ugust 19, 2015
Acheh: Victims of Armed Conflict Pressure Indonesia for Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Achenese victims of the 1976-2005 conflict that took 12,000 lives are pushing the Indonesian Government to set up a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, guaranteed in the peace agreement signed in Helsinki in 2005. One decade later, many Ache are still searching for the disappeared and the feeling of injustice is widespread. Considered as a fundamental step in conflict reconciliation, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission would “unearth what truly happened in Aceh” and to “educate future generations”. Despite growing pressure, the Indonesian Constitutional Court has annulled the law that would establish the Commission.
Below is an article published by Channels News Asia
BANDA ACEH, Indonesia: Victims of the armed conflict in the Indonesian province of Aceh are demanding an explanation for the violence and killings that plagued the region for three decades from 1976.
They have pressed authorities to set up the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, as promised in the peace agreement signed by the Free Aceh Movement and the Indonesian government in Helsinki ten years ago.
An estimated 12,000 people were killed during the bloody struggle that ended in August 2005.
Acehnese women are among many looking for answers. Many of them lost their husbands, children or family members, with some going missing and others killed.
“I am keen to know why an innocent person was shot at,” says Madam Nurfanidar, whose husband was shot dead in front of her. “I don’t know the answer 'til today.”
Some of the women have been seeking closure for more than five years.
“Eventually I found my husband at the hospital mortuary. I asked whether there was such a person. I checked the register and found my husband’s name, Jamaludin," said Madam Husni, the wife of a victim.
“His photo matched with the one taken of the body. I confirmed it was my husband. That was three months after he was abducted.”
Thirteen years later, she still does not know why her husband was abducted, and killed.
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which promised to provide answers as part of the peace agreement, has yet to be set up.
“From the onset we’ve been in consultation with the central government. But we’ve been told countless times by the central government that the national law on Truth and Reconciliation Commission has been annulled by the Constitutional Court. ” said Abdullah Salleh, Chairman of the Aceh Parliamentary Commission.
However, because the province enjoys special autonomy status, he said he believes there is a way out of the current legal impasse.
“We can possibly continue to push for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Aceh if there's also political will from the central government,” he said.
“It should not be viewed as a process of establishing who is wrong; who is right,” said Hendra Saputra, the Coordinator of KontasAceh, the Aceh Commission for the Disappearances and Victims of Violence.
“But it is a process to unearth what truly happened in Aceh. It is an education for our future generation.”
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Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
ugust 19, 2015Acheh: Korban konflik bersenjata tekanan Indonesia untuk komisi kebenaran dan rekonsiliasiAchenese korban konflik 1976-2005 yang mengambil nyawa 12.000 mendorong pemerintah Indonesia untuk membentuk komisi kebenaran dan rekonsiliasi, dijamin dalam Perjanjian damai ditandatangani di Helsinki tahun 2005. Satu dekade kemudian, banyak sakit yang masih mencari penghilangan paksa dan rasa ketidakadilan luas. Dianggap sebagai langkah fundamental dalam konflik rekonsiliasi, kebenaran dan rekonsiliasi akan "menggali apa yang benar-benar terjadi di Aceh" dan untuk "mendidik generasi masa depan". Meskipun tumbuh tekanan, Mahkamah Konstitusi Indonesia telah dibatalkan hukum yang akan mendirikan Komisi. Di bawah ini adalah sebuah artikel yang diterbitkan oleh saluran berita AsiaBANDA ACEH, Indonesia: Korban konflik bersenjata di Provinsi Aceh Indonesia menuntut penjelasan untuk kekerasan dan pembunuhan yang melanda wilayah selama tiga dekade sejak 1976.Mereka telah menekan pemerintah untuk membentuk komisi kebenaran dan rekonsiliasi, seperti yang dijanjikan dalam Perjanjian damai yang ditandatangani oleh gerakan Aceh Merdeka dan pemerintah Indonesia di Helsinki sepuluh tahun yang lalu.Sekitar 12.000 orang tewas selama perjuangan berdarah yang berakhir pada bulan Agustus 2005.Perempuan Aceh adalah di antara banyak mencari jawaban. Banyak dari mereka kehilangan suami, anak-anak atau anggota keluarga, dengan beberapa akan hilang dan orang lain tewas.“I am keen to know why an innocent person was shot at,” says Madam Nurfanidar, whose husband was shot dead in front of her. “I don’t know the answer 'til today.”Some of the women have been seeking closure for more than five years.“Eventually I found my husband at the hospital mortuary. I asked whether there was such a person. I checked the register and found my husband’s name, Jamaludin," said Madam Husni, the wife of a victim.“His photo matched with the one taken of the body. I confirmed it was my husband. That was three months after he was abducted.”Thirteen years later, she still does not know why her husband was abducted, and killed.The Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which promised to provide answers as part of the peace agreement, has yet to be set up.“From the onset we’ve been in consultation with the central government. But we’ve been told countless times by the central government that the national law on Truth and Reconciliation Commission has been annulled by the Constitutional Court. ” said Abdullah Salleh, Chairman of the Aceh Parliamentary Commission.However, because the province enjoys special autonomy status, he said he believes there is a way out of the current legal impasse.“We can possibly continue to push for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Aceh if there's also political will from the central government,” he said."Itu tidak boleh dilihat sebagai suatu proses pembentukan siapa salah; Siapa benar,"kata Hendra Saputra, Koordinator KontasAceh, Aceh komisi untuk orang hilang dan korban kekerasan."Tapi sebuah proses untuk menggali apa yang benar-benar terjadi di Aceh. Itu adalah sebuah pendidikan untuk generasi masa depan kita."Daftar ke newsletter kami
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