I finished my work day then headed to the gym before I went to Elisa’s terjemahan - I finished my work day then headed to the gym before I went to Elisa’s Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I finished my work day then headed

I finished my work day then headed to the gym before I went to Elisa’s. I started taking a boxing and self-defense class at the gym. I knew how to fight but I wanted to brush up on my skills. I wasn’t frightened of something happening to me, but I wanted to prove that I could take care of Elisa. I knew it would make her feel better if I was educated in fighting skills.
When I arrived at the house, Elisa seemed nervous. She wore a tight dark blue dress and her hair was done. She looked beautiful like she always did.
“You look lovely,” I said as I kissed her. Her lips barely moved when they touched mine. I tried to act like I didn’t notice. If I gave her a chance to voice her doubts, she may not come along. “You ready?”
“Yeah,” she said with a nod.
“Great.” I grabbed her hand and led her out the door. We walked down the street until I waved down a cab. I helped her get inside before I sat beside her. “You’ll never guess what happened at work today.”
“What?” she asked with a quiet voice.
“One of my colleagues placed a whoopee cushion in my boss’ seat. Yeah…he didn’t like that very much.”
She stared laughing and the color returned to her cheeks. “I never expected that from a room full of suits.”
“Ethan knows who it is.”
“He does?”
“Yeah, but he won’t tell me, that jerk.”
“He’s probably trying to protect the transgressor.”
“Well, he can tell me. I’m almost his brother.”
“In law.”
“When you mix blood with water, it still looks like blood.”
She stared at me for a moment then looked away.
I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and leaned close to her. “Tell me about your day.” I wanted to get her mind off dinner. When she thought about other things, she didn’t seem so nervous.
“The kids and I did some crafts.”
“Such as?”
“We made snowflakes.”
“That sounds pretty cool.”
She smiled. “Tommy’s looked like it came out of the shredder and Becky painted hers pink.”
“That’s even better. They are being creative.”
She laughed. “I suppose.”
“Remember Picasso? Everyone thought that guy was crazy and he turned out to be one of the greatest artists ever.”
“Are you comparing my son to Picasso?”
“In a good way,” I said quickly.
“Well, I’m glad you think my son is crazy,” she said with a laugh.
“No. He’s eccentric.”
“That sounds equally bad.”
The cab stopped and I paid the driver then stepped out. I helped her get out then walked toward the entrance. I could feel the tension in her hand. I stopped and looked at her. “Ellie, it doesn’t make a difference whether he likes you or not. Please don’t be nervous. And I can guarantee that he’ll like you anyway.”
She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear but said nothing.
“Come on.” We walked inside then spotted my dad at a table by the window. We moved toward him as he rose to stand.
“Elisa!” he said happily. “It’s very wonderful to meet you.” He grabbed her and hugged her tightly.
She smiled as she pulled away. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Montague.”
He waved a hand. “Don’t call me that. Bill is fine.”
“Then why does Ethan call you that?” I asked.
My dad sat down. “That’s different.”
I pulled out Elisa’s chair and helped her take a seat. I sat next to her and put my arm around her.
“So my son is a little hung up on you,” my dad said.
“Thanks for being so cool about it, Dad,” I said sarcastically.
Elisa smiled. “I like him too—most of the time.”
My dad laughed. “I like her already.”
I looked at her, silently telling her I was right.
“So how are the kids?” he asked.
“Great,” she said. “They are both wonderful.”
“Do you have any pictures?” he asked excitedly.
“Uh, yeah.” She pulled out her phone then handed it to him.
“Awe. They are adorable,” my dad said. “What are their names?”
“Tommy and Becky.”
My dad nodded. “Good names.”
“Becky was the name of my mother, and Tommy was the name of my husband.” She averted her gaze when she said this. I rubbed her shoulder to dispel the concern that she felt.
“My son told me what happened. I’m very sorry.”
“Thank you,” she said quietly.
Now I wanted to change the subject. “How’s the shop, Dad?”
“It’s the same, really. It’s been slow.”
I nodded. “Maybe you should start selling porn and cigarettes.”
He rolled his eyes. “Jared has wanted me to do that since he hit puberty.”
I shrugged. “It would work. I’m tellin’ ya.”
“You would be my only customer,” he said with a laugh.
“Some business is better than no business,” I said.
My dad looked at Elisa. “Get out while you can.”
She laughed.
My dad pointed at her. “She’s a keeper.”
I kissed her on the cheek. “I know she is.”
She looked at me with flushed cheeks.
The waiter came over and took our order. We talked about Sadie’s wedding for a long time.
“Did she decide to invite her mother?” my father asked.
“I don’t know.”
“Well, she should.”
“It’s her day, Dad. She can invite whoever she wants.”
“It’s her mother,” he argued.
“What does that matter? She took off without looking back. I don’t want her there either.”
He sighed. “The last thing I want is for my kids to hate their mother.”
“We don’t hate her,” I corrected. “We just don’t care for her. I haven’t seen her in seven years. She hasn’t come to visit us once. Even if we did invite her to the wedding, she probably wouldn’t come anyway.”
“It’s always nice to be invited.”
“Dad, I really don’t think she’s going to change her mind. Ethan is persuasive but he isn’t a magician.”
He sighed. “That makes me very sad.”
“Just let it go.”
“So she hasn’t picked a date yet? A venue?”
“No. They’ll probably just do it at city hall.”
“Well, they don’t have money for anything big.”
“Doesn’t Ethan work with you?”
“Yeah, but—he’s got student loans.” I didn’t want to reveal that he took care of Elisa. I assumed she didn’t want him to know either.
The waiter brought our food and we began to eat quietly. Elisa ate like a goddess. She had perfect grace and poise.
My dad looked at Elisa. “I would love to meet your children. They are always welcome at my house if you ever want to come visit. Or just need a babysitter so you can have the night off.”
“Thank you. That’s very sweet.”
I smiled at my dad. I appreciated all the support he was giving me. He knew I really liked Elisa. I had never introduced him to a girl before so he knew I was serious about her. When we were finished, I paid the bill then we left the restaurant. We said our goodbyes on the curb.
“It was nice to meet you,” my dad said as he hugged Elisa. “Please don’t be a stranger.”
“Thank you,” she said with a smile.
I hugged my dad next.
“Good job,” he said as he patted my back.
“Thanks.” I knew what he meant. “I’ll see you later.”
We walked to a cab then drove back to the townhouse down the road. Elisa was quiet on the drive.
“That wasn’t so bad, right?” I asked.
“He was very sweet,” she said with a smile.
“Yeah. My dad is a badass.”
She laughed. “Well, I wouldn’t say that.”
“He’s a cool guy. I like him a lot.”
“I liked him too.”
“And I know he liked you—a lot.”
“It seemed that way,” she said quietly.
“What’s bothering you?” I asked her blatantly.
“Nothing,” she said quickly. “I liked your dad. He was cute.”
I stared at her for a moment then dropped the conversation. Perhaps she was still nervous after the meeting. I thought it went well. My dad loved her and she liked him. He even wanted to meet her kids. If that wasn’t a declaration of his approval, then I didn’t know what was.
When we got home, the kids were already asleep.
“Hey,” I said as I put my coat on the rack.
“Hey,” Sadie said. “How’d it go?”
“It went great,” I said. “Dad loves her.”
Ethan looked at Elisa. “Had a good time?”
“Yeah,” she said.
We sat on the couch and I pulled her close to me.
“Did he ask about Mom?” Sadie asked.
“Yeah,” I answered. “He thinks you should still invite her.”
“Nope,” she said.
Ethan shrugged. “I tried.”
“He doesn’t want us to hate her,” I added.
“I don’t hate her,” Sadie said. “I just don’t like her.”
I laughed. “I said the same thing.”
Sadie looked Elisa. “Was my father sweet to you?”
“He was very nice to me,” she answered.
“He’s wanted to meet you for a while,” Sadie said.
“Oh?” Elisa said.
“Yeah. You’re the first girl Jared has brought around.”
She stared at me for a moment. “I didn’t know that.”
I met her gaze. “It’s true.” I kissed her on the forehead then the cheek. “I’m a bit obsessed with you, really.”
She said nothing.
“Baby, let’s go to bed,” Ethan said as he picked her up.
“That was sudden,” Sadie said as he lifted her.
“Well, I’m tired,” he said as he carried her down the hall. Koku emerged from the kitchen and followed behind them.
I rubbed my nose against Elisa’s. “Ready for bed, Ellie?”
She nodded.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I finished my work day then headed to the gym before I went to Elisa’s. I started taking a boxing and self-defense class at the gym. I knew how to fight but I wanted to brush up on my skills. I wasn’t frightened of something happening to me, but I wanted to prove that I could take care of Elisa. I knew it would make her feel better if I was educated in fighting skills.When I arrived at the house, Elisa seemed nervous. She wore a tight dark blue dress and her hair was done. She looked beautiful like she always did.“You look lovely,” I said as I kissed her. Her lips barely moved when they touched mine. I tried to act like I didn’t notice. If I gave her a chance to voice her doubts, she may not come along. “You ready?”“Yeah,” she said with a nod.“Great.” I grabbed her hand and led her out the door. We walked down the street until I waved down a cab. I helped her get inside before I sat beside her. “You’ll never guess what happened at work today.”“What?” she asked with a quiet voice.“One of my colleagues placed a whoopee cushion in my boss’ seat. Yeah…he didn’t like that very much.”She stared laughing and the color returned to her cheeks. “I never expected that from a room full of suits.”“Ethan knows who it is.”“He does?”“Yeah, but he won’t tell me, that jerk.”“He’s probably trying to protect the transgressor.”“Well, he can tell me. I’m almost his brother.”“In law.”“When you mix blood with water, it still looks like blood.”She stared at me for a moment then looked away.I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and leaned close to her. “Tell me about your day.” I wanted to get her mind off dinner. When she thought about other things, she didn’t seem so nervous.“The kids and I did some crafts.”“Such as?”“We made snowflakes.”“That sounds pretty cool.”She smiled. “Tommy’s looked like it came out of the shredder and Becky painted hers pink.”“That’s even better. They are being creative.”She laughed. “I suppose.”“Remember Picasso? Everyone thought that guy was crazy and he turned out to be one of the greatest artists ever.”“Are you comparing my son to Picasso?”“In a good way,” I said quickly.“Well, I’m glad you think my son is crazy,” she said with a laugh.“No. He’s eccentric.”“That sounds equally bad.”The cab stopped and I paid the driver then stepped out. I helped her get out then walked toward the entrance. I could feel the tension in her hand. I stopped and looked at her. “Ellie, it doesn’t make a difference whether he likes you or not. Please don’t be nervous. And I can guarantee that he’ll like you anyway.”She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear but said nothing.“Come on.” We walked inside then spotted my dad at a table by the window. We moved toward him as he rose to stand.“Elisa!” he said happily. “It’s very wonderful to meet you.” He grabbed her and hugged her tightly.She smiled as she pulled away. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Montague.”He waved a hand. “Don’t call me that. Bill is fine.”“Then why does Ethan call you that?” I asked.My dad sat down. “That’s different.”I pulled out Elisa’s chair and helped her take a seat. I sat next to her and put my arm around her.“So my son is a little hung up on you,” my dad said.“Thanks for being so cool about it, Dad,” I said sarcastically.Elisa smiled. “I like him too—most of the time.”My dad laughed. “I like her already.”I looked at her, silently telling her I was right.“So how are the kids?” he asked.“Great,” she said. “They are both wonderful.”“Do you have any pictures?” he asked excitedly.“Uh, yeah.” She pulled out her phone then handed it to him.“Awe. They are adorable,” my dad said. “What are their names?”“Tommy and Becky.”My dad nodded. “Good names.”“Becky was the name of my mother, and Tommy was the name of my husband.” She averted her gaze when she said this. I rubbed her shoulder to dispel the concern that she felt.“My son told me what happened. I’m very sorry.”“Thank you,” she said quietly.Now I wanted to change the subject. “How’s the shop, Dad?”“It’s the same, really. It’s been slow.”Aku mengangguk. "Mungkin Anda harus mulai menjual porno dan Rokok."Dia memutar matanya. "Jared telah menginginkan saya untuk melakukan itu karena ia mencapai pubertas."Aku mengangkat bahu. "Itu akan bekerja. Aku 'm tellin' ya.""Anda akan menjadi pelanggan hanya saya," katanya sambil tertawa."Bisnis lebih baik daripada tidak ada bisnis," kataku.Ayah saya memandang Elisa. "Keluar selagi bisa."Dia tertawa.Ayah saya menunjukkan padanya. "Ia adalah penjaga."Saya menciumnya di pipi. "Aku tahu dia."Dia menatapku dengan pipi memerah.Pelayan datang dan mengambil pesanan kami. Kami berbicara tentang pernikahan Sadie's untuk waktu yang lama."Apakah dia memutuskan untuk mengundang ibunya?" ayah saya bertanya."Saya tidak tahu.""Yah, dia harus.""Itu adalah hari, ayah. Dia dapat mengundang siapapun yang dia inginkan. ""Itu adalah ibunya," menurutnya."Apa itu masalah? Dia mengambil tanpa melihat ke belakang. Saya tidak ingin dia tidak baik."Dia menghela napas. "Hal terakhir yang saya inginkan adalah untuk anak-anak saya untuk membenci ibu mereka.""Kami tidak membenci dia," Aku mengoreksi. "Kami hanya tidak peduli untuk dirinya. Aku belum melihatnya dalam tujuh tahun. Dia belum datang untuk mengunjungi kami sekali. Bahkan jika kita melakukan mengundang dia untuk pernikahan, dia mungkin tidak akan datang pula.""Itu selalu baik untuk diajak.""Ayah, saya benar-benar tidak berpikir dia akan mengubah pikirannya. Ethan persuasif tetapi dia bukan seorang penyihir."Dia menghela napas. "Yang membuat saya sangat sedih.""Hanya membiarkannya pergi."“So she hasn’t picked a date yet? A venue?”“No. They’ll probably just do it at city hall.”“Why?”“Well, they don’t have money for anything big.”“Doesn’t Ethan work with you?”“Yeah, but—he’s got student loans.” I didn’t want to reveal that he took care of Elisa. I assumed she didn’t want him to know either.The waiter brought our food and we began to eat quietly. Elisa ate like a goddess. She had perfect grace and poise.My dad looked at Elisa. “I would love to meet your children. They are always welcome at my house if you ever want to come visit. Or just need a babysitter so you can have the night off.”“Thank you. That’s very sweet.”I smiled at my dad. I appreciated all the support he was giving me. He knew I really liked Elisa. I had never introduced him to a girl before so he knew I was serious about her. When we were finished, I paid the bill then we left the restaurant. We said our goodbyes on the curb.“It was nice to meet you,” my dad said as he hugged Elisa. “Please don’t be a stranger.”“Thank you,” she said with a smile.I hugged my dad next.“Good job,” he said as he patted my back.“Thanks.” I knew what he meant. “I’ll see you later.”We walked to a cab then drove back to the townhouse down the road. Elisa was quiet on the drive.“That wasn’t so bad, right?” I asked.“He was very sweet,” she said with a smile.“Yeah. My dad is a badass.”
She laughed. “Well, I wouldn’t say that.”
“He’s a cool guy. I like him a lot.”
“I liked him too.”
“And I know he liked you—a lot.”
“It seemed that way,” she said quietly.
“What’s bothering you?” I asked her blatantly.
“Nothing,” she said quickly. “I liked your dad. He was cute.”
I stared at her for a moment then dropped the conversation. Perhaps she was still nervous after the meeting. I thought it went well. My dad loved her and she liked him. He even wanted to meet her kids. If that wasn’t a declaration of his approval, then I didn’t know what was.
When we got home, the kids were already asleep.
“Hey,” I said as I put my coat on the rack.
“Hey,” Sadie said. “How’d it go?”
“It went great,” I said. “Dad loves her.”
Ethan looked at Elisa. “Had a good time?”
“Yeah,” she said.
We sat on the couch and I pulled her close to me.
“Did he ask about Mom?” Sadie asked.
“Yeah,” I answered. “He thinks you should still invite her.”
“Nope,” she said.
Ethan shrugged. “I tried.”
“He doesn’t want us to hate her,” I added.
“I don’t hate her,” Sadie said. “I just don’t like her.”
I laughed. “I said the same thing.”
Sadie looked Elisa. “Was my father sweet to you?”
“He was very nice to me,” she answered.
“He’s wanted to meet you for a while,” Sadie said.
“Oh?” Elisa said.
“Yeah. You’re the first girl Jared has brought around.”
She stared at me for a moment. “I didn’t know that.”
I met her gaze. “It’s true.” I kissed her on the forehead then the cheek. “I’m a bit obsessed with you, really.”
She said nothing.
“Baby, let’s go to bed,” Ethan said as he picked her up.
“That was sudden,” Sadie said as he lifted her.
“Well, I’m tired,” he said as he carried her down the hall. Koku emerged from the kitchen and followed behind them.
I rubbed my nose against Elisa’s. “Ready for bed, Ellie?”
She nodded.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Aku selesai hari pekerjaan saya kemudian menuju ke gym sebelum aku pergi ke Elisa. Aku mulai mengambil tinju dan kelas pertahanan diri di gym. Aku tahu bagaimana untuk melawan tapi aku ingin memoles keterampilan saya. Aku tidak takut sesuatu terjadi padaku, tapi aku ingin membuktikan bahwa aku bisa mengurus Elisa. Aku tahu itu akan membuatnya merasa lebih baik jika saya dididik dalam keterampilan pertempuran.
Ketika saya tiba di rumah, Elisa tampak gugup. Dia mengenakan gaun biru tua ketat dan rambutnya dilakukan. Dia tampak cantik seperti yang biasa ia lakukan.
"Kau tampak cantik," kataku sambil menciumnya. Bibirnya hampir tidak bergerak ketika mereka menyentuh saya. Aku mencoba untuk bertindak seperti aku tidak melihat. Jika saya memberinya kesempatan untuk menyuarakan keraguan, dia mungkin tidak datang bersama. "Kau siap?"
"Ya," katanya sambil mengangguk.
"Great." Aku meraih tangannya dan membawanya keluar pintu. Kami berjalan menyusuri jalan sampai aku melambaikan turun taksi. Aku membantunya masuk ke dalam sebelum aku duduk di sampingnya. "Anda tidak akan pernah menebak apa yang terjadi di tempat kerja hari ini."
"Apa?" Tanyanya dengan suara tenang.
"Salah satu rekan saya ditempatkan bantal Cihui di saya 'kursi bos. Ya ... dia tidak seperti itu sangat banyak.
"Dia menatap tertawa dan warna kembali ke pipinya. "Saya tidak pernah berharap bahwa dari ruangan yang penuh dengan pakaian."
"Ethan tahu siapa itu."
"Dia tidak?"
"Ya, tapi dia tidak akan memberitahu saya, bahwa brengsek."
"Dia mungkin mencoba untuk melindungi pelanggar.
"" Yah, dia bisa memberitahu saya. Aku hampir saudaranya.
"" Dalam hukum.
"" Ketika Anda mencampur darah dengan air, masih terlihat seperti darah.
"Dia menatapku sesaat lalu berpaling.
Aku membungkus lenganku di sekitar bahunya dan bersandar dekat dengan nya. "Ceritakan tentang hari Anda." Saya ingin mendapatkan pikirannya dari makan malam. Ketika ia memikirkan hal-hal lain, dia tidak tampak begitu gugup.
"Anak-anak dan saya melakukan beberapa kerajinan."
"Kami membuat kepingan salju."
"Kedengarannya cukup keren."
Dia tersenyum. "Tommy tampak seperti itu keluar dari mesin penghancur dan Becky dicat merah muda miliknya."
"Itu bahkan lebih baik. Mereka menjadi kreatif.
"Dia tertawa. "Saya kira."
"Ingat Picasso? Semua orang berpikir bahwa orang gila dan dia ternyata menjadi salah satu seniman terbesar yang pernah.
"" Apakah Anda membandingkan anak saya untuk Picasso?
"" Dalam cara yang baik, "kataku
cepat." Yah, aku senang Anda berpikir anak saya gila, "katanya sambil
tertawa." Tidak Dia eksentrik.
"" Kedengarannya sama buruk.
"Taksi berhenti dan saya membayar sopir kemudian melangkah keluar. Aku membantunya keluar lalu berjalan menuju pintu masuk. Aku bisa merasakan ketegangan di tangannya. Aku berhenti dan menatapnya. "Ellie, itu tidak membuat perbedaan apakah dia menyukai Anda atau tidak. Jangan gugup. Dan saya dapat menjamin bahwa ia akan seperti Anda pula.
"Dia terselip sehelai rambut di belakang telinga, tapi mengatakan
apa-apa." Ayo. "Kami berjalan dalam kemudian melihat ayah saya di meja dekat jendela. Kami pindah ke arahnya saat dia naik berdiri.
"Elisa!" Katanya gembira. "Ini sangat indah untuk bertemu dengan Anda." Dia meraih dan memeluknya erat-erat.
Dia tersenyum saat ia menarik diri. "Sangat menyenangkan bertemu dengan Anda, Mr. Montague."
Dia melambaikan tangan. "Jangan panggil aku itu. Bill baik-baik saja.
"" Lalu mengapa Ethan menelepon Anda itu? "Tanya saya.
Ayah saya duduk. "Itu berbeda."
Aku menarik kursi Elisa dan membantunya duduk. Aku duduk di sampingnya dan menempatkan lenganku di sekelilingnya.
"Jadi anak saya sedikit terpaku pada Anda," kata ayah saya.
"Terima kasih karena begitu keren tentang hal itu, Dad," kataku sinis.
Elisa tersenyum. "Saya suka dia juga-sebagian besar waktu."
Ayah saya tertawa. "Aku menyukainya sudah."
Aku menatapnya, diam-diam mengatakan padanya aku benar.
"Jadi bagaimana anak-anak?" Tanyanya.
"Besar," katanya. "Mereka berdua indah."
"Apakah Anda memiliki foto-foto?" Ia bertanya dengan penuh semangat.
"Uh, yeah." Dia menarik keluar teleponnya kemudian menyerahkannya kepadanya.
"Awe. Mereka manis, "kata ayahku. "Siapa nama mereka?"
"Tommy dan Becky."
Ayah saya mengangguk. "Nama-nama yang baik."
"Becky adalah nama ibu saya, dan Tommy adalah nama suami saya." Dia mengalihkan pandangannya saat ia mengatakan ini. Aku mengusap bahunya untuk menghilangkan kekhawatiran bahwa dia merasa.
"Kata anak saya apa yang terjadi. Aku sangat menyesal.
"" Terima kasih, "katanya pelan.
Sekarang saya ingin mengubah topik. "Bagaimana toko, Ayah?"
"Itu sama, benar-benar. Sudah lambat.
"Aku mengangguk. "Mungkin Anda harus mulai menjual porno dan rokok."
Dia memutar matanya. "Jared telah ingin aku melakukan itu karena dia memukul pubertas."
Aku mengangkat bahu. "Ini akan bekerja. Aku tellin 'ya.
"" Kamu akan menjadi satu-satunya pelanggan saya, "katanya sambil
tertawa." Beberapa bisnis yang lebih baik daripada tidak ada bisnis, "kata saya.
Ayah saya melihat Elisa. "Keluar selagi bisa."
Dia tertawa.
Ayah saya menunjuk dia. "Dia penjaga."
Aku mencium pipinya. "Aku tahu dia."
Dia menatapku dengan pipi memerah.
Pelayan datang dan mengambil pesanan kami. Kami berbicara tentang pernikahan Sadie untuk waktu yang lama.
"Apakah dia memutuskan untuk mengundang ibunya?" Tanya ayahku.
"Saya tidak tahu."
"Yah, dia seharusnya."
"Ini hari nya, Dad. Dia bisa mengundang siapa pun yang dia inginkan.
"" Ini ibunya,
"tegasnya." Apa pentingnya itu? Dia melepas tanpa melihat ke belakang. Saya tidak ingin dia ada baik.
"Dia menghela napas. "Hal terakhir yang saya inginkan adalah untuk anak-anak saya untuk membenci ibu mereka."
"Kami tidak membencinya," aku mengoreksi. "Kami hanya tidak merawatnya. Saya tidak melihatnya dalam tujuh tahun. Dia belum datang mengunjungi kami sekali. Bahkan jika kita melakukan mengundangnya ke pesta pernikahan, dia mungkin tidak akan datang pula.
"" Itu selalu menyenangkan untuk diajak.
"" Ayah, aku benar-benar tidak berpikir dia akan berubah pikiran. Ethan adalah persuasif tapi dia tidak seorang penyihir.
"Dia menghela napas. "Itu membuat saya sangat sedih."
"Biarkan saja."
"Jadi dia belum mengambil tanggal belum? Sebuah tempat?
"" Tidak. Mereka mungkin akan hanya melakukannya di balai kota.
"" Kenapa?
"" Yah, mereka tidak punya uang untuk sesuatu yang besar.
"" Apakah tidak bekerja Ethan dengan Anda?
"" Ya, tapi-dia punya pinjaman mahasiswa. "Saya tidak ingin mengungkapkan bahwa ia merawat Elisa. Saya berasumsi dia tidak ingin dia tahu.
Pelayan membawa makanan kita dan kita mulai makan dengan tenang. Elisa makan seperti seorang dewi. Dia memiliki anugerah yang sempurna dan ketenangan.
Ayah saya melihat Elisa. "Saya akan senang untuk bertemu anak-anak Anda. Mereka selalu menyambut di rumah saya jika Anda pernah ingin untuk datang berkunjung. Atau hanya perlu babysitter sehingga Anda dapat memiliki malam off.
"" Terima kasih. Itu sangat manis.
"Aku tersenyum ayah saya. Saya menghargai semua dukungan dia memberi saya. Dia tahu aku benar-benar menyukai Elisa. Saya tidak pernah memperkenalkannya kepada seorang gadis sebelum jadi dia tahu aku serius tentang dia. Ketika kami selesai, saya membayar tagihan kemudian kami meninggalkan restoran. Kami mengucapkan salam perpisahan di tepi jalan.
"Itu bagus untuk bertemu dengan Anda," ayahku sambil memeluk Elisa. "Jangan menjadi orang asing."
"Terima kasih," katanya sambil tersenyum.
Aku memeluk ayah saya berikutnya.
"Good job," katanya sambil menepuk punggung saya.
"Terima kasih." Aku tahu apa yang dimaksudkannya. "Saya akan lihat nanti."
Kami berjalan ke taksi kemudian melaju kembali ke townhouse di jalan. Elisa tenang pada drive.
"Itu tidak terlalu buruk, kan?" Saya bertanya.
"Dia sangat manis," katanya sambil tersenyum.
"Ya. Ayah saya adalah badass.
"Dia tertawa. "Yah, saya tidak akan mengatakan itu."
"Dia pria yang keren. Saya suka dia banyak. "" Aku menyukainya juga. "" Dan aku tahu dia menyukai Anda-banyak. "" Sepertinya begitu, "katanya pelan." Apa yang mengganggumu? "Aku bertanya terang-terangan." Tidak ada yang , "katanya cepat. "Aku menyukai ayahmu. Dia itu lucu. "Aku menatapnya sejenak kemudian menjatuhkan percakapan. Mungkin dia masih gugup setelah pertemuan. Saya pikir itu berjalan dengan baik. Ayah saya mencintainya dan dia menyukainya. Dia bahkan ingin bertemu anak-anaknya. Jika itu bukan deklarasi persetujuannya, maka saya tidak tahu apa itu. Ketika kami tiba di rumah, anak-anak sudah tidur. "Hei," kataku sambil meletakkan mantel di rak. "Hei," kata Sadie. "Bagaimana?" "Ia pergi besar," kataku. "Ayah mencintainya." Ethan melihat Elisa. "Memiliki waktu yang baik?" "Ya," katanya. Kami duduk di sofa dan saya menariknya dekat dengan saya. "Apakah dia bertanya tentang Mom?" Tanya Sadie. "Ya," jawab saya. "Dia pikir Anda masih harus mengundang dia." "Tidak," katanya. Ethan mengangkat bahu. "Aku mencoba." "Dia tidak ingin kita untuk membencinya," aku menambahkan. "Saya tidak membencinya," kata Sadie. "Aku hanya tidak menyukainya." Aku tertawa. "Saya mengatakan hal yang sama." Sadie tampak Elisa. "Apakah ayahku manis untuk Anda?" "Dia sangat baik padaku," jawabnya. "Dia ingin bertemu dengan Anda untuk sementara waktu," kata Sadie. "Oh?" Kata Elisa. "Ya. Kau gadis pertama Jared telah membawa sekitar. "Dia menatapku sejenak. "Saya tidak tahu itu." Aku bertemu tatapannya. "Memang benar." Aku mencium dahi kemudian pipi. "Aku agak terobsesi dengan Anda, benar-benar." Dia mengatakan apa-apa. "Baby, mari kita pergi ke tempat tidur," kata Ethan sambil menjemputnya. "Itu tiba-tiba," Sadie sambil mengangkat tubuhnya. "Nah, Aku lelah, "katanya sambil membawanya menyusuri lorong. Koku muncul dari dapur dan mengikuti di belakang mereka. Aku mengusap hidung saya terhadap Elisa. "Siap untuk tidur, Ellie?" Dia mengangguk.

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