Resource buffers are early reminders to resources with tasks on theCri terjemahan - Resource buffers are early reminders to resources with tasks on theCri Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Resource buffers are early reminder

Resource buffers are early reminders to resources with tasks on the
Critical Chain that they must start their assigned tasks as soon as previous
tasks are complete. That is, an early finish on one task must be followed
by an early start on subsequent tasks unless resource contention
prevents it.
Note that this project plan has no milestones because they encourage
local optimization. Furthermore, because milestones are a commitment
to the project sponsor or client, they need their own completion buffers,
which could lengthen the project.
Projects managed according to Critical Chain are more likely to finish
on time, in part because their status is measured differently. A key measure
is the amount of the project buffer used relative to the amount of the
Critical Chain completed. For example, if the Critical Chain is 50 percent
complete and only 10 percent of the buffer has been used, the project
is in excellent shape. But if the Critical Chain is 50 percent complete
and 70 percent of the buffer has been used, the project is in danger of
consuming the entire buffer and thereby missing its due date.
In general, estimated project duration based on Critical Chain can be
up to 25 percent shorter than an equivalent traditional project.
However, a traditional project has a high probability of being late, while
a Critical Chain project has a high probability of being on time.
Therefore, the actual difference in duration can be even larger than this
difference in estimates.
Nevertheless, the committed due date in Critical Chain is always the
planned finish date at the end of the project buffer, not the finish of the
last task on the Critical Chain. This is a crucial distinction because the
probability that the last task on the Critical Chain will be completed on
time is no better than 50 percent. The probability that the entire project
will be completed by the end of the project buffer is better than 90 percent.
A central benefit of Critical Chain is thus to change project management
from push to pull: Rather than starting every task as early as possible
and pushing every task for on-time completion, Critical Chain starts
tasks at just the right time and lets buffer management pull the entire
project to on-time completion. Furthermore, better estimating, work
rules, and progress measurement optimize due-date performance while
minimizing project-wide work effort. In other words, the purpose of
Critical Chain is not just to create a better plan, but to change behavior
during project execution. Critical Chain projects are thus like a relay
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Resource buffers are early reminders to resources with tasks on theCritical Chain that they must start their assigned tasks as soon as previoustasks are complete. That is, an early finish on one task must be followedby an early start on subsequent tasks unless resource contentionprevents it.Note that this project plan has no milestones because they encouragelocal optimization. Furthermore, because milestones are a commitmentto the project sponsor or client, they need their own completion buffers,which could lengthen the project.Projects managed according to Critical Chain are more likely to finishon time, in part because their status is measured differently. A key measureis the amount of the project buffer used relative to the amount of theCritical Chain completed. For example, if the Critical Chain is 50 percentcomplete and only 10 percent of the buffer has been used, the projectis in excellent shape. But if the Critical Chain is 50 percent completeand 70 percent of the buffer has been used, the project is in danger ofconsuming the entire buffer and thereby missing its due date.In general, estimated project duration based on Critical Chain can beup to 25 percent shorter than an equivalent traditional project.However, a traditional project has a high probability of being late, whilea Critical Chain project has a high probability of being on time.Therefore, the actual difference in duration can be even larger than thisdifference in estimates.Nevertheless, the committed due date in Critical Chain is always theplanned finish date at the end of the project buffer, not the finish of thelast task on the Critical Chain. This is a crucial distinction because theprobability that the last task on the Critical Chain will be completed ontime is no better than 50 percent. The probability that the entire projectwill be completed by the end of the project buffer is better than 90 percent.A central benefit of Critical Chain is thus to change project managementfrom push to pull: Rather than starting every task as early as possibleand pushing every task for on-time completion, Critical Chain startstasks at just the right time and lets buffer management pull the entireproject to on-time completion. Furthermore, better estimating, workrules, and progress measurement optimize due-date performance whileminimizing project-wide work effort. In other words, the purpose ofCritical Chain is not just to create a better plan, but to change behaviorduring project execution. Critical Chain projects are thus like a relay
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sumber daya buffer adalah pengingat dini untuk sumber daya dengan tugas-tugas di
Rantai Kritis bahwa mereka harus memulai tugas mereka ditugaskan secepat sebelumnya
tugas yang lengkap. Artinya, selesai awal pada satu tugas harus diikuti
oleh lebih awal pada tugas-tugas berikutnya kecuali pertengkaran sumber daya
mencegah itu.
Perhatikan bahwa rencana proyek ini tidak memiliki tonggak karena mereka mendorong
optimasi lokal. Selanjutnya, karena tonggak yang komitmen
dengan sponsor proyek atau klien, mereka perlu buffer selesai mereka sendiri,
yang dapat memperpanjang proyek.
Proyek dikelola sesuai dengan Rantai Kritis lebih mungkin untuk menyelesaikan
tepat waktu, sebagian karena status mereka diukur berbeda. Sebuah ukuran kunci
adalah jumlah buffer proyek digunakan relatif terhadap jumlah
Rantai Kritis selesai. Sebagai contoh, jika Rantai Kritis adalah 50 persen
selesai dan hanya 10 persen dari buffer telah digunakan, proyek
dalam bentuk sangat baik. Tetapi jika Rantai Kritis adalah 50 persen selesai
dan 70 persen dari buffer telah digunakan, proyek ini dalam bahaya
mengkonsumsi seluruh buffer dan dengan demikian hilang tanggal jatuh tempo nya.
Secara umum, diperkirakan durasi proyek berdasarkan Rantai Kritis bisa
sampai 25 persen lebih pendek dari sebuah proyek tradisional setara.
Namun, proyek tradisional memiliki probabilitas tinggi terlambat, sementara
proyek Rantai Kritis memiliki probabilitas tinggi tepat waktu.
Oleh karena itu, perbedaan yang sebenarnya dalam durasi bisa lebih besar dari ini
perbedaan dalam perkiraan.
Namun demikian, tanggal jatuh tempo dilakukan di Rantai Kritis selalu
tanggal selesai direncanakan pada akhir buffer proyek, bukan akhir dari
tugas terakhir pada rantai Kritis. Ini adalah perbedaan penting karena
probabilitas bahwa tugas terakhir pada rantai Kritis akan selesai pada
waktu tidak lebih baik dari 50 persen. Probabilitas bahwa seluruh proyek
akan selesai pada akhir buffer proyek lebih baik dari 90 persen.
Manfaat utama dari Rantai Kritis demikian mengubah manajemen proyek
dari push untuk menarik: Daripada mulai setiap tugas sedini mungkin
dan mendorong setiap tugas untuk on-waktu penyelesaian, Rantai Kritis mulai
tugas pada waktu yang tepat dan memungkinkan manajemen buffer menarik seluruh
proyek untuk di-waktu penyelesaian. Selanjutnya, memperkirakan lebih baik, kerja
aturan, dan pengukuran kemajuan mengoptimalkan kinerja karena-date sementara
meminimalkan usaha kerja proyek-lebar. Dengan kata lain, tujuan dari
Rantai Kritis tidak hanya untuk membuat rencana yang lebih baik, tetapi untuk mengubah perilaku
selama pelaksanaan proyek. Proyek Rantai Kritis demikian seperti relay
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