Does Character Education Work?This frequently asked question is very d terjemahan - Does Character Education Work?This frequently asked question is very d Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Does Character Education Work?This

Does Character Education Work?
This frequently asked question is very difficult to answer, not because there is
not ample research on the topic but because, in a sense, it is the wrong question.
The term character education is applied to such a wide array of educational initiatives
that it is difficult to generically answer whether such a mixed set of programs
Character education varies from a limited set of stand-alone and homegrown
lessons to fully integrated, comprehensive school-reform models. Many teachers
and/or schools simply create some lessons or recognition programs for good character.
Others adopt packaged curricula or programs that themselves may vary from
a small set of lessons to a comprehensive school model. Others cobble together elements
of other initiatives, perhaps adopting a packaged classroom-management
program and overlaying another packaged prevention program with a homegrown
integration of character issues into their literature or social studies curriculum.
And so on.
Furthermore, much of what would count as character education is not even
labeled as such. Service learning, social-emotional learning, and prevention programs
all share significant features with character education and could be considered
forms of character education. For our purposes, if a school-based initiative
targets character development, as we have defined it above, in either its program
design or its outcomes and goals, then it is a form of character education. Indeed,
the field would be well served by a superordinate term that could encompass all of
these more parochial fields: something like positive youth development as a rubric
for character education, service learning, social-emotional learning, and so on.
Unfortunately, the professional organizations that represent each of these
subfields have invested too heavily in their respective names to make such an
integrative move likely.
The best answer to the question of whether character education works is to simply
state that quality character education does work. In other words, character education
can work, but its effectiveness hinges upon certain characteristics. This is
what the rest of this article will address: what are the features of effective character
education? Before we turn to that question, however, it is worthwhile to note the wide array
of outcomes that have been demonstrated by effective character education. Character
education has been demonstrated to be associated with academic motivation
and aspirations, academic achievement, prosocial behavior, bonding to school,
prosocial and democratic values, conflict-resolution skills, moral-reasoning maturity,
responsibility, respect, self-efficacy, self-control, self-esteem, social skills, and
trust in and respect for teachers. Furthermore, effective character education has
been demonstrated to reduce absenteeism, discipline referrals, pregnancy, school
failure, suspensions, school anxiety, and substance use. Clearly, when it is effective,
it works. What we need to know is what makes a character-education initiative
effective or ineffective.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Does Character Education Work?This frequently asked question is very difficult to answer, not because there isnot ample research on the topic but because, in a sense, it is the wrong question.The term character education is applied to such a wide array of educational initiativesthat it is difficult to generically answer whether such a mixed set of programs“works.”Character education varies from a limited set of stand-alone and homegrownlessons to fully integrated, comprehensive school-reform models. Many teachersand/or schools simply create some lessons or recognition programs for good character.Others adopt packaged curricula or programs that themselves may vary froma small set of lessons to a comprehensive school model. Others cobble together elementsof other initiatives, perhaps adopting a packaged classroom-managementprogram and overlaying another packaged prevention program with a homegrownintegration of character issues into their literature or social studies curriculum.And so on.Furthermore, much of what would count as character education is not evenlabeled as such. Service learning, social-emotional learning, and prevention programsall share significant features with character education and could be consideredforms of character education. For our purposes, if a school-based initiativetargets character development, as we have defined it above, in either its programdesign or its outcomes and goals, then it is a form of character education. Indeed,the field would be well served by a superordinate term that could encompass all ofthese more parochial fields: something like positive youth development as a rubricfor character education, service learning, social-emotional learning, and so on.Unfortunately, the professional organizations that represent each of thesesubfields have invested too heavily in their respective names to make such anintegrative move likely.The best answer to the question of whether character education works is to simplystate that quality character education does work. In other words, character educationcan work, but its effectiveness hinges upon certain characteristics. This iswhat the rest of this article will address: what are the features of effective charactereducation? Before we turn to that question, however, it is worthwhile to note the wide arrayof outcomes that have been demonstrated by effective character education. Charactereducation has been demonstrated to be associated with academic motivationand aspirations, academic achievement, prosocial behavior, bonding to school,prosocial and democratic values, conflict-resolution skills, moral-reasoning maturity,responsibility, respect, self-efficacy, self-control, self-esteem, social skills, andtrust in and respect for teachers. Furthermore, effective character education hasbeen demonstrated to reduce absenteeism, discipline referrals, pregnancy, schoolfailure, suspensions, school anxiety, and substance use. Clearly, when it is effective,it works. What we need to know is what makes a character-education initiativeeffective or ineffective.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Apakah Kerja Pendidikan Karakter?
Pertanyaan ini sering diajukan sangat sulit untuk menjawab, bukan karena ada
tidak penelitian cukup pada topik tetapi karena, dalam arti, itu adalah pertanyaan yang salah.
Pendidikan karakter Istilah diterapkan seperti beragam inisiatif pendidikan
yang sulit untuk umum menjawab apakah seperti satu set campuran dari program
pendidikan karakter bervariasi dari satu set terbatas yang berdiri sendiri dan homegrown
pelajaran untuk, model sekolah-reformasi yang komprehensif terintegrasi. Banyak guru
dan / atau sekolah hanya membuat beberapa pelajaran atau program pengenalan karakter yang baik.
Lainnya mengadopsi kurikulum dikemas atau program yang sendiri mungkin berbeda dari
satu set kecil pelajaran untuk model sekolah yang komprehensif. Lainnya kasar bersama unsur
inisiatif lainnya, mungkin mengadopsi dikemas kelas-manajemen
Program dan overlay program pencegahan dikemas lain dengan homegrown
integrasi masalah karakter dalam literatur mereka atau kurikulum studi sosial.
Dan seterusnya.
Selanjutnya, banyak dari apa yang akan dihitung sebagai karakter pendidikan bahkan tidak
diberi label seperti itu. Layanan pembelajaran, pembelajaran sosial-emosional, dan program pencegahan
semua fitur yang signifikan berbagi dengan pendidikan karakter dan dapat dianggap
bentuk pendidikan karakter. Untuk tujuan kita, jika inisiatif berbasis sekolah
menargetkan pengembangan karakter, seperti yang telah kita definisikan di atas, baik program
desain atau hasil dan tujuan, maka itu adalah bentuk pendidikan karakter. Memang,
lapangan akan dilayani dengan baik oleh istilah atasan yang bisa mencakup semua
bidang-bidang yang lebih sempit: sesuatu seperti pengembangan remaja positif sebagai rubrik
untuk pendidikan karakter, KKN, pembelajaran sosial-emosional, dan sebagainya.
Sayangnya, profesional organisasi yang mewakili masing-masing
subbidang telah berinvestasi terlalu banyak dalam nama masing-masing untuk membuat seperti
bergerak integratif mungkin.
jawaban terbaik untuk pertanyaan apakah pendidikan karakter bekerja adalah dengan hanya
menyatakan bahwa pendidikan karakter yang berkualitas tidak bekerja. Dengan kata lain, pendidikan karakter
dapat bekerja, tetapi efektivitasnya bergantung pada karakteristik tertentu. Ini adalah
apa yang sisa dari artikel ini akan membahas: apa saja fitur karakter yang efektif
pendidikan? Sebelum kita beralih ke pertanyaan itu, bagaimanapun, adalah berguna untuk mencatat berbagai macam
hasil yang telah ditunjukkan oleh pendidikan karakter yang efektif. Karakter
pendidikan telah ditunjukkan untuk dihubungkan dengan motivasi akademik
dan aspirasi, prestasi akademik, perilaku prososial, ikatan ke sekolah,
nilai-nilai prososial dan demokratis, keterampilan resolusi konflik, moral penalaran kematangan,
tanggung jawab, hormat, self-efficacy, self-control , harga diri, keterampilan sosial, dan
kepercayaan dan menghormati guru. Selanjutnya, pendidikan karakter yang efektif telah
dibuktikan untuk mengurangi absensi, arahan disiplin, kehamilan, sekolah
gagal, suspensi, kecemasan sekolah, dan penggunaan narkoba. Jelas, bila efektif,
ia bekerja. Apa yang kita perlu tahu adalah apa yang membuat inisiatif karakter pendidikan
yang efektif atau tidak efektif.
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Bahasa lainnya
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