#1428: In several pictures years dark green For a long time, the Meng  terjemahan - #1428: In several pictures years dark green For a long time, the Meng  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

#1428: In several pictures years da

#1428: In several pictures years dark green

For a long time, the Meng Hao body shakes, in the eye reveals the Pure Brightness, his breath shortness, withdraws several steps, looks at the mural, heart flood the rough seas.
„Heaven's Crown” Meng Hao muttered, may have more questions, reappeared when heart, after thinking moment, he gained ground the fine glow dodged, took a step to leave this stone chamber once more, continued following the channel.
In Meng Hao in this channel speeds away, at this moment on that to the bridge of first mainland, forms rapidly is departing, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) distance, if Meng Hao, bringing cultivator of these boundless factions to pass through these ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) scopes, the time will not be long, and in security, can achieve well.
But now, along with his disappearance, this group of talented people realized truly taking a step of these ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) scopes were difficult, went out of 5000 zhang (3.33 m) merely, died several people.
But the loss of that several nine source Paragon, is equally serious, their clone collapsed, everyone is quite distressed, 5000 zhang (3.33 m) after this, each of them has put out the complete method, even did not hesitate to use consumption life trump card.
Then reluctantly passed these 10,000 zhang (3.33 m), but the person of die, many three.
This is because of Headmaster Paragon with another two nine source peak full act, otherwise, the death will be more, and these three nine source peak, look pale at this moment.
Although nobody said anything directly, many of more and more but that Anger as well as dissatisfaction, accumulated, Meng Hao, with not, this striking contrast, causes many people including Headmaster Paragon, regarding that two nine source peak as well as sixth eighth Paragon, already anger.
Silent, until going out of this bridge, has stepped into this mainland, the complexion of people are as before cloudy.
„A difference, the old man is not willing to travel together with your four people.” Headmaster old man silent moment, looks at present this mainland, to open mouth, the big sleeve flings slowly, stand forth. Other Paragon indifferently look at sixth eighth Paragon, coldly snorted, follows Headmaster.
„Might as well, this first mainland. Has the Transcendence stage that all of us need, their directions also there, but this place besides the Transcendence stage, has the places of other good fortunes surely.”
„Such words, we then here disperse. Finally in that Transcendence stage set.” The gold robe youth shows a faint smile, the right hand lifts wields, two jade slip fly to sixth with eighth Paragon, turns around to go out.
That Shajiu Dong shook the head, takes a step to go far away, moves toward another direction.
Sixth looked with the eighth Paragon two people, is leading the respective general's subordinates, speeds away to go far away.
At the same time, under of this mainland, there is a channel. This channel passes through the entire mainland, at this moment in the channel, Meng Hao is launching full speed, after several days dates, he appeared in the second stone chamber.
Just stepped into the stone chamber, Meng Hao looks immediately to all around, this place really also had the mural.
On the mural described, was one after another starry sky, was in that starry sky one has world innumerable stars, innumerable world. Innumerable all living things.
They from fresh to dying, the reincarnation circulation, as if the years also here the picture, display through a special way. Without any writing, made Meng Hao understand, here in the picture described, was the time in inexhaustible passing.
But that is called the Heaven's Crown form, his body also slowly presented the light, this is only getting more and more intense. When to finally, has covered his whole body, unexpectedly started the dissipation.
Dissipates first, is his both legs, is the stature, the head, until his entire form, except for holding the right hand of endless starry sky, was all diverging.
But this right hand, in this moment, diverged the thumb and palm, only remaining four fingers, surrounded outside of this endless starry sky, gradually after all light these four fingers absorb, they no longer dissipate, but was born the vitality, passed on four wisps of special aura, this aura was indescribable that faint, as if when compared with that form exists, but also stronger fierce
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
#1428: di beberapa gambar tahun hijau gelap Untuk waktu yang lama, tubuh Meng Hao getar, di mata mengungkapkan kecerahan murni, sesak napas Nya, menarik beberapa langkah, memandang banjir jantung mural, laut kasar."Heaven Crown" bergumam Meng Hao, mungkin memiliki lebih banyak pertanyaan, muncul kembali ketika jantung, setelah berpikir saat, dia memperoleh tanah halus cahaya menghindar, mengambil langkah untuk meninggalkan ruangan batu ini sekali lagi, terus mengikuti jalur.Dalam Meng Hao dalam saluran ini kecepatan, pada saat itu untuk Jembatan pertama daratan, bentuk cepat adalah berangkat, sepuluh ribu zhang (3,33 m) jarak, jika Meng Hao, membawa beralih faksi ini terbatas untuk melewati ini sepuluh ribu zhang (3,33 m) scopes, akan waktu tidak akan lama, dan dalam keamanan, dapat mencapai baik.Tapi sekarang, dengan kematiannya, grup ini dari orang-orang berbakat menyadari benar-benar mengambil langkah ini sepuluh ribu zhang (3,33 m) cakupan yang sulit, keluar dari 5000 zhang (3,33 m) hanya, mati beberapa orang.Tapi hilangnya sembilan bahwa beberapa sumber Paragon, sama-sama serius, mereka klon runtuh, semua orang cukup tertekan, 5000 zhang (3,33 m) setelah ini, masing-masing telah menempatkan out metode lengkap, bahkan tidak ragu untuk menggunakan kartu truf hidup konsumsi.Kemudian enggan mengesahkan zhang ini 10.000 (3,33 m), tetapi orang mati, banyak tiga.Hal ini karena Paragon kepala sekolah dengan dua sembilan sumber tindakan penuh puncak, sebaliknya, kematian akan lebih, dan ini tiga sembilan sumber puncak, terlihat pucat pada saat ini.Meskipun tidak ada yang mengatakan sesuatu secara langsung, banyak lebih dan lebih tetapi bahwa kemarahan serta ketidakpuasan, akumulasi, Meng Hao, dengan tidak, ini Kontras mencolok, menyebabkan banyak orang, termasuk kepala sekolah Paragon, mengenai bahwa dua sembilan sumber puncak serta keenam kedelapan Paragon, sudah kemarahan.Diam, sampai pergi dari Jembatan ini, telah melangkah ke daratan ini, kulit orang-orang yang seperti sebelumnya berawan."Perbedaan, orang tua tidak bersedia untuk melakukan perjalanan bersama dengan Anda empat orang." Kepala sekolah tua manusia saat diam, terlihat saat ini daratan, untuk membuka mulut, lengan besar gebetan perlahan-lahan, berdiri keluar. Paragon lain acuh tak acuh melihat Paragon kedelapan keenam, dingin mendengus, mengikuti kepala sekolah."Mungkin juga, daratan pertama ini. Memiliki tahap transendensi bahwa kita semua perlu, arah mereka juga ada, tapi tempat ini selain tahap transendensi, memiliki tempat-tempat lain nasib baik pasti.""Kata-kata seperti itu, kita kemudian sini membubarkan. Akhirnya dalam bercinta panggung set." Pemuda emas jubah menunjukkan senyum yang lemah, Lift kanan wields, dua jade slip terbang ke keenam dengan kedelapan Paragon, berbalik untuk pergi keluar.Bahwa Shajiu Dong menggelengkan kepala, mengambil langkah untuk pergi jauh, bergerak menuju arah lain.Keenam tampak dengan Paragon kedelapan dua orang, memimpin bawahan Jenderal masing-masing, kecepatan kaki untuk pergi jauh.At the same time, under of this mainland, there is a channel. This channel passes through the entire mainland, at this moment in the channel, Meng Hao is launching full speed, after several days dates, he appeared in the second stone chamber.Just stepped into the stone chamber, Meng Hao looks immediately to all around, this place really also had the mural.On the mural described, was one after another starry sky, was in that starry sky one has world innumerable stars, innumerable world. Innumerable all living things.They from fresh to dying, the reincarnation circulation, as if the years also here the picture, display through a special way. Without any writing, made Meng Hao understand, here in the picture described, was the time in inexhaustible passing.But that is called the Heaven's Crown form, his body also slowly presented the light, this is only getting more and more intense. When to finally, has covered his whole body, unexpectedly started the dissipation.Dissipates first, is his both legs, is the stature, the head, until his entire form, except for holding the right hand of endless starry sky, was all diverging.But this right hand, in this moment, diverged the thumb and palm, only remaining four fingers, surrounded outside of this endless starry sky, gradually after all light these four fingers absorb, they no longer dissipate, but was born the vitality, passed on four wisps of special aura, this aura was indescribable that faint, as if when compared with that form exists, but also stronger fierce
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