After a brief stop at the bank, Mason pulls into a gas station on the  terjemahan - After a brief stop at the bank, Mason pulls into a gas station on the  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

After a brief stop at the bank, Mas

After a brief stop at the bank, Mason pulls into a gas station on the edge of town.
“You want anything from inside?” he asks. “I don’t plan on stopping anywhere for a while after this.”
I crinkle my nose. “Not even for breakfast?”
He jerks his thumb in the direction of the convenience store. “You can have anything you want from inside,” he says.
I start to pout, then remember my promise not to whine. I can’t very well break that promise before we’ve even left the Fairhope city limits. “Just get me a bottle of water and a granola bar or something that doesn’t look too gross.”
I’m already getting the feeling this trip is going to kill my diet, which is already a daily struggle.
Oh well, maybe I’ll learn to actually enjoy food again. Isn’t that supposed to be one of the perks of being pregnant? Eating whatever you want and not worrying about your weight?
Too many comments from my mother about my weight growing up killed my joy for eating. I couldn’t put a cracker in my mouth without her yelling at me about how many carbs it had and how it would just end up on my ass a few minutes later.
Mason fills the tank, then disappears into the store.
I take out my cell phone and compose one quick email to my brother.

You’re going to think I’m nuts, but Mason and I have run away together. No, not to get married or anything, ha! Just to have some fun and get away for a while. I haven’t told him about the baby, so please keep it just between us. I need to find out for myself whether there really is something more between us. I promise I’ll be safe. Don’t miss me too much. Love, Penny.

I hit send just as Mason opens the door of the truck. He’s got a bag of chips hanging from his teeth and his hands are full of junk food.
I laugh and grab the chips. “What did you do?” I tease. “I thought we were supposed to be on a budget.”
“We can’t start a road trip without munchies,” he says with a laugh. His eyes are shiny and happy and I can’t remember the last time he seemed so light.
He dumps everything onto the seat between us. Energy drinks. Nuts. Water. Candy. “Take anything you want,” he says. “But leave me the Junior Mints, I love those things. Oh, and one more thing.”
Before I can stop him, he snatches my phone from my hand.
“Radio silence from here on out,” he says. He pulls the back case off and fishes out the sim card inside. He holds it up, then ceremoniously tosses it out the window.
I lean over, watching it fall to the pavement. “Hey, what if I need to make an emergency call?”
“You may have told your parents not to come after you, but that thing is like easy tracking 101,” he says. “It takes some of the adventure out of this thing. Besides, if there’s an emergency, the phone will still work to call 911.”
I sit back, feeling more nervous by the second. There’s that last flash of panic, knowing this is really it. I’ve never done anything like this in my life.
“What about your phone, then?”
He lifts an eyebrow at me, then lifts up and pulls his cell out of his back pocket. He hands it to me with a half smile. “You want to do the honors?”
I press my lips tight, trying not to smile back, but I’m kind of glad he’s letting me do this. It takes me a second, but I finally get the back cover off and find the sim card. I bite my lip and meet his eyes, then throw it past him through the window.
As we drive off, two lonely little sim cards litter the pavement at the Solo on Highway 64 on the way out of Fairhope. To me, they serve as proof of a commitment the two us just made to each other.
I turn to him as we approach the county line. “It’s just you and me now,” I say, which isn’t exactly true.
“You ready for this?” he asks.
“Are you kidding? I’ve been waiting for this my whole life.”
With that, I roll down the window on my side of the truck and stick my head and both arms out into the rushing wind, watching the Fairhope sign as we blow right past.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Setelah singgah di bank, Mason menarik ke sebuah pompa bensin di pinggir kota."Anda ingin apa-apa dari dalam?" Dia bertanya. "Saya tidak berencana berhenti di mana saja untuk sementara setelah ini."Saya crinkle hidung saya. "Bahkan tidak untuk sarapan?"Ia tersentak ibu jari ke arah toko. "Anda dapat memiliki apa pun yang Anda inginkan dari dalam," katanya.Aku mulai cemberut, kemudian ingat saya berjanji untuk tidak merengek. Aku tidak bisa sangat baik memecahkan janji itu sebelum kita bahkan meninggalkan batas kota Fairhope. "Hanya mendapatkan saya sebotol air dan granola bar atau sesuatu yang tidak tampak terlalu kotor."Saya sudah mendapatkan perasaan perjalanan ini akan membunuh diet saya, yang sudah perjuangan sehari-hari.Oh well, mungkin aku akan belajar untuk benar-benar menikmati makanan lagi. Bukan yang seharusnya menjadi salah satu keistimewaan sedang hamil? Makan apa pun yang Anda inginkan dan tidak khawatir tentang berat badan Anda?Terlalu banyak komentar dari ibuku tentang berat badan saya tumbuh membunuh kegembiraan saya untuk makan. Aku tidak bisa meletakkan seorang cracker dalam mulutku tanpa berteriak padaku tentang berapa banyak karbohidrat itu dan bagaimana hal itu hanya akan berakhir pada pantat saya beberapa menit kemudian.Mason mengisi tangki, kemudian menghilang ke toko.Aku mengeluarkan ponsel saya dan menulis satu cepat email ke saudara saya.You’re going to think I’m nuts, but Mason and I have run away together. No, not to get married or anything, ha! Just to have some fun and get away for a while. I haven’t told him about the baby, so please keep it just between us. I need to find out for myself whether there really is something more between us. I promise I’ll be safe. Don’t miss me too much. Love, Penny.I hit send just as Mason opens the door of the truck. He’s got a bag of chips hanging from his teeth and his hands are full of junk food.I laugh and grab the chips. “What did you do?” I tease. “I thought we were supposed to be on a budget.”“We can’t start a road trip without munchies,” he says with a laugh. His eyes are shiny and happy and I can’t remember the last time he seemed so light.He dumps everything onto the seat between us. Energy drinks. Nuts. Water. Candy. “Take anything you want,” he says. “But leave me the Junior Mints, I love those things. Oh, and one more thing.”Before I can stop him, he snatches my phone from my hand.“Radio silence from here on out,” he says. He pulls the back case off and fishes out the sim card inside. He holds it up, then ceremoniously tosses it out the window.I lean over, watching it fall to the pavement. “Hey, what if I need to make an emergency call?”“You may have told your parents not to come after you, but that thing is like easy tracking 101,” he says. “It takes some of the adventure out of this thing. Besides, if there’s an emergency, the phone will still work to call 911.”I sit back, feeling more nervous by the second. There’s that last flash of panic, knowing this is really it. I’ve never done anything like this in my life.“What about your phone, then?”He lifts an eyebrow at me, then lifts up and pulls his cell out of his back pocket. He hands it to me with a half smile. “You want to do the honors?”I press my lips tight, trying not to smile back, but I’m kind of glad he’s letting me do this. It takes me a second, but I finally get the back cover off and find the sim card. I bite my lip and meet his eyes, then throw it past him through the window.As we drive off, two lonely little sim cards litter the pavement at the Solo on Highway 64 on the way out of Fairhope. To me, they serve as proof of a commitment the two us just made to each other.I turn to him as we approach the county line. “It’s just you and me now,” I say, which isn’t exactly true.“You ready for this?” he asks.“Are you kidding? I’ve been waiting for this my whole life.”With that, I roll down the window on my side of the truck and stick my head and both arms out into the rushing wind, watching the Fairhope sign as we blow right past.
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