At noon, fin­ished eat­ing the hot pot in a hurry, what taste has not  terjemahan - At noon, fin­ished eat­ing the hot pot in a hurry, what taste has not  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

At noon, fin­ished eat­ing the hot

At noon, fin­ished eat­ing the hot pot in a hurry, what taste has not gone to re­al­ize care­fully that has been miss­ing the mat­ter in game at heart, wip­ing the tea can with­stand the pres­sure of fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­ily? Vig­or­ous and res­olute is hav­ing the elite provo­ca­tion of 5000 fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­i­lies, these 5000 peo­ple may be the play­ers who the fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­ily has fought many bat­tles, does not have in the vir­tual war lit­tle quench­ings, but wipes is the main pledge 500 peo­ple that the tea leads, sur- three pledge on­line peo­ple, about 6000 + peo­ple, are ac­tu­ally not more than op­po­site party many peo­ple, but the monomer bat­tle ef­fi­ciency is no com­par­i­son be­tween them ob­vi­ously, this to wip­ing the tea the test was quite se­ri­ous.
In the af­ter­noon 13 : 30, gets on­line!
I ap­pear on as be­fore melt­ing hot moun­tain range, fast opened the guild chat chan­nel, ac­tu­ally the dis­cov­ery some peo­ple in the im­me­di­ate shar­ing fight scene in the guild chan­nel, are south Tian Ling Em­pire the fight of [Zhan Long] VS fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­ily, the bat­tle­field is a long trough, by the moun­tain val­ley com­pletely are the crowded thorn forests, wipes the tea to raise fully is being the long sword di­rec­tor peo­ple of blood re­treats fight­ing, but fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­ily vig­or­ous and res­olute ac­tu­ally wild is laugh­ing chas­ing down, in his mouth seemed curs­ing an­grily any­thing, but too the dis­tant per­son counted too many can­not hear com­pletely.
The losses of [Zhan Long] sev­eral pledges are very big, the po­si­tional war­fare can­not re­sist the at­tack of fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­ily main pledge, but wipes the tea as be­fore me­thod­i­cal di­rec­tion fight, sud­denly, in the moun­tain val­ley both sides thorn forests pre­sented archers and Mage, many wind demon player soars in air­borne, uses the air su­pe­ri­or­ity ejec­tion to the fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­ily player in val­ley land, burn the poi­so­nous flame arrow arrow fly­ing shut­tle, is bring­ing a long poi­so­nous cane, „puff puff” the pen­e­tra­tion the stature of fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­ily player, has rid­den the warhorse the cav­alry sol­dier to give to nail tight one crowd in the moun­tain val­ley, ex­e­cutes the god. The arrow, are not many, most also 200, ac­tu­ally also played the de­ter­rent role.
A vig­or­ous and res­olute face some­what twisted, ac­tu­ally pro­gresses to con­tinue to dash about wildly for­ward, di­rects Mage to ex­e­cute the poi­so­nous cane of god arrow with the flame ig­ni­tion, at the same time is or­der­ing the ad­vance loudly, tells own one group of sub­or­di­nates prob­a­bly, the both sides at­tacks can not need to man­age, routed to wipe [Zhan Long] that the tea led to di­vide the pledge team di­rectly is the vic­tory.
In­deed, fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­ily main pledge at least 2000 + ride the war is the play­ers, is Level and equip­ment ex­cel­lent player, under vig­or­ous and res­olute Mil­i­tary Con­trol, di­vides the at­tack of pledge to chop the melon to cut the veg­etable to [Zhan Long], their team ef­fec­tive strength is the first grade, but [Zhan Long] di­vides the pledge to be most is also the sec­ond grade, the dis­par­ity is very ob­vi­ous.
How­ever, wipes the tea MM cor­ners of the mouth to raise , to con­tinue the dis­patch con­trol en­tire fight lineup, the rid­ing war in val­ley is the player re­treats fight­ing, has pulled to tow the fight ter­rain, fi­nally pulls in the vig­or­ous and res­olute 5000 + peo­ple the spread moun­tain val­ley about 1000 me­ters bat­tle­lines, such came the ex­plo­sive force of fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­ily greatly to sell at a dis­count, and also along the way by greatly strength­ened stir­ring up trou­ble.
Wipes the tea to be very in­tel­li­gent, has arranged many play­ers on the val­ley both s
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
At noon, fin­ished eat­ing the hot pot in a hurry, what taste has not gone to re­al­ize care­fully that has been miss­ing the mat­ter in game at heart, wip­ing the tea can with­stand the pres­sure of fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­ily? Vig­or­ous and res­olute is hav­ing the elite provo­ca­tion of 5000 fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­i­lies, these 5000 peo­ple may be the play­ers who the fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­ily has fought many bat­tles, does not have in the vir­tual war lit­tle quench­ings, but wipes is the main pledge 500 peo­ple that the tea leads, sur- three pledge on­line peo­ple, about 6000 + peo­ple, are ac­tu­ally not more than op­po­site party many peo­ple, but the monomer bat­tle ef­fi­ciency is no com­par­i­son be­tween them ob­vi­ously, this to wip­ing the tea the test was quite se­ri­ous.In the af­ter­noon 13 : 30, gets on­line!„Brushes!”I ap­pear on as be­fore melt­ing hot moun­tain range, fast opened the guild chat chan­nel, ac­tu­ally the dis­cov­ery some peo­ple in the im­me­di­ate shar­ing fight scene in the guild chan­nel, are south Tian Ling Em­pire the fight of [Zhan Long] VS fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­ily, the bat­tle­field is a long trough, by the moun­tain val­ley com­pletely are the crowded thorn forests, wipes the tea to raise fully is being the long sword di­rec­tor peo­ple of blood re­treats fight­ing, but fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­ily vig­or­ous and res­olute ac­tu­ally wild is laugh­ing chas­ing down, in his mouth seemed curs­ing an­grily any­thing, but too the dis­tant per­son counted too many can­not hear com­pletely.The losses of [Zhan Long] sev­eral pledges are very big, the po­si­tional war­fare can­not re­sist the at­tack of fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­ily main pledge, but wipes the tea as be­fore me­thod­i­cal di­rec­tion fight, sud­denly, in the moun­tain val­ley both sides thorn forests pre­sented archers and Mage, many wind demon player soars in air­borne, uses the air su­pe­ri­or­ity ejec­tion to the fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­ily player in val­ley land, burn the poi­so­nous flame arrow arrow fly­ing shut­tle, is bring­ing a long poi­so­nous cane, „puff puff” the pen­e­tra­tion the stature of fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­ily player, has rid­den the warhorse the cav­alry sol­dier to give to nail tight one crowd in the moun­tain val­ley, ex­e­cutes the god. The arrow, are not many, most also 200, ac­tu­ally also played the de­ter­rent role.
A vig­or­ous and res­olute face some­what twisted, ac­tu­ally pro­gresses to con­tinue to dash about wildly for­ward, di­rects Mage to ex­e­cute the poi­so­nous cane of god arrow with the flame ig­ni­tion, at the same time is or­der­ing the ad­vance loudly, tells own one group of sub­or­di­nates prob­a­bly, the both sides at­tacks can not need to man­age, routed to wipe [Zhan Long] that the tea led to di­vide the pledge team di­rectly is the vic­tory.
In­deed, fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­ily main pledge at least 2000 + ride the war is the play­ers, is Level and equip­ment ex­cel­lent player, under vig­or­ous and res­olute Mil­i­tary Con­trol, di­vides the at­tack of pledge to chop the melon to cut the veg­etable to [Zhan Long], their team ef­fec­tive strength is the first grade, but [Zhan Long] di­vides the pledge to be most is also the sec­ond grade, the dis­par­ity is very ob­vi­ous.
How­ever, wipes the tea MM cor­ners of the mouth to raise , to con­tinue the dis­patch con­trol en­tire fight lineup, the rid­ing war in val­ley is the player re­treats fight­ing, has pulled to tow the fight ter­rain, fi­nally pulls in the vig­or­ous and res­olute 5000 + peo­ple the spread moun­tain val­ley about 1000 me­ters bat­tle­lines, such came the ex­plo­sive force of fa­mous fam­ily aris­to­cratic fam­ily greatly to sell at a dis­count, and also along the way by greatly strength­ened stir­ring up trou­ble.
Wipes the tea to be very in­tel­li­gent, has arranged many play­ers on the val­ley both s
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pada tengah hari, selesai makan hot pot terburu-buru, apa selera tidak pergi untuk menyadari hati-hati yang telah hilang masalah dalam permainan di hati, menyeka teh dapat menahan tekanan dari keluarga bangsawan keluarga yang terkenal? Kuat dan tegas adalah memiliki provokasi elit 5000 keluarga keluarga bangsawan yang terkenal, 5000 orang-orang ini mungkin pemain yang keluarga keluarga bangsawan yang terkenal telah berjuang banyak pertempuran, tidak memiliki di quenchings sedikit perang virtual, tapi tisu adalah janji utama 500 orang yang memimpin teh, sur- tiga janji orang online, sekitar 6000 + orang, sebenarnya tidak lebih dari pihak lawan banyak orang, tetapi efisiensi monomer pertempuran ada perbandingan antara mereka jelas, ini untuk menyeka teh tes itu cukup serius .
pada sore hari 13: 30, mendapat secara online
"! brushes"
saya tampil seperti sebelumnya mencair pegunungan panas, cepat membuka saluran serikat chatting, sebenarnya penemuan beberapa orang dalam adegan berbagi pertarungan langsung di saluran serikat, adalah selatan Tian Ling Empire perjuangan [Zhan panjang] VS keluarga bangsawan keluarga yang terkenal, medan perang adalah melalui panjang, dengan lembah gunung benar-benar adalah hutan duri ramai, tisu teh untuk menaikkan sepenuhnya adalah menjadi orang direktur pedang panjang retret darah pertempuran, tapi keluarga terkenal keluarga aristokrat kuat dan tegas sebenarnya liar tertawa memburu, di mulutnya tampak mengutuk marah apa-apa, tapi terlalu orang jauh dihitung terlalu banyak tidak bisa mendengar sepenuhnya.
kerugian [Zhan panjang] beberapa janji yang sangat besar, perang posisional tidak bisa menahan serangan dari keluarga aristokrat keluarga janji utama yang terkenal, tapi tisu teh seperti sebelumnya metodis pertarungan arah, tiba-tiba, di lembah gunung kedua sisi duri hutan disajikan pemanah dan Mage, banyak pemain setan angin melonjak di udara, menggunakan superioritas udara ejeksi untuk keluarga pemain keluarga bangsawan terkenal di tanah lembah, membakar beracun api panah shuttle panah terbang, membawa tongkat beracun panjang, "engah engah" penetrasi bertubuh keluarga terkenal pemain keluarga bangsawan, telah naik kuda perang yang yang tentara kavaleri untuk memberikan kuku ketat satu orang di lembah gunung, mengeksekusi dewa. Panah, tidak banyak, paling juga 200, sebenarnya juga memainkan peran jera.
Wajah kuat dan tegas agak bengkok, sebenarnya berlangsung terus lari tentang liar maju, mengarahkan Mage untuk melaksanakan tebu beracun dewa panah dengan pengapian api , pada saat yang sama sedang memesan terlebih dahulu keras, mengatakan memiliki satu kelompok bawahan mungkin, serangan kedua belah pihak tidak dapat perlu untuk mengelola, diarahkan untuk menghapus [Zhan panjang] bahwa teh menyebabkan membagi tim janji langsung adalah kemenangan.
memang, keluarga yang terkenal keluarga aristokrat janji utama setidaknya 2.000 + naik perang adalah pemain, adalah Tingkat dan peralatan pemain yang sangat baik, di bawah kuat dan tegas Kontrol Militer, membagi serangan janji untuk memotong melon untuk memotong sayuran untuk [Zhan panjang ], kekuatan efektif tim mereka adalah kelas pertama, tapi [Zhan panjang] membagi janji untuk paling juga kelas dua, disparitas yang sangat jelas.
namun, menyeka sudut teh MM mulut untuk menaikkan, untuk melanjutkan kontrol pengiriman seluruh laga lineup, perang berkuda di lembah adalah retret pemain perkelahian, telah menarik untuk menarik medan laga, akhirnya menarik di kuat dan tegas 5000 + orang lembah penyebaran gunung sekitar 1000 battlelines meter, seperti datang kekuatan ledakan keluarga yang terkenal keluarga aristokrat sangat menjual di diskon, dan juga di sepanjang jalan dengan sangat diperkuat memicu masalah.
Wipes teh menjadi sangat cerdas, telah mengatur banyak pemain di lembah kedua s
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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