„You talked non­sense!” Duke Zhong stands, sound gloomy un­cer­tain fi terjemahan - „You talked non­sense!” Duke Zhong stands, sound gloomy un­cer­tain fi Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„You talked non­sense!” Duke Zhong

„You talked non­sense!” Duke Zhong stands, sound gloomy un­cer­tain fierce said: „Yun Cang­hai hun­dred years ago is buried, the Demon Em­peror im­pe­r­ial seal also there­fore wan­dered about des­ti­tute you not born at that time by far, how also pos­si­bly to hand over in your hand! More­over place that the Demon Em­peror im­pe­r­ial seal wan­ders about des­ti­tute, is re­mote Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent, you how to ob­tain how to your hand in his.”
The Demon Em­peror im­pe­r­ial seal re­turns, should be the im­por­tant mat­ter of Il­lu­sory Demon Realm world­wide cel­e­bra­tion, but this Duke Zhong sound, how lis­tens is breath­less, Yun Che lets some­body cool off or calm down smiles, the arm re­tracts, at a mod­er­ate pace took back in the Demon Em­peror im­pe­r­ial seal Sky Poi­son Pearl.
To other peo­ple, it is the Demon Em­peror im­pe­r­ial seal, but to Yun Che, it is a grand­fa­ther hun­dred years of faith, hun­dred years of pain, has the im­mor­tal loy­alty
Looks that Yun Che re­ceived this Demon Em­peror im­pe­r­ial seal un­ex­pect­edly splen­didly, the peo­ple look at each other in blank dia­may, the He­lian Kuang com­plex­ion changes, fi­nally caught the ex­tremely good ex­cuse of rep­ri­mand­ing, ex­tends refers to loudly ex­claims: „Yun Che! Your big courage, does not re­turn Lit­tle Demon Em­press the Demon Em­peror im­pe­r­ial seal un­ex­pect­edly, in­stead re­ceives your Yun Fam­ily is wants pri­vate to oc­cupy the Demon Em­peror im­pe­r­ial seal!”
The west­ern seats peo­ple, change the Demon Em­peror im­pe­r­ial seal book in­clud­ing the Yun Fam­ily per­son com­plex­ion are the thing of Demon Em­peror clan, it re­gard­ing a Demon Em­peror clan, the en­tire Il­lu­sory Demon Realm sig­nif­i­cance world all knows. He does not put out, oth­ers do not know for­tu­nately, since he has put out the Demon Em­peror im­pe­r­ial seal, is work­ing as Lit­tle Demon Em­press, is in front of world out­stand­ing he­roes to put out, ac­tu­ally not only has not as­sumed it im­me­di­ately to Lit­tle Demon Em­press, in­stead re­ceived, this with­out doubt is the ex­tremely im­proper be­hav­ior.
Fac­ing the change of rep­ri­mand­ing and peo­ple vi­sion of He­lian Kuang, Yun Che re­mains un­moved slightly, his ex­pres­sion stiff [say / way]: „You do not want to know why this wan­ders about des­ti­tute in the Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent Demon Em­peror im­pe­r­ial seal in my hand! I tell you now an­swer”
Yun Che with­draws one step, the sound falls, flashes along with the Sky Poi­son Pearl ray, a crys­tal sar­coph­a­gus of trans­parency ap­peared in his front, in the crys­tal sar­coph­a­gus, lay down a hair to be gray, whole body was messy and dirty, fa­cial fea­tures with­ered ugly Li old per­son.
„” Yun Qing­hong whole body one tight, the chest is fluc­tu­at­ing fiercely. Mu Yurou has also stood, they have not spo­ken, has not wanted to pre­vent Yun Che any achieve­ment, she and Yun Qing­hong to­gether, silently sees the old per­son in Cof­fin of Eter­nity.
Thin, the face is with­ered, the hair, beard and brow are dis­or­derly, seem, such as a fierce fear­ful evil spirit. On peo­ple sev­eral eyes, then have only had the un­com­fort­able feel­ing, com­pletely does not un­der­stand why Yun Che will ex­hibit a ugly dry old per­son corpse sud­denly, but, in Yun Fam­ily, in Guardian Clan, some peo­ple have stood grad­u­ally un­ceas­ingly, their eyes stare is get­ting big­ger and big­ger, some lips fierce is trem­bling
Be­cause, from this old per­son's body, they caught one in­dis­tinct fa­mil­iar out­line also one type deep, touch­ing that the spirit thought!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
"Anda berbicara omong kosong!" Duke Zhong berdiri, suara suram pasti sengit berkata: "Yun Canghai ratus tahun yang lalu dimakamkan, segel Kekaisaran setan Kaisar juga karena itu berjalan tentang miskin Anda tidak Lahir pada waktu itu jauh, bagaimana juga mungkin untuk tangan atas di tangan Anda! Selain itu tempat bahwa setan Kaisar segel Kekaisaran mengembara tentang melarat, remote mendalam Sky benua, Anda cara mendapatkan bagaimana tangan Anda dalam nya. "Segel Kekaisaran setan Kaisar kembali, harus menjadi masalah penting perayaan di seluruh dunia ilusi dunia setan, tapi ini suara Duke Zhong, bagaimana mendengarkan terengah-engah, Yun Che memungkinkan seseorang mendinginkan atau menenangkan tersenyum, lengan memendek, di moderat kecepatan mengambil kembali di segel Kekaisaran setan Kaisar langit racun Pearl.Untuk orang lain, itu segel Kekaisaran Kaisar setan, tetapi Yun Che, itu adalah seorang kakek seratus tahun iman, seratus tahun nyeri, memiliki loyalitas abadiLooks that Yun Che re­ceived this Demon Em­peror im­pe­r­ial seal un­ex­pect­edly splen­didly, the peo­ple look at each other in blank dia­may, the He­lian Kuang com­plex­ion changes, fi­nally caught the ex­tremely good ex­cuse of rep­ri­mand­ing, ex­tends refers to loudly ex­claims: „Yun Che! Your big courage, does not re­turn Lit­tle Demon Em­press the Demon Em­peror im­pe­r­ial seal un­ex­pect­edly, in­stead re­ceives your Yun Fam­ily is wants pri­vate to oc­cupy the Demon Em­peror im­pe­r­ial seal!”The west­ern seats peo­ple, change the Demon Em­peror im­pe­r­ial seal book in­clud­ing the Yun Fam­ily per­son com­plex­ion are the thing of Demon Em­peror clan, it re­gard­ing a Demon Em­peror clan, the en­tire Il­lu­sory Demon Realm sig­nif­i­cance world all knows. He does not put out, oth­ers do not know for­tu­nately, since he has put out the Demon Em­peror im­pe­r­ial seal, is work­ing as Lit­tle Demon Em­press, is in front of world out­stand­ing he­roes to put out, ac­tu­ally not only has not as­sumed it im­me­di­ately to Lit­tle Demon Em­press, in­stead re­ceived, this with­out doubt is the ex­tremely im­proper be­hav­ior.Fac­ing the change of rep­ri­mand­ing and peo­ple vi­sion of He­lian Kuang, Yun Che re­mains un­moved slightly, his ex­pres­sion stiff [say / way]: „You do not want to know why this wan­ders about des­ti­tute in the Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent Demon Em­peror im­pe­r­ial seal in my hand! I tell you now an­swer”Yun Che with­draws one step, the sound falls, flashes along with the Sky Poi­son Pearl ray, a crys­tal sar­coph­a­gus of trans­parency ap­peared in his front, in the crys­tal sar­coph­a­gus, lay down a hair to be gray, whole body was messy and dirty, fa­cial fea­tures with­ered ugly Li old per­son.„” Yun Qing­hong whole body one tight, the chest is fluc­tu­at­ing fiercely. Mu Yurou has also stood, they have not spo­ken, has not wanted to pre­vent Yun Che any achieve­ment, she and Yun Qing­hong to­gether, silently sees the old per­son in Cof­fin of Eter­nity.Thin, the face is with­ered, the hair, beard and brow are dis­or­derly, seem, such as a fierce fear­ful evil spirit. On peo­ple sev­eral eyes, then have only had the un­com­fort­able feel­ing, com­pletely does not un­der­stand why Yun Che will ex­hibit a ugly dry old per­son corpse sud­denly, but, in Yun Fam­ily, in Guardian Clan, some peo­ple have stood grad­u­ally un­ceas­ingly, their eyes stare is get­ting big­ger and big­ger, some lips fierce is trem­blingBe­cause, from this old per­son's body, they caught one in­dis­tinct fa­mil­iar out­line also one type deep, touch­ing that the spirit thought!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Kau bicara omong kosong!" Duke Zhong berdiri, suara suram sengit pasti mengatakan: "Yun Canghai ratus tahun yang lalu dimakamkan, Demon Kaisar segel kekaisaran juga karena berkeliaran miskin Anda tidak dilahirkan pada waktu itu sejauh ini, bagaimana juga mungkin untuk menyerahkan di tanganmu! Selain itu tempat yang Demon Kaisar segel kekaisaran mengembara miskin, terpencil Mendalam Sky Benua, Anda bagaimana untuk mendapatkan cara tangan Anda dalam bukunya. "
The Demon Emperor segel kekaisaran kembali, harus menjadi hal yang penting dari perayaan Ilusi Siluman Realm seluruh dunia, tapi suara Duke Zhong ini, bagaimana mendengarkan terengah-engah, Yun Che memungkinkan seseorang dingin atau tenang senyum, yang memendek lengan, pada kecepatan yang moderat mengambil kembali Demon Kaisar kekaisaran segel Sky Poison Pearl.
Untuk orang lain, itu adalah Demon Emperor segel kekaisaran, tetapi untuk Yun Che, itu adalah kakek seratus tahun iman, seratus tahun sakit, memiliki loyalitas abadi
tampak bahwa Yun Che menerima Siluman Kaisar segel kekaisaran ini tiba-tiba baik sekali, orang-orang melihat satu sama lain dalam diamay kosong, perubahan kulit Helian Kuang, akhirnya tertangkap alasan yang sangat baik dari menegur, meluas mengacu keras berseru: "Yun Che! Keberanian besar Anda, tidak kembali sedikit Siluman Empress Demon Kaisar segel kekaisaran tiba-tiba, bukannya menerima Anda Yun Keluarga adalah ingin swasta untuk menempati Demon Kaisar segel kekaisaran! "
Kursi orang barat, mengubah Demon Kaisar buku segel kekaisaran termasuk keluarga Yun orang kulit adalah hal Demon Emperor klan, itu mengenai klan Siluman Kaisar, seluruh Ilusi Siluman dunia Realm signifikansi semua tahu. Dia tidak dipadamkan, orang lain tidak tahu untungnya, karena ia telah menempatkan Demon Kaisar segel kekaisaran, bekerja dengan Little Siluman Ratu, di depan pahlawan yang luar biasa di dunia untuk memadamkan, sebenarnya tidak hanya belum diasumsikan itu segera . sedikit Iblis Empress, bukan menerima, ini tanpa diragukan lagi adalah perilaku yang sangat tidak tepat
Menghadapi perubahan menegur dan visi masyarakat Helian Kuang, Yun Che tetap bergeming sedikit, kaku ekspresinya [mengatakan / cara]: "Anda tidak ingin tahu mengapa ini mengembara miskin di Mendalam Sky Benua Siluman Kaisar segel kekaisaran di tangan saya! Saya memberitahu Anda sekarang menjawab "
Yun Che menarik diri satu langkah, suara jatuh, berkedip bersama dengan Sky ray Poison Pearl, sarkofagus kristal transparansi muncul di depan rumahnya, di sarkofagus kristal, berbaring rambut menjadi abu-abu, seluruh tubuh berantakan dan kotor, fitur wajah layu jelek orang tua Li.
"" Yun Qinghong seluruh tubuh satu ketat, dada berfluktuasi sengit. Mu Yurou juga telah berdiri, mereka tidak berbicara, tidak ingin mencegah Yun Che setiap prestasi, ia dan Yun Qinghong bersama-sama, diam-diam melihat orang tua di Coffin of Eternity.
Tipis, wajah layu, rambut, jenggot dan alis adalah tertib, tampaknya, seperti roh jahat sengit menakutkan. Pada orang beberapa mata, maka hanya punya perasaan tidak nyaman, benar-benar tidak mengerti mengapa Yun Che akan menunjukkan jelek kering orang mayat tua tiba-tiba, namun, di Yun Keluarga, di The Guardian Clan, beberapa orang telah berdiri secara bertahap tanpa henti, mata mereka menatap semakin besar dan besar, beberapa bibir sengit gemetar
Karena, dari tubuh orang tua ini, mereka menangkap satu garis akrab tak jelas juga salah satu jenis yang mendalam, menyentuh bahwa roh pikir!
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