasi.Budaya dan komunikasi adalah sangat terikat satu sama lain bahwa beberapa antropolog budaya berpendapat persuasif bahwa istilah budaya dan komunikasi yang pada dasarnya identik. Insepreable hubungan antara budaya dan komunikasi adalah faktor penting dalam komunikasi kami sepenuhnya memahami. Kemampuan kita untuk memahami kompleksitas Komunikasi antarbudaya harus dimulai dengan pemahaman suara pengaruh budaya cara orang berkomunikasi. Budaya varian dalam bagaimana orang encode dan decode pesan adalah masalah utama dalam Komunikasi antarbudaya. untuk membantu kami mengembangkan perspektif yang sesuai untuk studi Komunikasi antarbudaya, kita akan survei bangsa budaya, menggambarkan dan mendefinisikan Komunikasi antarbudaya, dan kemudian mempertimbangkan secara rinci beberapa elemen sosial-budaya yang mempengaruhi Komunikasi antarbudaya secara langsung.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Culture is men’s medium; there is not one aspect of human life that is not touched and altered by culture. This means personality, how people express themselves (including shows of emotion), the way they think, how they move, how problems are solved, how their cities are planned and laid out, how transportation system function and are organized, as well as how economic and goverment systems are put together and function. However.. it is frequently the most obvious and taken for granted and therefore the least studied aspects of culture that influence behavior in the deepest and most subtle ways.
Communication is far more complex and much more important to us than we may thus far suspect. With rare exception, our daily lives almost constantly are acts af communication. As was brought out in chapter 1, we cannot communicate, and “the way people communicate isthe way they live.”
When we begin to talk about the way people live we are thrust immediately into the arena of culture because culture is the form or pattern for living. People learn to think, feel believe, and strive for what their culture considers proper. Language habits, friendships, eating habits, communication practices, social acts, economic and political activities, and technology all follow the patterns of culture. If people speak Tagalog, avoid members of another race, eat snakes, avoid wine, live in communal housing, bury their dead, talk on the telephone, or rocket to the moon, it is because they have been born into or at least reared in a culture that contains these elements. What people do, how they act, and how they live and communicate is both a response to and a function of their culture.
Culture and communication are inseparable because culture not only dictates who talks with whom, about what, and how the communication proceeds, it also helps to determine how people encode messages, the meanings they have for messages, and the conditions sent, noticed, or interpreted. In fact, our entire repertory of communicative behaviors is dependent largery on the culture in which we have been raised. Culture, consequently, is the foundation of communication. And, when cultures vary, communication practices also vary.
Culture and communication are so inextricably bound to one another that some cultural anthropologists have argued persuasively that the terms culture and communication are essentially synonymous. This insepreable relationship between culture and communication is the key factor in our fully understanding communication. Our ability to fathom the complexities of intercultural communication must begin with a sound grasp of cultural influences on the way people communicate. Cultural variance in how people encode and decode messages is the foremost problem in intercultural communication . to help us develop an appropriate perspective for the study of intercultural communication, we are going to survey the nation of culture, describe and define intercultural communication, and then consider in detail some socio-cultural elements that affect intercultural communication most directly.
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