Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Dear TantyThanks for the inputs and explanations. I tried to call but could not get through. I will try again later. Meanwhile, please be assured that we are not trying to stop the training. It is a good idea and very logical. We understand that impacts on your longer term planning. Participant NumbersMy main concern is the number of people involved in training. 74 people is too many for any training in my opinion. As an experienced trainer I think you would agree with me? The participants do not always stay engaged at that number - added to long training days I think you will find it really challenging. So are we agreed that we can split this into 2 training sessions in order to make the training more effective? The timing can be up to you guys. The one or two month was just an example (because of the pusas period). I know this is difficult with puasa coming. So let's see what is possible. I would prefer to pay more for an effective training than to attempt to train such a large group. Perhaps the BPBD can identify the best times and availability of staff. I know this might make them a bit upset if certain decisions have already been made - but please try and we will support as much as possible from here. Training scheduleAs you have been involved in this kind of training before have you found that participants have struggled with 13 hour days? If this is the wish of BPBD to have the long training days and they are aware of the commitment, then I am happy. Perhaps this can be monitored and reviewed during the first phase training? Feedback from participants etc? And maybe changed in the next training?? CostsIt is unusual to hold a live-in, full-board training in the city where all participants come from and this becomes something I need to justify. From a cost-benefit perspective I need to report to MC and USAID on why and live-in training is justified. I assume this step is taken due to the long hours of the training? If yes, then Djoni's question would be the first one asked "why not add extra day/s and reduce the board costs?". This is the obvious devils-advocate question and one I would ask myself when developing my justification. We need a good reason/s for this in case we are asked about it in the future. Resource personsI assume you have been liaising with Pak Kheriawan about the need for facilitators - we just wondered who the facilitators were. Perhaps that has not yet been determined by BNPB. Kesimpulannya, sebagian besar masalah tampaknya jelas bagi saya tapi saya tetap sangat prihatin tentang kami mendukung pelatihan bagi orang-orang 74. Saya tidak berpikir itu adalah praktek yang benar-benar terbaik. Anda dapat memberikan alternatif, dua-tahap proses. Jika Anda ingin saya untuk menelepon Kalaksa langsung untuk menjelaskan keprihatinan saya sangat senang untuk melakukannya - saya lakukan anot ingin membahayakan hubungan kita dengan BPBD di Sulawesi Tenggara.
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